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Chapter 17 Li Li is pregnant

Tang Qing couldn't wait to know, what happened to Li Li?

Tang Qing was already very nervous when he saw Li Li in the hospital, let alone in the emergency room.

Seeing Tang Qing's eager look, the doctor with glasses couldn't help but ridiculed:

"Hey, you care so much about your female classmates? It seems like the relationship is really unusual!"

Tang Qing didn't want the optician to misunderstand, so he hurriedly explained:

"What are you thinking about? I was worried that she might have been injured in some way last night when she was alone in the old house, or might have contracted the cold and gotten sick."

"She was alone in the old house later? Does that mean you were in the old house together at the beginning?"

"In the beginning, the two of us were in the old house together. Oh, no, although we were in the old house at the beginning, we didn't say a word. She might be unhappy, no, she was angry with me, no, she was originally

It’s not like you’re ignoring me, what should I say?”

"Haha, needless to say, I'm not a child, I understand, I understand."

"No, you don't understand, you don't understand. Oh, what should I say so that you can understand? How can you understand?"

Tang Qing looked very annoyed.

The optician looked very happy and said with a smile:

"Master Jiujin, is my understanding important to you?"

"Important, very important!"

Tang Qing answered loudly without thinking much.

"Master Jiujin, your health is no longer a problem. You can go back to the store. Remember to eat three meals a day and strengthen your nutrition. You can't deal with it carelessly by yourself!"

After the optician took Tang Qing's temperature and blood pressure, he helped her get up from the bed.

Tang Qing did not leave immediately, but stood beside the spectacled doctor, looking hesitant to speak.

"What? Is there anything else?"

"No, no, yes, yes..."

"Yes or no?"


"What happened?"

"That, that..."

Tang Qing hesitated, wanting to say something but not daring to say it.

The optician ignored Tang Qing, packed up the medical equipment, and walked out of the infusion room.

Tang Qing walked a few steps, stopped the spectacled doctor, and asked in a low voice:

"What's going on with Li Li?"

The optician did not answer Tang Qing directly, but asked her:

"Aren't you not related?"

"What relationship can we two women have?"

"Then why do you care about her so much?"

"It's not that I care about her, I'm just worried."

"Worried? Worrying is a step further than caring."

"Hey, where are you thinking about it again? I'm worried that if she can't think about it, my responsibility will be huge!"

"What's your responsibility? What's your responsibility as a woman? Do you really have that orientation?"

"What kind of orientation?"

"Master Jiujin, are you pretending to be deaf or mute, or is it really not the case?"

"What's going on? As a grown man, can you be more straightforward?"

"Master Jiujin, it is said that Li Zapo may have same-sex tendencies."

"Fuck you, what nonsense are you talking about?!"

"Isn't this what her divorced husband said everywhere? I heard it too."

"Do you believe what that scumbag said? He must be holding a grudge for being kicked out by Li Lijing. What else can he say?"

"That makes sense, but I'm worried about you."

"Worried about me? What do I have to worry about? We just met, right?"

"I've known you for a long time. I've been to the People's Barber Shop many times."

"Oh, I forgot, sorry."

"It doesn't matter, it's not too late to get to know her now. Hey, if Li Zapo really has that tendency, you have to be careful and stay away from her."

"What are you talking about? You said you were a doctor!"

Tang Qing's good impression of the optician was gone, so she turned and left.

"Yes, if Granny Li had that tendency, she wouldn't be able to have a child in her belly. Hey, didn't she just get divorced? Whose child is this?"

The spectacled doctor was talking to himself behind Tang Qing's back.

"Child? What do you mean?"

Tang Qing was shocked when the optician told him that Li Li had a baby, and turned back quickly.

"This Li Zapo just came over and asked where the bathroom was. It turned out that she was doing a urine hcg test."

"What test?"

"It's just to test whether you are pregnant or not."

"Is she really pregnant? How could she be pregnant? What should I do?"

Tang Qing was so anxious that he was spinning in circles.

