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Chapter 161: You must tease your junior sister early

Zhaojun Sai.

"Emperor Tianyuan has a pair of female twin descendants. One holds a high position in the Moroccan religion, and the other has practiced the Supreme Dharma."

"They all have the potential to subvert the Ming Dynasty!"

"At the same time, King Liang has a supreme law in his hands that no one can understand. Once he understands it, he will be invincible in the world!"

Donkey'er's words came from behind him, and Wang Huai suddenly stood still. His momentum surged subconsciously, not because of the secret book, but because of the person.

Duan Ren was interested in the secret book and agreed.

"The King of Liang had a supreme secret book. He often held it and stayed up all night. He even had convulsions from time to time and spent most of the night in the courtyard having a nervous breakdown."

"It is said that after trying 80,000 times, you will definitely get started; if you practice for another 3,000 times, you will have a small success!"

Wang Huai wanted to laugh after hearing this, haha, to practice this bad skill, I might as well get 3,000 girls and exercise my body 80,000 times!

I don't care about the invincible secret book, but the people - Emperor Tianyuan's twin daughters are remarkable and can be studied in depth.

Two people came to Wang Huai's mind - Xu Chunxi and Gu Qingqing.

However, when I think about it again, something is wrong - the Mojiao is the executioner of Dayuan. How could the descendants of Emperor Tianyuan be delivered to the enemy?

Donkey'er sensed Wang Huai's aura, as if he had read his mind, and spoke slowly.

"The Moroccan religion was one of the forces that overthrew the Yuan Dynasty. However, after the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the Moroccan religion was severely suppressed and had already regarded the Ming Dynasty as its formidable enemy."

Wang Huai thought to himself that the enemy of his enemy is his friend. This has been the case since ancient times...

Donkey'er felt that Wang Huai was silent but did not take a step. He was being persuaded and continued to speak.

"Mojiao can make the Ming Dynasty rise, but it can also bring down the Ming Dynasty."

Wang Huai just laughed.

"Whoever wants the Ming Dynasty to fall, I can let him fall first; no matter what God, I will still let the sky fall first!"

Donkey'er mentally admired Wang Huai's courage and said leisurely.

"If you cut off the water with a knife, the water will flow again. No matter how strong and stubborn you are, some things cannot be stopped."

"If the new emperor and his subjects all believe in Moism, Moism will become the state religion of the Ming Dynasty and become a trend. How can you stop it?"

Donkey's words may sound a bit unpleasant, but they are sincere.

Wang Huai couldn't help but feel a little bit in his heart. It turns out that Mojiao was so determined that he wanted to become the state religion of the Ming Dynasty!

Lao Zhu had the foresight to suppress the cult; Abiao could not let the Mo cult succeed, as he had a clear mind.

Once Zhu is a hundred years old, Ah Biao oh haha, and it is Zhu Yunwen's turn to ascend the throne, anything will be possible!

If Amin came to power, he would not say anything and would first establish the Moroccan religion as the state religion.

Wang Huai finally understood that he traveled through the split time and space and brought a lot of spiritual energy into this Dharma-ending era.

Everything has become different, many people and things have begun to recover.

Just like Gu Qingqing descended under a super thunder and lightning, releasing the centuries-old aura of heaven. Fortunately, it was absorbed by her own Kunlun Ancient Mirror, otherwise I don’t know how many butterfly effects would have occurred!

Not only do you have to clean up the stalls you created, you also have to change the original stalls!

Wang Huai was intrigued by Donkey's words and nodded.

"I promise you that I will let you die happily. Then you can tell me about another one, the last princess who has learned the supreme law."

Duan Ren is confused again.

"I have seen people who have a strong desire to live, but I have never seen people who want to die, and they do so resolutely!"

Donkey'er got Wang Huai's approval, his spirits were shaken, and he responded to Duan Ren first.

"Duan Ren, you don't understand. Once you are infected by the Golden Silkworm Gu, thousands of Gu worms will eat your brain, marrow, and internal organs once activated!"

"In the end, apart from the skin being in the shape of a golden silkworm, the inside is just a big honeycomb."

