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Chapter 370: Still a Widow

Widow refers to a woman whose husband has died.

"The Book of Songs·Xiaoya·Datian" records: "He has a legacy, this has a stagnant ear, which is the benefit of the widow."

In ancient times, widows were divided into seven categories: widows who looked after the family, widows under the umbrella, widows with a mandarin duck, widows with broken bridges, widows with broken flowers, widows who had abandoned themselves, and widows who were divorced.

Looking at the family widow means that the woman has found her husband's family, but before they can get married, the husband unfortunately passes away.

Widow under the umbrella refers to a woman who has no children after getting married and her husband dies.

Yuanyangwidow refers to a woman who gave birth to children after getting married, and then her husband passed away.

Broken Bridge Widow refers to a woman whose husband suddenly dies unexpectedly after she gets married.

Broken flower widow refers to a woman whose husband dies between the ages of 40 and 50.

Abandoned widowhood refers to a woman whose husband did not die, but her whereabouts are unknown after going out. She never returns home and does not know whether she is alive or dead.

Divorced widow refers to a woman who divorced her husband or was divorced by her husband's family.

In the old days, men were superior to women, and widows were even more discriminated against by society. When a woman's husband died, she was scolded as the wife's mistress, and she had to remain a widow for the rest of her life. Only in that way could she be loyal and chaste. Otherwise, she would be a slut and immoral.

Tang Qing is a mandarin duck widow. In the old days, if a mandarin duck widow wanted to remarry, it was very difficult and had to pass a series of hurdles.

First, you must obtain the consent of your husband's parents and husband's brothers, and then obtain the consent of your own parents and brothers. As long as one party objects, you are not allowed to remarry.

After the family members of both parties agree, according to the old custom of Shan City, the woman goes to her dead husband's grave at midnight seven days before her marriage to worship, and then builds a straw hut in front of the grave to live for seven days and seven nights to comfort the soul of her ex-husband and seek his forgiveness.

At midnight on the seventh day, her current husband secretly takes her back, and then she can start a new life. If someone blocks her on the way, everything will be ruined, and she will have to remain a widow.

Society is developing and the times are progressing. Nowadays, the old stereotypes and customs have been eliminated. Not only is the word widow rarely mentioned, but remarriage is a common phenomenon.

Tang Qing had just turned 30 and was healthy both physically and mentally. She naturally longed for a new happiness. But she was afraid and never dared to take that step. She didn't even dare to think about it. She felt ashamed and ashamed to have a similar dream.


Tang Qing could ignore the secular gaze, and she wouldn't care too much, but she had to care about the opinions of both parents, especially Xiaoqiang's feelings, which she had to put first.

Policeman Xiao Wang was interested in her, and she also had the same feelings.

Although Tang Qing was a little timid at first and wanted to refuse. But since Police Officer Xiao Wang came to her hut alone because of the big bag of banknotes and made a joke by accident, Xiao Qiang did not have any objection and actually liked Police Officer Xiao Wang very much. Tang Qing

The love in my heart grew like a weed.

When Police Officer Xiao Wang and Director Liu went to the Tang family courtyard for dinner, Tang Qing's heart pounded even more violently, and she tried to test him intentionally or unintentionally, as well as her parents and father-in-law.

What disappointed Tang Qing was that her parents and father-in-law didn't respond at all, pretending not to understand anything, which made her even more uncomfortable than scolding her directly in person.

The courage that Tang Qing finally mustered up suddenly fell away, and even though he lost all the love in his heart, he still felt sad and self-pitying.

Tonight, when Wang Xinjie mentions this matter, can Tang Qing not be heartbroken?

"Master Jiujin, Xiaoqiang's grandpa, Xiaoqiang's grandpa and Xiaoqiang's grandpa may be embarrassed, right? I want to wait for you and Police Officer Xiao Wang to tell them face to face."

"Xinjie, I've thought about this too. Later, I tested the three old people many times myself, and Xiaoqiang mentioned it in front of them intentionally or unintentionally, but they just pretended to be deaf and dumb and didn't say anything."

"What are the three old people thinking? Master Jiujin, don't care too much about their attitudes. You should make the decision for your own happiness!"

