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Chapter 213: Abduction

"Miss, that bastard got sober and sent Qing'er to find the water pouring light. He picked up a bundle from the water pouring light." Xiao Tao, the maid, said to Lin Xian'er in Lin Xian'er's exclusive room in the backyard of Happy Building.


The bastard she was talking about was, of course, Ma Hanshan. Ever since Ma Hanshan announced that Lin Xian'er was his woman, and tyrannically not allowing anyone to approach her, and also paid Shi Yuzhi and other dandies to do surveillance, Ma Hanshan's name in Happy Building was


"Baggage? Have you checked it?" Lin Xianer pondered for a moment and said.

"Because I was worried that the bastard would become suspicious, I only took a cursory glance. There were only a few ordinary clothes inside." Xiao Tao lowered her head and said.

"Well, it seems that we can only ask Shui Guang to find out." Lin Xian'er stood up and walked around the room for a few steps.

"My maid, please go and fetch me some water now." Xiao Tao said and walked out.

"Stop..." Lin Xian'er said slowly, "Don't worry, wait until that bastard is gone and then look for him. There's no guarantee that no one will be watching that bastard. Now just treat everything as if you don't know."

Ah? Xiao Tao is a little confused. Will the bastard really send someone to keep an eye on him? Then wouldn’t the search of the baggage just now fall into the eyes of the other party?

When Ma Hanshan stepped into the Happy Building, Lin Xianer knew that he was coming, and put aside everything else to focus on his actions, forgetting to even take a rest.

Lin Xianer originally thought that this bastard would come to her, but she didn't expect that this bastard seemed to have forgotten her, which made her secretly sulky for a while. Although, Lin Xianer would not really admit that she was him

If you are a woman, you will not abide by the "rules" set by Ma Hanshan, but as a woman, as an oiran, you will always feel angry after being accepted as a "forbidden wife" by others and then forgotten.

Women have always been a body of contradictions. Many times they say no, but they are looking forward to it in their hearts. Sometimes they curse others in their mouths, but they are very sweet in their hearts.

Although Lin Xian'er is a quasi-concubine, she is still a body of contradictions. Although she dismisses Ma Hanshan's words, deep down she hopes that Ma Hanshan will really "occupy" her as he said.

Women like to be gentle and considerate, modest and polite, but they also expect to be domineering, fierce and rude.

Throughout history, many people have studied women, but no one has ever thoroughly studied women.

"Miss, this bastard, why didn't he come to Miss's place even after he came... He... didn't he say..." Xiao Tao wanted to say that Ma Hanshan said that Miss was his woman, so why didn't he come to see Miss when he came.

However, Xiao Tao suddenly stopped talking. She saw the angry look on Lin Xian'er's face.

"Tell me, what does he want to do?" After a moment, Lin Xian'er said quietly.

In fact, she was thinking the same thing as Xiao Tao.

"My maid can't understand." What can Xiaotao say? There are some things that the young lady can say but she cannot.

"Don't you think his behavior is strange?" Lin Xian'er said.

"How about... this maid calls that bastard over..." Xiao Tao hesitated and said.

"No... don't..." Lin Xian'er also wanted to call Ma Hanshan here, but she said no, and she said it very loudly, as if she was very angry.

Xiaotao glanced at her, lowered her head and remained silent for a moment. Lin Xianer said: "I guess he must have some kind of hookup. After he leaves, we will carefully inspect the herringbone room No. 1.

Interrogate Pou Shuiguang and Qing'er and make sure that the bastard's intentions are clear."

"Maybe... he didn't have any intention, he just... just wanted to piss off the lady..." Xiao Tao suddenly thought of a strange reason.

Haha, if it were placed in modern society, there might be such a thing, to provoke and make the other party angry. But in this era, no one would do such a thing.

"It's impossible..." Lin Xian'er denied Xiao Tao's bizarre speculation.

Of course it's impossible. How can Ma Hanshan be so boring? Although Lin Xian'er is beautiful, it's not like Ma Hanshan has never seen beautiful women... In his previous life, he "saw all the beauties in the world", and many so-called celebrities had an affair with him.

Just when Lin Xianer and Xiao Tao were guessing what Ma Hanshan was doing, he made another move.

"Your name is Qing'er? What's your full name?" Ma Hanshan said after putting away the piece of paper he got in the bag, taking Qing'er and giving him tea.

"Young Master... In Dasong, only women from wealthy families have names..." Qing'er said with red eyes.

In the long feudal society, no matter which dynasty, women are men's vassals and inferior. Why is this? There may be many reasons, but Ma Hanshan feels that the so-called saint is the culprit...

Women cannot eat at the same table as men, unmarried women cannot go out without leaving the door, unmarried women cannot meet outsiders, women are not worthy of having a name, women must do this and that, and the most vicious thing is that a woman's lack of talent is a virtue...

.There are too many. In Ma Hanshan’s view, this is not only sexism, but also feels like it is simply fart.

"Then let me give you a name. From now on, you will be called Ma Qingqing." Ma Hanshan was going to redeem Qing'er, so he had to give her a name.

Why should he help her redeem her life? Of course it's not that he has any thoughts about her, but that he doesn't want others to ask anything about him from her mouth. Ma Hanshan is very sure that Lin Xian'er must know every move he makes.

