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Chapter 48

"Director Liu, how can I be compared with Master Jiujin? Master Jiujin is a real immortal descended to the earth, possessed by a Vajra. Even my father, a half-immortal, is ashamed of himself and is willing to be inferior. I think back then, who had my father's long braids?

People dare to move? Only Master Jiujin can cut it cleanly with one scissor, completely..."

When Carpenter Wang heard that Director Liu said that he could pinch and count, he became excited.

"Yeah, yeah, well said, very well said. It seems that I have to give Wang Banxian's son a razor today, and give it a clean and thorough shave!"

Tang Qing didn't wait for Carpenter Wang to finish speaking, and took out the razor from his trouser pocket.

"No, no, no, Master Jiujin, you are tired today. You need a good rest. You need a good rest. I will report to the People's Barber Shop tomorrow and take the initiative to deliver it to your door for you to have a clean and thorough treatment."

Carpenter Wang explained hurriedly, wishing that his thin monkey head would get under the table.

"Grandpa, who are you talking about? You'd better drink your wine and listen to what Director Liu has to say about business."

Wang Xinjie couldn't bear to hear her grandpa talk nonsense, and she couldn't bear to see her grandpa make a fool of himself in front of the public.

Tang Qing understood what Wang Xinjie was thinking. She didn't want Carpenter Wang to be ugly in the first place, but if he didn't stop it in time, Carpenter Wang would be nagging him forever. Director Liu said that he might not be able to do anything serious until dawn, so he said to Carpenter Wang with a smile:

"Master Wang, I'm joking with you on purpose, because otherwise, our Xinjie might not be able to speak tonight."

"Master Jiujin, why do you want me to speak?"

"Because the serious matter that Director Liu wants to say has something to do with you, and it is very important. It is related to the future rise and fall of the Li family."

"Master Jiujin, you can't, don't scare me."

"Xinjie, how could I scare you? Ask Director Liu if she is going to tell Li Ya about the demolition of her old house in Luteishan tonight?"



Wang Xinjie and Li Ya stood up from their stools at the same time, looking at Tang Qing in surprise.

"You two, don't look at me like this. If you don't believe me, ask Director Liu. Director Liu, am I right?"

Tang Qing smiled at Li Ya and Wang Xinjie, and winked at Director Liu.

"Master Jiujin, you are really..."

Just as Director Liu spoke, Tang Qing interrupted her and said to her with a smile:

"Director Liu, am I really an immortal descended to earth, possessed by a King Kong? Let me tell you, I'm not, I'm just an ordinary barber."

"Master Jiujin, how do you know that I'm here to talk to Manager Li Ya about business? How do you know that this business is about the demolition of the Li family's old house in Lutei Mountain? Are you really a prophet who knows what's going to happen?"

"Director Liu, the so-called prophet who predicts events like a god is actually the summary of experience and the result of careful observation."

"Master Jiujin, you are humble, I really admire you."

"Director Liu, you'd better get down to business. Our Manager Li and Beauty Xinjie can't wait any longer. Hey, you two, sit down and listen to what Director Liu is saying."

Tang Qing pulled the clothes of Li Ya and Wang Xinjie, and they sat on her left and right respectively.

"Director Liu, please tell me quickly."

"Director Liu, is the Li family's old house in Luteishan really going to be demolished?"

Li Ya and Wang Xinjie asked Director Liu impatiently with their buttocks on the stool.

"Manager Li, Xinjie, before we get down to business, I still want to hear from Master Jiujin how she knew that the Li family's old house in Luteishan was going to be demolished?"

Director Liu's curiosity is no less than that of young people.

"Oh, you, the chief director, are competing with me? Okay, I'll answer you straight away. You came to the People's Barber Shop twice during the day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. When you left in the afternoon, you told me not to

I'm too tired. You should pay more attention to your health. This shows that your leader cares about us people. So far today, he should not come to visit me again. But just as Li Ya arrived at the People's Barber Shop, you arrived just after her. It doesn't mean that you are going after Li Ya.

Are you here?"

"This is simple. The key point is how did you know that Luteishan's old house was going to be demolished? I came to see Manager Li about this matter?"