"Hey, the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuch is, so why are you in a hurry?"

"What should I do if she is pregnant? What should I do?"

Tang Qing was still spinning in circles.

"What should I do? You should ask her."

"I don't dare to ask her face to face. She regards me as an enemy now. Oh, why is she like that?"

"Since she regards you as her enemy, why are you so nervous? Should you be gloating?"

"I'm worried about her. What if she, a recently divorced woman, suddenly becomes pregnant?"

"You don't need to worry about this, right?"

"Oh, you don't know. Before Mr. Li passed away, he told me many times that the people he felt most sorry for in his life were Li Li and her daughter. He said that he hoped that I could lend a hand and help her when I could."

"You help her? Is it possible? She is our wealthy and well-known Li Zapo in Yancheng. It's not enough for her to help you."

"I definitely can't help her in other aspects. Master Li mainly means reputation."

"Reputation? Isn't her reputation as Li Zapo's famous enough? Does it really want to be resounding throughout China and around the world?"

"Can you please listen to what I have to say? The reputation Mr. Li is talking about refers to reputation, and what you are talking about is name, fame."

"What's the difference?"

"Reputation and fame refer to a person's essence in society and are everyone's moral evaluation; name and fame only refer to a person's popularity in society. The reputation of bad people is sometimes louder than that of good people."

"Oh, I didn't expect that you, a barber, know a lot!"

"I also heard what Mr. Li said. He said that a good reputation is hard to buy. The Li family has had a good reputation in Shancheng for generations. When they were rich, they always cared about charity. But when they came to him, they were ruined because of the affair with Li Li's mother.

He hopes that Li Li can restore a good reputation for the Li family."

"Tsk, you want to rely on that Li Zapo to restore the good reputation of the Li family? It's lucky that she doesn't tarnish it!"

"Don't say that, she has done well so far."

"You're doing well? You just got divorced and you're pregnant, and you're doing well?"

"Don't yell so loudly. Don't tell others about Li Li's pregnancy, okay?"

"No, why should I keep her secret? Besides, there has been a lot of rumors in the obstetrics and gynecology department for a long time. Can you shut them all up?"

"Ignore others, just don't talk nonsense outside."

"Why should I listen to you? You don't even know my name, right? Are you ordering me?"

"I'm asking you, why am I ordering you?"

"Begging me? That's more than enough."

"Then I thank you."

"Thank me? What can I thank you for?"


Tang Qing was really in a dilemma. Indeed, she didn't even know his last name and yet she talked so much with him. Is this still her Tang Qing?

Alas, wasn't I doing this for Li Li?

For Li Li? What does Li Li have to do with you? She doesn’t say hello to you when she sees you face to face, so why do you do it for her?

Aren't I entrusted by Master Li? I should pay more attention to Li Li and help her more.

Haha, Tang Qing, your excuse is too fake, isn’t it? Being entrusted by Master Li? Who do you think you are? You, an ordinary barber, are helping Li Li? He is a big boss now, so he needs it.

Can you, a barber, help?

You can talk about your concern, but do people want you to care? Can you care about others?

Tang Qing entered the association state again. She always made unlimited associations about a certain thing or item from time to time. This may have something to do with her profession.

When there are no customers, if you are sitting alone in a store, don't you think of something that can help you sit there?

Tang Qing has no other hobbies except shaving her head. She can't even play mahjong.

"Hey, forget it if you don't want to thank me. You don't have to pretend to be stupid like this, right?"

The spectacled doctor saw Tang Qing standing in front of him, motionless, with his mouth open and his eyes staring straight ahead without blinking, which was a bit scary.

"I'm sorry, tell me, how do you want me to thank you?"

Tang Qing reacted.

"Then I'll tell you."

"Just tell me, I will do my best."

"You shave my head."

"This is no problem."

"Okay, thank you, Master Jiujin!"

Doctor with glasses walks to the office.

"Remember, don't talk nonsense about that!"

Tang Qing shouted towards the spectacled doctor’s back.

This chapter has been completed!
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