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Chapter 122: Official Learning and Civil Learning

Long Guangning could do it by talking to Ma Hanshan without saying "I", but he really didn't know if he could do it through reform.

For the emperors of feudal society, reform...that is, reform, is something they talk about with disdain. There are few successful reforms in history. Even if the reforms are successful, they will be scolded by those sour and rotten scholars for thousands of years, such as the First Emperor.

He has always been called a tyrant, but without the violent reforms of the First Emperor, how could the development of subsequent dynasties have happened?

In Ma Hanshan's view, no matter what reforms the First Emperor made, he unified writing and weights and measures, which are the basis for the development of contemporary and subsequent dynasties.

Therefore, the "Science Gate" Weights and Measures in Mahanshan, Wagonzhai is also one of the reforms.

Of course, if the reform of Wagangzhai is known to the officials in the court, they will have to criticize it verbally and even pressure the court to deal with it. Therefore, Mahanshan has only two ways to go, one is to close Wagangzhai

However, if Wagang Village wants to be wealthy, this will be difficult to achieve. Another way is to let Wagang Village develop rapidly and become strong enough before those conservative people know the situation. Of course, during the development process

What's more, we need to find backers and friends. When we are strong, and we have enough friends in both the government and the public, those rotten old-fashioned people can't move even if they want to.

It would be safe to deceive the powerful civil and military ministers in the court into allies, and the emperor into a backer.

However, Ma Hanshan overlooked one point. When he deceived others into becoming allies or backers, he also deceived himself into it, because nothing in the world can always be unilaterally needed or unilaterally benefited.

For example, he has been chatting with the emperor for more than an hour now. Of course, the emperor is excited by his deception and thinks highly of him. He believes that whatever he wants from the emperor now, he will not be rejected. But at the same time, he also

He was "targeted" by Long Guangning. Originally, Long Guangning wanted Ma Hanshan to serve the imperial court and use his military training methods and so on. Now Long Guangning directly regarded him as the starting point for the restoration of the country and the great resurgence of the country.

In a word, he was targeted.

The two of them were so engrossed in chatting that the time had already reached the end of the day before they knew it. Ma Hanshan had not eaten a good breakfast and his stomach was already growling.

"Your Majesty, is it time to ask someone to pass on the meal? Or should we disperse?" Ma Hanshan finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Ah, I...it's not...it's me...I forgot...it's already past noon...we can't leave yet. I still have many things to ask the mountain watcher for advice. I'll ask someone to bring some food up." Long.

Guangning felt hungry after being mentioned like this by Ma Hanshan.

Pastries are always available, and lunch has actually been prepared long ago. However, the emperor said not to disturb him, so Dong Qian did not dare to come up to ask for orders. When he heard that the emperor was coming, he immediately knew that the emperor wanted to eat something, so he brought it with him

The eunuch from the restaurant arrived quickly.

"Dong Qing, has everyone eaten? I still have to discuss scriptures with Master Kanshan. I won't go back to the palace soon, so let's let everyone eat in shifts." Long Guangning is indeed a good emperor, and he actually thought of serving.

Has anyone had lunch?

"Back to the emperor, the guards all work in shifts." Dong Qian responded with emotion.

"Well, put your things down and you all can go down." Long Guangning drove the waiter away and actually prepared the food himself.

The food looked good, but the taste made Ma Hanshan frown. It was so unpalatable that he might as well eat a few pastries to cushion his stomach.

"Your Majesty, please use it slowly." Ma Hanshan put down his chopsticks and said.

"Huh? See how fast Master Shan is?" Long Guangning had only taken two bites, and Ma Hanshan was already full. He didn't even feel that Ma Hanshan disliked the taste of these "imperial dishes".

"Your Majesty, there is a saying that time is money, efficiency is life, and this little monk believes it deeply. Those rotten scholars even make a lot of rules for eating, which is a waste of life. So, if you want to strengthen Sheng

"Song, the young monk feels that these stereotypes and customs must be changed." I don't know how the literati offended the master of Ma Dazhai and found reasons to criticize them even while eating.

"Haha, Master Kanshan seems to be very dissatisfied with the ancestors." Long Guangning certainly didn't discover the problem with Ma Hanshan just now, but he didn't say it until now.

"The emperor is wrong. I am not dissatisfied with the sages. I am just dissatisfied with some pedantic, outdated and useless old rules and bad habits. Of course, the thoughts of the sages have good sides, but they also have bad things. Moreover,

With the development of the times, many things that were very good at the time may no longer adapt to the current era. If we blindly cling to the old ideas from hundreds of years ago or thousands of years ago, there will be no future for Dasong. Human beings should

It is always moving forward, and anything that is not suitable for the era should be discarded..." Ma Hanshan abandoned one era for the left and the other for the right, and called Long Guangning a misfire again.

The reason Long Guangning was silent was because he really didn't have the courage or ability to abandon those things that Ma Hanshan thought were bad.

How many years have passed and it has been engraved in people's bones.

