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Chapter 553 Chang'an's first hammer (for the small fishing village in the East China Sea

Everyone thought about King Wei's possible response.

It is most difficult to prove oneself in a filthy and chaotic palace. This was how the filial piety to the emperor was back then. It was not until later that it was discovered that it was a false accusation, but by then the filial piety emperor had already entered the mausoleum, and the person sitting in the east palace was Li Yuan.

How to say it!

Just like a scandal, it was spread by some people, saying that so-and-so was having an affair with so-and-so, and the two parties involved came out to deny it and swore that they had never had an affair.

But you prove it to yourself!

At this time, there is no such thing as who reports and who proves.

Moreover, affairs between men and women are inherently eye-catching and can easily create a wave of public opinion.

You prove it to yourself!

It turned out to be a big pit. Yang Songcheng and others stood by the pit, waiting for King Wei to jump into it.

Then, use your rich frame-up experience to defeat him!

Yang Songcheng is sure to win this kind of battle!

But no one expected that King Wei would choose fists.


The official standing in front of Yang Songcheng hiccupped, rolled his eyes and fell down.

Only then did everyone suddenly realize.

"That's right! What King Wei is good at is fists, so why should he sacrifice his strengths to argue with the abbot and prove himself? Wouldn't it be better to use fists?"

Everyone looked at King Wei slowly walking towards the gate of the imperial city, and couldn't help but have a ridiculous idea in their hearts.

"This one, it looks like it's not that simple!"

This method of breaking the situation can be called simple and crude, but it is extremely effective.

Then news came from the palace.

"Well played!"


This is the endorsement from the emperor.

——King Wei didn’t do that!

If King Wei opened his mouth to argue, the emperor could only stare at him until the winner was determined.

But after King Wei punched him, the emperor found a better solution.

What's the argument?

Well played!

One sentence, simple and neat, clarifies this matter.

You said that King Wei stole the emperor's woman, but the emperor said that there was no such thing.

That's it, that's it.

It seems simple, but once you think about it, you will find that it is not simple inside.

"There are rules in officialdom, and everything should be done within this box. But King Wei, whether intentionally or unintentionally, jumped out of this box with just one punch."

Why should I fight with you in the circle you drew?

Why can't I draw a circle myself?

Zhou Zun thought this was very interesting.

"Mr. Lang, my uncle from Northern Xinjiang has sent a letter."

The attendant sent a letter from Yang Xuan.

Zhou Zun took it, read it over, and said with a smile: "Aning's pregnancy looks good. It seems that I will be a grandfather soon!"

He read the letter again and handed it over with satisfaction, "Send it home."

The old man must be walking the bird at this moment! After seeing the letter, he will definitely write to Northern Xinjiang and urge the boy to choose a name for himself.

"By the way, where is King Wei?"

"King Wei is gone."

After King Wei punched him, he returned cleanly.


Sister Huang was blowing the bellows and raised her head and smiled at King Wei.

"I'll do it."

King Wei knelt down, blew the bellows, and said, "It's okay, just walk around the city."

"Aren't you going?" Huang Dame asked expectantly.

"In a few days!"

"I'm going to buy groceries!"

Sister Huang set out with her basket.

A guard came in.

"How much business have you given today?" King Wei let go, and the bellows handle slowly retracted inward.

The guard said: "I gave you ten hoes and six sickles."

"It's a bit troublesome. Next time, I'll give Hengdao the business directly."


King Wei was sitting there, squinting and looking outside.

"What are the outsiders saying now?"

"People outside are now saying that the king was wronged."

King Wei said calmly: "People in the world love to watch the excitement, especially the excitement of the nobles. Even if they know that such scandals are false, they will regard them as true.

Not for anything else, just to watch the fun.

Therefore, staying behind closed doors will only make those people more unscrupulous. It is better to open the way with a punch and let the ghosts and gods break things!"

"You have to argue!" The guard felt that his king's methods were too simple and crude.

"Why do you need to argue?" King Wei smiled, "I punched to tell them that if they want to continue, they must prove that I have indeed done such things."

The guard was startled.


It turned out that Yang Songcheng and others were trying to slander King Wei, and King Wei needed to prove himself.

But after King Wei punched him, everyone discovered something interesting. If Yang Songcheng and others wanted to continue this matter, they had to provide evidence.

From King Wei's need to prove himself, to Yang Songcheng and others' need to provide evidence.

Shift of host and guest.

And everything.

Just one punch!

The guard stole a glance at King Wei and went out quietly.

Later, he found a companion.

"I used to say that Your Majesty is cruel and vulgar, but today I feel that maybe we are fools and Your Majesty is the smart one."

"My son, this time I was a little surprised."

The emperor smiled.

Han Shitou said: "After all, he is His Majesty's child."

The emperor picked up the accompanying memorandum and said, "I will reward the concubine Shu with one hundred thousand yuan."


The emperor looked at the memorial and suddenly smiled.

