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Chapter 39 The Doctor Who Catches the Glasses

Under Tang Qing's careful guidance, the optician explained the main content of his research topic, research methods, and research results in detail.

Of course, it was impossible for Tang Qing to sit on his lap and study with him.

He said happily with his eyes closed, while Tang Qing's hands were busy.

First, he used large scissors to cut off his thick "37" hair, then used clippers to harvest the short hair, and finally used a razor to shave off the roots of his hair.

Today, Tang Qing tried his best to show off his top shaving skills, which turned the optician's head from jet black to jade, shiny and smooth.

"Are you really not an ordinary doctor?"

"Master Jiujin, you are not an ordinary barber, and I am not an ordinary doctor. We are a perfect match."


"Isn't it?"

"Since we are a perfect match, when will we get the certificate?"

"Master Jiujin, I will issue the certificate to you when the time comes."

"You issued it to me? You opened the marriage registration office?"

"Master Jiujin, what's the use of that certificate? How tacky? I just said that you are not an ordinary barber. The certificate I awarded you is the result of my research."

"Have you issued many copies of your certificate?"

"Not much, still a few zeros away from my goal. However, when I finish my career as a doctor, my goal will definitely be achieved."

"Get up, your career as a doctor is officially over from now on!"

"Master Jiujin, I still have more than ten years before retirement. I must achieve those zero goals and I will definitely achieve them. I will definitely share my research results with you when the time comes."


"Master Jiujin, you, you, why did you suddenly..."

The doctor with glasses had been sitting on the barber chair with his eyes closed and talking to Tang Qing about his research topic, basically entering a state of selflessness. Tang Qing's "get out" scared him so much that he shuddered and almost fell off the barber chair.

"Disappear from me immediately, disappear from the hospital, otherwise I will let you go in and eat steamed buns!"

Tang Qing looked at the spectacled doctor with a cold eyebrow, wishing to eat him alive.

"Master Jiujin, you, you, what do you mean? You shaved my head so well, why did you suddenly turn your head? Ah? My head, my head, why did my head become like this?"

The doctor with glasses subconsciously touched his head, and then realized that his black hair had been shaved off by Tang Qing, not even the roots were left.

"Anyway, if you want to go inside, I'll shave it for you in advance."

Tang Qing wiped the razor carefully without even looking at the optician.

"You, you, who do you think you are? Do you really think you are a great barber? I tell you, you must give me an explanation today, otherwise I will let you go in and eat steamed buns."

The doctor with glasses showed his fierce look.

"Give you an explanation? Tell me!"

Tang Qing showed no sign of weakness and approached the glasses doctor with a razor in hand.

"Put down the razor first and listen to me. In this way, Master Jiujin, as long as you let me study it carefully, I promise not to hold you accountable for shaving my head."

The ophthalmic doctor's fierce look is transformed into a hue.

"Bah, it's true that a dog can't change its habit of eating shit. If I didn't send you in to eat plain steamed buns, I would be ashamed to be the nine-pound master of the People's Barber Shop!"

"That's good, Master Jiujin. I'll help you take him to the institute."

The butcher opened the door and walked into the barber shop.

"You guys, are you colluding to bully me? I'm going to send you to a prison!"

"Okay, let's go together!"

The butcher comes and pulls the glasses doctor.

"Don't touch me. I am the chief physician. How can you butchers, barbers and other lowly people like you have the right to talk to me? I will go to the clinic to sue you myself!"

The optician retreated to the door of the store.

"For us, shaving our heads and killing pigs is despicable. You are a noble doctor. But what have you done so noblely? You don't treat illnesses and save people properly. You spend all your time thinking about how to bully female patients. You even call it research. How shameless are you?"

Tang Qing questioned the glasses doctor.

"I didn't. If you slander others, I will sue you for slander!"

The spectacled doctor saw the butcher blocking the door of the store first, so he had no choice but to retreat to the sink.

"Humph, I'm so slanderous. Master pig butcher, didn't you hear how he did his research? Come on, I'll show it to you."

Tang Qing said and pressed the play button of the radio cassette player in the store.

"How do you want to shave this key part of your upper body?"

"Master Jiujin, it doesn't matter how I shave the key parts above, everything is up to you. Anyway, we have had indirect intimate contact with the key parts below, haha."

"you you you……"

The bespectacled doctor's face was ashen, and his whole body was slumped on the sink. The hot water faucet was opened by his arm and he didn't know it.

Let the scalding hot water pour on you.

"Master pig butcher, pull him over!"

Tang Qing turned off the radio recorder and sat down on the long wooden bench.

"Haha, you are really not afraid of boiling water?!"

The butcher turned off the hot water, raised the doctor's glasses and came to Tang Qing.

"Master Jiujin, what do you want?"

The glasses doctor asked Tang Qing tremblingly.

"Don't you know what I want?"

Tang Qing's face was ashen and he glared at the glasses doctor angrily.

"Master Jiujin, I beg you, please let me go. I was confused and lost my mind for a while. I must change my ways and be a new person."

The spectacled doctor kept begging Tang Qing.

"Confused for a moment? Didn't you say that your research project has been carried out for several years? Must the goals of several zeros be achieved?"

"Master Jiujin, I was just joking with you. Don't take it seriously. Master Jiujin, please destroy that tape, right? As long as you destroy the tape, I don't mind if you shave me.


"Haha, you still want to argue with me about shaving your head?"

"I don't care, I don't care. As long as you destroy the tape, I can rely on you and do anything for you."

"Really? Is this tape that important?"

"It's important, it's very important. It's related to whether I can be a doctor again. Master Jiujin, I beg you, I beg you, destroy that tape, otherwise my job as a doctor will be completely destroyed.

I want to go in and eat some steamed buns."

"You also know that your job is going to be broken? Do you want to go in and eat weak steamed buns?"

"I know, I know, my research is illegal, a crime, and a hooligan act."

"Police Officer Xiao Wang, are you feeling hot standing outside the door? Come in, and this doctor who knows the law and breaks the law will be taken away by you."

"Master Jiujin, I didn't expect that you easily solved the case that we have been watching for a long time. Hey, do you know? How many female patients have reported you?"


The spectacled doctor was completely discouraged when he faced Police Xiao Wang.

"Master Jiujin, thank you. We have received reports about him many times, but we are unable to take action against him because there is no conclusive evidence. Get up and follow me to the office."

Policeman Xiao Wang wants to take away the glasses doctor.

"Police Officer Xiao Wang, can you wait a few minutes? I have one more thing that I need him to ask Bao and confront him face to face."

"Okay, I was just about to warn that bag for asking."

"Master Long, are you here to inquire?"

Tang Qing shouted outside the door.

"I'm here early, come in!"

The old leader pulled a bag and inquired about entering the People's Barber Shop.

"Bao asked, tell me yourself, why are you making such nonsense about my relationship with him?"

"Master Jiujin, I, I, I can't help it. You, sir, must spare me."

"You have no choice? Let me spare you? Policeman Xiao Wang is here. He has the final say whether to spare you or not."

"Master Jiujin, Policeman Xiao Wang, he, he, he threatened me while I was going to see a doctor, saying that if I didn't do what he said to publicize, he wouldn't treat me. If I did what he said,

To promote it, he gave me fifty yuan.”

"So you are jealous when you see Qian, and you are claiming that Master Jiujin has already had a relationship with him?"

"Police Officer Xiao Wang, he asked me to say this. I thought Master Jiu Jin had really, really already been with him..."

Ask the doctor in glasses with one finger.

This chapter has been completed!
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