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Chapter 552

A piece of snow fell quietly.

The mountains in the distance, the fields on both sides, and the trees along the road were all shrouded in white.

The whole world seemed to fall into silence.

On the official road, a carriage drove slowly.

The coachman was tall and his body swayed slightly with the carriage.

"Hey! Husband."

In the carriage, Sister Huang asked: "Is it still snowing outside?"

King Wei shook the snow off his body and said, "Down!"

Sister Huang stretched out her hand to open the car curtain, looked at the snow-covered scenery outside, and said happily: "The snow in Northern Xinjiang is bigger than this, but Northern Xinjiang looks desolate, and here we look..."

The corners of King Wei's mouth raised slightly, "Northern Xinjiang looks endless, so naturally it feels desolate. There are mountains, villages, and trees here, so it seems to be more popular."

"How do you know what I'm thinking?" Huang Damei glanced at the horse following the carriage with greedy eyes, "Li Er, husband, can I ride this horse?"

King Wei smiled and said, "Let's get to Chang'an soon!"

"There's no one here!" Huang Dame curled her lips, "Hey! Husband."


"I told you not to nag me!"

"No problem!"

Sister Huang said: "I heard that shops in Chang'an are very expensive. I'm afraid I can't afford the rent with the money I brought. But if we don't rent, where will our blacksmith shop be?"

King Wei said nothing.

Huang Damei said earnestly: "It's not enough to just sit back and have nothing. I want to pass on our blacksmith shop to my children! Husband, do you want to pass it on to the eldest or the second?"

King Wei said: "I know some people in Chang'an. I can find shops and the rent is not expensive."



"However, it's hard to repay a favor. We take advantage of others and have to pay it back later. Husband, the burden on your shoulders is very heavy!"


"We need to strike more iron."


"Hey! Husband, look, there is a cow over there!"

"I saw it."

The carriage went all the way to Chang'an City.

"What a big city!"

"Husband, does Your Majesty live there?"


"Then has he ever gone out?"

"Don't worry about it! No one has seen him outside anyway!"

"I don't recognize him even if I see him."

King Wei took his wife to Changxingfang.

The carriage spun around a few times, making Sister Huang dizzy, and finally stopped in a small alley.

"get off!"

King Wei opened the curtain.

Sister Huang jumped down holding the plaque, and her feet became weak as soon as they touched the ground.

Just when she was about to fall, King Wei easily held her waist, "Can you stand still?"

"Yes!" Sister Huang stamped her feet, "Okay."

King Wei thought of the noble girl he met in Chang'an last time. She also sat in a carriage for a long time and needed help when she got off the carriage. After walking for a long time, her blood vessels became smoother, but her feet were still soft.

Sister Huang's feet are definitely weak, but she can grit her teeth and persevere.

King Wei pointed to the side.

Sister Huang looked slowly.

On the right is a shop. The shop is not unusual, but the plaque is interesting.

"Li's Blacksmith Shop?" Huang Damei said happily: "Is it actually someone else's shop?"


A man came over and said, "But Brother Li?"

"It's me."

The man handed over the key, "Here's the key. I'll sign the contract later."

"Easy to say."

King Wei opened the shop and Huang Damei went in holding the plaque.

"It's just like home here. This bellows looks really good! And these pliers."

Sister Huang looked at it happily, and then begged: "Let's change the plaque today!"


King Wei asked a neighbor to borrow a ladder and climbed up.

"Don't damage other people's signs!" Huang Damei stood below with one foot on the ladder.


King Wei punched Li's blacksmith shop into several pieces and fell apart.

"I told you not to break it. What if someone else comes back later?"

Sister Huang was mumbling and handed over the plaque.

King Wei said: "I won't come back."

Later, the two of them went in. Huang Damei was busy lighting a fire and boiling water, "Husband, you need to take a bath before moving. Just wait."


King Wei is in the front yard.

A businessman dressed as a guard bent down and reported, "The villain was built according to the drawings given over there. Those pliers are easy to say, but the iron frame is difficult to restore."

"That's almost it. By the way, how are you in the palace lately?"

The guard said: "Your Majesty recently found a few Taoists to discuss mysteries, but they left after only a few days."

"People are always afraid of death!" King Wei said sarcastically.

"The King of Yue donated a rhinoceros from southern Xinjiang. It was very huge. It is said that there were six at first, but five died on the road."

"He accepted it?"

"Take it, Your Majesty Long Yan is so happy!"

"what else?"

"In the past few months, there have been many people trying to impeach the prince."

"Husband, the water is ready!"


King Wei said to the guards: "Be quiet here!"

"The villain understands."

King Wei turned around and went in.

The guard shook his head, "The king used to look cold and stern, but now he has a bit more life. I'm a little curious about how the woman in the blacksmith shop did it."

In the palace, the emperor was meditating in a quiet room, and the incense burner was filled with smoke.