"Someone is impeaching the Ministry of Revenue for corruption. It's a den of rats and snakes. It's interesting!"

When Han Shitou came back, he heard this and said, "I'm afraid the person who came here is not good."

"The state leader led a group of people to run rampant in the court, but he also had many enemies. Moreover, his enemies were not just a group of people. Therefore, he was tricked and we don't know who did it."

The emperor was suddenly startled, "Please tell the Prime Minister about this matter, no!"

Han Shitou bowed slightly.

The emperor pondered for a long time, "Leave it to King Wei!"


Han Shitou calmly went out to explain.

"Someone is impeaching the Ministry of Revenue for corruption. This matter is left to King Wei to handle."

Later, Han Shitou returned to his room.

He took out the stone and said silently:

"Your Majesty, the weather is good today. I took a look and found that it is very bright in the north. I think everything will go well for my husband in Northern Xinjiang!"

He looked at the stone and said, "Someone had previously impeached the Ministry of Revenue for corruption, and the puppet emperor ordered his second son, King Wei, to investigate the matter.

The slave girl knew that he was posing to re-employ King Wei, allowing Yang Songcheng and others to target his son, and he would control the situation from behind.

This old dog finally found a new target. And Yang Songcheng and others would naturally forget to impeach the prince.

This method, I think, is good, but compared with His Majesty, I don't see the aura of a human king at all.

Your Majesty, King Wei is in northern Xinjiang. It is said that he has a good deal with Mr. Lang. My servants don’t know why Mr. Lin... Lin Feibao and others are so stupid that they don’t even know how to give advice.

If the slaves were there, they would definitely be scolded.

There was also Yang Lue, who was far away in the Southern Zhou Dynasty, but could not return.

Hey! I have been watching this for the past few years, and I always feel that the situation is changing, especially in Northern Xinjiang.

Your Majesty, Huang Chunhui is old and may not be able to hold on for long. If he goes, it will be Lang Jun's opportunity.

If Lang Jun takes another step forward, he will be able to control Northern Xinjiang.

At that time, Lang Jun holds the northern Xinjiang army, waiting for the weather to move...

This slave is in the palace as an internal servant, hey! Just thinking about it makes me very excited, wishing that that day would come soon."

He put the stone into the brocade bag and muttered: "I don't know if those slaves underground are serving them with all their heart. If they are not serving them with all their heart, Your Majesty, don't be angry. You can deal with them after the slaves go down."

He put away the kit, walked outside the door, looked at the sky, and was suddenly startled.

"How long shall we go down?"

He thought about it.

"We have to kill the old dog before we go. Otherwise, when we meet His Majesty underground and His Majesty asks about the old dog and his son, how should we answer? How embarrassing!"


In the duty room, Yang Songcheng was reading paperwork.

"What's the matter?"

The officer who came in looked around.

Yang Songcheng waved his hand and the two clerks left.

The official stepped forward and said, "Master Zhang, someone is impeaching an official from the Ministry of Revenue for corruption, or is he guilty of corruption?"


The Hubu is Yang Songcheng's private property. Under normal circumstances, no one will interfere with the Hubu's affairs.


"It's said to be Yan Man, a doctor from the Ministry of Finance."

"Call him."

Yan Man looks like an honest man. He has followed Yang Songcheng for many years. From being a clerk beside him to being a doctor in the household department, he can be called a confidant among his confidants.


Yang Songcheng asked: "Have you ever been corrupt?"

There was no beating, but direct questions.

Yan Man was stunned, "Xiaoguan has been following the father-in-law for many years and has gained a lot of money. Why is there any need to be corrupt? Even if the money is short of money, the father-in-law is tolerant and I have the audacity to speak. How can the father-in-law not give it to me?"

Yang Songcheng was quite generous to his confidants, and they deserved a lot of money and land.

Therefore, the people who follow him are all young rich people.

Not short of money!

Yang Songcheng stared at him, "This matter is important..."

"I swear, if there is corruption, God will strike with five thunderbolts!" Yan Man raised his hand and swore.

Yang Songcheng nodded, "Go!"

He has strict control over the household department and relies on these confidants.

"Captain." The little official came again, "Your Majesty ordered the King of Guards to investigate the matter."

Yang Songcheng said calmly: "You are forcing me to conflict with King Wei!"

Not long after, King Wei came.

"Who is Yan Man?"

Several officials involved in this case were called over. Yan Man took a step forward and said, "This is my official."

"Corruption of more than 200,000 yuan..."

"All the account books are here." Yan Man turned around and waved, and several clerks came in carrying the box, "Please check it, Your Majesty."

"I don't want to see it."

King Wei shook his head, "I would like to ask you, have you ever been corrupt?"


"Someone is coming!"


Several guards came forward.

King Wei pointed at Yan Man and said, "Torture!"

Yan Man: "There are no such rules, no... ah!"

