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Chapter 211 Unravel its meaning

“Erect a tombstone, erect a tombstone!

Brother Liang, please engrave two words in red and black.

The red one is engraved with my name Zhu Yingtai,

The black one is engraved with you, Liang Shanbo.

You and I were incompatible as husband and wife during our lifetime.

Brother Liang, I just want to die,

I will share the grave with you!"

Bao found out that this broken voice sang Shaoxing opera in a precise and orderly manner. Although his words were not perfect, he did have some charm.

Oops, why didn't I ask Li Li, Li Ya and the sisters to perform a "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai Tower Reunion" in front of Aunt Li's grave? Then they would understand why my grandfather set up red and black graves. monument.

Tang Qing suddenly realized.

"After Master Jiujin and Director Liu finished singing this scene, Li Li and Li Ya immediately knelt down in front of their father's urn and cried loudly."

"Well, they should have a good cry."

"Master Jiujin, the sisters cried for a while and asked Director Liu if they could do a favor."

"What help do they ask Director Liu for?"

"There are three small boxes that cannot be opened, and I want to ask a locksmith to help open them."

"Po-po Yiliza even dares to smash tombstones and coffins. Isn't it easy to smash a small box?"

"That's right, doesn't she think she's great? Is she going to open a small box and ask Director Liu?"

Auntie Shanghai and Silly Guy interjected.

"I want to ask, have the three small boxes been opened?"

"Director Liu told them that what you want to hire is not the locksmith who can open three small boxes, but the nine-pound master who can open the lock on your heart."

"Tch, Director Liu, what are you talking about? In their eyes, I am more of an enemy than an enemy now, especially Li Li. She hates me even more than she did when Master Li died and divided the family property!"

"Master Jiujin, Director Liu also told them that if they still want to bury their parents properly, they can only ask you to come out and take care of it again."

"Director Liu, Director Liu, you praise me too much. What can I do as a barber? From now on, I won't care about anything except shaving my head. Alas, this people's barber shop will be restructured and demolished soon. , I still don’t know what to do next!”

Tang Qing went over to take off the scarf of the neighbor who had shaved his head and brushed off the hair on his clothes.

After hearing what Tang Qing said, everyone fell into silence again, not knowing how to comfort Tang Qing.

Tang Qing took the five-yuan money for a haircut handed over by a neighbor, stuffed it into the cash drawer under the toolbox, and turned around to wash the hairdressing tools at the sink.

With the sound of water rushing, Tang Qing and the people in the store were thinking about their own thoughts.


A dark figure flashed in front of the People's Barber Shop.

Although Tang Qing was thinking about something, he happened to glance towards the door and saw the black figure.

"Pig-killer, Da Mao, go and see who it was just now?"

"Master Jiujin, no need to look, it's her."

At eighteen, Li Ya was brought into the People's Barber Shop.

Shiba's head was wrapped in a bandage, and one sleeve of his clothes was not inserted into his arm and was hanging out. He looked like he had just come off the front line, looking like a hero.

Li Ya lowered her head and bent over, shrinking back, like a child who had done something bad or a thief who had just been caught, looking frightened.

"Is your head okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay. Thank you for shaving my head in advance. The doctor said that if you still have a bald head, it will be more troublesome to deal with the wound."

For the first time, Tang Qing showed concern for Shiba Ui, which made Shiba Ui flattered.

"Hey, Shiba, that's Master Jiujin's discernment. Last time you wanted to go in there to eat steamed buns, Master Jiujin shaved your head. This time, he knew you were going to be a hero in front of Aunt Li's grave, so he also I’ll shave your head in advance.”

"Haha, that's right. It seems that this bald head is not just shaved casually."

"Shibazui, next time Master Jiujin shaves your head, remember to tell us so that we can go watch the fun with you."

Carpenter Wang, the pig butcher, and Da Mao make fun of Shiba.

"Hehe, everyone, Master Jiujin should have told me in advance when she wanted to shave my head and when I would be ready to go through the mountains of swords and the sea of ​​fire."

