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160. Chapter 160 Three visits to trouble the world, and two dynasties to help veterans

160.Chapter 160 Three Gu frequently troubled the world, and two dynasties opened the hearts of the old ministers

Author: An Jing l

Chapter 160 Three Gus frequently troubled the world, and two dynasties opened the hearts of veterans

[Wang Meng is known as "the first person to surpass Zhuge Liang", but his reputation in later generations is far less than that of Zhuge Liang. ]

[This involves factors such as the environment, teammates and opponents, but there is also a very important reason: that is, Liu Bei, whom Zhuge Liang served, is regarded by many later generations as the orthodox Han Dynasty, while Wang Meng served a foreign race.

But no matter what, there is no doubt about Wang Meng’s strength and achievements, and he deserves to be ranked fourth among the top ten famous figures in history!】

"Wang Meng is really powerful, but because the Jin Dynasty only valued noble families, it was impossible for Wang Meng, an ordinary person, to serve as an official in the Jin Dynasty."

"Yes, it's a pity."

"Alas, Fu Jian's defeat helped Xie An, and Wang Meng's life's hard work was wasted."

"Although Emperor Fu Jian was from the Di ethnic group, he advocated that 'Li Yuan should be fussed, Yi Di should be harmonious', and reused Han scholars such as Wang Meng, Quan Yi, and Deng Qiang. He also advocated Confucianism, established education, and relied on the political and cultural traditions of the Han people

If he claims to be his successor, then he should be a member of our Chinese nation."

"It makes sense. Anyone who inherits our Chinese spirit and knowledge should be a member of our Chinese nation."

"I don't agree with this view! After all, people who are not of my race must have different minds!"


People have been arguing for a long time, and everyone has their own unique understanding, which should be a good thing.

Only with an open mind and a hundred schools of thought contending can thought progress.

The short rest time passed quickly, and amidst everyone's discussion, the next person to be counted appeared on the stage!

in the screen,

A nine-foot-tall young man, with a face like the sunset, translucent purple, a sword-shaped eyebrow thrust into the sky, and eyes like bright stars, pushed a four-wheeled cart and slowly walked to the top of the mountain.

Sitting on the four-wheeled vehicle is an "old man" with gray beard and gray hair. He is wearing a silk scarf, a crane cloak, and a feather fan. It can still be seen that he is a handsome guy with handsome appearance.

[Hello everyone, welcome to this short video: taking stock of the top ten famous figures in history!]

[Producer: Su Qian]

[Third among the top ten famous figures in history: Wo Long, Zhuge Liang!]

The title disappeared, and "The Prime Minister of Shu" from Du Fu slowly appeared in the center of the screen.

[Where can I find the Prime Minister’s Ancestral Hall? There is a lot of trees outside Jinguan City.]

[The green grass reflects the spring color on the steps, and the oriole sounds good in the sky through the leaves.]

[Three visits frequently troubled the world, and two dynasties opened the hearts of old ministers.]

[Died before leaving the army, which makes the hero burst into tears.]

"Zhuge Liang finally appears!"

"Although Zhuge Liang is overly mythical in the novel, his contribution to history is still very dazzling!"

"Although Zhuge Liang is not perfect, he represents a spirit of China, just like Brother Guan, who is revered as the Martial Saint!"

"It is undeniable that Liu Bei only started to take off after meeting Zhuge Liang, so Zhuge Liang cannot be the kind of useless person that some people say!"

"I am a commoner, and I work hard in Nanyang. I live my life in troubled times, and I do not seek to learn and reach the princes."

When reading "Biao Shi" again, people think of Zhuge Kongming, the prime minister of the Shu Han Dynasty, who said "he died before he left the army", and I couldn't help but burst into tears.

It can be said that without Zhuge Liang assisting Liu Bei in establishing the foundation, there would be no Shu Kingdom in the future.

Zhuge Liang's spirit of "dedicated himself to death" is one of the essences of the Chinese nation. It has nourished and influenced tens of thousands of people for thousands of years and is of extremely important significance to later generations' politics, literati character shaping, economy, people's livelihood and other aspects.

[As the pioneer of the revitalization of the Shu Han Dynasty, Zhuge Liang made great efforts in politics, military, employment, economy and other aspects, laying an important foundation for dividing the world into three parts.