One of the guards slapped his hand to knock back the rest of his words, and said with a ferocious smile: "Yeah, I'll personally serve you!"

Boom boom boom!

After being whipped for a long time, Yan Manman rolled around, and his miserable howl finally attracted Yang Songcheng.

"What is this going to do?"

"Torture!" King Wei looked at him and sneered.

"Where is the evidence?" Yang Songcheng asked, "Without evidence, even Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment cannot torture him."

Otherwise, based on an unfounded accusation, you will be beaten into submission!

Yan Man got up and said, "Guozhang!"

King Wei stood up, walked down, and kicked him down.


When King Wei took over the corruption scandal in the Ministry of Revenue, the first thing he did was to torture Yan Man.

Several officials gathered together and whispered about this matter.

"Isn't this just an attempt to surrender?"

"If he doesn't fight, how can he still check the accounts?"

"There is no way to check. Yan Man is an old accountant. As long as there are problems found in the account books, he has been living like a dog these years. I bet that those account books must be as clean as virgins."

"Yes! However, King Wei is acting like this, so it is obviously pointless."

"Yesterday, some people praised him, saying that he could defeat hundreds of evil spirits with one punch, which shows his resourcefulness. If you look at it today, it's just torture. What kind of resourcefulness is this?"

"Hey! This matter is probably going to be a stalemate."

"This is the first thing His Majesty entrusts to King Wei to do. If it is not done well, King Wei's reputation will be ruined. Once the reputation is ruined, how can we win the heir in the future?"

"Shangguan is here, leave quickly!"

King Wei returned to the palace.

Huang Ping thought about it for a long time, "Your Majesty, I thought that nothing could be found in the account books. We have to conduct on-site investigation. It would be best if we could find those few minor officials from back then."

King Wei raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp.

"This king has his own plans for this matter."

On the second day, King Wei was still forging iron.

Clang clang clang!

Neighbors in the alley come to see it every day.

"Men, they are looking at our skills!" Huang Damei said proudly: "When it comes to blacksmithing, Aye is known as the best hammersmith in Chenzhou."


"By the way, husband, I went to buy groceries today, and those people said that King Wei was wrongly accused."


"Yes! Husband, you still have unique vision."

Sister Huang muttered a few words and then went to the back to cook.

"Hey! Can this hoe be looked at?" an old man came in and asked.

"Watch as you like." King Wei nodded.

The old man picked up the hoe and looked at it carefully. After a while, he said, "Maybe you can try this hoe?"

"Try it!"

The old man picked up the hoe and went out, digging hard into the ground.

The hoe dug into the mud easily, making a clanging sound.

This is a stone dug out.

In this case, if you don't do it right, you may damage the cutting edge.

The old man said awkwardly: "If the blade is injured, I...will pay for it."

"Oh!" King Wei responded casually.

The old man carefully pulled out the hoe and looked at the blade carefully.

"Is everything okay?"

The old man grinned and then dug a few times.

"Did I find brittle rocks?"

This is a serious old man, he dug out the whole stone.

"This is...isn't this a pebble? Why can it be dug up with a hoe?"

The pebbles have been washed by water for countless years and are extremely hard. This pebble is quite large. It stands to reason that if a hoe hits it, the cutting edge will curl or break.

The old man picked up the hoe and looked at the blade carefully.

"It's no big deal, it shouldn't be!"

The old man found it unbelievable, so he simply dug out the pebbles with a hoe.


Sparks flew everywhere.

A hole was dug out of the cobblestone.

cutting edge.

"It's no big deal!"

The old man turned around in disbelief.

King Wei held pliers in one hand, with a semi-finished hoe clamped on the pliers. He held a hammer in his right hand and struck it down hard.


Sparks splash.

The red-hot hoe was flattened by a hammer.


A hammer to the side.

A hammer on the opposite side.

The iron was like clay, easily reshaped by King Wei. During repeated forging, the dregs were continuously squeezed out, and the internal structure of the iron gradually became denser and more uniform...

"God, isn't this Baili Steel?"

The old man was dumbfounded.

Who the hell uses steel to make farm tools?

Isn't this a waste of natural resources?

How much does this hoe cost?

The old man asked, "How much does this hoe cost?"

Sister Huang happened to come out and said: "Eleven dollars."

The price is not cheap.

Therefore, Sister Huang felt a little guilty.

"I want it, give me two!"

Sister Huang was stunned.

The old man pointed at King Wei and gave a thumbs up, "This is the man in your family!"

Sister Huang pursed her lips and looked.

King Wei is hammering iron tools.

Every time he swung the hammer, the muscles in his body trembled.

The inner energy in the body continued to surge, causing the hammer to be raised and lowered again and again.

Each time, the inner breath in the body becomes more condensed.

Gradually, vigorously!


With the last hammer blow, King Wei was not afraid of being burned. He picked up the hoe with one hand and threw it away.

Then, he smiled at Sister Huang.

"For lunch, eat mutton."

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