"Xinjie, am I the one who makes the decision? Am I the one who makes the decision? Now I have three elders and one child below me. I can't stand any trouble or make any mistakes."

"Master Jiujin, why is this a torment? This is your normal pursuit of happiness. Why don't you just go and get the certificate privately with Police Xiao Wang and see what else they can say?"

"Xinjie, do you think you are young people falling in love? I am a widow and remarrying, how easy is it?"

"Master Jiujin, I said from the beginning that you were too cautious in doing this. You should show your Master Jiujin style and pursue your own happiness no matter what!"

"Xinjie, do you remember what happened to my family last year before you went to college?"

"Master Jiujin, is this your mother-in-law's business?"

"Yes, do you think I can pursue my own happiness regardless of it? Do I need to be careful and cautious?"

"Master Jiujin, this is so difficult for you."

"I have no choice but to blame fate!"

"Master Jiujin, how about I go talk to the three old people?"

"No, absolutely not. It might be counterproductive, and it could backfire on them and force them to take extreme actions."

"Master Jiujin, are you worried that the three old people will take extreme actions like Grandma Xiaoqiang?"

"Xinjie, in addition to hoping that the next generation will live a good life, the most important thing for the elderly is their face. Needless to say, Xiaoqiang's grandparents, my parents can affect the Tang family's good life in Yancheng because of me.

Fame? Actually, I don’t want it myself.”

"Master Jiujin, is reputation more important or your own happiness?"

"Xinjie, how can we talk about happiness without a good reputation? The reason why I can hold my head high in front of my neighbors and confidently be a good guy and peacemaker is because of the good reputation my grandfather established in Shancheng.

Only then will the neighbors be convinced of me."

"Oh, but you are still young and you should strive for your own happiness."

"Xinjie, I have thought about it carefully these past few days, especially when I was looking at the stars in the sky alone just now, I have completely figured it out."

"Master Jiujin, what have you figured out?"

"Xinjie, if I can give up a little personal happiness and keep the good reputation of the Tang family, let the three old people live happily in their old age, and let Xiao Qiangjian grow up healthily, why wouldn't I do it?


"Master Jiujin, isn't Xiaoqiang acceptable?"

"Xinjie, Xiaoqiang is a smart and sensible child. He accepts police officer Xiao Wang as a relative, not as a stepfather."

"My stepfather is a relative, an even closer relative."

"That's not necessarily true. How many children have been harmed by their stepfathers and stepmothers, causing them to lose their physical and mental health."

"Police Officer Xiao Wang will definitely be kind to Xiao Qiang and will not let him suffer any harm."

"I believe this, but things are not as simple as you think. Do you think, if I really get together with Police Officer Xiao Wang, should I have another child? If I do, the balance of Police Officer Xiao Wang's love will definitely tilt.

, Xiaoqiang’s heart will definitely be unbalanced. No, I’m sorry for Policeman Xiao Wang. After all, it’s his first time getting married, and I will feel indebted to him for the rest of my life.”

"Master Jiujin, are you thinking too much? There is no need to think so much, right?"

"Xinjie, I have to think so much, otherwise when the deal is done and something happens, I will be the one crying without tears."

"Master Jiujin, are you going to give up your happiness like this?"

"Xinjie, am I not happy now? Xiaoqiang is smart and cute, my parents and father-in-law are healthy, and they live together harmoniously. I feel that I am very happy."

"Master Jiujin, you have avoided reality."

"A pure heart, when you are alone, it is better not to expect too much, and be content with what you have."

"Master Jiujin, I feel sorry for you."

"Xinjie, you should be happy for me. I have really let go now."

"Master Jiujin, weren't you still heartbroken and crying just now?"

"A pure heart. After crying, I suddenly became enlightened. After talking about it, the moon and stars were sparse. Just like the night sky now, it is clear and refreshing. How beautiful!"

The conversation between Tang Qing and Wang Xinjie once again made a person outside the gate of the Li family's old house extremely sad.

This man first sat on the threshold of the Li family's old house and wiped his tears, then jumped up and ran in a crazy circle around the Li family's old house.

I ran and ran, I don’t know how many laps I ran. Until the morning light first appeared, I fell down on the grass and fell asleep...

(End of chapter)

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