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Chapter 82 No snowflake is innocent

Zhu Biao’s face, the sky that suddenly changed, is still the sky of ice!

He flicked his left thumb and the finger shot out!

Flip your right wrist and sweep the scepter away!

Zhu Yuanzhang faced the storm alone!


"His Majesty!"

The sudden change caught everyone off guard.

The good prince wants to kill his father?

What's going on with this suffocating operation?

Jiang Wei didn't have time to think carefully and pulled out the Xiuchun knife in great fear.

But he was eight feet away, and the fratricidal father and son were within easy reach, and as fast as lightning, it was already too late...

"Silly dog! Die!"

Zhu Biao was so angry that he attacked without mercy and used all his strength.

Lao Zhu’s behavior is even more confusing!

He forgot that Zhu Biao was no longer Biao'er.

He didn't hide or dodge, and the sadness in his eyes turned into a river.

Son kills father?

We still share the joys and sorrows and have raised Biaoer for decades!

That’s all…


The wrench and the scepter hit Lao Zhu's chest at the same time.


There was no blood splashing, only golden light flashing!

Zhu Biao felt the powerful force of the scepter's backlash, and he and his thumb hit the hard steel.

You must know that these two respectively include the original force of heaven and earth, and the lifelong cultivation of the thirteen Mengyuan Imperial Masters!

It’s no problem to blow up the Yangxin Palace normally!

But now, what is resisting it? And even fighting back?

Zhu Biao was still thinking hard, but he could no longer hold the scepter, and it flew away from his hand and flew high.

He himself was knocked out by the backlash and fell to the ground.

Only then did he see Wang Huai standing next to Lao Zhu, with a smile on his face, holding the Lu Zhan sword, and the side of the sword was blocking Lao Zhu's chest.

Jiang Wei really saw that the two magic weapons were blocked by the sword that was not out of the body.

Taoist Priest Xiao Wang is not just walking up to the palace with his sword, but also sitting down with his sword to drink and fistfight with His Majesty.

It can be said that His Majesty completely trusted Taoist Priest Xiao Wang to the point of trusting him with his life...

After a long while, Lao Zhu looked away from the forty-five-degree sky.

"Wang Huai, you are right, he is not our Biao'er."

Lao Zhu's eyes changed from sad to cold.

"Tell me! Who are you? Where is Biao'er!"

Facing the furious Lion King Lao Zhu, Zhu Biao turned to Wang Huai with a frosty look on his face.

"What kind of magic did you use to limit the essence of the scepter itself?"

Wang Huai then pointed around and saw twelve rocks that looked like Mount Tai as stones, arranged in a formation, and then he spoke.

"If you are the prince, of course you know that this formation is arranged according to the Danjiang Lake - the nine palaces and eight formations."

"Do you know why I summoned you not in Fengtian Hall but in Yangxin Hall?"

After Wang Huai spoke, Zhu Biao's eyes showed a cold and malicious look.

Lao Zhu's eyes were even colder than his.

"I'm asking you! Where is Biao'er?"

Zhu Biao was silent for a while and showed a contemptuous smile.

"Haha, Biao'er? It's just a code name. Don't ask, it's me who asks."

"Go ahead and kill me... When you invade Dadu, under the avalanche, not a single snowflake will be innocent. My fate has been sealed."

"I can't kill you today. If you don't kill Zhu Biao, why don't you let him ascend the throne?"

Zhu Biao looked directly at Lao Zhu, his fear turning into a chill.

The veins in Lao Zhu's neck popped out, and the three corpse gods jumped in anger.

Jiang Wei and Xie Huan were still confused and confused about the situation.

This...where is all this?

Why did the prince suddenly go berserk and kill the king?

If you want to ascend to the throne, you can't do it. As long as you say it, the emperor will be happy to become the supreme emperor.

Moreover, there are only two differences between the powers His Majesty has given His Highness the Crown Prince.

The first is the dragon chair, which is not easy to sit on with two buttocks.

