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Chapter 212: The Bank Ticket in the Wall

Um, people who drink flower wine actually don't allow girls to put on makeup? This is really a strange thing in the world. Not only the "welcoming guests" were surprised, Zhang Zi and Shen Wuwan were also surprised. Although, they all knew that Ma Hanshan was often a little strange.

Intentional words or actions, but...such a request...that would be too strange.

"What? No? OK, then no more girls, lead the way..." Ma Hanshan put the banknote into the hand of the "welcoming guest" and said.

Damn it, what the hell is this? Is there anyone who comes here to drink flower wine and doesn’t want a girl? Is that still called drinking flower wine? If so, it’s better to go to a restaurant to drink it.

"Ah...wait a moment...please wait a moment, sir. Room No. 1 is...occupied by someone now." "Welcome" caught up and said.

"Then let him change a room." As he spoke, Ma Hanshan thrust another banknote into the hand of the "welcoming guest", as if the banknote was picked up, which made Zhang Zi and Shen Wuwan frown.

Boy, this is not how money should be wasted.

"What? Not enough money?" Seeing that the "welcoming guest" did not move, Ma Hanshan asked angrily.

"No... not... Young Master... you... you are making it difficult for me like this. How can you do this?" "Ying Bin" stammered. She has never seen such a domineering person, not even those top-notch dudes.

You dare to do this, because even a dandy wants to lose face.

In fact, she is ignorant, or she is lucky because she has not met a scumbag like Shi Songzhi. If she met such a scumbag, she would definitely not think so.

"Aren't you compensating them? This banknote is not for you as a reward, but for remitting their accounts. They are not willing to eat and drink for free or even change their room?" Ma Hanshan frowned and looked at that

"Yingbin" said, "What? Not enough? Not enough. Give me one more."

Ma Hanshan took out another banknote and stuffed it into the "welcoming guest"'s hand.

What does this mean? Is there any explanation for this room? Everyone was dumbfounded. They now feel that Ma Hanshan is not a madman, but a fool, a big fool.

"Brother Ma...Brother Ma...what do you mean? It's just drinking...other rooms are fine too." Shen Wuwan didn't want him to spend so much unjust money.

"Yes, sir, why don't you go to Tianzi No. 1?" "Yingbin" was made a little dizzy by Ma Hanshan. She really couldn't understand why there was such a fool.

"No, I just like this." Ma Hanshan said firmly.

"Why?" Zhang Zi couldn't stand it anymore and stepped forward and said, "Is it possible that drinking in this room tastes better?"

"Are you humans? If you are humans, of course you go to the herringbone room, right? We are all quality people, first-class, so it is natural for us to go to room No. 1." Ma Hanshan glared at the "welcome guest"

, "Hurry up and make arrangements. If you can't make arrangements, ask someone who can make arrangements to come over."

"Yingbin" had no choice but to discuss it with the person in Room No. 1.

It's a free meal and money is collected. As long as he's not stupid, he will definitely give up his room to Ma Hanshan.

Sure enough, after a while, "Welcome" came back with a smile.

The three of them, Ma Hanshan, got their wish and entered Room No. 1. Soon the food and drinks were served, as were the girls drinking and singing.

The girls who came to drink and sing were all without makeup, which suited Ma Hanshan's taste. However, Shen Wuwan and Zhang Zi, who were used to wearing heavy makeup, were a bit uninspired.

This is not okay. The girl is mainly called for them. The only purpose of Ma Hanshan coming here is to occupy this room for one night.

Change, change people.

Come on... come on... call all your girls.

So, the girls all came, but there was nothing they could do. This man didn’t regard money as money. As long as he came to me, he would get money regardless of whether he was selected or not. Why not come?

Shen Wuwan and Zhang Zi both knew how old Destiny was, and they had no interest in the matter of Sleeping Flowers and Willows. But Master Ma Dazhai said that if they don't have a wild night with him here tonight, what will happen in the future? They don't have any business.

Well, this is a trump card, and other things don’t matter, but if the business is cut off, it won’t work. So, the two uncles each asked for a girl, and Ma Hanshan gave them another one. Then, they were each given two The girl was escorted back to her room.

As I said, the girls in Happy Building are divided into several levels. Generally speaking, the rooms in the front are not for people to live in. They are mainly used for drinking and listening to music. Of course, the girls waiting on them are better than the ones in the backyard that have dedicated rooms. "Suite" girls are a few grades below. However, these rooms for drinking and listening to music are not just a box for eating and drinking. These rooms are divided into two rooms, and there is also a small room inside for drunk guests. Temporary rest.

Ma Hanshan actually has a good drinking capacity, but tonight he got drunk very quickly. Shen Wuwan and Zhang Zi got drunk not long after they left.

When the girl who was drinking with him saw that he was drunk, she naturally wanted to wait for him to take a break. However, she was very dedicated. After waiting for Ma Hanshan to lie down, she did not leave and sat quietly aside. It wasn't that she was attracted to this handsome and wealthy young guest, she was just worried that he would need some water later.

She was so dedicated that she made Ma Hanshan, who was pretending to be drunk, very anxious.

nnd, you work so hard to pretend to be drunk just to have an excuse to stay alone in the room.

