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Chapter 99 The Full Moon Wine Storm

"Master Jiujin, welcome, thank you for coming to support me!"

"I'm not here to cheer you up, I'm here to give your son face."

Tang Qing handed the contractor a red envelope and a large paper bag.

Today, the contractor's son is one month old. Tang Qing didn't want to come to this big hotel to drink some full moon wine, but what the foreman said made her have to come.

When the contractor invited Tang Qing, he said that someone would come to drink his son's full-moon wine. This person might be the one who set Li Li up.

"Master Jiujin, I'm so excited that you can come, why do you want to return the red envelope? This?"

The foreman took Tang Qing's red envelope in one hand and raised the big paper bag in the other and looked at Tang Qing doubtfully.

"The red envelope is a little thought from my grandma to my grandson. The money in the paper bag is the medical expenses you advanced for the butcher and the Shanghai aunt. Thank you!"

Tang Qing walked into the golden banquet hall of the hotel by himself.

Mom, there are so many lights and the room is so bright. How much will the electricity bill cost?

Is the quilt on the floor? No, the quilt may be soft, but it cannot be elastic. It is probably Simmons. It is said that Simmons is both soft and elastic. Grandma is a bear. When she has enough money, she will go there too.

Buy a Simmons to sleep on, maybe the dreams you have while sleeping on Simmons will be sweet dreams.

Tang Qing has been to the hotel before, but this is the first time he has entered this luxurious golden banquet hall.

In the past, weddings held by relatives and friends were often held in the large restaurant on the first floor of a hotel. Who can afford to hold the golden banquet hall on the fifth floor? It is said that the rental fee for a single venue is 88,000.

A stage was set up directly above the golden banquet hall, with eight big characters written in the center of the stage, "The baby is one month old today!"

Colorful lights and colorful balloons surround the eight red festive characters.

Above and below the large characters are photos of the contractor and the secretary holding their son.

In the photo, the foreman has a cheerful face and is high-spirited; the little secretary is charming and full of happiness; the son is chubby and very cute.

On the stage, a girl in a white dress was playing the piano, and a group of children stood neatly on both sides of the stage and sang children's songs.

"I'd better go."

Tang Qing felt dizzy and turned to leave.

"Master Jiujin, the ceremony will begin soon. Go and sit down quickly."

After greeting the guests at the door, the contractor walked into the banquet hall and bumped into Tang Qing who was about to go out.

"The store is busy, I'll leave first."

Tang Qing walked around the contractor and walked out.

"Master Jiujin, you can't leave. There is an important part of the ceremony that requires you to appear."

The contractor stopped Tang Qing.

"What kind of situation can I, a guy with a shaved head, get into?"

Tang Qing reached out and pushed the foreman.

"You can't leave!"

Li Li stood in front of Tang Qing.

"Why can't I leave?"

For some reason, Tang Qing was a little disgusted with Li Li's tone.

There was an undeniable sense of command in Li Li's tone, and she had an arrogant look on her face, looking down at Tang Qing.

Although Tang Qing felt a sense of oppression, her heart was surprisingly calm and calm. This was a mentality she had never had when facing Li Li before.

"You just can't leave!"

Li Li's tone and demeanor remained the same.

"I just want to leave!"

Tang Qing continued to walk out.

"If you walk out of here today, we will break up from now on!"

Li Li spoke word by word, her stiff voice incompatible with the elegant piano music and the children's heavenly voices.

Tang Qing strode out of the banquet hall without looking back.

"Master Jiujin, wait, wait, I want to ask you to shave the baby's full-month head."

The contractor caught up.

"I only know how to shave my vagina!"

Tang Qing did not stop.

"Master Jiujin, you are joking, you are joking, it's all because I didn't tell you in advance. I originally wanted to tell you, but my aunt said that if I told you in advance, you would definitely not come. Master Jiujin, I

I’ll give you some favor money, isn’t ten thousand yuan enough favor money?”

The contractor hotly pursued Tang Qing.

"Please give me this profit money when I shave my vagina!"

Tang Qing walked to the entrance of the hotel.

"Master Jiujin, if you don't give me face, you have to give it to my aunt, right?"

"I don't need to give anyone face!"

"Master Jiujin, the person who set a trap for my aunt is also here today."

"What does it have to do with me?"

"Master Jiujin, won't you help my aunt bring down that man?"

