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Chapter 23: Drunken Immortal Wine

"Give us a surprise? Mr. Qi, I'm already very surprised that your village master is treating guests like this." Li Zhuoshui got angry as he spoke.

"Haha, Master Zhuoshui, our village leader sincerely invites you, and we also sincerely want to prepare a surprise for you. Please wait a moment." Li Zhuoshui's attitude made Qi Nanyue feel a little unhappy.

Humph, aren't you just a wine maker? Why are you so arrogant? Now you still have a chance to join Watank Village. If the village owner builds the ideal Watank Village, you won't have the chance to join even if you ask.

Li Zhuoshui stopped talking, what else could he do? Just wait.

Fortunately, the tea here is really delicious.


There were footsteps outside the door. Listening to the footsteps, Qi Nanyue knew that it was Ma Hanshan who was coming.

I don’t know when he started, but Ma Hanshan likes to walk with his hands behind his back, and his walking posture is very powerful. Obviously his footing is not heavy, but it always makes people feel that every step of his is very weighty.

"Haha, the winemakers and farmers, I kept you waiting for a long time." Mahanshan laughed before he even entered the door, and then called the winemakers and farmers rudely.

Qi Nanyue and Sixingfang Wang Zhitan both frowned. What happened to the leader of Mazhai today? He was so rude to two famous people. Not to mention their achievements, in terms of age, you are fourteen or fifteen years old.

Older children shouldn't be so rude to them.

Li Zhuoshui and Chen Bonong both looked ugly. They could not have imagined that this eldest boy village leader could be so rude. They regretted coming here with Si Xingfang and the others. They both gave Si Xingfang and Wang Zhitan angry looks.

Si Xingfang and Wang Zhitan could only pretend not to see it, and were very puzzled about Ma Hanshan. The eldest boy village leader, who used to treat himself as a bandit leader with courtesy, could be so indifferent to these two grandmaster-level figures.

Where are the rituals?

Haha, Ma Hanshan did this on purpose. He just didn't praise Chen Laonong and Li Zhuoshui's bad feet. He just wanted to let them know that there are people in this world who are more proud than them.

The point is, this person who is prouder than them is a big kid.

Ma Hanshan just wants to make them feel uncomfortable and let them know that Ma Hanshan is a more powerful person than them, so they must not be arrogant.

As Ma Hanshan laughed, the light at the door dimmed, and Ma Hanshan and A Niu entered the reception room. A Niu had a tray in his hand with a wine bottle and a wine glass on it.

"Hmph, you must be the owner of Wagonzhai Mazhai. You are not very old, but you are very assertive. You sent someone to invite us, but you deliberately left us aside to cool down for a long time. This is how you will be treated.

The guest's way?" Li Zhuoshui looked at Ma Hanshan angrily and said.

"Dong Master Si...this is..." In fact, Ma Hanshan didn't need to introduce him to know that the speaker was Li Zhuoshui. Just by looking at his appearance, you could guess that Li Zhuoshui was younger and kept clean.

If it is dirty, can it make good wine? Everything that needs to be fermented must be "hygienic". If it is not clean and contains bacteria, it will not ferment normally.

"Master of Mazhai...this is Master Li Zhuoshui, and that old gentleman is Master Chen Bonong." Si Xingfang stood up and bowed.

For him, it is not an exaggeration to call celebrities like Li Zhuoshui and Chen Bonong masters.

In fact, these two people can also be called master-level people, and they are the top figures in the industry.

"Oh, hello, Master Li...Hello, shake hands..." He was about to shake hands with someone again. Li Zhuoshui looked at Ma Hanshan's outstretched palm with an angry look on his face, not knowing why.

Ma Hanshan simply stretched out his hand, grabbed his hand and shook it gently. He said it was a pleasure to meet him, then went to shake hands with Chen Bonong and said with a smile: "In our Wagang Village, everyone is equal, and shaking hands is always a courtesy."

"Master Mazhai, why did you bring us here?" Although Chen Bonong didn't have the anger written on his face like Li Zhuoshui, he was also very unhappy in his heart.

"Master Chen, where do you start talking about this? Why did I trick you?" Ma Hanshan said with a smile.

"I don't dare to be called master. We are not lucky enough to be your teacher. But we were tricked by these two people. They have praised this place to the sky..." Chen Bonong waved his hands and said.

"I misunderstood. In Wagang Village, the master is not the master. The master is not the teacher. In Wagang Village, everyone is a teacher. Even the person who cooks in the fire house is a master." Ma Hanshan said seriously.

"Huh, isn't this a mess? How can you be a teacher without teaching?" Chen Bonong frowned and said, he thought that a teacher like this can only be a teacher by preaching and solving doubts.

Although Chen Bonong is obsessed with farming skills and makes himself look like an old farmer, in fact, he is neither old nor an uneducated farmer. He is actually the same age as Li Zhuoshui, only forty years old, and he is also a scholar.

Therefore, his thoughts are essentially similar to those of those corrupt literati.

"A capable person is a teacher. Everyone has his own specialty, so everyone is a teacher. For example, my assistant A Niu is a good noodle maker. He is not only fast, but also delicious. Many people like him.

Even if he is willing to bow down, he can also be called master." Ma Hanshan smiled and said, "Okay, these are irrelevant details. In a word, master is a title of honor and respect, just like everyone calls an elder a "master".

Uncle, people of the same age are like brothers."

"Then what do you mean when you call us winemakers and farmers? Do you look down on us?" Li Zhuoshui was very unhappy with this title. He felt inferior to his profession.

