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Chapter 81: The Emperor’s Heart

"Six six six! Eight horses!"

A Biao and Xie Huan, under the guidance of the Jin Yiwei, stepped into the Yangxin Hall. The scene in front of them shocked them both!

An old man and a young man are drinking and playing guessing games. It’s not because the picture is too beautiful or too eye-catching!

These two people are Lao Zhu and Wang Huai - the Nine-Five Master and a young boy.

But when A Biao set off, Wang Huai was very drunk. When he woke up, he was at least six hours behind himself.

Is it Wang Huai's long-lost twin brother sitting here drinking?

Otherwise, how could he have arrived at Yingtian City first?

A Biao and Xie Huan couldn't understand it, but they were greatly shocked.

"Are you surprised or surprised?"

Wang Huai raised his glass to the two of them, A Biao, and showed a bright smile.

A Biao still couldn't believe it, this was definitely not Wang Huai.

Turning his eyes to Lao Zhu, Abiao's fists were clenched as big as a clay pot, and his nails were about to pierce his palms.

It’s that pig-kidney face—Zhu Yuanzhang!

People with pig kidney faces like to discuss their illnesses with patients?

After so many years, when he became emperor, he found a ruffian and started drinking like a ruffian!

The little ruffian was drinking just like last night. He drank like no one else, drinking from huge bowls to huge bowls. I couldn’t help but believe it when he said it was Wang Huai.

A Biao was about to speak but stopped, sorted out his words, stopped but was about to speak, thought for a moment, and bowed his hands.

"My son, I pay homage to my father. I am going to Guanzhong this time. Fortunately, I have fulfilled my destiny..."

After hearing this, Lao Zhu wanted to hit someone.

Wang Huai laughed dumbly.

"Prince, are you a worker? You go to work to meet the boss. This is not the Fengtian Palace."


Lao Zhu's eyes narrowed, and Wang's contempt flashed away.

If not for Wang Huai's reminder, Biao'er should be robbed, and he would no longer be that Biao'er, but would have to taste the old Zhu Pin carefully...

It might take a while to discover it, otherwise it would just feel a little weird.

There is no better son than a father.

Biao'er was always courteous when talking to the villagers, but he had never been so open-minded towards Lao Zhu.

In the court, he was more respectful and honest, but he was still a man of steel and dared to challenge Lao Zhu.

In this regard, Wang Huai looks a lot like him. Is it possible that Wang Huai is really a hero?

Lao Zhu took a break and his eyes wandered between A Biao and Wang Huai.

Finally, it was fixed on Abiao’s face, full of strangeness...

This Biao'er is still Biao'er, but he is not Biao'er!

The body shape, appearance, and the scars left by Lao Zhu's stick on his hands are all exactly the same, and they are guaranteed to be fake!

It mainly depends on temperament, why does it also have the feeling of becoming a monk?

This is also very different from the original label!

In the end what happened?

Lao Zhu gave Wang Huai a look and let him realize it for himself.

Wang Huai gave Lao Zhu a confused smile, pressed his palm slightly to indicate that he was calm, then turned to A Biao, nodded and smiled softly.

"Your Highness, you are tired after running more than a thousand miles in a day. Why don't you sit down and have a few drinks?"

Already under the deep well, Abiao's tone had become cold and cold.

Watching the gas on Danjiang Lake, the moldy gas on the roof of Abiao's boat was replaced by green tea gas.

At the wine table, there was only rice, no meat, no wine.

Finally, I looked at him in front of the hall and saw that his destiny was completely different.

Past and present life, past and future, he is a completely different person!

The real Abiao was involved.

The fake Abiao is a werewolf, filled with bitterness and hatred for the country's subjugation.

For this kind of person, A Biao is just his small goal. The ultimate goal is, of course, to take down Emperor Yuan Shun, the iron pot, from the throne of Lao Zhu.

Wang Huai originally planned not to masturbate the fake A Biao, after all, his anger outweighed the bad luck of the real A Biao, causing God to temporarily lose his target.

