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Chapter 132: Smile, no one wants to be my girlfriend

This one-sided war started by Crab Meat ended much slower than Gwen imagined. It can almost be said that the entire decision-making team of the Fellowship did not end as slowly as they imagined.

The frost lasted for a full month from January to February.

It is an absolutely abnormal fighting duration.

The reason why Gwen judged this way was because even the Curse Blade had no idea that this simple one-sided war would last for so long.

If you don't even know about the cursed blade, then you can be sure that this is an unexpected incident.

After all, Cursed Blade is the most well-informed person in the entire Fellowship.

The Scarlet Ball Society next door lamented: "The chat records of our meeting will appear on the Cursed Blade's desktop faster than the time it takes for the meeting records to be stored in the database."

This is indeed the case.

The meeting is not over yet.

Curse Blade replied: "Bird food."

The fact that she misjudged everything means that it must be something that neither the top management nor the middle management want to happen.

The number of fellow countrymen.

Gwen got off the train and looked at the poster posted at the entrance of the train in a daze.

Still a faceless man.

The faceless man in military uniform pointed out of the camera, with several large steel-style characters written in front of him:

【Go home in three days, soldiers!】

Good guy, Utopia is worthy of being a transposed star of the same type as the Earth. Has it even stolen this famous Flagg?

No wonder it took a month.

Gwen's face was a little dull, and she looked at another poster, which had the icon of the bunny girl from Dragon Flame Castle, which also showed:

[We are already considering the eradication of the monsters, please feel free to all residents]

The two Flaggs pressed forward together, and it was considered good that the front line of the Fellowship was not unexpectedly pushed onto the Fellowship's car.

If the war goes well...

Gwen thought of the Battle of Sea Ice Lake, which was the most brutal battle in this war against crabs. A giant ship-cutting crab leader who was six times larger than the average ship-cutting crab even clamped down the dragon flames.

One of his hands... is just a prosthetic limb, and Long Yan is protecting a little girl with great potential.

It's a pity that Long Yan didn't wear a straw hat and put the straw hat on the little girl's head...

Otherwise, another classic plot is coming.

The Battle of Haibing Lake resulted in the loss of more than a thousand mercenaries and fellow guardsmen of various colors, and at least a hundred Source Force messengers died. This tragic situation even made the commanders' meeting couldn't help but be concerned. According to

Curse Blade's spies said that when Long Yan said the words "We are fighting with seafood," all the commanders in the room immediately controlled their facial expressions.

Misfortunes never come singly. Not only did the fellows start fighting with seafood, but they also became too involved in fighting seafood, causing the ghost talk incidents that had been half solved to continue to break out.


Too moldy.

Is it possible that the glory days of Laoxianrenhao 5 years ago and the era of having luck in whatever you do have passed?

Has the era of Swifty finally entered?

The train was in chaos and monsters appeared. It is said that there are some more warlocks around Long Yan. He opened his mouth and shut up and said, 'Let's do some Feng Shui first and then talk about it.' 'It's time to make elixirs.' What else should I be given?

The Envoy of Source Power asked me to go outside the train to find the secret medicine for the conductor.

All were fined and caned.

What Gwen expected did not happen.


The sound of heavy objects being dragged was heard from behind.

Tomia and Spellblade were dragging the luggage cart carrying everyone's suitcases down.

Behind them are Mihaila, Tuxi and others who are wearing light and comfortable clothes.

Since the secret agents have a very good relationship with the card club, they also love playing cards.

I fought all day yesterday.

The loser drags his luggage.

Although Curse Blade and Tomia are both scheming, cunning and deceitful villains, they are still willing to admit defeat.

After Cursed Blade dragged the luggage cart down, he called an armored squirrel cart.

Looked at Gwen.

Then he looked up in the direction Gwen was looking at, the two posters, and burst out laughing:

"I have made many guesses. I have imagined that when the fruits of victory are about to fall, everyone will turn from teammates to opponents. Although many associations have secretly launched competition, this kind of competition should not lead to this kind of result.

This situation can only be described as quite unlucky. I hope Long Yan can withstand it for a while..."

Gwen glanced at her: "Do you trust him?"

"It's so-so. It can only be said to be so-so, but he's not the worst choice, isn't it? I believe that after getting along with him for a war, your impression of him has probably changed?"

"It has changed a lot."