While governing, Zhuge Liang always firmly believed in restoring the Han Dynasty. It can be seen that Zhuge Liang was not only the glorious founder of the Shu Han Dynasty, but also an idealist who wanted to change his fate against nature.

Zhuge Liang's reputation is unquestionable, and he is praised by countless people as the embodiment of wisdom. But as his reputation grows, doubts will always follow.

Next, let me take a look at Zhuge Liang’s merits and demerits in this life.】

In the video, Jiang Wei pushes Zhuge Liang down from the top of the mountain.

When the scene turned around, people discovered that the person sitting on the four-wheeled vehicle was actually a wooden figure carved from wood, but it was only wearing Zhuge Liang's clothes during his lifetime.

"Dead Zhuge Liang scared away the living Zhongda?"

"Hahaha! This is a public execution of Sima Yi!"

"I'm afraid this will become one of the 'famous scenes' that Sima Yi is least willing to mention in the rest of his life, right?"

"Damn it! You Jiang Wei, you actually tricked me with a fake Zhuge Liang!!"

"If you are exposed, please send the order and the whole army will retreat immediately!"

[Zhuge Liang, courtesy name Kongming, nickname Wolong, was born in Yangdu, Langya, Xuzhou, and was the prime minister of the Shu Han Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms period.

Zhuge Liang served under his uncle Zhuge Xuan in his early years. In the second year of Jian'an (197), Zhuge Xuan died, and Zhuge Liang lived in seclusion in Longzhong. He liked to recite "Liang Fu Yin" and often compared himself with Guan Zhong and Le Yi. People at that time regarded him

They all looked down upon him, and only his friends Xu Shu and Cui Zhouping believed in his talent.]

[Then the question is, since Zhuge Liang has such great ambitions and Guan Zhongleyi's talent, why does he stay in Longzhong to farm?

If you want to know the answer, you can find it in the later Longzhong Duili.

Cao Cao was so powerful that he used the emperor to control the princes and was unstoppable. After three generations of Sun Quan, he was full of talents and virtuous people assisted the government. The rest were mediocre lords.

It is estimated that it will be difficult to find a good position for someone who has taken refuge in Sun Quan and Cao Cao and has no reputation. Moreover, there are so many talents, it is estimated that it will be difficult to stand out.

Have great ambitions, understand the rise and fall, and understand the situation.

A dull leader cannot follow him and cannot realize his ideals and values; capable people cannot accept a dull leader. Before meeting the right person, they might as well stay in the mountains and farm.]

[Zhuge Liang was also lucky because he met Liu Bei who was poor, hungry for talents, but also had enough ambition, patience and potential! 】

"Liu Bei is so highly regarded and Zhuge Liang is so powerful, why did he fail to recover the Han Dynasty in the end?" Liu Bang was a little puzzled.

Liu Che and Liu Xiu also had many questions in their minds. They immediately thought of Guan Yu who "lost Jingzhou carelessly" in front of them. "Could it be related to Guan Yu's loss of Jingzhou?"

I have to say that the strength of Liu Bei Group has been on a rollercoaster, which is really closely related to Guan Yu, but at the same time, it is also more or less related to Zhuge Liang.

[Let’s first take a look at Zhuge Liang’s achievements against the Shu Han. 】

[The first great achievement: the decision to determine the three points and win the game.

In the sixth year of Jian'an (201), Liu Bei was defeated by Cao Cao and defected to Liu Biao in Jingzhou.

At that time, Liu Bei was attached to Liu Biao and stationed troops in Xinye.

At this time, Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao and had basically pacified the north. He was eyeing Jingxiang, and Cao Cao's troops were preparing to go south.

Xinye, where Liu Bei was, was the first to bear the brunt and was in danger.

Under this situation, Sima Hui met with Liu Bei and recommended Wolong and Fengchu to Liu Bei.

Later, Zhuge Liang was recommended by Xu Shu, so Liu Bei hoped that Xu Shu would introduce Liang to see him, but Xu Shu suggested: "You can go see this man, but you can't make him come here. The general should condescend to visit him."]

[So Liu Bei visited the thatched cottage three times and finally met Zhuge Liang.]

(End of chapter)

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