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Chapter 130: Don't make promises lightly!

"If we keep fighting like this, we may be lost!"

"Sukka, what does it matter if we are lost? Sukka, what are we going to do after we go back? We have to write papers, do practice, and tell Sukka's little Ron and little Root about the past stories of their uncles and aunts on the battlefield.

, whoever goes back is a fool!"

Ranger Kenny said this.

Ron's sniper, who has the temperament of a young poet, already looks like he has been rolling in muddy water. He is relatively down-to-earth, with solidified black blood on his face, and a perverted smile that will never fade.

Wild and crazy.

As we all know, each of the four major races in Utopia has its own merits. For example, Lute is relatively easy to go crazy, Wilge is the essence of human laziness and greed, Shad has attacks from time to time and engages in chauvinism and racism, and Ron is relatively simple and easy to live with.

Already lost contact in the wilderness.

The other rangers were similar, with expressions like 'We haven't had enough fun outside!' and just didn't want to go home.

It reminded Gwen of the time when she accidentally let go of her dog's leash while walking her dog.

Of course, ordinary people should never imitate.

Because not everyone has Gwen's running speed, he can easily catch up with his big dog from the flat ground, and the chase is very steady and tight, making the big dog's expression look like he is playing PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

When we were driving away in the car, a big brother from behind rushed up and opened the free mic and said 'Buy or not', the look on his face at that moment.

A ranger patted his thigh: "When I go back, my boyfriend chases me and asks, 'Where have I been and what have I done?' and I answer him, 'What are you doing to a monster?' and he will show a horrified expression, 'Why?

What?', I really don't want to go back, Gwen, why don't we stay here for a while?"

What Gwen didn't expect was that even the secret agents were a little wild.

Holding his pipe in his mouth, he leaned against the big tree, watching the monsters on the high ground and underground, and hummed happily.

"Forgive me for being uninhibited and uninhibited in my life and loving freedom. I am also afraid that one day I will fall, oh oh oh..."

Crazy, crazy, all crazy.

Gwen shook her face angrily. He had something to do when he went back!

For example, taking a bath, sleeping, or eating the meal invited by Curse Blade...

"Do you really want to get lost in this forest? Isn't it dangerous?"

Before he finished speaking——


Everyone was amused by Mr. Ge.

It will make him blush a little, his temperature will rise, he will fall into silence, his attack speed will increase, and the level A will bring magic damage.

Kenny held his stomach, wiped away the tears from laughter, and asked very gently:

"If you were adventuring in the wilderness with Long Yan, would you be afraid even if there were a hundred ship-cutting crabs around you?"

"I'm not Long Yan."

"We don't have a hundred ship-cutting crabs around us either."


Mihayla also suppressed a laugh and shook the rat dragon's tail: "You are right, but Mihayla would like to remind you that if we get lost in this forest, we can break out according to the rules of the rangers and secret agents.

Special case of Detective Common Wilderness Exploration Article 9: [In critical moments, the decision-maker in the exploration team can decide to throw away the loot and make an emergency withdrawal]... Well, that’s really interesting.”

The rangers and spies fell silent for a moment.

Only then did Gwen react and blinked: "It's still like this...then wouldn't our work have been in vain?"

"I won't work in vain."

Mihaila showed a very curved smile: "You and I have contributed to killing high-value monsters. In other words, the two of us have already made merits, and there is no need to bring various trophies to prove it.

Our results.”

He narrowed his eyes slightly maliciously: "And there are some ordinary team members, and their results need to be calculated through trophies."

The expressions of the secret agents and rangers changed a lot.

About half a minute later, Kenny walked over with a gentle smile: "Oh, let's get ready to break out and try to get back on our train today!"

Morale is soaring!

Throwing away the spoils of war is not an acceptable thing for them.

It is a taboo thing that is even unthinkable!

The vast majority of Source Force Envoys rely on the rewards obtained from such trophies to obtain sufficient resources for their own growth.

Even the little flaws inherent in the race are still not enough to be seen under the temptation of trophies.

They quickly regained their morale and began to break out.

"We must snipe those demons, otherwise if they report, we will be overtaken by the ship-destroying crabs in a short while. Without the advantage of the terrain, if we face the ship-destroying crabs, our death will be miserable, unless

, Gwen will kill one if he comes out in that state again."

Mihayla actually had some battlefield experience, and easily followed the same pattern and came up with a breakout formation.

As per the old rules, although the Rangers do not have Giant Rat Riders, they are still very fast on foot and can easily launch a walking charge, so the Rangers stand in front.

The secret agent is preparing to tilt the ammunition to make a breach in one go.