In this world, scholars, farmers, merchants, and winemakers are actually regarded as craftsmen, with lower status.

"I don't mean to look down on you. I just want to remind you that you should not get carried away with your achievements and think you are invincible. You must know that there are people outside the world." Ma Hanshan waved his hand to stop Li Zhuoshui from talking nonsense, and then told A Niu to fall down.

A glass of freshly steamed wine said, "Master Li, don't agree? Well, I'll let you taste my wine before we speak."

Everyone had already seen the bottle A Niu was carrying, but they didn't expect it to be wine.

"Hey, it smells so good... What kind of fragrance is this... Like wine... No, the smell of wine is not that strong." Qi Nanyue was quite surprised. He finally saw the wine that Ma Hanshan had described to him many times.

"It smells so good...Mazhai Master, is this the transparent and mellow spirit you are talking about?" Si Xingfang exclaimed. For him, as long as Ma Hanshan gives him something to sell, other things have nothing to do with him.

"This...is this wine? You...you made the wine?" Li Zhuoshui was no longer calm. He was a brewing master. He didn't need to drink it. He could smell the aroma of wine floating in the air and knew that this wine was better than the one he brewed. At least it was better.

Strong, otherwise, the aroma of this wine would not be so strong.

"To be precise, it's the wine I made." Ma Hanshan said to Li Zhuoshui with a smile that didn't deserve a beating, "I made the wine, don't you want to try it?"

"Let me have a try? Okay... Okay, let me have a taste..." All master-level people are professional idiots, that is, they are very obsessed with what they like. Of course, Li Zhuoshui is also obsessed with wine. When he encounters good wine, he will be obsessed with it.

If he gets a better wine than his own, let alone asking him to make wine, he won't even want to miss it even if he gets a beating.

So, as he spoke, he reached out and picked up the glass of jade-like wine on the table.

When people who are good at tea encounter good tea, they regard the tea as a beauty. They first look at it, then smell it, and then taste it slowly. When people who are good at wine encounter good wine, of course they will not do things that disgrace the scenery like cows eating peonies.

Li Zhuoshui was holding the wine, looking up and down, left, right, looking at the light, blocking out the light. The wine was still so transparent and clear, he murmured that it was impossible.

Impossible, how can this wine be so clear?

Everyone in the room said in their hearts that it was impossible, because they really couldn't understand how this wine could be clearer than water.

Li Zhuoshui had seen enough and smelled enough, so he brought the cup to his mouth and took a sip.

As soon as the wine entered his mouth, his eyes opened like bull's eyes. This... this wine... how could this wine be so strong... too strong... really strong...


He swallowed the wine, closed his eyes and savored the taste.


Taking a long breath, Li Zhuoshui suddenly exclaimed, "It smells so good, it's so strong, it's so mellow..., it's... it's... it's... it's a good wine."

"Mazhai Master, this wine... how was this wine made?" Li Zhuoshui no longer had any grudges against Ma Hanshan at this moment. He found the young village manager cute and thought he was the most handsome person in Da Song.

"You want to know?" Ma Hanshan said with a smile.

"Yes...yes...think...think, you...speak...speak quickly..." Li Zhuoshui grabbed Ma Hanshan's sleeve and said.

"Brewers, if you want to know other people's special skills, you have to be sincere... Haha. Ah Niu, pour a cup of Zuixian wine for everyone to try." Ma Hanshan named this kind of wine Zuixian.

This is the first wine he has steamed in this world. In the future, he plans to launch at least three high-priced wines specifically for gift giving, three mid-range wines for ordinary people to drink, and three low-priced wines for the lowest class of people.

Of course, this takes time to study.

"I'll have another glass." Li Zhuoshui drank the wine in one gulp and handed the cup over.

"Li Jiongjiu, be careful not to get you drunk, this is high-altitude wine that can ignite." Ma Hanshan tried it just now, and this wine is almost the same as the 58-degree wine he drank in his previous life.

"Drunken Immortal Wine, haha, can you get the gods drunk? Let's try first to see if you can get me, Li Zhuoshui, drunk." Li Zhuoshui has never been drunk before, and he is confident in his ability to drink.

Everyone drank a cup of the newly steamed Zuixian wine. Except for Li Zhuoshui, everyone was choked and coughed when they drank the cup of Zuixian. nnd, it was too strong. I never thought it could be so strong.

Wine, I'm not mentally prepared.

After one drink, although no one was really drunk, everyone basically had a greased face. After Li Zhuoshui drank three glasses, he was already feeling dizzy and about to collapse.

"Mazhai Master, you...how do you want to be sincere...I...I want to learn your brewing method..." Li Zhuoshui grabbed Ma Hanshan's arm and said.

"Hmm...how can I be sincere...or...you can become my disciple." Ma Hanshan said suddenly.

In this world, becoming sworn brothers and becoming masters are extremely serious matters. If you become brothers, you must be treated as a real brother. If you become a master, it is even more serious. Once you are a teacher, you will be a father for life, and you must be treated like an old man. That’s why there is such a thing as a master.

Ci, the teacher is the father.

Ma Hanshan didn't mean to make a joke on Li Zhuoshui. He has too many things to do, and he can't do everything by himself. But most people are worried. Although the technology will flow out sooner or later and become popular sooner or later, you have to make a fortune first. How can you guarantee it?

Not to leak the secret? He suddenly thought of accepting a disciple. This is the safest way. In this world, no one dares to betray the master. It is a serious crime that is reviled by thousands of people.

This chapter has been completed!
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