Turn off the lights
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Chapter 166: Train Affairs

The night sky without light does not appear dark.

On the contrary, it is quite bright.

Gwen was on the top floor of the main tower at the front of the car, looking at the scene outside the window, with thousands of thoughts pouring out of her heart, but in the end she slowly uttered one sentence:

"I'm super, the fire is shining all over the sky."

The sky is full of fire.

Hell has come to the human world. I don’t know if it’s the behavior of Satan’s fans, but in short, there are no less than ten fire pits and portals within the field of vision.

At the same time on the other side.

"I am super, that wicked person always turns on the high beam?"

Corresponding to the portal of the demons is some kind of huge shining door. Behind the door, you can see an ancient forest park that can be used to film Jurassic Park and Cretaceous Savage Survival. A good park always looks primitive and ancient, tall and tall.

The trees were almost fossilized, with mosquitoes the size of calves flying around - only mosquitoes the size of calves could be seen by Gwen from a distance.

Groups of grotesque angels with feathers growing on their backs that were more demonic than demons flew out from it.

Demons and angels weave a scene of classical air combat (World War II) in the air.

Dog fighting, bombing, gun to gun and onboard.

Gwen has never seen a race with such hatred towards such a person. What is even more surprising is that the angels are even more vicious than the demons.

When the devil falls to the ground, he will emit black smoke, make an exquisite retreat, and escape back dragging his body. But the angels are not the same. These strange angels will grab one or two people on their backs before falling to the ground, and enter a crazy situation.

It’s too onboard.

"Are these angels? Why do you look at..."

"The angels in Paradise Mountain have long since disappeared. The beautiful angels in human form that you imagine are like mourning angels are already quite cherished unnatural products." Penny said in a gloomy tone,

"According to the Witch Wiki, this group is strictly speaking the Angels of Anti-Heaven Mountain. When Heaven Mountain was destroyed, their blood and tears fell to the ground, forming a curse on the entire multi-faceted universe, thus forming a group specializing in the production of black people.

The birthplace of angels, thus giving birth to these bizarre varieties."

"Is that so? Miss Petunia, then why do they attack demons with such hatred after turning black?"

Snowy, the Dawn Spear Saint, has extraordinary communication skills, and she actually made friends with Penny easily.

She asked the car spirit dressed as a nun in a more respectful tone.

"It's very simple. It comes from a kind of anger in the living space."

This question seemed a bit sensitive. Petunia said nothing and just looked at Leonardo da Vinci, while the witch came out to give them an answer.

"The location of Nitiantian Mountain is in the abyss. It can be said that the angel race wants to get rid of the demons. The original way of survival has changed from being incompatible with each other, directly into a struggle for living space. In the battle for living space, their consciousness

Only by being more vicious and cruel than before can we gain a living space."

"But they are outsiders, aren't they?"

Kenny asked a little confused.

Even Gwen laughed at this natural statement.

"It is precisely because they are invaders that they are even more ruthless in destroying everything belonging to the indigenous people. Don't you want them to feel that they are wrong?"


A huge lava fireball hit the main tower, causing the entire train to stop running.

The gloomy nun Che Ling said:

"The main tower was attacked, the energy level is 340, the main tower was damaged, the damage level is 0042... We can keep it fighting all day."

Penny finally made a joke.

"We can't let the fight continue without limit. Who hit us?"

"Hold on."

Tentacles emerged from Penny's shadow, and the tops of these soft bodies were dark yellow Beast Boys.

"Wow." Xenice shrugged.

Kenny unconsciously took a step back and grabbed Gwen's wrist.


She tilted her head, loosened her hands, and shook her body.

"I said Penny, can you change your look?"

"Your skin and hair is from your parents."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"A branch of the witch language, which means: you can kill someone, I can control someone."

Looking at Kenny's somewhat suppressed red face, Xenise suppressed a smile and said:

"What Miss Petunia probably wants to say is 'none of your business'."

"So aggressive."

Da Vinci looked amused.

Penny glanced at her.

"Say less and format AI."


It's rare that Leonardo Da Vinci, who looks like a British civil servant, can break through the defense. Penny, a car spirit, has only one problem so far, and that is that she really has a dirty mouth.

Of course, it may not be considered a 'problem', but may be a feature.

After all, the decadent gothic elder sister with dark circles under her eyes and a V-shaped one-piece nun outfit with black stockings and black hand socks has dealt a direct blow to many people's system. This punch has penetrated into the heart.