Someone knocked on the jade chime outside.

The emperor didn't open his eyes, "What's the matter?"

Han Shitou came in and said, "Your Majesty, Jingtai is here to report that King Wei has arrived in Chang'an."


"King Wei came with the woman and went all the way to a blacksmith shop in Changxingfang."

"He still wants to blacksmith?"

There was a hint of sarcasm in the emperor's tone.

"It looks like it is."

The emperor was silent, and Han Shitou bent down slightly, "Your Majesty, do you want to tell Concubine Shu?"

"No need!"


"By the way, don't hold on to the memorials for impeachment of the crown prince yesterday. Scatter them out!"


Han Shitou resigned.

Yesterday, the memorials contained fierce words and were suppressed by the emperor. As soon as King Wei arrived today, they were unblocked. What would happen if King Wei found out?

Do you think the situation you are facing is good?

The false emperor wants to give King Wei a meeting gift!

But the intentions are evil!

Han Shitou smiled as a chamberlain passed by, "Is there something happy for Young Inspector Han?"

"Haha!" Han Shitou smiled.

The most vicious brat of the false emperor is back, and this family is going to be lively.

We are really looking forward to it!

King Wei entered the palace on the second day and asked to see the emperor.

"That woman, do you think she can be your princess?"

The emperor said calmly.


"So you found a bad boy and made a fake household registration?"

"She's just a country girl, she doesn't have any scheming ideas, she just wants to worry about her child."

"Oh! However, his status is too low. I can't afford to disgrace this person!"

King Wei raised his head, "It's the child who spends time with her day and night. It's embarrassing, and it's also the child who's embarrassed!"

The emperor should have scolded him, but he smiled kindly, which made Han Shitou's spine shiver, and then said, "Erlang has been away from me for a long time. I am very happy to be back today. I will reward you with two hundred thousand coins!"

King Wei stood up and said, "Thank you Aye!"

Immediately, King Wei resigned and went to find his mother, Concubine Qiao.

"Aniang, I have found a woman to be my wife."

Before Concubine Shu asked about her son's current situation, she was shocked by this sentence, "You, how dare you not report?"

"Aye wants me to marry Yang's daughter."

"That's the source of trouble!" Concubine Shu sneered mercilessly.


"That woman...tell me."

"Just a blacksmith."

"A blacksmith?" The image of a burly woman appeared in Concubine Shu's mind, and she couldn't help but have black lines all over her head.


"You... like it?"


"That's good!"

When Concubine Shu saw her son, her eyes became more worried, "It may not be a good thing for you to come back this time."

"I know."

"The prince has not been doing well recently."

"Yeah! So I'm here."

"Not the King of Yue."


A simple conversation between mother and son analyzed the situation clearly.

Concubine Shu sat over, stretched out her hand to indicate the height difference between her and her son's shoulders, and said with a smile: "You have grown taller again."

King Wei said helplessly: "Auntie, I am no longer a child."


Concubine Shu is petite and is a typical southern woman. Sitting side by side with her burly son beside her, she looks particularly petite and exquisite.

"Tell me, how did I give birth to such a burly son in the first place!"

King Wei rolled his eyes.

Concubine Shu patted his back and said, "It's me who's pregnant in ten months, and it's me who'll give birth once. It's me who takes care of you, and it's me who cares about you. Yeah!"

"Well! I'll just pretend I don't have a father!"

"Go for it!"

King Wei stood up, bowed, and left.

Concubine Shu sent him out and watched him go away.

Turn around.


"Erlang was actually very talkative when he was little. Whenever he was teased, he would giggle and his whole body would tremble with fat.

As he got older, the women came to make noises and fights every day, and Erlang gradually stopped laughing. He had a gloomy face all day long, looking at those women as if he were looking at dead people.

People say that raising a son will provide for old age, and I wish I could keep my son close to me, but I hope he can leave this hellish place as soon as possible and never come back for the rest of his life.

But there are many things! It’s not up to you.

Now, he is back again.

This time, he was driven into the whirlpool and had to either jump out or fall in. What can I do?"

Concubine Shu came back and sat down.

He put his hands together, pointed into the void, and said piously:

"A faithful woman asks the gods and Buddhas in the sky to bless my son. A faithful woman does not ask for his progress, but only asks for his peace!"

Before King Wei left the palace, a memorial was delivered.

"King Wei is in chaos in the palace."

King Wei stood outside the palace gate, listening to the whispers, and left expressionlessly.

Several memorials entered the palace, causing an uproar.

King Wei took advantage of the opportunity to enter the palace and had an affair with someone in the palace. The matter was discovered by a chamberlain and spread immediately.

All women in the palace have their own masters.

Their master is the Ninth Five Supreme Being.

Zheng Qi and the abbot were drinking tea together. They lowered their heads and looked at the tea. "This is spring tea from the south. Nowadays, the taste is even more mellow."