, he was also very sure that as soon as he left Happy Building, Lin Xianer would immediately ask Qing'er and Pou Shuiguang for questioning.

Lin Xian'er is definitely not just a prostitute. Ma Hanshan has long confirmed this.

"Ah? Why?" Qing'er was a little confused, why is this young man so strange.

"I will help you redeem yourself." Ma Hanshan did not answer her why.

"Ah? Come with the young master..." Qing'er was suddenly startled, and then overjoyed, she bent her knees and fell to the ground.

This young man is so weird. He didn't even look at himself properly all night, but now he wants to redeem himself? He is really a weird person.

The viciousness of feudal society is indescribable, and Dasong is also a feudal society, so there are many things that Ma Hanshan is unable to complain about, such as the household registration issue, which is simply an evil law that is inhumane.

Scholars, peasants, industrialists, and merchants were the highest-ranking scholars, that is, those who were educated as Confucians and served as officials and politicians. They even had to be allowed to walk. Anyone who walked in front of the scholar-bureaucrats was simply being treasonous. Merchants ranked last, on the fourth floor.

Among the common people, they are the lowest class of people.

Those who are lower than merchants are untouchables, untouchables, and untouchables.

The untouchables are a lower existence under the four common people. They are the people at the bottom of the social pyramid, the people who have fallen into the dust. They are so low that they cannot appear in the hierarchy of the social pyramid, and are not even called people or law.

The status is similar to that of livestock.

It's really vicious that his status is equal to that of livestock.

Slave status, miscellaneous household, happy household, happy household... No matter it is called happy household or happy household, the essence is the same, that is, a prostitute who serves people with her body. Although by the Dasong Dynasty, these lowly statuses have been reformed a lot

, their social status has been greatly improved. However, those women who were sold to brothels are still just vassals. Even if they climb to the position of oiran, if they do not redeem themselves and escape, they are still just cash cows for their bosses.

Therefore, for all people with Leji status, if someone redeems their lives, even if they do not escape from Leji, it will be a great blessing. If they escape from Leji, it will be like being reborn.

Therefore, when Qing'er heard that Ma Hanshan wanted to redeem her life, she immediately knelt down to thank her and burst into tears.

"Let me explain first, I don't have any thoughts towards you when I help you redeem your life. It's just... I just don't want the boss to interrogate you about what happened tonight." Ma Hanshan pulled her up and said, "From now on, you can live in my village.

It is completely different from here. You can work in a workshop to earn money, or you can farm to support yourself..."

Many of Ma Hanshan's actions were influenced by thoughts from his previous life. For people in this era, if they don't want others to know about their affairs, killing Qing'er is the most common way to silence them. Anyway, if a pariah dies, he will die.

, no one will care.

"I don't think much about it... I just want to be able to serve the young master for the rest of my life... and that's enough..." Serving someone alone is definitely ten thousand times better than being forced to do those dirty things here.

"Okay, okay, when you get to my village, you won't think like this anymore... Now, get ready to leave." Ma Hanshan said while stamping hard on the wooden floor a few times.

Haha, he was sending a signal, but it scared Qing'er so much that she stopped crying immediately.

Who is downstairs? Of course it's Qi Nanyue.

Why did he send the signal to him? Of course, to deal with Pou Shuiguang, but how to deal with it? Ma Hanshan didn't care. Anyway, his purpose was just to prevent Lin Xianer from getting any information from Pou Shuiguang's mouth.

"Miss...Miss, wake up..." The sky turned white, and when it was about to dawn, Lin Xian'er, who had just fallen asleep, was woken up by Xiao Tao.

"What's the matter..." Lin Xianer was very angry. It was really hateful. Last night, because of that bastard, she didn't go to bed until five o'clock in the morning, and then she was woken up again.

"Miss...that...that bastard is gone..." Xiao Tao lowered her head and said.

"Xiao Tao, you should hit him. He can just leave if he leaves. Why did you wake me... this lady up?" Lin Xian'er was furious.

I just let you stare at Ma Hanshan in the Happy Building, and I didn't let you stop him from leaving. He left as soon as he left. Why are you making such a fuss?

"But...but he took Qing'er away..." Xiao Tao lowered her head even lower, but quietly turned her head to look at Lin Xian'er's face.

"Ah? He took him away?" Lin Xian'er was shocked. She had never thought about anything, but she never thought that Ma Hanshan would take away a woman like Qing'er.

"Yes...yes, he left 5,000 taels of silver notes...said...that he would help Qing'er redeem his life, and asked someone to send...Qing'er's deed of sale to Lin'an Garden to him tomorrow, otherwise...otherwise he would give up the Huan'er Building

It’s been dismantled,” Xiao Tao reported while shrinking her neck.

What? He is so arrogant? He is really being deceived.



Lin Xian'er smashed the table next to her with one palm, trembling with anger, and said word by word: "It's too much to bully others, it's too much to bully others, Ma Hanshan...I...I won't let you go..."

It is indeed too arrogant, and it is indeed too deceiving. He just kidnaps people, but actually orders others to deliver the contract within a time limit. This... this is simply... simply arrogant.

It was really unbearable for uncle and aunt... But... Miss Lin could bear it. Half an hour later, she sighed and told Xiao Tao to do as Ma Hanshan said and send the deed of betrayal.

This chapter has been completed!
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