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Chapter 390 Tang Qing is even more uncomfortable

Although Li Ya left Shancheng and returned to the provincial capital, before leaving, she once again visited the relevant personnel of the hospital, from the director to the doctors, nurses, and even the security guards and cleaners. As long as she knew the personnel related to Tang Qing's hospitalization, Li Ya

They all visited one by one and gave different gifts according to different magnitudes.

Therefore, the entire hospital paid double attention to Tang Qing. As soon as there was any noise in Tang Qing's ward, everyone immediately became alarmed and entered a state of first-level combat readiness.

Now there was a crisp sound of "bang" and a muffled "bang" in Tang Qing's ward, followed by the cry of Shiba's urine and the whirring of his eldest cousin. Can the whole hospital not be filled with soldiers?

The doctor and nurse on duty rushed into the ward first and rushed to Tang Qing's bedside, completely ignoring the moaning Shiba urine lying on the ground and the inquiring woman.

Before the doctor and nurse on duty could ask Tang Qing, the dean and department director rushed to Tang Qing out of breath.

"Master Jiujin, how are you?"

The dean looked panicked, worried that something might happen to Tang Qing?


Tang Qing didn't expect that his small move would bring about such a big reaction. Not only would Shibapi and the woman Bao Qing have a violent collision, but it would also alarm the dean.

"Master Jiujin, if you have any problems, please tell us in time no matter what. Our hospital can't solve it. Manager Li will promptly mobilize experts from the provincial capital. If necessary, experts from the northern metropolis will also be mobilized."

"It's nothing, it's really nothing, I'm sorry to bother you."

"Master Jiujin, please don't be polite. You are a celebrity in our city, and we should serve you well. Besides, Manager Li Ya takes special care of us and must treat you as his own father and mother. If anything goes wrong with you

, we can’t afford it.”

"Dean, when can I be discharged from the hospital?"

"Master Jiujin, is there something we didn't do well?"

"You guys did a great job, but I feel a little homesick after staying in the hospital for so long."

"Master Jiujin, you have only been in the hospital for half a month. Did you know? There are many people who stay in the hospital all year round, but they are not sick at all."

"Dean, you'd better let me leave the hospital. I want to go home to recuperate."

"Master Jiujin, just think of our hospital as your home. Whatever you need or want, just ask and I will do my best to satisfy you and make you feel like home."

"Dean, I know that what I am suffering from is just a flesh and blood injury, not a chronic disease. You'd better give me some medicine and let me go home to recuperate."

"Master Jiujin, you are making things difficult for me. I don't dare to let you out of the hospital without Manager Li Ya's permission."

"Okay, then you go and do your work. I have nothing to do here and I want to take a nap."

"Master Jiujin, then you have a rest and have a good rest. Hey, everyone, go out. No one is allowed to stay in the ward. No one can come in unless Master Jiujin calls someone."

The dean, the doctor, and the nurse exited the ward, and the security guard who arrived later took a pee and left the ward with his eldest cousin.

The woman who had inquired was not allowed to stay in the ward to accompany Tang Qing, so Jian Qiang had to help her out of the ward.

Xiaoqiang refused to leave the ward, so the two nurses transformed into kindergarten aunts, patiently persuaded Xiaoqiang, and even offered to buy him toys.

After the hospital cleaners gently cleaned up the broken glass on the floor, they cleaned every corner of the ward again, for fear that Tang Qing would find it dirty.

The ward returned to tranquility, but Tang Qing was as panic-stricken as a hundred insects scratching her heart, and she was so uncomfortable that she was about to explode. If she hadn't been unable to move, she could only lie on the hospital bed and hold her breath, otherwise she would have packed up and left, no matter what the dean did.


Li Ya, Li Ya, are you doing something good for me or do you want to expose me to injustice?

You spared no expense and mobilized all your connections and resources to save my life. I am very grateful, but there is no need for you to go too far?

Maybe I am too pretentious, too pretentious, and too ignorant!