Yang Songcheng took a sip of tea and asked, "Who initiated the impeachment?"

Zheng Qi said: "I'm going to be a lower official."

"It was a crime to show filial piety to the emperor in the palace." Yang Songcheng squinted, remembering the prince who posthumously awarded the emperor a title.

It was this crime that brought down the Emperor's filial piety and benefited Li Yuan and his son.

"My father-in-law, when he was impeached for his filial piety to the emperor and was impeached for causing chaos in the palace, he didn't even leave the house and didn't dare to defend himself.

People want face, trees want bark!

With such an impeachment, what else can King Wei do? Wait at home and watch your Majesty's people defend him!"

Most people can guess the emperor's intention of bringing King Wei back to Chang'an.

"Your Majesty wanted to use the crown prince to block the king of Yue, so I ordered the prince to be impeached. Treason is a serious crime, how can your majesty still protect him? I have thought about your majesty's methods, but I have never thought that he would imprison the king of Wei. return."

Yang Songcheng laughed at himself, "If it were me, I wouldn't throw my son into the fire pit. This kind of thinking has become a routine, so I didn't expect it!"

The emperor is a scumbag!

"King Wei has a bad reputation in Chang'an, and his reputation for cruelty is feared. The reason why I want to impeach him for causing filth in the palace is an extension of this...

The emperor thinks about it, a violent prince enters and exits the palace unscrupulously, and bullies beautiful palace ladies unscrupulously. This is natural and no one will doubt it."

Zheng Qi smiled happily.

Yang Songcheng said: "We still need to build momentum for this matter."

"The lower official knows, Zhang, don't worry!" Zheng Qi said with a smile: "Even if I can't win him over this time, I have to let him become a street rat!"

Sister Huang walked around the street cautiously and curiously. When she came back, she bought some vegetables.

Clang clang clang!

Before I got home, I heard the sound of iron being struck.

Huang Damei came in and saw King Wei blacksmithing, and said happily: "You have been gone for half a day, and I am still wondering whether you will come back in the evening."

"Just going to visit friends."

King Wei picked up the half-finished hoe, looked at it carefully, and then put it down to hammer.

Huang Damei put down the basket and said: "I was buying vegetables in the market earlier and heard the women say that there was a King Wei in the palace who was very cruel..."

Clang clang clang!

The rhythm of the beating remains steady.

"That King Wei beats people to death at every turn. That's fine. He actually messed up the palace. Hey! Such a person is shameless!"

Clang clang clang!

"Husband, now that there is a lot of noise outside, do you think King Wei still has the nerve to go out?"

"Why don't you have the nerve to go out?" King Wei asked.

Sister Huang said: "What a shame!"

"What if he was wrongly accused?"

"Then we have to wait until Your Majesty goes to find out."

This was how he was filial to the emperor back then. After being impeached and causing chaos in the palace, he stayed behind closed doors.

"If you stay behind closed doors, you won't be innocent."

"What could that be?"

"Maybe it's a glass of poisoned wine!"

King Wei finished laying the hoe. It was night, and the couple went to bed early.

In the early morning of the next day, King Wei had breakfast and said, "I have some business over there. I will come back after I take over the business."

"Maybe you'll be back for lunch?" Huang Damei asked.

"It should be possible! If you don't come back, just eat first and leave me alone."

King Wei arrived all the way in front of the imperial city.

"How dare he come?"

"Shouldn't this person be hiding in the palace waiting for impeachment?"

"Tsk tsk! This is so shameless!"

"Now, he will arouse the resentment of all the officials. Look at those officials."

Most of the officials present looked angry and were gearing up.


Someone shouted filial piety.

It immediately attracted countless approvals.

"A storm is coming!" Zheng Qi said calmly, as calmly as an enlightened monk, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, clearly showing pride.

"Hey! He's here!"

King Wei walked towards Yang Songcheng.

An official stood in front of the abbot and said bravely: "What does the king want to do?"

King Wei was tall and looked over his head at Yang Songcheng.

"I have just arrived in Chang'an, and you have started these rumors. Are the officials impeached your people? You just want to see me come out in anger to argue with you.

But you have a lot of people! Look..."

King Wei made a swipe of his hand and said, "There are so many people, how are they different from an emperor? If I debate with you, your followers will swarm in."

If I say one word, you can say a hundred. No matter how many grievances you have, they will be suppressed by everyone. Therefore, I cannot defend myself."

Yang Songcheng smiled.

This is what they think.

Come on!

Come and argue!

We are a group of people here

You alone!

Even if you have a strong tongue, you will still be drowned in saliva.

Over the years, they have used this method to suppress countless opponents.

Never failed!

Everyone looked at King Wei and gathered their strength, preparing various arguments to refute.

King Wei spoke.

"But, why do I want to argue?"

He raised his fist.


This chapter has been completed!
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