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Chapter 557

The two subordinates who pulled the door were strong and strong, and they were famous thugs in the county. In the past, whenever there was a need to scare the people, the two would take the lead. They would punch and kick fiercely, and with their official status, they could

Those people were scared out of their wits.

The two of them pulled the door, but it didn't open.

I lowered my head and saw the foot.

As soon as that foot moved, the door opened.

The two looked up and saw a young man in a green shirt standing behind the door, and couldn't help but become angry.

"Where did the poverty come from? They were sealed together!"

As he spoke, a subordinate slowly drew his sword and deliberately rubbed the sword against the scabbard, making a heart-wrenching sound.

"Mr. Geng, retreat quickly!" A woman stepped forward and shouted.

A child rushed over and hugged her thigh, crying, "Auntie, auntie, they are going to kill someone!"

The woman held the child, "No, Sanlang, go back quickly!"

The child refused.

Yang Xuan smiled and said, "Just step back."

"Mr. Lang, come home first!" the woman said.

"Don't get hurt." Yang Xuan smiled.

At this time, the subordinate officer outside rushed in with a horizontal knife, reversed the horizontal knife, and struck hard with the crest of the knife.

"Ah!" the woman screamed.

Behind, a girl shouted: "Be careful!"

Jiang Heer grinned at her, "You don't have to worry!"

Yang Xuan held the back of the sword with one hand and could not shake it no matter how hard the subordinates tried.

"He's a good player!"

The subordinates shouted: "Come together!"

Yang Xuan kicked the subordinate official down with his kick, and holding the cross sword in his hand, he said: "Last year, Lu Jiao reported that the people of Wangu live and work in peace and contentment. Although they don't pick up things on the road, they still enjoy peace."

When several subordinate officials heard this, they all stopped.

Everyone wonders why this person is so popular?

Yang Xuan looked at these subordinate officials and said, "When it comes to official administration, Lu Jiao said that the officials in Wangu are conscientious in their work. They don't say they love the people like sons, but they also maintain harmony between the officials and the people.

I know that many times people are ignorant, so we not only need to persuade, but also to intimidate.

Therefore, every place has a group of small officials who are like wolves and tigers. Whenever it is necessary to frighten the people, they will go out in full force, shouting and killing. This is what you wait for!"

"You are..." The leading clerk looked at Yang Xuan suspiciously.

"I don't know what happened to Fang Lin, but does a county magistrate have the power to seal a county captain's family? Did Fang Lin kill someone?"

Behind her, the woman choked with sobs, "Not really."

Fang Lin's son looked at Yang Xuan's back and whispered: "Mom, this person doesn't know his identity."

"So, have you ever made a mistake?"

"Never!" said the woman.

Yang Xuan's voice became increasingly fierce, "Then, where did Lu Jiao have the courage to seal the door? Go! I asked him to come. In less than a quarter of an hour, he doesn't have to come!"

Several subordinate officials were dumbfounded and all looked at the older subordinate official.

"You are..." The junior official saluted.

"Do you think a quarter of an hour is a long time? Or do you want to trick Lu Jiao to death?" Yang Xuan asked with a smile.

The subordinate official shouted without hesitation: "Go quickly!"

A clerk rolled around and ran away.

The neighbors watching on the side did not expect that things would take a turn for the worse.

"This young man looks so polite, but why is he talking so loudly?"

"He calls Mingfu by his name, and his support must be higher than that of the county magistrate."

"She's quite handsome!" A woman's face turned red.

"I'm afraid it's a bluff."

"Didn't you see that those subordinates didn't leave? If it had been in the past, they would have run away long ago. If they didn't run away, they just wanted to verify his identity."

"We'll find out when Mingfu arrives."

"If it's a bluff, you'll probably be imprisoned."

"Such handsome young men are a gift to those people when they are in prison."

The woman said angrily: "Why is it so dirty that you can't think of something better?"

