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Chapter 160 The Boss Asks Horses, Not People

Zhaojun fortress, governor's camp.


Wang Huai opened his eyes in a daze, and his genius was bright. The red gold fire dragon energy left in his body mixed with the wake-up energy, and an unknown fire spontaneously arose.

When Ma Sanbao saw Wang Huai's face, the scene of him treating Feng Sheng came to mind, and he quickly instigated Duan Ren to report, and he wisely retreated to the door of the camp.

Wang Huai looked around and saw only the figure in front of him, with a confused look on his face, looking at Ma Sanbao who was far away.

Damn it, I thought it was Gu Qingqing, but I never thought it was you, a bastard!

Disturbing my sweet dream!

Wang Huaifei is a jio...

"Ah...brother...why are you kicking me?"

Duan Ren forgot about the Lingbo Ghost Step and was kicked to the ground.

However, Duan Ren could sense that Wang Huai was not using his true strength, otherwise his younger brother would have severed his blood relationship with him.

He looked at Wang Huai in confusion, wondering why he was kicked for no reason.

"Come on, come on, I'll tell you why you were kicked."

Duan Ren approached with an innocent look on his face. He really wanted Wang Huai to give him some advice and tell him why he was kicked.

"Ah...brother, why are you still here?"

Duan Ren was kicked away again, and this time, Wang Huai increased his strength.

Because when Wang Huai made a move, Duan Ren dared to dodge even slightly!

Wang Huai then taught him how to be a good man and told him what it means to win without any moves and to hit the target accurately.

Duan Ren looked in pain, covering his crotch, and stared at Wang Huai in even greater confusion.

"Do you understand now?"

"Brother, please point me to a clear path. I really don't know. Could it be...because I hid? But before I hid, you made a move!"

Duan Ren was crying and Ma Sanbao was suppressing a painful smile.

"Come, come here, I'll teach you."

Wang Huai's anger gradually softened and he waved to Duan Ren.

Duan Ren looked wary, he didn't want to get kicked again.

"Brother, I was wrong!"

Damn, where did I go wrong? I don’t care. I need to admit it first and then talk about it. Otherwise, I will have no future.

Duan Ren felt helpless and felt guilty.

Wang Huai nodded and spoke casually.

"What's wrong?"

Duan Ren was completely confused.

Ten thousand grass and mud horses galloping in my heart...

What's wrong?

Where did I go wrong?

Where did I go wrong?

"Well... I was wrong... wrong... wrong..."

"Okay, if you know you made a mistake, correct it. You are still a good boy. Tell me what happened. It disturbed my sweet dream."

After hearing this, Duan Ren let out a long sigh of relief, but he really didn't know where he was going wrong.

Damn, this boss...have all his men been eunuchs?

"Brother, the battle is over."

Wang Huai came to his senses completely.

"Well, let's talk about the outcome of the battle."

Duan Ren deliberately coughed and cleared his throat, and Wang Huai almost flew up again.

"Brother, the result of this battle is -

"Three thousand enemies were wiped out. General Guo Ying's thousand elite cavalry were destroyed, but less than three hundred were lost. The special forces injured sixty people and three were killed!"

Wang Huai jumped up and spoke.

"Where's the horse?"

Duan Ren was stunned, Damn, saints always ask people first, not horses!

What kind of boss is this? Don’t ask people, ask horses first!

"About a thousand war horses were seized..."

Wang Huai waved his hand to interrupt.

"Two thousand horses are not enough. How can we fight this fight? Thirty military sticks are recorded!"

Duan Ren jumped up and spoke to retort.

"Brother, the battlefield is ruthless, the sword has no eyes, and people are hard to care about. How can we guarantee horses? And you didn't say you wanted horses before the war!"

"No more nonsense about sixty army sticks..."

As Wang Huai spoke, A Biao and Guo Ying walked in together.

Guo Ying looked at Wang Huai with eyes that turned into reverence.

"I didn't expect that Temujin's cavalry would be defeated by us, but we defeated more with less, so happy!"

Ah Biao glanced at Ma Sanbao and Duan Ren and explained why Wang Huai asked the horses first and then the people.