"Don't give you a broken bamboo pole and just climb up without caring about it. Why did you bring her here?"

"Master Jiujin, I didn't bring her here. I came to the People's Barber Shop from the hospital to treat her wounds. I saw her sneaking around at the door, so I pulled her in. If you don't believe me, interrogate her and ask her to confess.

Be lenient and be strict if you resist.”

"Okay, okay, go make yourself a cup of tea. Li Ya, what can you do?"

Tang Qing walked to Li Ya and asked.

Li Ya answered tremblingly:

"Master Jiujin, I'm not sneaking around. I saw so many people there and didn't dare to come in."

Tang Qing pulled Li Ya to sit down on the special barber chair. He went over to make a cup of coffee for Li Ya and said:

"Liya, we are all neighbors and regular customers of the People's Barber Shop. You also know them. What are you afraid of?"

"Master Jiujin, I'm sorry. We shouldn't have treated you like that. It's all our fault for treating Grandpa Tang. Please forgive me."

"Liya, I'm not angry with you. My grandfather even said that if he did something inappropriate, please bear with me, sisters. So, you don't have to say sorry."

"Master Jiujin, sir, thank you for being so tolerant of us."

"Liya, don't be so polite. Tell me, why do you come to see me?"

"Master Jiujin, after Director Liu's education, my sister and I have realized our mistake, and we also understand why Grandpa Tang set up red and black tombstones."

"It would be nice if you could understand what my grandpa meant. I think that was actually what Aunt Li meant before she died. It's just that my grandpa followed Aunt Li's wishes."

"Master Jiujin, Grandpa Tang, he disregarded his own reputation to realize my mother's dream, but we slandered his old man instead. We are ashamed and ashamed."

"Liya, don't say that either. Your mother couldn't be married to your father during her lifetime. If she can share the same grave with your father after her death, she can rest in peace."

"Master Jiujin, but my sister not only smashed my parents' tombstones but also smashed my mother's coffin, turning my mother's body into a piece of wood. Can my mother still be able to rest in peace on the ground?"

"Liya, as long as you and your sister truly realize their mistakes, the tombstone can be rebuilt and the coffin can be rebuilt. As for your mother's body, I think it might have been just a piece of wood."

"Master Jiujin, you said that my mother's body in the coffin was originally a piece of wood?"


"Master Jiujin, is it possible?"

"Master Jiujin, when I dragged Aunt Li's coffin out, I could see clearly that Aunt Li was lying in the coffin wearing a costume and looking at us with her eyes open. Really, Aunt Li's face also melted.

Wear drama makeup and be as beautiful as you want."

Shiba Diao didn't believe that Aunt Li's body was originally a piece of wood, so he hurriedly explained to Tang Qing.

"Master Jiujin, tell me that Aunt Li's body was originally a piece of wood? What do you mean? Is it possible that Grandpa Tang can do magic? Can you turn a piece of wood into Aunt Li? After the coffin is broken, it turns into wood again?"

"Aunt Shanghai, let's listen to Master Jiujin's explanation. Maybe Aunt Li has become a fairy? When she saw that the coffin was broken, she just turned into a piece of wood. Anyway, Boss Li also gave the tombstone and coffin to us.


"Yes, yes, the pig-butcher is right. Maybe thirty years later, Aunt Li has turned into a fairy and is singing in the sky. Didn't everyone say that Aunt Li's costume floated into the sky at that time?


"I also think that piece of wood was originally a piece of wood. Grandpa Tang and Aunt Li cast a spell together to turn the wood into Aunt Li. Let's see how you react and see if you really miss her and respect her. As a result, Li Zapo

Not only smashing the tombstone and coffin, but also destroying the coffin, can Aunt Li be angry? So even God couldn't stand it. With lightning and thunder, strong wind and heavy rain, Aunt Li had no choice but to go up to the sky alone, leaving behind a piece of wood.

Give them two sisters."

Shanghai Aunt, Pig Killer, Da Mao, and Sha Gu opened their imaginations, especially Sha Gu, who can talk big books with Wang Carpenter.

This chapter has been completed!
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