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Chapter 44 Out of town

Chapter 44 Leaving the City

Author: Mei Shiniang

Chapter 44 Leaving the City

Holding the steering wheel in hand, they wandered the streets and alleys of this city all day long, looking at the bright lights and feasting outside, but in fact it had nothing to do with them.

They are familiar with this city, and seem to have their finger on the pulse of the city, knowing when it starts to feel sleepy, when it starts to wake up, when it becomes excited, and when it seems lazy again. The rustling of wheels during the day, the rustling of wheels at night.

With their car lights flashing, they passed through the streets one by one, as if they were traveling through the blood vessels of the city.

But in fact, they are marginalized by this city. The rise and fall of this city has little to do with them. What they have left every day is holding the steering wheel and dreaming aimlessly, whether during the day or during the day.

In the dark night, their thoughts were scattered, sleepwalking, somewhat sluggish and numb.

A recent dream circulated in their group of online ride-hailing drivers was that "Youth has no price, Didi goes directly to Lhasa." Many short video bloggers revealed that they had prepaid nearly 10,000 yuan to book a trip to Lhasa.

Video of going to Sanya or Xishuangbanna.

Some online ride-hailing drivers posted screenshots of their rides. One driver from Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province also posted a bill, saying that he took a girl along the G318 Sichuan-Tibet Highway from Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province.

View of Lhasa, Tibet.

The bill posted said: a round trip of 8,000 kilometers, one tank of oil drove 650 kilometers, 8,000 kilometers used 12.3 tanks of oil, each tank of oil was 280 yuan, the total fuel cost was 3,444 yuan, the total toll was 2,200 yuan, the round trip cost was 5,644 yuan, and the passenger paid

He paid 20,000 yuan and made a net profit of 14,354 yuan.

Drivers from Shenzhen and Shanghai also posted their orders to Lhasa and Xishuangbanna.

Such a list makes other online ride-hailing drivers envious, especially the driver from Xuzhou. He is making money, looking at the scenery, and is accompanied by beautiful women. Such a good thing can only be seen in dreams.


For them, a trip to the airport is a big deal now. A trip to Shaoxing or Ningbo across multiple regions is a huge deal. Especially during the day, transportation is so developed now that high-speed rail has been extended to almost every third- and fourth-tier city.

, who still takes a taxi?

It only takes an hour and a half to take the high-speed rail from Hangzhou to Wuhu, and the fare is 120 to 30 yuan. Unexpectedly, there are people who are willing to spend more than three hours and pay several times more than the high-speed rail ticket to book an online appointment.

Che, how could this not make Yu Wenhao shocked and overjoyed?

After starting the car and feeling happy, Yu said hello and the more he thought about it, the more puzzled he became. He became alert. There must be a monster when something strange happens. What is the reason for this guy?

After the car started moving, Brother Wang sat in the passenger seat and began to look down at his mobile phone. While driving, Yu Wenhao picked up his mobile phone and secretly took a picture of Brother Wang from the side, then pretended to remember it.

, shouted:

"Ha, I forgot to tell my family. You are still waiting for me to come back for dinner. It must be midnight when we come back, right? I'll give my family a call."

Brother Wang looked up at him, said nothing, lowered his head and continued to look at the phone.

Yu Wenhao did not call Cao Fang because he was worried that Cao Fang would be worried. Instead, he called Meng Zhen and told her that he was sending a guest to Wuhu.

"Where, brother, where did you say?" Meng Zhen asked.

"Wuhu, Wuhu, Anhui, tell Cao Fang for me and tell me that I won't be back for dinner tonight," Yu Wenhao said.

After hearing this, Meng Zhen immediately felt that something was wrong. Why did he tell Cao Fang himself? Moreover, when did Yu Wenhao leave the car and would he come back for dinner?

Meng Zhen walked away a few steps and asked softly: "Brother, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay, oh, there's something, just a happy event." Yu Wen said with a smile, "As soon as I got out of the car today, I met a big order. He was a customer from the community next to us, and he was leaving the province."