"That's enough. By the way, come to my room to look for me when you go back. Laura seems to have heard that you want to modify the equipment, and said that she met a very good source craftsman... To be honest, is she chasing after you?


Gwen forced a forced smile: "No."

Cursed Blade showed a narrow smile: "Really? I think she looks like she wants to chase you and make you her boyfriend."

Gwen said firmly: "That's really not true."

Seeing that he was so sure, Curse Blade just shrugged and walked forward.

Looking at the back of Cursed Blade, Gwen breathed a sigh of relief.

...Be my girlfriend? No, this sister wants to be my boyfriend!

By getting along with Sister Laura, Gwen could probably tell that the tunnel in Sister Laura's heart probably did not have a pass for this bus of hers. But on the other hand, Sister Laura had already prepared a box of Alfa

The tower wants the imaginary train to pass through its dry tunnel until it reaches the warm core of the earth.

——To put it simply, although it sounds a bit narcissistic, Gwen feels that Sister Laura wants to poke herself.

Therefore, he can say with 100% certainty that Laura is definitely not pursuing him as her boyfriend. This is so confident!

He took a breath, followed the armored squirrel cart, and drove on with the dark cat.

The dark cat seems to have awakened the power of the transformation system and has the ability to transform hair into shadows. Therefore, this cat is recently buying hair growth agents from the cat lamps - I don’t know how the cat lamps take care of their hair.

Cat Tuanzi is not bald. You must know that even the Magic Cats of Yuanli are some cats that are bald, but Cat Lanterns are not at all. Even some large cat lanterns lose half a kilogram of hair in one day, and then grow it back the next day.

Wow, it’s really hard to evaluate.

"Brother Gwen." Dark Cat became a little cautious, "Can you tell me how to accurately control the jumping target with the shadow ability?"

The biggest feature of the shadow source power is that it is flexible enough to jump around. Second only to the mirror source power, the mirror source power can jump around in the reflection of the air...

Dark cats have very little control over shadow abilities.

Not to mention compared to Gwen, he can't even compare to most of the source power users who are also from the shadow system.

There is no way.

Most of the shadow source power users are from the 'science department', and their computing power is much stronger than that of dark cats.

"There are three ways to jump accurately——"

Gwen slowly said "Listen to Gezi's Words" translated by Long Gwen.

The mind flayer is a master of using shadow, but she can use it but not speak it. She can only babble a lot of mind flayer words, coordinate the movements, combine the thrust and body, combine the body and the ball, combined with some physical expressions, it can be regarded as

I produced an instruction manual on "How to Use the Shadow Source Power".

However, it took Master Dauge's interpretation of Long Gwen and his half-guessing and half-understanding style to reluctantly come up with a readable version for Gwen who also "knows how to use it but doesn't think about why he uses it."

Longwenji himself was dizzy.

After all, I didn’t expect that translation would also require polishing, and at the same time, I would have to write a user manual almost half-guessing and half-thinking.

To be precise, there are 25 ways to accurately jump the shadow source power.

But Gwen was lazy, and his instinct told him that 'there are only 3 of them that are most useful, and the other 22 types together account for less than 3%', so you can't blame him for not telling him. And he still gave

A statement was made:

"...Although there are many different methods, 97% of the methods for shadow source power owners are only divided into three types, so I will only introduce these three to you to let you get started and enable you to

The fastest way to form combat effectiveness."

"That's a perfect statement." Dark Cat nodded and rolled his eyes slightly: "How many military coins do I need to pay you in exchange for this knowledge?"

Gwen thought for a while: "One meal of barbecue and one meal of soup in a crock pot."

Hearing what he said, Dark Cat first showed a helpless expression, and then showed a soft smile.

The atmosphere within the secret investigation has always been good.

This kind of knowledge that requires payment is often replaced by treating guests to dinner because it is 'very convenient'.

On the contrary, this is something that most of the Yuanli Association cannot do, but in the end, a group of "familiar strangers" can accomplish it.

No wonder the Rangers always say: "The secret agents, like us Rangers, are a team with true brotherhood and sisterhood."

The three kinds of knowledge described by Gwen are definitely practical and easy-to-use tricks as an introduction to the shadow system.

Type 1: Use source power to locate the 'smell' around the shadow, and then use source power to analyze. This method does not require the ability to explore in the shadow at all. It only requires excellent tracking ability, such as the mind flayer and the current grid.

Wen is a user of shadow source power in this way.

