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Chapter 131: Goodbye to my cowardice, and all the crab meat

Curse Blade is a complete bad person. She was scolding Mihaila loudly, making her lower her head while she showed a kind of "I feel so good" smile.

The danger level of this woman has reached this outrageous level.

Gwen rolled her eyes, sighed quietly, and said in the tone of an old father:

"Oh, you kid, have I told you everything? I've told you everything? Kenny's sniper bullets are too expensive."

Cursed Blade put on a smile, but his tone was angry: "The secret investigation branch doesn't have much food left. Although we can afford the money, if we don't pay attention once or twice, we will be homeless!"


Gwen also said something: "I told you not to be so confident, okay? Now we start with four or five hundred military coins. Even if we encounter idiots, it will take four or five transactions to make money back!"




Mihaila raised his head, wiped his eyes, and was about to say something reassuring when he raised his head, but saw Cursed Blade and Gwen who were caught off guard because he raised his head and had no time to put away their smiles.

Now I understand everything——


He gritted his teeth: "Curse Blade!"

Cursed Blade took a breath and was about to say something...

Bang - Gwen opened the door and rushed out.

Bang - he slammed the door again.

Click - locked.

Bang - smash the lock into shape and lock it to death!

One set of operations runs smoothly.

Gwen still remembered that when she was having dinner that day, she was tricked by the cursed blade and had to communicate with Midelia.

If there is no chance, you will hold a grudge; if there is a chance, you will collapse and liquidate!

Gwen smiled as she listened to the heavy sound of the cursed blade being struck on the skull in the room. She clasped her hands behind her back, shook her body, and left rather awkwardly.

This camp is a small train, with about 25 cars, and each train is only a standard 150 square meters.

The secret reconnaissance train is shared with three guilds of Primordial Envoys.

The rental of this kind of train is quite expensive, so the secret agents must rent out part of the carriages in exchange for funds. Many years ago, a large number of civilized countries on the earth used this barbaric method to pass on the high rent and the owners themselves

the economic pressure they bear.

The landlord uses the excuse "you will sublet" to raise the rental price pathologically, and at the same time, the rental price also increases the price of the house. This is how the Utopia train raises the price. But it has to be said that the Utopians may be better than

Many real estate companies in the previous life were more reliable.


I am not so heartless as to think that selling rough houses and shared areas is a reasonable act.

Utopia's trains are quite comfortable.

Even this simple train.

Water circulation and oxygen circulation generate electricity through the self-heating of the train and the heat generated while traveling to meet the power demand of the entire train. The impurities and dust collected during the traveling are reproduced through the source equipment and condensed water on the outer wall of the cooling device

Achieve mixing and production as a low-level substitute for diesel, but with the maintenance of five Source Force Envoys every day, you can achieve breakeven...

As long as there are people around, a perfect balance can be achieved in terms of loss.

Strong and durable shock absorber system.

At the same time, the system perfectly collects various resources. Each Utopia train is a comfortable and usable small recycling community.

A little expensive, but of excellent quality.

This is something that many businessmen cannot do.

Gwen wanted to read a book, and the library car was in front of the restaurant/bar car, so she had to cross the two cars.

Open the door of the carriage and walk in.

I felt an exciting heat and the smell of alcohol that made me sleepy.

at the same time.

There are also tons, tons of umami and aroma from the seafood feast!

Behind the white mist, Gwen saw two secret agents and a guy wearing a chef's hat working in front of a big pot.

The crab claws without meat are inside, and they are cooked red!

Sliced ​​squid rolls, Yuki Onna's pointed ears (actually they are clams, but they were used as ear protection by Yuki Onna, and over time they were considered to be Yuki Onna's ears).

Plus a variety of delicious fresh fish meat and shark fins from shark lizards.

This is simply a seafood feast.

"Gwen!" The rabbit was drunk, with a red face, and said with a big tongue, "You, you should come and try this bottle of sea salt wine, it's so exciting! Drink it in the first second, it's like drinking salt water

, and then the next second, wow, I saw a lot of cats..."

Drunk cat belongs to yes.

Gwen blinked. Drinks, salt, and sugar are very expensive in Utopia and everyone likes them.

