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Chapter 369: The Stars in the Sky

The reunion dinner at the Bao family was lively and festive. After the meal, Xiaoqiang went home first with his parents and father-in-law. Tang Qing and Wang Xinjie came to the old house of the Li family in Lutei Mountain.

Since Wang Xinjie returned to Yancheng during the summer vacation, Tang Qing gave her the key to the Li family's old house. She took care of everything here and ran the new People's Barber Shop with peace of mind.

Tang Qing did not follow Wang Xinjie into the main room of the old house, but stood on the front yard and looked up at the stars in the sky.

Although Yancheng is a small county town, it belongs to a developed area along the eastern coast. In recent years, real estate development has become more and more popular year by year. High-rise buildings are towering in front of you. You must clearly see the stars in the sky as far as the eye can see. Only here.

On Fetus Mountain.

The old people say that there is a person on the ground and a star in the sky.

Every life that passes away will become a star in the sky.

Tang Qing didn't believe it. If that were the case, wouldn't there be too many stars in the sky?

Also, since everyone can go to heaven and become a star after death, why do we need eighteen levels of hell?

Tang Qing even believed that after good people die, they can go to heaven and become stars, shining in space. But bad people will definitely be thrown into the eighteenth level of hell and will never be reincarnated.

Grandpa must be in the sky, maybe one of the brightest stars. He is the best man in Shan City.

Aunt Li should also be in the sky. She sings so well, is so beautiful, and is so kind. She must have become a shining little star.

What about Mr. Li? Can Mr. Li go up to heaven and become a little star? Logically speaking, he should be able to. He is a great scholar in Yancheng and has done so many good deeds. Unfortunately, he could not pass the test of an affair between a man and a woman, and he still got confused and fell into a big fight.

Alas, why is this affair between a man and a woman so disturbing?

I keep having dreams that I shouldn’t have these past few nights. Has my heart changed?

"Master Jiujin, sit down and watch."

Wang Xinjie brought out two chairs, a small coffee table, and a pot of jasmine tea.

After Tang Qing sat down, he took a sip of warm jasmine tea and then looked at Wang Xinjie.

"Master Jiujin, look at the stars, what do you think of me?"

"You are also a star."

"The stars are in the sky."

"You are the star on earth."

"Master Jiujin, then you are the sun on earth."

"Hey, hey, hey, take it back quickly, it's a death penalty!"

"Master Jiujin, how old are you? You are still facing death penalty."

"No matter what age you are, there are some things you should never say."

"Master Jiujin, I think you are sometimes too cautious in doing things."

"Too cautious? Didn't you hear how my dad scolded me?"

"Why did Grandpa Tang scold you?"

"You don't want people to call you "Master Jiujin" because you don't know how much you weigh, so you have no sense of shame, heartlessness, and shamelessness to go around pretending to be a good guy. You have no sense of propriety, and you don't know.

If you act like a good guy lightly or seriously, you will get yourself killed sooner or later!"

"Hahaha, Master Jiujin, you are really good at it!"

"So, I have to change. I can't be called the Tang Zapo of Yancheng."

"Master Jiujin, don't you hope that Aunt Li Li will be the Li Zapo back to Yancheng? Why can't you be the Tang Zapo in Yancheng?"

"Xinjie, can I compete with Li Li? My "miscellaneous" can only mean madness, but her "miscellaneous" is a manifestation of ability. By the way, have you heard any news about Li Li recently?"

"Master Jiujin, how come I have news about Aunt Li Li?"

"I'm warning you, if you don't report it after knowing it, I will punish you by going to the People's Barber Shop to do hygiene for a month."

"Definitely, definitely. Master Jiujin, you can't refuse to report what I know."

"Should I tell you what I know? What can I know about you and not tell you?"

"Master Jiujin, according to reliable information, you want spring flowers to bloom?"

"What are you talking about? What kind of spring flowers are blooming in this summer? I have spring flowers blooming, and don't everyone in Yancheng have spring flowers blooming? Does God bloom spring flowers specifically for me?"

"Master Jiujin, I am referring to your personal problem."

