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Chapter 222 It's that person again

"Hey, hey, hey, don't be too imaginative. Li Ya, tell me, why did you come to see me?"

Tang Qing stopped everyone's speculation and discussion.

After drinking a cup of coffee, Li Ya's originally panic-stricken mind stabilized, but the explanations of Shanghai Aunt, Pig Killer, Da Mao and Sha Gu about the bizarre incident in Xishan Cemetery made her fall into panic again.

"Master Jiu, Jiu, Jiujin, I, I, I..."

Li Ya's hands holding the coffee cup were trembling.

Tang Qing went over to refill Li Ya's warm coffee, let her drink a few sips, and then asked softly:

"Liya, do you and your sister still want to pay homage to your parents properly? And then bury them properly?"


Li Ya nodded.

"Then you just have a good funeral. Why did you come to see me?"

"Master Jiujin, without your care, can my parents' funeral be held? Besides, my mother's body has turned into wood, how can I hold a memorial ceremony?"

"Have you opened those three small boxes?"

"No, it can't be opened no matter what."

"Hey, sister Li Ya, isn't your sister very good at smashing it? She can smash it open with a hammer."

"That's right, it's easier to smash a small box than a tombstone or a coffin, right?"

The Pig Killer and Da Mao teased Li Ya.

"Shut your stinky mouth. If you dare to talk nonsense again, I won't shave your golden hair!"

Tang Qing scolded Pig Killer and Da Mao while gently comforting Li Ya.

"Didn't your sister ask Director Liu to help find a locksmith?"

"Director Liu said that it is useless to find a locksmith. Only you, Master Jiujin, can unlock our hearts."

"Director Liu, you are complimenting me. How can I, a barber, open a lock? Besides, those three small boxes are not you two sisters. Maybe I can solve the knot between you two sisters. Those three small boxes The lock is a real iron lock, how can I unlock it?"

"Master Jiujin, my sister asked the contractor to find a locksmith. The locksmith had never seen the lock before. He said it looked like a lock but not a lock, and it looked like a lock even though it was not a lock."

"What's this? Isn't it because the locksmith wants to rip you off?"

"Master Jiujin, my sister told the locksmith that as long as he can open the three small boxes, he can decide how much it will cost. But the locksmith spent a long time and couldn't find the chain hole."

"I've spent a long time trying but still can't find the lock hole? Doesn't that lock need a key?"

Tang Qing felt even more strange when he heard what Li Ya said.

"Master Jiujin, don't you need a key or a lock?"

Auntie Shanghai interjected.

"Aunt Shanghai, your words reminded me that the locks on the small box may not be locks at all. Li Ya, the two small boxes you brought from the Li family's old house are the same as the small box in the tomb. ?”

"Master Jiu Jin, they look exactly the same in appearance."

"Are the two small boxes in the Li family's old house always in the room where your mother lived?"


"Those two small boxes have always been in your mother's room? It's strange. When Master Li was a hundred years old, two unfilial sons, Li Zhong and Li Cheng, asked their wives to rummage through the boxes. What kind of detector was used to detect them? Will you move those two small boxes?"

"Master Jiu Jin, my sister said it was my father who hid those two small boxes first."

"You also call me Mr. Li's dad? Well, it's a good call. You should call it like this. You can't live up to Mr. Li's care for your mother. Since Mr. Li has hidden those two small boxes, how could your sister know about it? Where is it?"

"My sister said it was my father who told her where to hide when he saw her for the last time."

"Then why didn't your sister take out the two small boxes earlier? Why did you have to wait until now to take out the two small boxes? It was I who asked you to go to the Li family's old house last night, and you went up there."

"Master Jiujin, last night my sister took me into the room where my mother lived. I couldn't help but ask why she was so cruel and didn't want me. Only then did my sister remember these two small boxes."

"Why are you so cruel that you don't want me to remind her of these two small boxes?"