"That's right. Mr. Fang's actions are fair and magnanimous. As a county lieutenant, the public security in our county has improved a lot."

"I hope good things happen to good people," the woman sighed.

"Where do good people get good rewards?" An old man said: "If good people get good rewards, why can't talented people like Fang Shaofu be promoted? Instead, those...that's all, I'm talking too much."

The older you get, the less you talk. It’s not that you don’t want to talk, but you know that disaster comes from your mouth.

The old man lowered his head and disappeared quietly.

When Yang Xuan heard these discussions, his opinion of Fang Lin improved a lot.

"Lang Jun, do you want..." Jiang He'er came closer, tiptoed in Yang Xuan's ear and said, "Call them here?"

Yang Xuan shook his head and scratched his itchy ears, "Next time, don't get too close to talk."

Jiang He'er didn't know why he was afraid of this. He felt funny in his heart, so he deliberately moved closer, "I'm afraid they will send out the army."

Yang Xuan turned around and glared at her, "I didn't use the knife. If he sent out the army, it would be making a fuss out of a molehill. And sending out the army would definitely disturb the local area. When the news reaches Lin'an, he shouldn't worry?"


Jiang Heer nodded.

Yang Xuan approached her earlobe mischievously, blew gently into her crystal clear ears, and said, "You've grown a lot."

In an instant, Jiang He'er felt as if he had been struck by thunder. His face turned red, his body became weak, and he subconsciously grabbed Yang Xuan's arm.


Yang Xuan didn't expect her reaction to be so big, and couldn't help but find it funny, "Did you know?"

Jiang He'er glanced at him, his eyes watering, and it took him a while to recover.

The clerk ran all the way to the county office.

"Where is Mingfu?"

"Who's yelling?"

Feng Ji shouted in the check-in room.

The clerk rushed in, "Zanfu, Mingfu is here?"

Zanfu, another name for the county magistrate.

The clerk spoke too hastily, and Feng Ji said with a cold face, "Mingfu is not here. What made you so crazy? If it's not a big deal, I will let you know what the rules are today!"

The clerk said eagerly: "When we went to seal the door, a young man from the Fang family blocked us and even beat us!"

"Have you ever taken it?" Feng Ji's subconscious reaction was to deal with it.

"The young man asked Mingfu to go see him quickly."

"Eh!" Feng Ji's heart moved slightly, "What a loud tone! Have you ever asked about your name and origin?"

The clerk said: "Wei Zeng, that man looked quite indifferent, and I didn't dare to ask."

"Is there anything that can identify me?"

"It's just a young man dressed in a green shirt, accompanied by a handsome and exciting book boy, and... yes, that young man is very handsome!"

"Handsome?" Feng Ji's body trembled, "But there's also some heroic spirit in the handsomeness?"

"Hey! Zan Mansion also knows about that person?" The young official was surprised.

The clerk was shocked to find that the Zanfu in front of him was trembling all over.

The second most powerful person in Wangu County, the magistrate of the county whose majesty and unfathomable power can determine the honor and disgrace of others with a single word, is trembling like chaff at this moment.

Is that young man really a big shot?

The clerk was startled, and then said: "The man said, if you don't arrive within a quarter of an hour, there is no need to go."


Feng Ji rushed out of the check-in room.

"Prepare your horse, hurry up!"

The people in the county were dumbfounded as they watched him fall. A clerk stepped up to help him, trying to flatter him.

Feng Ji slapped the clerk so hard that his cheeks became swollen and he cursed: "Get out! Get out!"

Everyone was shocked to find that Feng Ji's eyes were full of panic.

Is this, the sky is falling?

Feng Ji stumbled out and ran quickly.

Yang Xuan stood at the door of Fang's house, drinking water from a cup in his hand. Fang Lin's daughter Fang Jiu leaned against the door timidly and whispered: "These people are very fierce, run away!"

Yang Xuan asked with a smile; "Have you seen it?"