"My personal problem? What personal problem? Did I encounter some problems some time ago and this People's Barber Shop almost couldn't open? Hey, don't tell me, now a new People's Barber Shop has opened, although it is only in a small area.

It’s in a small garage, but it’s still open after all, and it can be regarded as the winter has passed and spring has come, and the flowers are blooming.”

"Master Jiujin, I don't mean the People's Barber Shop, I mean..."

"Hey, why are you so hesitant to speak? Is there anything else we can't say between you and me? Come on, what are you referring to?"

"Master Jiujin, I told you not to be angry."

"Why am I angry? Do I have that much energy? Am I not as good as that aunt from Shanghai?"

"Master Jiujin, when I said you were too cautious, this was what I was referring to..."

"Which thing? You must say this, say it immediately, don't be too cautious and dare not say it yourself!"

"Master Jiujin, is Xiaoqiang, is it..."

"Xiaoqiang? What's going on with Guan Xiaoqiang? Wang Xinjie, if you keep hesitating like this, I'll shave you off!"

"Master Jiujin, I tell you, you must not shave my head off. In that case, how can I go to school?"


"Is Xiaoqiang going to have a new father?"

"What?! What did you say?!"

Tang Qing jumped up from the chair and stared straight at Wang Xinjie.

Wang Xinjie also quickly jumped up from her chair, stood far away and muttered:

"Master Jiujin, did you say you weren't angry? I heard that too."

"Did you hear that? Who did you listen to? Is your grandpa talking about something again?"

"Master Jiu Jin, it's not just my grandfather who is talking, everyone else is talking."

"What are other people talking about? What do they say? You must tell me in detail, from beginning to end, exactly!"

"Master Jiujin, don't be angry, you've run out of synonyms."

"I don't care about synonyms and antonyms, I want you to tell me what they are saying?"

"Master Jiujin, everyone is saying that you are in love with Police Officer Xiao Wang. As his prospective son-in-law, Police Officer Xiao Wang has already visited Grandpa Tang and Grandma Tang in the courtyard."

"Oh my, you're so mad at me! Which bastard made up this rumor? I want to shave him into a golden hair, oh my!"

"Master Jiujin, please calm down. As the saying goes, there is no smoke without fire. What should be there will always be there, and what is not there will never be."

"Wang Xinjie, what do you mean? You mean, there's something going on between me and Police Officer Xiao Wang?"

"Master Jiujin, Police Officer Xiao Wang is a good policeman and a good person. You and he know each other well, have a common language, and are about the same age. Xiao Qiang..."

"Wang Xinjie, shut up!"

"Master Jiujin, listen to me..."

"No need to say anything! Wang Xinjie, I tell you, I will never marry again in this life!"

"Master Jiujin, you are still young, you are only thirty-two years old this year..."

"Wang Xinjie, I told you to shut up, didn't you hear me? I said that I would never remarry in this life. I am destined to be a widow in this life, a widow who cannot remarry! Widow! Widow! Widow!"

While cursing, Tang Qing rushed to the century-old osmanthus tree on the road, beat the trunk of the tree with both hands, and when he was tired, he threw himself on the trunk and cried loudly.

The sobs tore apart Wang Xinjie's heart, tore apart the tranquility of the Li family's old house, tore apart the clear night sky of Lutei Mountain, tore apart the twinkling stars in the sky, and also tore apart the heart of a person outside the gate of the Li family's old house.


This person stood outside the door of the Li family's old house for a long time. This person came to the Li family's old house with Tang Qing and Wang Xinjie. This person stood outside the door of the Li family's old house and listened to Tang Qing and Wang Xinjie's conversation.

"Widow! Widow! Widow!"

This word, which appears in the Book of Songs, is already sad. Now that Tang Qing is crying repeatedly, it is even more sad.

There are many disputes in front of a widow, and it is even more difficult to be widowed and alone.

The man at the door of the Li family's old house couldn't help but burst into tears when he heard Tang Qing crying to Wang Xinjie about her journey after losing her husband.

(End of chapter)

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