If it's not a special day, you can't just eat, drink and have fun.

Just behind the rabbit, on a table, a dozen cat lanterns were stacked up to form a tall cat tower. Wine bottles were scattered next to the cat tower. It is strange to say that dogs can eat chocolate, so why do cat lanterns drink alcohol?

Are they all okay? Are they really a kind of advanced creature? They have evolved digestive capabilities similar to the human stomach.

Speaking of which.

Gwen glanced again at the drunken rabbit who was already sniffing her hair.

Cats like the rabbit cat have a very poor gastrointestinal condition. Even the rabbit cat type among the Welji people have some symptoms of poor gastrointestinal function. In a sense, they are not as good as Cat Lanterns!

Why isn’t there a cat-lantern Wilggie?

Could it be that……

Cat lantern is not a cat?


Cat Beacon seemed to sense Gwen's inner thoughts of being disrespectful to cats, and looked over with a confused voice.

"Come on, come on!" The rabbit forcefully gave Gwen a large bag of crab meat.

This is a utopian delicacy called 'Badaxter'. A large amount of crab meat is made into crab sticks, then mixed with cheese, mozzarella and French fries and fried. It's like a Cannabis poutine.

, some salad dressing will be sprinkled on top of the finished product to create a unique taste.

What is basically certain is that one serving of Badaxter can make a person gain about three pounds.

In addition to Badaxter, I also shared a bowl of seafood soup with mushrooms, squid rings and chopped green onions. It was packed in a small wooden box that was exquisite. The gaps in the wooden box were sewn with quite good materials, making it airtight and airtight.

The soup will drip.

The delicious taste made Gwen squint her eyes happily.

Even if I am tired from reading, I can still feel peaceful for a while.

Boom, boom——

The train was running smoothly, and they could already see the Lao Xiang Ren in the distance. It seemed that another attack occurred when they left the Lao Xiang Ren, and there were still a lot of flames near the rear carriage of the huge train.

Obviously, Long Yan took action.

Just as they were fighting monsters in the front, Long Yan from the rear easily killed the monsters that had bypassed the defense line. It must be said that this is the advantage of the Source Messenger, although many times the destructive power of the Source Messenger can be used

There are no substitutes for modern weapons, but in terms of convenience and responsiveness, Yuanli Messenger is far beyond it. Being able to protect everything by one person on such a long train is the charm of Long Yan.

There was even a period of time when members of the Fellowship went on business trips on other city-level trains and would be a little surprised: "So should the conductors of the city-level trains be of this level?"

Long Yan is far beyond what he 'should' be, and is very powerful. It is absolutely not an exaggeration to describe him as being able to crush other commanders of the same level in a duel.

Boom, boom——

The train slowly turned a corner, and a Source Force user from the Train Gray Line Alliance beside him had a curious face: "Aren't you going back to the city this time?"

A voice answered him: "No reply."

It's a cursed blade.

She was holding the pipe given by True Detective in her hand - she didn't know why the relationship between the two of them suddenly became so good.

Gwen felt that if this world were made into a game, the Cursed Blade would definitely have the property of 'female favorability +300%'. Almost every female source of power would have a good relationship with the Cursed Blade. For example, the rabbit, the Toro, etc.

Mia, for example, Red Dog, for example, Sparkle, Mihayla... hmm? Are there any strange characters mixed in?

This woman was explaining to the source of the Gray Line Alliance:

"We need to take advantage of the opportunity to come out and have the opportunity to be reimbursed by the authorities, and drive our train to the supply points, where a large amount of monster materials and crops are stored..."

In Utopia, there are still people who are unwilling to admit defeat and choose to build houses on the ground.

Of course, this kind of people will eventually "give up" in disguise and achieve the purpose of "settling" through a very slow train that makes a small circle around a place. The materials that can be obtained in such settlements are abundant

, a large amount of accumulated monster materials and wild crops that can be harvested have become a source of income.

The biggest income of small trains such as the secret reconnaissance train is to go to remote settlements that cannot be reached by large trains, collect goods, and then sell the goods to large trains. For example, the Laoxianren No. - Laoxianren

The number is almost 30% larger than the average town level, which can be inferred from the appearance.