"Who...who are you..." Ma Hanshan pretended to sleep for a while, but he couldn't think of any good ideas and planned to drive this woman away directly.

"Sir...Sir, are you awake...you...you drank too much just now." The girl was very surprised as to why the young man woke up.

"Who are you? Why are you in my room... go... go away... someone is coming... someone is coming..." Ma Hanshan didn't know if he could drive her out by pretending to be drunk.

"But...but the master is drunk...servant...servant is staying here to serve the master..." The girl felt a little aggrieved. Why is this young man so different from others? If it were someone else, I wish all the girls were gathered here.

"No...no need...I hate having people next to me when I sleep...get out...get out...oh...oh the money...take the money out." Ma Hanshan took out another banknote...

The girl left Room No. 1 feeling aggrieved, but she did not go far, but stood waiting outside the door. "Excellent service" is the slogan of Happy Building.

Ma Hanshan waited for the girl to close the door, climbed out of bed, and then tiptoed to lock the door. He didn't want anyone to break in while he was "working".

The second row at the bottom of the east wall, from south to north...

Damn, there is indeed a small cabinet.

After moving the cabinet, Ma Hanshan dug out the target brick with a sharp knife. As expected, it was empty inside. The hole as big as half a brick was irregular and rough. It was obviously dug out under time constraints.

There is an oil paper bag in the hole.

Oil paper is actually a good material that is waterproof, moisture-proof and moth-proof, comparable to modern plastic bags.

Ma Hanshan was overjoyed, took out the oil paper bag and stuffed the bricks back. Of course, he didn't have time to find mortar to seal the gap.

Wu Guangjie was really not lying. There was really a stack of banknotes in the oil paper bag. Ma Hanshan counted the banknotes from Tianxia Ticket Co., Ltd. and found that there were as many as six and a half million.

More than six million taels, for a big landowner like Zhang Zi, is nothing, and for Mahanshan, it is not very huge. However, this money is for 99% of Dasong people.

, is a very huge amount of wealth. For ordinary people, it is money that cannot be earned in three or even ten lifetimes.

"You bastard, how many people have to suffer to accumulate this amount of money." Ma Hanshan said as he put away the banknotes. For Wu Guangjie, this was ill-gotten wealth, but for Ma Hanshan, this was...

This is money to enrich the people...With this money, we can start research on pesticides and seeds.

Agricultural research, like basic scientific and technological research, is very expensive and time-consuming. Perseverance, money, time and patience are all indispensable. Others in Mahanshan have it, but money is missing. This time I really have to thank Wu Guangjie.

After putting away the banknotes, Ma Hanshan suddenly thought of something. Since Wu Guangjie was waiting for the shopkeeper and was a man from Donghu who bought supplies and robbed wealth in Mingzhou, how did he keep this money? Could it be that,

Is this withheld every time it is turned in?

How much money did this bastard steal for the Donghu people? How much money did this bastard steal for the Donghu people? Damn it.

Sitting on the edge of the bed and cursing Wu Guangjie to himself for a while, Ma Hanshan was about to go find some water to pour. When he opened the door, he found that the girl named Qing'er was silently guarding the door.

"Girl..." Ma Hanshan had no choice but to continue pretending.

"Ah... Young Master, you're awake..." Qing'er quickly came over to support Ma Hanshan, who was not yet "fully awake".

"You...what are you standing here for?" In fact, Ma Hanshan was pretending a little too much. A sober person doesn't talk like this.

"Qing'er... Qing'er is afraid... I'm afraid that the young master needs to drink water when he wakes up... Young Master, can you... drink by mouth?" There are three situations when a drunk person wakes up, can't hold in his urine, wakes up after drinking, and

It’s just that the wine has really sobered up.

"Well...water...water..." Ma Hanshan really drank a little.

After letting Qing'er wait for the tea, Ma Hanshan pretended to finally wake up and said: "What time is it?"

"Sir, it's the fourth watch," Qing'er said.

"Ah...it's so late...Miss Qing'er, I'll give you the banknote...you go back..." Ma Hanshan was a little anxious. Damn it, why are you still looking for money at such a late hour?

"Young Master...Young Master, please... let me stay... stay... otherwise... otherwise..." Qing'er actually cried.

Alas, it’s really troublesome to find a chick.

"Okay, you can stay, but you have to help me with some small things." Ma Hanshan thought for a while and said.

"Sir, what's the matter?" Qing'er was very happy. It would be great if he could stay. If he could stay, he wouldn't be scolded.

"Is there a man named Pou Shuiguang in Happy Building?" Ma Hanshan took out the dice Wu Guangjie gave him and said, "Take this thing to Pou Shuiguang, he will give you a baggage..."

Qing'er nodded and took the dice to find Pout Shui Guang. Ma Hanshan didn't expect that there was actually Pou Shui Guang, and Qing'er came back very quickly carrying a baggage.

There were only a few very ordinary clothes in the baggage, and Qing'er didn't understand why he was so serious about it.

What she didn't know was that Ma Hanshan had found the piece of paper Wu Guangjie was talking about in the bag.


ps: I am not in good spirits these days, so I am writing very slowly. Book friends, please forgive me.

This chapter has been completed!
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