"My sister said that when my father told my sister about her life experience, he also said why my mother was so cruel to abandon her. My father said to her at that time, you can't blame your mother for this. One day the cloud will clear up.

When your family is reunited, you will understand everything after you take out those two small boxes."

"This Li Li is really patient sometimes. Why didn't you tell me in time when you took out those two small boxes last night? Then I could give you some advice."

"Master Jiujin, my sister is tired and even more tired after being here recently. She is a little confused, so please be more careful with some things."

"Liya, don't worry about this. I, Tang Qing, am not a petty person. If I argue with your sister, the Li family would have a falling out after the separation of the family. How could there be so many things going on now?"

"Well, I know how good Master Jiujin is. My sister is actually grateful to you from the bottom of her heart. Thank you. She was just taken advantage of by outsiders again."

"Once again, I was taken advantage of by an outsider. Tell me what happened?"

"Master Jiujin, my sister wouldn't have gotten so angry in front of my mother's grave this morning. It was that person who sent my sister a text message, so my sister got angry at you and lost her mind and smashed the tombstone and the coffin.


"That person sent her a text message? Is it your ex-brother-in-law?"


"NNGX, he is really evil and follows him to the scene to cause trouble."

Tang Qing clenched his teeth and slapped the back of the special barber chair with his fist. He was so frightened that the coffee cup in Li Ya's hand almost fell to the ground.

"Master Jiujin, you said this morning in front of Mr. Li's tomb, 'Li Li and Li Ya sisters are going to welcome their mother home to the main hall. Please keep quiet. Whoever dares to make a loud noise or cause trouble, don't blame me.

You're welcome, Master Jiujin!' Are you warning that person?"

Silly Gu interrupted and asked Tang Qing.

"That is, although Yancheng is very small, I really don't know Li Li's ex-husband. Firstly, I shaved my head at the People's Barber Shop all day long. Secondly, I have never interacted with Li Li before."

"Ara doesn't know who Boss Li's ex-husband is?"

"I don't know either."

"We don't know."

Auntie Shanghai, Pig Killer, Da Mao and everyone else at the scene said they didn’t know.

"Master Jiujin, my sister said that my ex-brother-in-law is a foreigner, a man she met when she was running a clothing stall in the provincial capital."

"This evil man! I warned him last night next to the old courtyard not to act recklessly. This morning I thought he would not have the guts to go to Xishan Cemetery. As a precaution, I stood in front of Mr. Li's tomb and warned him loudly, but

He is still so evil that he seizes the opportunity to cause trouble!"

"Master Jiujin, don't be angry. My sister also regrets it now. She said she wished she could hit her head on my parents' tombstones and die."

"Huh, your parents' tombstones were smashed to pieces by her a long time ago. She couldn't hit her even if she tried to hit them. She really doesn't show off her words!"

"That's right, if I had known this, why did I do it in the first place? Where did the energy to scold Master Ala Jiu Jin and Grandpa Ala Tang go?"

The silly aunt and the Shanghai aunt sneered at Li Li's regret.

"You two don't want the emperor to be anxious and the eunuch to be anxious. I don't have any idea myself. Which one of you is better? Li Ya, do you know what kind of text message that person sent your sister?"

"Master Jiujin, my sister didn't tell me this."

"Everyone, without further ado, we will go to the old courtyard on Lushan Road right away. Master Wang, you continue to be the general manager, Master Sun, you continue to be the chef. Master Caijiao, you come up with a plan to rebuild Aunt Li's tomb overnight. Tomorrow

Call the contractor's engineering team to start construction early in the morning."

Tang Qing knew in her heart that it looked like Li Li was quarreling with her at Xishan Cemetery this morning. In fact, it was the man who used Li Li's mouth and hands to defeat her, the nine-pound master.

Hum, I will never lose to you!

I'm going to find you out tonight!

Not only do I want you to kneel in front of Aunt Li’s memorial tablet and repent, I also want you to kneel down and send Aunt Li back on her journey every step of the way!

This chapter has been completed!
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