The source messengers with range-of-range damage capabilities followed Gwen and opened the gap together. At the same time, the source messengers among them would also locate the nearest evacuation point.

This formation is relatively perfect.

The first of the only two questions is 'Who will cut off the queen?', this problem is solved by Mihaila, this petite and beautiful boy is willing to do the deflowering himself and accept the most dangerous job, so there is nothing more to say. He

Are you all willing to do this?

The second question is how to snipe those demons who report their points.

Demons belong to a race that is relatively unbeatable.

Many times they are obviously not related to one thing, but when you see them on the road, you still want to go up and make a fool of yourself, wanting to taste the sharpness of the weapons of the two warring parties.

But at the same time, these malicious monsters often have good flying and moving abilities, and most of them carry sulfur - which means they will scream like a water heater and ignite flames, attracting enough monsters.

Having too many monsters is not a big problem for Gwen.

What more monsters mean is that their trophies are easily destroyed, which is quite bad.

Although what Mihayla said was quite grand and she looked down on these things, it was just a lie. The two of them were not so wealthy!

"I can get rid of the demon, but the only price is that I may need to use a few sniper bullets. These sniper bullets are quite expensive, so..."

Kenny looked hesitant.

Mihayla said angrily: "You can open fire as you like, and I can find someone to reimburse the debt."

"Is this what you said?"

Kenny's eyes suddenly lit up, and a child-like joy finally appeared in his hesitant green eyes.

"I said!"

Looking at the confident Mihayla, Gwen moved her lips, not knowing whether to tell Mihayla the price of the opponent's sniper rifle bullets.

Kenny is a professional sniper. Her destructive power comes largely from the combination of her powerful sharpness and powerful firearms. The speed of the bullet is nearly 1.5 times higher than that of normal sniper bullets, and the destructive power is nearly 2 times higher than that of normal sniper bullets.

The penetrating power reached an astonishing 3.5 times. This is why when dealing with the Headless Horseman wearing magic armor, she was able to smash a large piece of the opponent's body into pieces with one shot.

With such terrifying destructive power, if it were to deal with a normal person, the entire body would be blown to pieces as long as the ballistic trajectory touched it even slightly, right?

This destructive power is simply astonishingly terrifying.

Naturally, ammunition that can withstand this kind of firepower is also surprisingly expensive.

Playing with guns is every man’s interest and hobby.

While operating with the Rangers, Gwen had the idea of ​​borrowing the other party's sniper rifle for fun. Although he was sternly rejected, the other party still lent him the ammunition to watch.


The ammunition used in Kenny's sniper rifle is as long as Gwen's hand, from the wrist to the tip of the middle finger.

The price of this kind of ammunition is probably about 15 to 20 rounds for military use.

Compared with the general military sniper ammunition worth 3, it is much more expensive.

Mihira probably didn't know this.

Seeing Kenny's happy look, Gwen didn't stop him. Instead, after setting off, she quietly fell behind, stood at the same position as Mihayla, who was responsible for cutting off the rear position, and asked in a low voice: "Do you really want to

Do you want to reimburse the bullet cost for Kenny’s sniper rifle?”

"Mihira is rich!"

The beautiful rat-dragon boy held out his chest and showed a proud expression.

"I mean..." Gwen narrowed her eyes, "... if, well, if the price of her ammunition reimbursement may be about four or five times what you predicted, can you withstand it?"

"Of course it's worth it...ha? Four, four or five times?" Mihaila fainted immediately.

"Yeah." Gwen nodded vigorously. This was to the extent that he had only calculated the basic material costs.

Not counting processing fees!

But after Mihaila felt a little timid, she straightened up her chest: "It's okay, you can ask Cursed Blade for reimbursement. Although that guy is stingy and careless, if you know that you can use military skills to build a relationship with an excellent sniper,

I’m afraid she is also willing, right?”

Although he spoke very casually, his frowning eyebrows and slightly worried expression showed.

I'm afraid that if you ask Curse Blade to help reimburse you, you will have to pay some other price.

But knowing that he had the means to pay, Gwen felt relieved. At the same time, she put away her words of 'How about I lend you some later?' and walked forward. He also wanted to help clear the way.

The rangers' infantry charge speed was definitely not weak, and they opened a path in the crowded tide of monsters in an instant.

Gwen condensed flames in her hands, throwing them out from time to time at the weird looks in the eyes of the people around her, and then swung her lightsaber to dash left and right.

He was also rather helpless.

It is indeed quite similar to Longyan's fighting method, with flames clearing the way and powerful source lightsabers used to clean up.

But I can’t care about that much at this time!