But on Danjiang Lake, after drinking in the boat, Wang Huai looked up to the sky and laughed and went out to watch the sky. He saw crape myrtle rushing towards the Beidou, with a red light piercing diagonally from the southeast corner...

The southeast corner is the direction of Yingtian City!

Wang Huai pretended to go to bed after laughing, but in fact he was like a top student who closed the door and studied by himself, practicing to replenish his true energy.

After all, that day was full of gods fighting and killing dragons, avoiding lightning, and flying with swords, which made my liver go bad.

The next day I regained my energy and responded to the sky by flying with my sword again.

"Okay, my son is also tired and doesn't want to love anymore."

Zhu Biao nodded and sat down. Wang Huai poured a glass of wine and moved in front of him.

"Without good wine, delicious food and beautiful people, the world is not worth it."

Zhu Biao made a gesture of rejection with his palms.

"The situation has become small. I have to stop drinking and work hard from now on - if a person has no pursuit, what is the difference between a man and a monkey?"

It was impossible for Wang Huai to chat awkwardly, so he laughed.

"A monkey on the ground wanted to fly after riding on a tree, but fell from the sky. Do you think it would hang the ball?"

"What's the meaning?"

Wang Huai's eyes shone with divine light and he changed the subject.

"Eating only one-third of an acre of land, caring about the heart of an emperor thousands of miles away, are you a tease sent by a monkey?"

Zhu Biao was frightened by the divine light and couldn't help but turn his head. The two of them just looked at each other for confirmation.

Wang Huai's eyes were extremely clear and unfathomable, but the light penetrated everything.

Zhu Biao felt like his eyes were being seen through, and it was piercing into his heart. There were warning signs in his heart!

The mouth is a bit strong on the outside but dry on the inside.

"You teach me how to do things?"

Xie Huan knelt down and realized that the target of these words this time was not himself, but Taoist Priest Xiao Wang.

Taoist priest Xiao Wang is just like Lao Wang, with a calm face and no fear.

"It seems that His Highness the Crown Prince really doesn't like toasting."

After Wang Huai finished speaking, the atmosphere around him began to solidify.

Jiang Wei looked at Wang Huai with a look that meant he would never commit suicide.

This boy Wang Huai has repeatedly stroked the dragon's beard and touched the scales. He is not afraid at all. Are you serious?

Why didn't Your Majesty nod his head and let Wang Huaiqiu hit him with a hammer? Blood splattered three feet.

Turning his eyes to the prince, Jiang Yu was even more confused.

Zhu Biao lowered his eyes and felt the desire to survive. He picked up a piece of green vegetables and calmed down before grabbing the scepter of Karmapa.

"Father, I have the opportunity to get the Meng Yuan treasure, but the map has not been drawn. You guys talk, I will take a step first and go back to draw the map."

Wang Huai acted like a magician and had an extra parchment in his hand, half-smiling.

"Hey, Your Highness, why are you in a hurry? We have already arranged the map clearly."

Jiang Ping also wanted to chew some green vegetables to calm down, but Wang Huai actually used His Majesty's word "we" unscrupulously?

Zhu Biao's expression turned pale. It was time for him to order the boy Wang Huai to be taken care of. The Crown Prince's order was the same as His Majesty's, so just do it!

Jiang Wei's eyes switched between the most powerful father and son.

Old Zhu paused and turned his eyes to Zhu Biao's thumb.

"This ring is made of material that we have never seen before. Is it Meng Yuan's treasure?"

The chill in Zhu Biao's eyes flashed away, and his tone calmed down.

"Where Zhang was facing the sloppy wall, what Zhu Ping slipped over was the legendary golden meteorite from the sky."

Lao Zhu was quite curious and smiled like an aunt.

"Zhang Sanfeng? Did he get it from heaven? This finger ring has a royal aura and is so fragrant. Can you bring it to us to have a look?"

"Other people's money is my personal belongings. If my father likes it, then take it."

Zhu Biao lowered his eyes, nodded, and stretched out his hand.

The next moment, a sudden change occurred.
This chapter has been completed!
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