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Chapter 24: Science Gate

Become a disciple? Become a disciple of him? Everyone was shocked.

Let a famous winemaker, a forty-year-old uncle, become a disciple of a boy who is fourteen or fifteen years old? How can he be so bold? But he seems to be very confident.

Regarding Ma Hanshan's request, everyone thought that Li Zhuoshui could curse. In their view, this was simply insulting. Isn't it? It is nothing more than an insult to have a great brewmaster worship a brat as his teacher.

However, the development of the matter was not what everyone thought. Not only did Li Zhuoshui not scold Ma Hanshan, but he was just stunned for a moment before kneeling down with a bang.

Damn it! What is going on? How is it possible? Does he really want to worship Mahanshan as his disciple?

As Li Zhuoshui knelt down, everyone was even more shocked. Sixing Fang, Qi Nanyue and the others were almost shocked by what they saw in front of them. Really, what happened was so weird. They had never thought that such a thing would happen.

Boom, boom, boom!

While everyone was in shock, Li Zhuoshui shouted loudly, "Master is here," asked his disciple to bow three times, and then kowtowed three times.

But Ma Hanshan actually received these three smacks, then raised his hand and said: "Well, get up and talk. Since you kowtow, you are my disciple. There is no need to bother with the six rites of apprenticeship."

, it’s more convenient to discount. Alas, that stupid guy is so busy, and he even comes up with six rites.”

"Yes, I will give you the six rites in cash to Master." Li Zhuoshui actually followed the good example and took out a silver note and presented it to him with both hands.

"I am an innovative person. Anyone who joins my school does not need to be called master, but can be called teacher. However, some ancient rules are necessary, such as respecting teachers and teaching, and being a teacher for a day is a father for a lifetime. The most important thing is

What’s more, if there is a traitor who joins my sect, he will be punished by heaven. By the way, Li Bao, you are the senior brother, please think of an oath. When junior brothers and sisters join in the future, they can take the oath as usual."

Ma Hanshan was probably the laziest master in the world. He even asked his disciples to take the oath of becoming a master.

"Yes, teacher, I will write an oath later, and then place the incense table and swear the oath to heaven." Li Zhuoshui said respectfully, "By the way, teacher, what is your sect?"

"Well, I haven't thought about what sect it is. Our sect aims to get rid of bad habits and promote science to benefit mankind. Otherwise, let's call it a new sect... No, there are too many called new sects. After doing it, it's still the same.

It’s what Confucius and Mencius did. If we have it, let’s call it science.” Ma Hanshan said with great solemnity.

"Yes, teacher. Then...when will the teacher teach his disciples how to make Drunk Immortal Wine?" Li Zhuoshui was not drunk. Although he smelled of alcohol and looked very drunk, his mind was very clear. He was

I wanted to learn how to make new wine, so I became a disciple of this older boy, Mahan Shan.

A master is a teacher. For Li Zhuoshui who is obsessed with wine making, age is not a problem at all.

"Don't be anxious. As the saying goes, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. By the way, Zhuoshui, who else is there in your family? When are you going to take them to the village?" Want to learn how to steam wine? Haha, it's still early, wait.

You bring your family here and wait until you can concentrate on working for Wagang Village.

"Teacher, my disciple's parents are dead, and he has a wife and three children at home. Do we have to bring them here? They have lived in the southwest for a long time, and they are probably not used to this place in the Central Plains." Li Zhuoshui whispered, and he finally understood what Ma Hanshan meant.

Haha, taking on an apprentice is taking on a long-term worker.

"If that's the case, then don't you have to live in two places? The new wine brewing technology cannot be learned in a day or two. With your qualifications, it will take you about ten or eight years to learn." Ma Hanshan said seriously.

Come on, this guy has made a statement that he will have to work hard for ten years before he can leave.

Li Zhuoshui was a little dumbfounded. This teacher was really... really insidious. He actually asked his disciples to do long-term work.

"Okay, I'll fix the book and go home later, and ask my brother to send them over." Li Zhuoshui thought for a moment and said, no matter what, this new wine technique must be learned.

In fact, it is a tradition for students to volunteer as teachers. It has existed since ancient times. This tradition has lasted for thousands of years and will continue for thousands of more years. Even in the so-called modern society in Mahanshan's previous life, there is still such a tradition. What are those graduate students?

All of them are volunteers for the tutor. Not only do they have to do menial and heavy work at the tutor's house, the tutor's mother-in-law's house, the tutor's brother's house, etc., but they also do projects to make money for the tutor.

"Okay, okay, Zhuoshui, I'm optimistic about you. You must make my master's new wine better, bigger, and stronger. I'll give you a plan. Within two years, you must sell the new wine all over Dasongdonghu."

The seven countries of Northern Mongolia, Xiliao, Dali, Xixia and Xifan have three years to sell wine to countries such as Dashi and Europe." Hey, this guy actually wants to sell wine all over the world in three years.

In fact, this is impossible, because in this era, it takes more than half a year to sail from Dasong to Europe.

"Yes, I will definitely work hard." Li Zhuoshui bowed and agreed.

"Well, you sit aside. I want to talk to the farmer, enlighten him, and let him be your junior brother." Ma Hanshan actually wanted to accept Chen Bonong as his disciple. Oh my god, is this kid crazy?