The second is concubines. It is impossible for one woman to serve two masters.

Apart from sharing these two things, are there any other differences between His Royal Highness and the Emperor in other respects?

Even if all the feudal princes rebelled, it would be impossible for the prince to rebel.

And just now His Majesty said, isn’t this Biaoer?

With this figure and appearance, and even the aura on his body, he is definitely the prince himself. If you fake it, you will lose ten percent!

In the end what happened?

If he was really the prince, how could he commit regicide in such a treasonous manner?

As the boss of Jinyiwei, Jiang Yu couldn't help but be curious.

"Taoist Priest Xiao Wang, His Highness the Crown Prince, not His Highness the Crown Prince?"

"Yes, but no."

Wang Huai put down his sword and smiled slightly.

"In other words, this body belongs to His Highness, but the soul belongs to another person."

"A while ago, the prince's death was approaching, so I forced him to keep his soul, but after all, it is not as stable as ordinary people."

"A body like this is prone to bad luck and being uninvited."

"Am I right? Imperial Master Basangbu!"

While watching A Biao's Qi, he recalled that in the deep cave at the foot of Wudang Mountain, Zhu Xi stole the treasure of the Imperial Master Basangpo and casually put the finger ring on A Biao. Wang Huai knew the whole story.

Ba Zangbo's golden body is well preserved and has been protected by secret techniques.

The soul remains, sealed with magical beads.

Zhu Xiangsai put it on A Biao's finger, and the soul of the national master hiding in the finger then possessed A Biao.

The citrine meteorite is an extremely precious magical weapon that has the function of absorbing souls and storing the force.

And the quantity is very small, originally it only appeared in the pharaoh's jewelry.

Abiao's soul was unstable and was exchanged and imprisoned in the ring.

The one who replaced him in his body was Grand Master Basangpo.

In other words, the result is similar to seizing private housing.


Meng Yuan Guoshi?

Lao Zhu was slightly startled.

He knows the name.

That was the last imperial advisor of the Meng Yuan Dynasty.

The Mongolian and Yuan Dynasty masters started from the first generation Pasiba to the fourteenth generation Bazangbu.

And he is the only national master who is not a descendant of Pasiba.

Compared to the practicing Buddhas of the Phagpa lineage, Baszangpo is a near-demon.

There is no rest in death, hell is empty, the devil is in the world, harming people everywhere!

All the state teachers are like this. No wonder there were natural and man-made disasters in the late Meng Yuan Dynasty, and the world was in chaos.

Under the avalanche, no snowflake is innocent.

What does it mean that the golden body of Ba Zangbu and the scepter of the Imperial Master were hidden in the retreat by Zhang Sanfeng?

Does the fact that he calls himself the Elder of the Yuan Dynasty and refuses to meet the monarch of the Ming Dynasty have anything to do with collecting the golden body and scepter?

"Little Taoist priest, with his humble Taoist practice, what can he do to me?"

When the origin of Ba Zangbo was revealed, Zhu Biao looked surprised at first. He pushed back a few steps and sat down on the ground, next to the scepter.

This kid revealed his origins at once, but at such a young age, how capable can he be?

Even if his formation cannot be broken, what can he do if one thing is done within the formation?

Never bow to the power of the boss!

Then he smiled disdainfully and turned to Lao Zhu.

"Aren't you going to kill me? Why don't you do it? Oh, by the way, I can't do it because I can't bear to have the prince buried with him..."

"He is your lifeblood and the future of Ming Dynasty..."

"But every cause must have its consequences, and your retribution will be me!"

"I will help you to be so cruel as to commit suicide and follow the late Emperor!"

"Little Taoist priest, do you have the ability to stop me?"

"Zhu Yuanzhang, you didn't see the country subjugated, but you can see the white-haired people sending the black-haired people away!"

As Zhu Biao spoke, his voice became deeper and colder, still filled with endless hatred.

next moment.

Zhu Biao picked up the staff and smashed it on his head...
This chapter has been completed!
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