"Prince Xiao Wang is marrying Princess Gesang, and one of the betrothal gifts is two thousand war horses. Don't worry, it's enough!"

Ma and Duan suddenly realized that it was the boss's betrothal gift. No wonder!

Duan Ren's eyes lit up, what... the boss is getting married?

"I recognize these thirty army sticks and go now!"

A trace of embarrassment flashed in Wang Huai's eyes and he changed the subject.

"Count the ball! The three treasures, the special forces soldiers who died in battle, will each receive a thousand taels of silver pension; the fine cavalry belongs to the imperial court, so let His Highness the Crown Prince worry about it."

"Also, has the enemy general Duo'er Shuang been killed?"

Wang Huai was a little worried about whether the Tang Mo Sword could beat the Damascus Sword.

Ma Sanbao is very skilled and can still dodge. Don't let the orange dragon horse fall under the Damascus sword.

Without saying a word, Ma Sanbao turned around and walked out of the tent. In a blink of an eye, he brought in two broken knives - Damascus knives.

"Boss, three special forces, a lot of cavalry, and horses... all died under this broadsword!"

"Fortunately, I couldn't hold back the Tang Dynasty Xuan Tie Mo Dao you gave me. With one Mo Dao, Duo'er and two people, the sword and the horse, were cut off in two!"

"And the Mo knife is not damaged at all, and the edge of the knife is not even dull at all!"

Ma Sanbao said in an airy tone, and Wang Huai's face became serious.

"What? Horse? The orange dragon horse has been cut down? A thousand years of salary will be deducted from you!"

Damn it, eighteen generations have worked for nothing, Ma Sanbao quickly explained.

"Boss, it's another war horse. The orange dragon horse doesn't have a single mane missing!"

Wang Huai showed a bright smile and nodded.

"As long as the horse is good, I still want to keep Duo'er Shuang to find out some secrets about the enemy, so I'll give it up!"

"There are some of the best blacksmiths among the villagers in the Qi Nian Valley. Let them recast the Damascus scimitar."

Ma Sanbao and Duan Ren were stunned at the same time.


Wang Huai showed an enigmatic smile.

"The King of Northern Wu's signature knife will come in handy one day."

Ma Sanbao was so angry that this thing killed three of his favorite generals.

But Wang Huai had to listen to what he said, so he walked out of the tent with a broken knife in his hand with a small expression on his face.

Watching Ma Sanbao's leaving figure, Wang Huai turned to Duan Ren.

"The small room next door, the only one with a floor, has your grandfather Duan Bao's enemy kidnapped. Let's go and have a look!"

Seeing Donkey again, Wang Huai wanted to check his energy and see the secret of Liang Wangzhao, but his energy had not been restored enough.

The donkey was so mutilated that it was beyond recognition and too ugly to look at, so we simply gave up trying.

Duan Ren was excited!

"When my grandfather Duan Bao passed away, he was like this. His whole body turned into a big golden silkworm!"

Wang Huai almost wanted to kick him again.

"The big golden silkworm is a hammer. Just look at him. If he begs you to kill him, don't do it. Tomorrow is the moment to witness the miracle."

Donkey's head moved with difficulty, and he spoke in a gloomy and weak voice.

"Governor Xiao Wang, give me a knife and I will tell you a shocking secret!"

Wang Huai sneered.

"Secret? To me, there are no secrets in the world!"

Just so arrogant!

Eighteen generations of descendants could dig it out. Duan Ren was well aware of Wang Huai's ability and gave him a thumbs up.

Donkey'er, however, tilted his head with difficulty, not knowing whether to shake his head or groan.

"You are indeed capable of entering the Qichaan Valley, but the secrets that only I know are beyond your reach even though you can figure them out."

Who are you looking down on? In addition to calculation, there is also a hard core called wisdom.

Wang Huai sneered and spoke calmly.

"Again, I'm not interested in secrets. I'll leave the donkey to you, Duan Ren!"

After saying this, Wang Huai turned around decisively, and the words of Donkey'er came from behind, deafening...

This chapter has been completed!
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