After Duan Ren heard this, he shuddered, took three steps back, and finally said, Grandpa Duan Bao is really a poison!

And he himself was also bewitched!

"Duan Bao's death was the result of King Liang's attempt to grant me the high position of Youcheng. I couldn't resist the temptation of power and finally took action..."

Donkey'er said, Duan Ren's fingertips flicked, and the Six Meridians Divine Sword surged.

Suddenly, he remembered that he had also been bitten by a golden silkworm, and finally withdrew his fingers and turned to Wang Huai with a look for survival.

Wang Huai spoke calmly and calmly.

"The king of hell can't take away the person I protect, so what are you looking at?"

Saying that, he turned around and stared at the donkey.

"Don't interrupt, tell me about another daughter of Emperor Tianyuan who practices the Supreme Dharma?"

Donkey coughed.

"The other one worshiped under the Yinxian Sect..."

Wang Huai blurted out and interrupted.

"Hammer! You're about to die, so it's okay to let you know. My master is a disciple of Yinxian!"

"At the same time, the Yinxian Sect has been passed down from generation to generation, and there are no junior sisters to flirt with!"

After hearing this, Donkey couldn't help but cough. It turned out to be a young man and he started to explain.

It turns out that there are two major factions within the Yinxian Sect - the male faction and the female faction.

The male sect has Fuxi who created Bagua as its ancestor, and the female sect has Nuwa who created humans as its ancestor.

The two factions within the sect are passed down from generation to generation.

Wang Huai finally understood something and couldn't help but complain about his master.

"I've seen people cheating on their fathers and children, but I've never seen people cheating on their apprentices!"

"Don't you know that you should start flirting with junior sister as early as possible?"

After hearing this, Duan Ren deeply felt that the boss was a male disciple of the Yinxian Sect, with the appearance and demeanor of an immortal; how could the female disciple be a fairy?

As soon as he thought of this, his eyes lit up and he risked his life to speak.

"Brother, I suspect that you want to destroy my little brother because you think I'm handsome and you're afraid of seducing your junior sister, although I have no evidence!"

After Duan Ren finished speaking, he saw Wang Huai's feet moving slightly and dared to sneak to the door.

Wang Huai glanced at Duan Renxiong's face and snorted coldly.

"A bear must behave like a bear. If I interrupt you again, I'll be useless!"

Duan Ren subconsciously covered his crotch, and the air froze.

Donkey opened his mouth to break the silence.

"The last secret - Prince Liang's secret book, is in the Agarwood Hall of Jade Villa."

"Without the jade key worn by King Liang, the door cannot be opened."

Seeing Wang Huai's disapproving look, Duan Ren explained with deep understanding.

"Don't think that the hall is just a room. This Agarwood Hall is a secret room, sunk under a solid stone three feet thick!"

Donkey nodded, his dark eyes showing a glimmer of light.

"That's all that needs to be said. Please forgive me, Governor Xiao Wang."

Wang Huai turned around, stepped out of the tent door, and waved his sleeves.

"I've left the donkey in your hands. Give him a good time."

The donkey suddenly jumped up, startling Duan Ren.

However, Wang Huai was not even distracted from the rhythm of his steps, let alone stopped.

If the donkey behaves strangely, he will go to hell with regrets!


The donkey suddenly knelt down and hit the ground hard with his knees, making a muffled sound.

"Thank you, Governor Xiao Wang!"

Wang Huai stopped instead, "Ni Ma, my floor is cracked by your knees, doesn't it hurt?"

"Duan Ren, let him be cremated into a box and buried in peace."

Duan Ren called out to Chong Tian Qu.

"You are cheating on my brother! Give him happiness and leave it to me, and leave the cremation to me. Do you want to cheat like this?"

Wang Huai laughed.

"If you want to be poisoned a second time, you don't need to be cremated."

The donkey showed a smile and bowed again!

Damn it, the poison is so powerful, you deserve to be a wizard.

Wang Huai changed his mind and stopped stopping.

"Humph, I'm so happy to let you die!"

Duan Ren's eyes fell on Donkey'er and he spoke. With a move of his thumb, Shang Yang's sword energy shot out and hit the back of Donkey'er's head...

This chapter has been completed!
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