"My Director Liu, this is even simpler. You will definitely not come to Li Ya for investment matters. You will not come to Li Ya for trivial matters. You will come to Li Ya only if the old house of the Li family in Lutei Mountain is to be demolished.

Li Ya."

"Master Jiujin, if the old house of the Li family in Lutei Mountain is to be demolished, shouldn't Director Liu ask my sister?"

Li Ya interrupted.

"Liya, can your sister, Director Liu, be found? If she wants to find her, you have to stop her, right?"

"Master Jiujin, you?"

"Liya, I have nothing to say. You and your sister must have something to hide. You don't want to say more, and I won't ask more questions. It's just that the demolition of the Li family's old house in Luteishan is inevitable this time. You must ask your sister to come back.

, we must not let the old house of the Li family be destroyed in your hands, or in the hands of your sister."

"Master Jiujin, are you sure that the Li family's old house in Luteishan must be demolished this time?"

Wang Xinjie stood up awkwardly.

"Xinjie, if the wind blows for a long time, it will definitely rain. Wolf is coming, wolf is coming. If you cry for a long time, the wolf will definitely come. However, can you keep the Li family's old house in Lutei Mountain? Do you want to keep it?

The old residence of the Li family in Lutei Mountain is located between sisters Li Li and Li Ya."

"Master Jiujin, it's up to me whether I can keep it or not?"

"Master Jiujin, do you want to keep us sisters? What do you mean?"

Li Ya also stood up and asked Tang Qing anxiously together with Wang Xinjie.

"Can you two beauties sit down and talk? With your beautiful figures standing next to me, are you deliberately trying to contrast the fatness of me, a fat woman?"

"No, no, no, I don't mean that."

Wang Xinjie hurriedly explained.

"It's already this time, do you still have the heart to joke?"

Li Ya pouted and blamed Tang Qing.

After Tang Qing smiled faintly at Li Ya, he said half-seriously:

"When? Is it urgent or boring? If it's urgent, wouldn't you still be unwilling to reveal even a little bit of your sister's whereabouts? If it's boring, I'd say this is really boring. As an outsider, why should I worry about it?

What? What does it have to do with me whether the old house of the Li family in Lutei Mountain is demolished or not? The emperor is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is!"

"Master Jiujin, you will definitely know about my sister when the time comes. Can you first tell me whether the old house of the Li family in Luteishan can be kept by Yu Xinjie, and do you want to keep Yu Xinjie as our sister?"

"Do I need to say more about this? Do you and Xinjie, who are highly educated, still have higher IQs than me, a barber?"

"What's wrong with you? Have you suddenly become so sour in your speech? I don't think you were jealous tonight?"

"Liya, don't pay attention to her. The more you give her face, the higher her tail will rise. Who is she?"

Tang Qing's father couldn't stand listening, and the wine cup in his hand hit the dining table heavily.

"Okay, I'm not a human, I'm a pig, a cat, and a dog, and the people who gave birth to me were also pigs, cats, and dogs. Xiaoqiang, let's go home!"

Tang Qing stood up as he spoke, took Xiaoqiang's hand and walked out of the Tang family courtyard without looking back.

"This, this, this child! Li Ya, Director Liu, please don't be offended. She has such a bad temper. She was spoiled by her grandfather since she was a child."

Tang Qing's mother hurriedly came over to apologize to Li Ya and Director Liu.

"Master Tang, I don't think Master Jiujin can be blamed for this. She did it out of necessity."

Carpenter Wang had been having a drink with Eunuch Tang Qing since he was startled by Tang Qing just now. This sentence came out of nowhere and immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

"It's a last resort? What do you mean? Could it be that we have offended her? Please explain it to us clearly!"

Tang Qing's father had just been robbed by Tang Qing, and he was still angry. Wang Carpenter became the target for him to vent his anger.

"Grandpa, have you drunk too much? Go back to bed quickly."

When Wang Xinjie saw Tang Qing's father turning his attention to Carpenter Wang, she hurriedly went over to pull her grandfather away.

"Xinjie, there's only half a bottle of wine in total. He poured half of it himself, and Grandpa Xiaoqiang and I drank half of it. Do you think I can drink too much? But it doesn't matter if I don't drink this kind of wine. I only pretend to be cool and scold Master Jiujin all day long.

What is it?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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