Yu said hello and told Meng Zhen all the key points that needed to be told. After hanging up the phone, he immediately added Brother Wang's WeChat account, and then sent both Brother Wang's WeChat account and photos to Meng Zhen.

After receiving the photo, Meng Zhen immediately understood that Yu was asking him to archive it. He didn't call Cao Fang because he was afraid that Cao Fang would be worried that someone renting a car actually wanted to go to Wuhu in the neighboring province. This was indeed strange. Meng Zhen knew

I had some doubts in my heart when I called to say hello.

If nothing happens, then you really have received a big order, which is a good thing. If something happens, you can find this person directly based on the clues.

Meng Zhen put his cell phone away and decided in his mind that he would call Yu to say hello every hour and check, as long as everything was okay.

At this time, Meng Zhen and Qianqian Cao Fang had already arrived at the riverside. Meng Zhen put away her cell phone and walked back. Cao Fang looked at her, but Meng Zhen didn't say anything to her.

From the Hangcheng North Expressway entrance to the Hangzhou-Changchun Expressway, Brother Wang had already put away his cell phone, tilted his head to the side, and fell asleep.

Yu Wenhao turned to look at him, feeling that his worries seemed a bit unnecessary. This guy looked thin and tender, and a little chubby. He had blurted out before and called him Mr. Wang, which really sounded a bit like him. At first glance, he was from the company.

The boss looks like Lao Yao without a suit, not like a member of society.

With such a person, Yu Wenhao thought, if he really wanted to fight, he might not be his opponent, so what should he worry about? Thinking of this, Yu Wenhao couldn't help but laugh.

Brother Wang's cell phone rang. He was paralyzed there, not even bothering to open his eyes. He took out the cell phone from his trouser pocket, without looking at it, and said feebly: "Hello."

Unable to hear clearly what the other party said, when Yu said hello, he only saw Brother Wang's mouth crooked, smiled, and said:

"Yes, I'm sleeping. I'm already in the car. Don't worry, I'll definitely be in place. What? You can have more, um, um, I'll ask, okay, that's it."

After answering the call, Brother Wang opened his eyes, sat upright, and asked Yu: hello:

"How long have I been asleep?"

Yu Wenhao said: "Not long ago, we just got on the highway."

Brother Wang reached out and slapped himself twice on the face to wake himself up. He then picked up his cell phone and started making calls.

The first call went out and the call went through. Brother Wang said:

"I've already set off. I'll be there in the evening. I'll arrange things here tomorrow. You must arrive tomorrow night. You have to pay the money the day after tomorrow. Right...I don't want to know where you live. I want to

If you know what you are doing, you can make your own arrangements. When the money comes in the day after tomorrow, just wait in the bank, get all the money and leave."

There was a buzzing sound on the other end of the phone. Yu said hello but still couldn't hear what was being said. He only heard Brother Wang continue to say:

"You can get the interest discount first if you want. Depositors have to be with the bankers. Do you want that? That's right, don't be too pretentious. Are you still worried about me?... You promise not to make a fool of yourself or make a fool of me.

It's gone, okay, I know, by the way, is it only 80 million, can you arrange for more... Oh, forget it, that's too troublesome, just 80 million."

After hanging up the phone, Brother Wang made a second call and said to the other party: "Can you arrange the money there? How much? How much can be arranged? Forty million? Forty million is okay. The price? Three thousand."

What did the other party say? Brother Wang suddenly raised his voice: "Fuck you, Qian San is not good enough? You can go in today and go out tomorrow. It only takes two days. Yes, if you want to cum, you can do Qian San in one day."

If you don’t want to go, do you dare to go to the village bank?”

The other party's tone softened, and so did Brother Wang's voice:

"Jiuda Bank, Wuhu... Of course it's reliable. I have my own experience... Yes, if you want to do it, go to Wuhu tomorrow night and open an account early the day after tomorrow to make deposits. That's it. Okay, I'll wait for your call."

Putting down the phone, Brother Wang let out a sigh of relief, and said to Yu: "Awesome, Brother Wang, he does big business, worth tens of millions."

"Shit, it's not my money, I'm just a pimp." Brother Wang snorted.

(End of chapter)

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