Fang Jiu nodded, "Yeah! That time I saw them beating someone, and the person's head was bruised and bloody. They were beating and cursing, and finally dragged the person back like a dog. It was so cruel."

"Have you told your family?"

"As I said, Aye just sighed."

This is the status quo, and Fang Lin alone cannot change it.

Even Yang Xuan was powerless at this moment.

When the entire environment is like this, the efforts of one or two people will not help, and the only way is to completely rectify it.

But this is too costly.

But if we don't start from scratch, the Tang Dynasty will still slip into the abyss before long.

"Look, their eyes are so fierce!" Fang Jiu pointed to a few subordinates standing outside.

Several subordinate officials smiled back, a bit ferocious out of habit.

"If you are bluffing, they can break your legs." Fang Jiu warned.

"Ajiu!" the woman called her.

"Auntie, let me take a look." Fang Jiu grinned at Jiang He'er.


Jiang He'er snorted coldly, thinking that the handsome man was indeed a disaster wherever he went.

The sound of horse hooves suddenly came.

"Get out of the way!"

Several subordinate officials looked over and saw a horseman coming quickly.


A subordinate rubbed his eyes.

"It's Zanfu!"

Approaching, Feng Ji reined in his horse and immediately dismounted. He just glanced at Yang Xuan and knelt down without hesitation.

"I've seen the envoy!"

Several subordinate officials looked at Yang Xuan in shock.

This young man is actually the governor of Chenzhou?

"Good equestrian skills." Yang Xuan praised, but Feng Ji's body was trembling.

"Lu Jiao, I remember that my time in Wangu was quite long, right?"

"Yes." Feng Ji lowered his head.

"Dingyang and other six villages are located between Wangu and Xuanzhou. In the past years, there were often disputes, so it became a no-care zone. If everything is peaceful and nothing happens, I, the envoy, will not criticize my subordinates harshly."

"It's really Yang Shijun!"

The onlookers saluted one after another.

The woman said regretfully: "I also said that when he gets unlucky, I will go and help him!"

Yang Xuan nodded slightly, "The spring rain is like oil and precious, but this year's spring rain is like a devil and has brought disaster.

Six villages were flooded and the people were wailing. What are you waiting for?

Why those six villages belong to Xuanzhou has nothing to do with me, Wan Gu.

If there is any advantage, those six villages will be invincible, and they will have to fight with Xuanzhou to a bloody head.

When the benefits are gone, he becomes Xuanzhou's, where is the responsibility? Hmm!"

Feng Ji knew that Yang Xuan must have come here because of the flood. At this moment, he could only bow his head, "The lower official is guilty!"

"You are guilty!" Yang Xuan said sternly: "Even if it is Xuanzhou, they are still the people of the Tang Dynasty. Why don't you rescue them?

What are you worried about? Oh! By the way, Lu Jiao has been unhappy with his career in recent years. I heard that in the past year or so, he has repeatedly tried to cultivate relationships, pray to gods and pray to Buddha, just for promotion.

This man! He only thought about the help of gods and Buddhas, but never thought that people must help themselves and geniuses can help them.

They have been fighting around all day long, but they have sealed the door of a county captain who works conscientiously for the people.

I want to ask, what were you thinking about when you were waiting? Well! What were you thinking about after the flood? Tell me!"

Feng Ji choked up and said: "Xiaguan...Xiaguan and others are thinking that this matter will hinder the official reputation..."

"There are floods under the government and countless people are drowned. This is not a political achievement. I worry about being scolded and punished. I agree.

It's not too late to make amends.

If you only want to cover up, where are the people?

Once you serve as an official, you will benefit one party. When you wait for one term as an official, what you think about is not to benefit one party, but to get promoted and make a fortune.

I, Chenzhou, cannot afford such an official!"

"Your Majesty!" Feng Ji burst into tears, "I am guilty of this crime."

Yang Xuan sneered, "Then Lu Jiao has a lot of airs, but what about him?"

"Mingfu went after Fang Lin."