"I have no obligation!"

Tang Qing walked out of the hotel proudly, leaving the contractor standing at the door anxiously.

"Aunt Shanghai, do you feel better?"

Tang Qing came out of the hotel and went directly to the hospital ward.

"Master Jiujin, Ala is much better. Thanks to Nong for taking care of and helping her these days. Nong is Ala's reborn parent, and Ala will never be able to repay her fully in the next life."

"Aunt Shanghai, you are still polite to me. The doctor said that you can be discharged after a few more days of observation."

"Ara has long wanted to be discharged from the hospital. Even if you are lying in this hospital, you will get sick even if you are not sick."

"Aunt Shanghai, if you are at ease, please give me the key to your home and I will go and clean it for you in the next two days."

"Master Jiujin, why are you worried about Xin Nong? If no one lives in the house for more than a month, it must be in a mess. I'm embarrassed to say this."

"Aunt Shanghai, Master Jiujin, you really don't have to be polite here. She is closer than my mother, and she will be the biological mother of both of us from now on!"

The butcher walked into the ward on crutches.

"Master Jiujin is indeed closer than Nong's mother, but Ala has never even met her own mother. I thought that after meeting Nong, a pig butcher, Ala would enjoy some blessings in the rest of his life, but he didn't expect to sleep in bed.


Aunt Shanghai shed tears.

"Hey, Pig Killer, you can call me like a mother, but you're not afraid of calling me to death. I'm younger than you, and I don't want to go ahead of you!"

Tang Qing scolded the pig killer.

"Master Jiujin, can I use an analogy?"

The pig-butcher lowered his head.

"Aunt Shanghai, Nong's favorite chicken soup is here!"

The silly girl walked into the ward holding a thermos jar in her hand.

After the pig-butcher and Shanghai Aunt were hospitalized, Tang Qing had no time to take care of them every day. Lao Longtou, Wang Carpenter, and Damao took care of the pig-butcher in separate shifts, and Tang Qing's mother, mother-in-law, and silly aunt took care of Shanghai Aunt in separate shifts.

Neighbors also often come to visit Pig Butcher and Shanghai Auntie, and take care of them when they have time.

Knowing that the butcher and the Shanghai aunt had a car accident, Fatty Sun cooked a Yancheng special dish and snacks every day.

Today, Fatty Sun cooked chicken soup for his aunt in Shanghai and sent it downstairs, asking the silly aunt to go down and get it.

"This chicken soup cooked by Fatty Sun is just different. Why is it so fragrant? Come on, Auntie Shanghai, eat it while it's hot!"

The silly aunt opened the thermos cup and fed Auntie Shanghai.

Chicken soup is also a special snack in Yancheng, and its cooking method is different from other places.

In addition to adding chicken offal and starch, Yancheng chicken soup also adds rice cakes, pressed noodles, tofu and green vegetables. In addition to the deliciousness of chicken soup, it also has an authentic local flavor of Yancheng. It will be unforgettable for a long time after eating it.


Tang Qing didn't have dinner, and now she could smell the chicken juice soup, and her stomach kept growling. She had originally gone to drink the full moon wine from the contractor's son tonight, but she didn't have lunch on purpose because she wanted to spend more time in the big hotel.

I ate some good food but ended up in the soup. I gave out red envelopes and fetched water from bamboo baskets, but all was empty. I went to the hospital hungry.

"Pig-butcher, why did you come here? Fatty Sun made salt and pepper creek fish for you tonight and asked you to make it as a snack."

Da Mao walked into the ward, saw that Tang Qing was there, and continued:

"Master Jiu Jin, have you finished the full moon wine so quickly? It seems that the contractor is just blowing the air, saying that he booked the golden banquet hall of the hotel to hold the full moon wine for his son."

"Pig-killer, you go back to your ward to have dinner. Since Fatty Sun has made salt and pepper creek fish, you and Da Mao Laojiu should be more careful."

Tang Qing wanted to send Da Mao and the Pig Killer away, but he was afraid that they would not keep the door open and say something that would make Aunt Shanghai sad. Who knows what he was afraid of, Da Mao grinned and said loudly:

"Master Jiujin, what's the point of drinking the full-moon wine from the foreman's son? That son is not his biological son. He has no use for himself. He blames the Shanghai aunt for not being able to give birth."

This chapter has been completed!
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