Type 2: Through familiarity with the shadow level, you can easily convert the coordinate system in the shadow to the coordinate system in reality to complete the jump. This requires strong computing power, or the kind of calculation that has become an instinctive source of power.

'.Gwen and Grid can do it, but on an instinctive level, if they are slowed down, they can't do it.

Type 3: Arrange the source beacon in advance and find the direction through the source beacon. Simply put, it is the way to use the Bo o Minato model Flying Thunder God, but the jumping method is more difficult and requires accurate tactical positioning.

These three are the common jumping methods of shadow source power users, and they are classified as 'internal secrets in the industry'. Dark Cat was fascinated by what he heard, saying, 'The cursed blade is a shock wave. The last time I asked about the cursed blade,

Curse Blade asked me to study mathematics, and I really imitated her as a sokka.

In a sense, Curse Blade is right.

Isn’t the second type mathematics?

But the dark cat sisters just instinctively ignore the second one. Is there any way to do this?

Returning to Wu Yuanren's apartment, you can see the bust of Long Yan at the door. This bust is made of a material called Yangyan copper, and has a certain degree of enchantment with sacred properties, which can resist evil rumors.

Under the sun, the bust of the commander of the Fellowship looked a little burly.

The snowflakes falling from the sky fell on it, but they seemed to be melted and turned into water.

Water springs gather at its feet.

Gwen thought about it, and remembered the change in her impression of Long Yan.

I never thought that the other party should be the kind of demon king type leader who would sit on the Frozen Throne for ten thousand years and not do anything serious. But what I didn’t expect was that Long Yan was definitely a follow-me-type leader who did everything himself.

', its powerful combat effectiveness and excellent craftsmanship were not wasted on the rear.

A super armored squirrel car specially designed for Long Yan, allowing him to travel from the front line to the train, and from the train to the front line at a cycle speed of ten minutes.

To put it in some game terms, Long Yan is a source of power with extremely strong wandering ability.

Gwen took a shower full of fatigue, put on comfortable clothes, and went to Curse Blade's room.

"Good cards, why do you say they are good cards? Because I think it is impossible for you to beat me with ten cards -"

As soon as she entered the door, Gwen heard the confident voice of Curse Blade and the 'premonition of tragedy'.

As expected.

Not even two seconds after entering the door, Gwen had just walked up behind her when she heard the curse blade scream. She held her head in her hands and fell back.

His eyes were staring blankly at Gwen's thighs and pants.

"...Ha, I don't wear a skirt."

Gwen said something and stretched out her hand to pull the opponent up. At the same time, she said hello to the opponent of Curse Blade, Miss Laura, who said she was here to help.

"Sister Laura, long time no see, have you gone to the battlefield?"

The way Laura stared at him was really a bit unsettling.

For the first time, Gwen consciously reached out to cover her belly button, and at the same time patiently buttoned the button again.

Sister Laura swallowed her saliva and blew slowly, but it was a bit like whistling.

Then he showed a charming smile.

After two seconds, she blinked: "Huh? What did you say?"

This man's provocative power is already ready to be unleashed.

Gwen controlled her fear of running away and sat with Spellblade.

"I mean, have you been to the battlefield recently? I haven't seen you for a while?"

"I've always been on the battlefield." Laura puffed up her chest, proudly, "I'm on the third line."

Which front is that?

Gwen glanced at the curse blade.

The cursed blade made a mouth shape: the one that collapsed.

Good guy, seeing how impassioned this man was when he spoke, I thought he was a good man, but I didn't expect him to be a runaway dog.

Gwen let out a breath.

I feel like I can't talk anymore today.

I had no choice but to tremble my lips and get to the point:

"I heard that you recently found a master who can process blue-faced silver and modify relics?"

Although Laura joined the secret service, it was mostly in name only.

Hearing Gwen ask, she burst out laughing, shook her head, and said rather show off:

"Isn't your statement wrong? Processing blue-faced silver? Even a fool can use such a good material; modifying a relic? Just changing it casually is considered a modification. To be precise, I know someone here who can guarantee that your relic will be used as it is.

It has been strengthened through the use of materials and has had positive modification effects.”

This is rigorous and professional.

Gwen immediately became convinced.

Blinking, he asked with eyes shining brightly that made the curse blade next to him helpless:

"What do I have to give?"


It's all Benzema's fault. It's all Benzema's fault that ruined this family. Benzema! You ruined this night!

Meow, meow, meow!


This chapter has been completed!
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