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160. Chapter 160 Mushrooms and bamboo shoots are good ingredients

160. Chapter 160 Mushrooms and bamboo shoots are all very good ingredients (please vote for me, please vote for recommendations)

Author: Lao Tuo

Chapter 160 Mushrooms and bamboo shoots are all very good ingredients (please vote for me, please vote for recommendations)

At night, Zhang Wentao slept soundly and comfortably.

When he woke up, he was scratching his head and head. He had been thinking about the chickens outside for a long time.

He was not in a hurry to get up. Surprisingly, he chose to stay in bed for a while longer. It was not until the sky turned bright and the morning sun appeared that he went to the bathroom.

After a simple wash, lather your face, and then use a razor to carefully shave the beard on your face.

If it hadn't been for this piece of crap yesterday...

Xu Hongdou will not wake up suddenly...

Looking at the shaved stubble, Zhang Wentao frowned, as if he was summing up experience and lessons.

After finishing his work, he looked in the mirror and checked left and right to make sure that he was completely shaved, then returned to the room, put on clean quick-drying clothes, put on a light coat, quietly opened the door, and came to the restaurant.

After drinking the iced Americano in my hand, I figured it was almost time, so I went to the second floor to wake up Xu Hongdou.

Xu Hongdou was woken up and soon appeared in the kitchen. There was already a hot cup of coffee on the dining table quietly waiting for its owner.

She picked it up sleepily and took a sip. The temperature was just right.

However, as if he had reacted to something, he raised his eyebrows and looked at the coffee in the other person's hand.

After realizing that it was also steaming with steam, I felt relieved.

In the early morning, her lazy appearance was different from her charming appearance at night, and she had a different smell that made people feel pity. Zhang Wentao reached out and slowly stroked her black hair, and deliberately showed the other party his cup.

He even came closer in a low voice: "Look, it's just as hot as you."

The woman rolled her eyes at the other person.

The man retracted his smile, sat up straight, and lowered his hands.

I sighed secretly: This woman is too smart...

The woman smiled faintly, leaned on the other person's shoulder, and said, "What are you going to have for breakfast today?"

"It will be all right."

"You can call it whatever you want?"

"What about the thin bean flour? Forget about the rice noodles..."

The woman nodded, took another sip of coffee and then looked up through the terrace of the restaurant to the colorful clouds on the horizon. In front of the colorful clouds was an ancient tree with lush branches. The branches hanging with wind chimes hung slightly low, but

It can still sway with the wind.

And there are two exotic wind chimes, close together.

They hung quietly under the branches and talked to each other.

The back door of the restaurant is open.

Xie Liang came here early in the morning and took advantage of the morning break to practice his knife skills.

It can be seen that he has worked hard and made progress.

When he saw Zhang Wentao walking in, he was stunned for a moment, then quickly put down the knife in his hand and said: "Chef, are you back?!"

Hearing the slight joy in the other party's tone, Zhang Wentao frowned.

Walking up to Xie Liang, he casually looked at what the other party had cut, and then asked lightly: "How are you these days?"

"Chef, it's very good. But you have been away for the past three days, and we have been busy. Fortunately, we had a day off yesterday, otherwise Shi..." Xie Liang kept talking, but Zhang Wentao glanced at him and closed his eyes.


"Who asked you this? I'm asking how you are doing."

Xie Liang was very surprised. He suddenly felt that the chef seemed to have undergone some changes after disappearing for a few days.

"I..." He was still hesitating, but after feeling his eyes gradually become stern, he quickly said: "I'm fine, but when everyone is busy, I... I can only do the most basic work."

"Oh." Zhang Wentao was not surprised by this answer. Xie Liang had only been in the kitchen for a long time. He had no talent and was not good at basic skills. He was pretty good at doing some chores.

"Pack up your things and follow me to take inventory later."

"Okay, chef."

Zhang Wentao nodded, came to the dressing room, took off his coat, took out the white and clean chef's clothes from the hanger in the cabinet, put them on, lowered his head and tied each hole carefully, and then took out a signature pen from the cabinet.

And the notebook I usually use in the kitchen.

With a smile on your face, you pinned your pen and took a deep breath.

When I opened my eyes again, they were bright and clear.

Xu Hongdou changed into a pair in the room at 9 o'clock in the morning.

A plaid shirt jacket, black waistband, a pair of jeans, and a high ponytail.

Looking at herself in the mirror, remembering someone's ridicule that day, she looked at herself with a frown and murmured: "This guy is really, where is the rubbish..."

"Hongdou, are you ready?"

Outside the house, Nana's voice came.

"Here we come." Xu Hongdou picked up her bag with a smile on her face and opened the door. In the courtyard under the bright sun, amid the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, Nana and Damai were already waiting for her to go to the small restaurant together.

"Da Mai, why did you come over so early?"

He came to his friend and smiled.

"Well, yes."

Damai gently patted the computer in his arms and said with a timid smile: "I'm going to write a script with Sunzi, hehe."

Nana interjected: "Hongdou, you don't know that Sunzi thinks Damai is very talented in this area. He has always said that with Damai's help, he will definitely write a good script."

Xu Hongdou nodded to Damai with a knowing smile, clenched her fists and encouraged him.

During the chat last night, she was surprised when she learned that the other party actually participated in the production of the promotional video.

But now it seems that Da Mai is quite enjoying it.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have gotten up so early.

She thought that although the other party would go to the restaurant, he would wait until the afternoon.

"Let's leave quickly."

Hearing the praise and seeing the encouragement, the timid smile on Damai's face gradually became brighter and he said softly.

"Well, let's go quickly." Xu Hongdou smiled and took the hands of the two of them as they stepped forward. The three of them walked out of the small courtyard that Aunt Agui had carefully taken care of, and passed through the criss-crossing stone roads of Yunmiao Village.

Talking and laughing, we arrived at the golden rapeseed field.

On the road, there were already many villagers driving or riding bicycles or carrying baskets on their backs.

On the roadside, there are also hard-working farmers, with a towel draped over their shoulders and straw hats on their heads, working in the fields.

In the middle of the road, three people were chatting and laughing about the script that Ye Sen had written before.

In fact, in the eyes of Nana and Xu Hongdou, this script is really funny. Many scenes in the script can resonate with them. But the attitude given by Damai made Xu Hongdou feel like he saw Zhang Wentao's stinky face.


"No, Sister Hongdou, Ye Sen's one can only resonate with you. The promotional video will make more people who watch it feel spiritually yearning, evoke their memories in their minds, and make them feel emotionally moved.


"So that they can impress, or act."

Damai explained seriously.

"That's it. Damai, you are so awesome. Writers are indeed different." Xu Hongdou looked at the interviewer with a smile.

Damai didn't say anything, and after a while he smiled and said, "Sister Sunzi told me these, and I just learned about them."

"Zunzi knows a lot."

Damai thought for a while and then said.

"By the way, Hongdou, let me tell you something interesting." When Nana heard Damai mention bamboo shoots, she suddenly thought of something and smiled even more happily: "You know, Grandma Caiyun and Grandma Xiuying are called

What are bamboo shoots?"

Xu Hongdou shook his head and asked curiously: "What is it called?"

"They called her Fungus, haha, and they called her many times," Nana said with a smile.

"Mushrooms? Bamboo shoots?"

"Well, yes, Bamboo's mother's name is Zhuzi."

Just woke up, come on!

Thank you for your support.

(End of chapter)

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