"Receive the goods!"

The source of power suddenly reacted and jumped up: "I want to tell my association president about this matter!"

After saying that, he quickly walked out of the library.

So lively... thought Gwen.

"The Gray Line Alliance is such an interesting association." Curse Blade pulled out a chair and sat down.

"What's wrong? Also, Mihaila didn't beat you up?"

"It's not bad." Cursed Blade spread out his hands, "He's just being coquettish, but even if he uses his cute appearance to act coquettishly, he must not reduce his debt by even one percentage point like I did."

"You are such a cold and heartless woman, how can you bear to do this."

Cursed Blade raised his eyebrows: "Aren't you the same? You didn't remind him."

"I reminded you."

Gwen raised his chin proudly, and he had a clear conscience about this: "I told you that the bullets used by the sniper named Kenny are not trivial..."

"She is very strong?" Curse Blade was more concerned about this point.

"Yes." Gwen glanced at her and asked in a joking tone, "What's wrong? Have you decided to add a new list to your conquest list?"

"I don't have this list."

"Huh?" Gwen held her face with her hands, straightened her feet to let the slippers fall off, and then stepped on the opponent's knees with the soles of her feet.

"Forget it, yes." Curse Blade shrugged, "As long as your name is the first one."

"It really makes me feel honored... By the way, how is the situation of the battle?" Gwen asked, remembering the defense line before being dispersed yesterday. Kenny and their team members were all dispersed, otherwise what would happen to a sniper?

It’s unlikely that he would choose to run away with Gwen and Mihayla.

Cursed Blade sighed: "Many people died."

"Investigator or Ranger?"

"Our losses and theirs are not much, but the losses of ordinary associations are huge. Many small associations will be reorganized after yesterday, and many talents will stand out. Although I don't like this 'cruel competition for employment rules', but

It is undeniable that I saw two little guys with great potential yesterday..."

"Male or female?" Gwen smiled.

"..." The Cursed Blade was a little deflated, and he stroked his forehead, "...The source ability of one of them is to transform into a werewolf, which is quite violent, and still retains a human body shape and a rough 'shell', that is,

Let’s say, a werewolf who can get almost all equipment bonuses perfectly.”

Generally speaking, there are only two types of transformation abilities in Utopia: "strong and powerful" and "weak as hell".

The former often transforms into monsters that are huge, while the latter usually transform into monsters that are not very powerful, but also make their own equipment ineffective, and they successfully become naked source power users.

Utopia's equipment is not just a matter of dragging clothes into each equipment slot.

These equipments have "realistic attributes", such as what waist size and chest size are suitable for wearing, and they are also divided into men's and women's styles. Strictly speaking, you can enjoy bonuses as long as you wear them - this is why loose overalls and boots

The reason why it is so popular with Yuanli users is that a bear like Gray Tower would definitely not want to reveal that he wears black or white high-attribute stockings under his pants, right?

(Of course, this is just a joke, no one knows what he is wearing under the gray tower)

Although from the description, this werewolf is definitely an "ultra-small size creature" among werewolves, but the ultra-small size will at most lose part of the weight bonus brought by the strength and size. These things are exchanged for the full power of wearing complete equipment, making a lot of money.


want to…

Fight with this guy.

Gwen covered her mouth gently, suppressing her fighting spirit:

"Did you awaken on the battlefield?"

"Well, he sacrificed his captain." Cursed Blade wore a smile that was not malicious, "It is always like this on the battlefield. Good friends die, close people die... The emotions reach the point of going berserk, craving for miracles and power.

The heart made Yuanli respond, and finally, Yuanli awakened."


Gwen chuckled and shook her head: "Yuanli, I really don't know whether it is the power of a curse or the power of a miracle. It seems that its birth is a curse and a tragedy."

Curse Blade pursed his lips, held his chin with one hand, and said gently:

"Source power is a miracle, giving the weak the qualification to become the strong. Let the ascetics have the power to resist. Let the protectors of our world at least understand the knowledge of the decimal system."


Cats are brave, cats are not cowardly!

[Cat lantern morale collapses, your cat lantern is fleeing]


This chapter has been completed!
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