Yang Xuan turned around and said, "He'er, let's go too."

Fang Jiu looked at him blankly, "Are you...are you Yang Xuan?"

The woman came up and slapped her on the back, "How dare you call the envoy by his name?"

The whole family saluted and said, "I have met the envoy."

Jiang Heer led the horse over and said, "Lang Jun, let's go!"

"Pancake! Pancake!"

Fang Lin's son ran over holding some cakes.

"I took the cake." Yang Xuan patted him on the shoulder, "Have you ever studied?"

"Now I'm in the county school." The woman smiled, with a look of hope in her eyes.

"Have a good time studying." Yang Xuan said: "I will learn from you, Aye, and serve as an official for a long time and benefit the whole country!"

This is a promise!

The woman was overjoyed and said, "Thank you so much, envoy."

She glared at her son, "How can you, who is as stupid as you Aye, still not be polite?"

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "Experiences can be accumulated slowly in a lifetime, but temperament is innate. This temperament! I like it!"

Fang Lin has a square face, a Chinese character face, and a thick beard.

He took several large cars to Dingyang Village. The road was washed away by heavy rain a while ago and there were some ditches and bumps on the road, so he couldn't get up quickly.

"Remember to remind me later that the roads here need to be repaired. Before spring plowing, recruit some peasants to do the work and bring some food as reward. At any rate, it will also allow them to eat a few more meals."

The attendant responded, but looked at him worriedly.

Lu Jiao ordered him to be grounded, but as soon as the front foot gave the order, Fang Lin ran out on the back foot.

Those who disobey Shangguan have never had a good end, and this Fang Shaofu does not know what the outcome will be.


The sound of horse hoofbeats was heard from behind, and someone looked back and said, "Young Mansion, it seems...it seems the Ming Mansion is coming!"

Fang Lin shouted: "Stop!"

He had a clear conscience, so he dismounted and waited calmly.

Lu Jiao rode his horse forward and reined in the horse. The horse panted and roared, spraying Fang Lin's face with saliva.

"You bitch slave!" Lu Jiao pointed his riding crop at him, "It doesn't matter if you go and make a name for yourself, but you should never, never, ever use my future as an official, Wan Guyi, as a stepping stone to your career."

Fang Lin took a deep breath, "In Ming Mansion, those people are waiting for food..."

"What do you care about? A dog bites a mouse and meddles in other people's own business. That's what you are talking about, a bitch like you!" Lu Jiao scolded: "It should be Xuanzhou's fault, but you dragged me, Wan Gu, into it.

, if Lin'an comes back to accuse me, will you stop me?"

"Okay!" Fang Lin nodded.

Lu Jiao laughed angrily, "You, a county lieutenant, have done your best!"


The sound of horse hooves came.

A small official galloped on his horse, approaching and shouting: "Mingfu, Zanfu ordered me to send a message..."

"What are you talking about?" Lu Jiao said impatiently.

"Someone came to Fang's house and beat the person we went to seal the door with. The man was handsome. I guess it was Lin'an Ambassador Yang."

Lu Jiao's cheeks trembled, "No, you can't!"

Not long after, Yang Xuan came with people.

This time, Lin Feibao and others were followed behind him, and the momentum was different again.

"Lu Jiao, you are so brave!" Yang Xuan said coldly.

"Shijun, that's Xuanzhou's place!" Lu Jiao screamed: "When we provide disaster relief, we are just slapping them in the face. If someone investigates later, Xuanzhou will come to cause trouble for us..."

"I was just going to cause trouble for them!"

Yang Xuan walked up to Fang Lin and patted him on the shoulder, "You, the county lieutenant, have done your best."

Fang Lin's heart trembled.

Lu Jiao felt happy.

That's right, officials protect each other. Which official wouldn't like this kind of shirk of responsibility?

Yang Xuan said, "Look back, I will recommend you to be the magistrate of Wangu County!"

This chapter has been completed!
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