Just kill and that's it!

He rushed in covered in flames!

The lightsaber was transferred, first killing a snow girl, this beautiful and evil creature was directly cut into two pieces, and then beheading a drowned corpse.

The next second, five or six monsters pounced on him.

Gwen bit her lip to squeeze out the energy, and her heart made a thumping sound. Blood rushed to her fair skin, and her long black hair gradually became stained with inflammation.

Hands, feet, elbows, knees.

In an instant, Gwen's whole body turned into weapons. The monsters flew and hit backwards, and were beaten into twisted shapes and fell down. The monster's black blood, red blood, and blue blood all mixed together and exploded.

It opened up and splashed in front of Gwen, but hit an invisible barrier and could only land at Gwen's feet.


A unique howl sounded, somewhat similar to a lion's roar, but with some goat sounds at the end of the sound.

It's a devil!

Gwen raised her head and caught a glimpse of a flash of dark red in the snowy sky with floating snowflakes.

The next moment, with his peripheral vision, he saw Kenny holding up the gun at a speed that felt like [time acceleration]. His movements were extremely standard. At the same time, his eyes seemed to just glance at the sniper scope lightly, and he suddenly raised it.

At the muzzle of the gun, the pupil in the beautiful big green eyes turned into a slit in an instant, and he pulled the trigger mercilessly.


Can you really hit the mark by aiming so fast?

This doubt just appeared in Gwen's mind.

The demon in the sky turned into two halves and fell down with a shrill scream.


This shot is simply fast and accurate.

That's all.

In this land of Utopia, being a qualified sniper does not require too many bells and whistles. He has enough power and some knowledge of hiding himself and measuring distances. In the end, he can shoot steadily and accurately.


Even being fast is not a condition.

But from another perspective, the response is as fast as possible. After all, all snipers will eventually go down the road of shooting instantly.

But even so, Kenny's aiming and shooting speed, which seems to be several frames faster than others, is amazing no matter how many times I see it.



Another sniper shot so fast that Gwen didn't even react. In the middle of the two ship-cutting crabs, in the gap of less than 0.2 seconds, one shot steadily shook off another one filled with malicious intent.

of devil.

I have to say that Kenny's sniping is very comfortable to watch.

Basically just shoot it and you're done.

Some people's sniper rifles are fast and fast, but unstable at first glance. And some people's sniper rifles are so slow that it makes people feel like they will be torn apart if they hold them up. But Kenny is the kind of fast and fast.

It's so stable that as long as the opponent appears for 0.1 seconds, he will be directly sniped to death.



This woman had gone crazy, she picked up the gun and rushed out of the protective circle. She boldly took advantage of the half-second gap when the monster was blocked by the corpse of her companion, and shot away another Nosferatu who was commanding the monster with one shot.

A species of vampire.

The group of monsters that had been defeated by the commander suddenly started to commotion, but Kenny stepped back with satisfaction and hid in the protective circle.

How terrifying is a crazy battlefield sniper?

Kenny gave the answer.

Sniping away high-value units one shot after another, even to the point where no high-level monster in the monster wave dared to become the commander.

This kind of deterrence cannot even compare with Gwen's torrent of destruction.

After all, monsters can also 'come to me' instead of 'come with me'. No matter how many frontline cannon fodder are killed by Gwen, they will not be able to form an effective deterrent.

But Kenny is different. This melancholic gunner only plays a conductor and has monsters of different colors - if he were in the Pokémon world, this person would probably be called a Flash Hunter.

Shot after shot, Gwen's pressure was reduced to a rare degree.

With every gunshot, Mihayla's pressure increased.

Gwen broke out of the encirclement, and the rangers ran after him. He heard a ranger ask Kenny: "Is it cool? This kind of battle requires no bullets."

"It's just fun once, but it won't be the same next time. Just like Joe, he saw me firing on all cylinders once, and the next day he immediately told me, 'Next time, use your gun to hit key targets. I'll give you one.'"

Short gun'."

Quite conscious.

It's a pity that Mihayla's face was ashen.

And it only took 20 minutes to evolve from an ashen-faced person to a "submissive" person. He returned to the camp in 15 minutes, found the Cursed Blade in 1 minute, talked to the Cursed Blade about the situation in 2 minutes, and then was scolded by the Cursed Blade for 2 minutes.

"Guess why we didn't hear a single sniper shot from the front yesterday?"

"Silly boy, tank shells are expensive, but they are subsidized by the government, and they are standard shells, which are much cheaper! The sniper shells have to be customized. Guess how long you have to work to pay them off?"


This chapter has been completed!
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