You should be happy that the hospital is surrounding you all the way up and down, worshiping you like a great Bodhisattva. People can't even ask for such a treatment.

Alas, everyone has his or her own ambitions. I just want to have a clear conscience when doing things. I would rather let others down than others let me down.

Li Li, Li Li, how are you doing?

If you say you're leaving Shancheng, leave Shancheng; if you say you won't come back, then you won't come back.

To you, I am open-minded.

With you, I am happy.

I wanted to ask for some clues about your whereabouts through the Shiba urine, but I didn't know that this unattractive turd egg failed to accomplish anything but failed, and I was left alone without even asking a word.

Li Li, no matter what, I must find you and find a way to get you back to Yancheng, otherwise the panic caused by Li Ya will never get rid of in my heart.

Alas, there was originally an inquiring woman by my side, through whom I could talk a few words, learn about the outside world, and find a certain person through her.

It's better now. I'm completely alone. The only people who come in and out are medical staff. I administer medicines and hang up the saline solution when the time comes to remove it. Anyway, I can't eat yet, there is no poop to poop, and the urine is in the catheter bag.

, everything is programmed and mechanized.

Originally, I was in a coma, and it didn't matter that I didn't know anything. But now, apart from being unable to move or eat, my brain has returned to normal, and my thinking is even more active than before. This may have something to do with lying in bed all day with nothing to do, just thinking about things.

Think about every corner.

Alas, when will such days end?

"Mom, don't sigh, I'm here."


Tang Qing looked at the little head sticking out from under the bed head, and was extremely surprised.

"Mom, don't worry, they didn't see me coming in."

"How did you get in?"

"Just now the nurse came in to give you salt water, so I sneaked in and hid in the bathroom first."

"You are just naughty."

"Mom, didn't you say naughty children are smart?"

"Then you can't go shopping randomly."

"Mom, I didn't go shopping. I miss my mother. I want to be with my mother."

"Xiaoqiang, have you done your summer homework?"

"Mom, I've already done this. In addition to attending interest classes these days, I also preview the new semester's textbooks at night."

"Well, okay, my Xiaoqiang is great. By the way, why don't you go to the hobby class today?"

"Mom, today is Sunday, there are no interest classes."

"Okay, then you should have a good rest for a day and talk to your mother."

"Mom, why doesn't Uncle Dean let everyone come in to see you again?"

"He's afraid that everyone will disturb me so I can rest."

"Mom, it's better to be quiet this way, so that Uncle Shiba and Aunt Shiba will not bother you."

"Come to bother me? What do you mean? Did you hear something from the adults?"

"Mom, did you know? Uncle Shiba, my eldest cousin, and Aunt Silly Gu, it wasn't actually Auntie Shanghai who called them to come back and visit you."

"Did they know that I came back after being hospitalized?"

"No, they didn't know you were injured and in the hospital. They wanted to find Aunt Li Ya, so they returned to Yancheng."

"They want to find your Aunt Li Ya? Why are they looking for her?"

"It seems that he wants to ask Li Ya to help with something."

"What happened?"

"Mom, I only heard that Uncle Shiba and his eldest cousin wanted to work for Aunt Li Ya as general manager? Aunt Shanghai and Sha Gu wanted to ask Aunt Li Ya to help them fish, fish, fish..."

"Capture people? Capture your uncle who kills pigs and uncle Da Mao?"

"Yes, yes, they said Li, Li, Li what? Because Aunt Li Ya has a relationship, she doesn't need to be shot, so what does she need to reduce, reduce, reduce?"

"Reduced sentence?"

"Yes, yes, mom, why are you so powerful? You know everything?"

"Did they say that Li Zhen didn't need to be shot and also reduced his sentence?"

"Mom, you are even better than Grandpa Carpenter Wang, and your fortune telling is more accurate than his."

"Xiaoqiang, if you heard anything else, tell mom immediately!"

(End of chapter)

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