Ma Hanshan was not crazy at all, he just waited for Chen Bonong to express his position.

Humph, you want to learn my new skills and become a saint? You can, but you have to let me exploit you first.

"Master Ma Dazhai, that's impossible. I won't worship you as my teacher." Chen Bonong, like everyone else, looked at it as a show of excitement at first, but now he realized that Master Ma Dazhai was serious.

"Oh, I'm not used to forcing others to become apprentices. However, since you, the farmer, are here, I have to give you some gifts. Aniu, tell me where the farmer has three-crop rice, and explain it to him by the way.

Why, you have to be patient. If the farmer doesn't understand, explain it to him until he understands." Ma Hanshan did not ask Chen Bonong to become his disciple, but he believed that Chen Bonong would definitely become his disciple.

"Yes, young master." Aniu took out a map from his backpack that he never left and laid it on the table, then said to Chen Bonong: "Uncle Chen, do you know how to read a map? It doesn't matter if you don't, I'll teach you how to read it...


He actually called Chen Bonong uncle, and he actually explained Chen Bonong's doubts. He was just a follower. To put it bluntly, he was a slave, and he was for life. Why should he answer Chen Bonong's doubts? Everyone's jaws dropped in shock.

Why would A Niu do this? Of course it was arranged by Ma Hanshan.

Although Chen Bonong was a scholar and a master in farming, he really didn't know how to read a map. He blushed and said nothing. He wanted to get angry but couldn't. How could he get angry? Even a servant knew something, but he didn't.

Understand, this is too embarrassing. If you get angry and curse others again, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing?

A Niu pointed to the word "north" in the upper right corner of the map and said: "Uncle Chen's first step when looking at a map is to figure out the direction of the map. Look, the top of this map is north, then the right is east, the bottom is south, and the left is west. This

It is the most commonly used method of drawing a map up, north, down, south, left, west, right, east. Of course, the direction of the map is not specified in Dasong, and some are not in this direction. The parking lot map used in our Wagonzhai always follows this regulation.

You see, there is a cross here with an arrow pointing upward, and there is an n-word here, which means north..."

Well, there is so much to pay attention to when looking at a map? It takes a long time to talk about just one direction? Everyone looked at A Niu in astonishment and thought, how does this slave understand this? It must be the village bishop, the village leader is very talented.

"Okay, let's figure out the direction of the map. Let's talk about the temperatures in various places. Everyone knows that the farther north you go, the colder it is, and the farther south you go, the hotter. Looking at the map, the higher you go up, the colder it is, and the higher you go down, the hotter it will be.

"It is wrong to think so, because the Antarctic Circle at the bottom is also very cold."

"So what is the most suitable temperature for rice growth...Uncle Chen, you must know very well, right? Rice grows between 10 and 42 degrees, and it stops growing below 10 degrees... What is a temperature? You don't have to worry about it.

What I want to say about these details is that in the south, it gets hotter as you go south. Look, where is the southernmost point of our continent? In Johor, Champa, Funan and other places, as well as in Java, Luzon and other islands, the temperature is suitable for rice.

Three ripe…….”

"In all these places, rice can be harvested three times a year. However, the only place where rice can be harvested three times a year is in Champa. The other places are still uncivilized areas. Champa rice is not only harvested three times a year, but is also the highest quality rice seed.


Wow, A Niu is really amazing. He can know so many things and preach so many truths. This is what everyone is thinking.

But Ma Hanshan was thinking in his heart, A Niu has a really good memory and a good understanding ability. It would be good for him to read some books.

"Uncle Chen, do you understand now?" A Niu waited for a long time after finishing speaking. When Chen Bonong didn't respond, he asked.

"Ah? Got it... got it, Aniu... how did you know? Have you been to Champa?" Chen Bonong woke up and asked.

"I've never been there, the young master told me. There's nothing in the world that the young master doesn't understand." Wow...oh...fuck...Aniu, you are really good at flattering, be careful to slap your master to death.

"Haha, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Ah Niu is exaggerating. There are so many great things in the world. If you can understand even one or two, you are already a great saint." Ma Hanshan said modestly.

It's okay that he's not humble. With such humility, everyone feels like a ghost, because they really don't understand how a child who grew up in a village knows so much.

"So, Master Mazhai, what is nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium? What impact does it have on crops?" Chen Bonong is indeed an eager to learn uncle.

"Why do people eat? Why do cows and horses eat grass? Do you know that military horses are fed beans, wheat and other concentrates when they go to the battlefield? People have to inhale nutrients to survive, and grass is far less nutritious than beans and wheat.

, Army horses consume a lot of money on the battlefield, so they need to eat high-nutrient concentrates. People and animals need nutrients to grow. Similarly, plants also need nutrients to grow. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, rain and sunlight are the nutrients for plants...

...." Ma Hanshan never thought that he could teach biology lessons to these people in this world.

"Master Mazhai, plants are..." Chen Bonong knew what crops were, but he really didn't know what plants were.

"It's about flowers, plants, trees and other wild animals including crops. Those who grow food, don't pay too much attention to these details..." Ma Hanshan said with a smile.

"Yes, don't worry about these details. So, what are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium? How can we obtain these nutrients? How much of these nutrients do various crops need?..." What a question, uncle, why are there so many questions.

This chapter has been completed!
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