Of course, Ma Hanshan also understood that it would be too difficult for a feudal emperor to overthrow the cornerstone of his throne.

However, he believed that there was one thing that Long Guangning could do, and that was the talent selection system, that is, the imperial examination system.

Dasong's "College Entrance Examination" system has been changed to the "College Entrance Examination" soon after using the Eight-part essay. The so-called Eight-part essay is a formatted writing method, a crossword puzzle-style writing method. Ma Hanshan

I was not very well-educated in my previous life, but I knew the disadvantages of this "college entrance examination", which prescribed formats and made people play crossword puzzle-style selections. How could I select people with real talents? This game has defrauded too many talented people.


The terrible thing is that officials are selected based on this game.

"I... I also know that there are many things that are inappropriate, but... I can't help it..." Long Guangning thought for a moment, put down his chopsticks and sighed.

"Your Majesty, it may be really difficult to give up quickly, but you can use the natural elimination method." Ma Hanshan felt that there was no practical result after chatting with Long Guangning for a long time, and he planned to deceive the emperor into running a school.

Of course, now the imperial court also runs schools, such as county schools, state schools, etc. The highest school is Taixue. But all the "scholars" learn the same thing, such as the Four Books and Five Classics, poems and songs. Ma Hanshan believes that

, these games are all spiritual and can be learned, and can be used to cultivate one's temperament and enrich one's life, but using these things to enrich the country and strengthen the army is simply a waste of time.

So he wanted to deceive the emperor and legitimize the "people's studies" he ran. Only by legalizing these mathematics, physics, chemistry, politics, economics and other subjects that the rotten Confucians considered as "heterodox" would they be able to cultivate students who could make the country rich and powerful.

Military people.

Of course, his selfish motive is that once these "side-traditional" folk studies are legalized, his science will be improved to a higher level. Because no one can compile the textbooks or teach these modern folk studies, only he is scientific

The people at the door understand.

This is Mahanshan’s natural elimination method, which is essentially the interest elimination method.

This is Mahanshan’s natural elimination method, which is essentially the interest elimination method.

Studying modern folk studies, let alone becoming an official, but making a living is easier than others, and being richer than others is easy, who would still pursue those shabby "sacred studies" research?

"Natural elimination? What does this mean?" Long Guangning discovered that the more he talked with Ma Hanshan, the more he realized his "ignorance".

In fact, Long Guangning is considered an all-rounder in this era. He feels ignorant because the words or things Ma Hanshan said are from another time and space. In this time and space and this era, all the advancement and science in Ma Hanshan's eyes have been eliminated.

Being labeled as a heretic, even if it is not banned, it is still looked down upon. It is also because of this that more than 100 inventions and creations after the founding of Dasong have almost no application and have not been turned into productive forces.

“It’s survival of the fittest and letting people make natural choices,” Ma Hanshan said.

"What should we let people choose?" Long Guangning meant that he had no choice.

"Run schools, run modern folk studies. Let people learn physics, chemistry, mathematics, economics, politics and other modern knowledge..." Ma Hanshan looked at Long Guangning and said, "Can the Four Books and Five Classics enrich the country and strengthen the army, or can these modern folk studies

You can make your country rich and your army strong, just try it and you will know.”

In fact, there is no need to try it, Wagangzhai is an example, but Mahanshan does not allow people to visit Wagangzhai now.

"Reach private schools?" Long Guangning repeated, with a confused look on his face.

"It doesn't have to be officially run. The official only needs to include folk studies in the 'college entrance examination'...oh...it should be included in the imperial examination." Ma Hanshan nodded and said.

"It is not difficult to open up schools, but it is too difficult to include them in the imperial examination. All the literate people now support and benefit from the current imperial examination system. Suddenly they are asked to compete with subjects that they have always abandoned and despised. They are

Even if you risk your life, you will stop it." Long Guangning knew very well how those so-called scholars would react.

"Well, if they had such a strong will to praise the invaders, why would they praise the invaders like this?" Ma Hanshan sighed and said, "Then they will not take the palace exam, but add civil studies subjects to the exam. In addition, recognize the democratic system

academic qualifications.”

"Public academic qualifications? Also, what is physics and chemistry? Is economics a business path? Does business education also require a subject?..." After all, Long Guangning is a person who has been influenced by the thoughts of a "sage". Even if he is enlightened, he still looks down upon it.

As a business person, I feel that taking a subject in economics is too nonsense.

"Democratic education qualifications refer to people's academic qualifications, such as elementary school graduation, junior high school graduation...college graduation, etc." In fact, the so-called democratic education qualifications were also mentioned here by Ma Hanshan, who had never thought about it.

For him, formulating academic qualifications is not something he considers, so he casually mentioned the academic qualifications in his previous life, and then continued, "As for subjects, physics is the study of things that rotten scholars look down on, and chemistry is the study of the interaction of materials.

This is very important. With chemistry, you can get more new items, such as charcoal, sulfur, saltpeter, etc. that can be turned into gunpowder..."

This chapter has been completed!
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