Horse Island.


The main tower trembled slightly, and outside the window of the control room, a dark muzzle stuck out.

"Lock the target and launch the V31 flare."


The muzzle of the gun flashed.

Suddenly, bright daylight entered the sky, and the figure of a demon with huge wings was revealed.


"The target has been eliminated, 1 flare was consumed."

The demon turned into powder after falling to the ground.

Even the flares used by the witch have terrifying destructive power for some lower-level monsters. Although Gwen has also heard that there are weapons like "flare guns" in many games, and they are often like grenades.

Consumable weapons…

"Did this guy hit us?"

"The lava demon, no matter what it is, is a kind of modern armed demon. When the technology in many parallel spaces has evolved to a certain extent, killing each other is the unchanging nature of human beings. War, giant cannons and tanks are also wonderful things.

The onboard charge, the dead and destroyed cannon fell from the sky, to the bottom of the cosmic sky, into the abyss..."

"These demons were born, and they love to use the power of fire to constantly provoke other creatures. We were attacked, most likely because our train looked relatively huge."

"Then they are really brave." Gwen shook her head.


"Launch flares to destroy the target."

Penny fired again without saying a word, with a pleasant smile on her face that looked a little sickly.


"Don't worry, there are still plenty of flares. This factory was originally dedicated to manufacturing flares. We don't have regular artillery shells, but there are a bunch of flares."

It was rare for Penny to explain her behavior.

Gwen withdrew her gaze.

Will there be any problems if this continues?

Gwen guessed.

About two hours after the train started moving, Gwen got up from her comfortable sleep, walked into the lobby, and prepared a batch of golden crispy fried chicken legs for everyone.

Even the AI ​​witch would be happy to eat this delicious food.

Gwen sat over and the other party looked at him and acted a little more ladylike.

"Da Vinci, as an AI witch, do you also have a body?"

"Of course."

"But doesn't this affect you? As, you know, AI."

Da Vinci ate the sizzling golden crispy fried chicken, took a delicious bite of his index finger, and smiled with a little carelessness.

"It will have an impact. In terms of specific data, because of my physical body, I have reduced my computing power by nearly 35%."


"But if you can be a human, why do you want to be a robot?" She picked a cup of Coke brought by Fat Cat's lamp and took a sip. "Abandoning humanity, abandoning human enjoyment and bad roots, then calling yourself a human would be too arrogant.


"Are you sure you're not talking about being a question writer?"

"Being a question writer is just about being good. Being good and training one's determination are completely different things from completely abandoning humanity. I have heard that creatures other than witches have 'replaced themselves with machines and evolved', but there is no such thing.

What does it mean to be human?”

I felt that Da Vinci opened his heart a little bit.

The AI ​​witch thinks about her own existence to a certain extent, or in other words, can think about her own existence. This in itself is a typical symbol of "her humanity".

"Meow ow!"

The cat lanterns rushed in.

Gwen didn't pay attention at first. After all, cat lanterns are creatures like this. When they feel or see something to eat, they will rush in. But Gwen didn't eat after seeing these cat lanterns coming in (first

I didn't eat during the time), but my expression of "relieved" softened, and it took five or six seconds to realize that there was food.

Saw this reaction.

Gwen immediately stood up and grabbed Xenice, who was munching on food: "It's possible, sister."

"Huh?" Snowness quickly took out her handkerchief and wiped her hands before running out.

Gwen looked at Penny.

Penny spread her hands and chuckled: "I don't know the data, but a monster is coming."


Kenny also threw down the chicken legs, wiped his hands and picked up his rifle to follow them.

"Is this okay?"

Petunia asked.

"No problem at all. Dear Penny, this is a new measure and new mechanism for the utopian situation. We must seize the opportunity, dare to struggle, be the frontline pacesetter, and compose the most beautiful music for the new era. For Gwen and the others

For us, the destiny of Utopia seems to be doomed, but if we seize the entry point, grasp the foothold, and bravely follow the trend, there may be a turning point."

Penny cursed.

"The bastard witch."

After half a second, she asked hesitantly: "Is he really a mind flayer?"

"I assume he will."

"Is there any basis for this?"

"You are at a desert gas station in the desert, and the only thing that allows you to escape the misery is the last train at the bus station. Then you see the train coming, will you get on it? Even if it may not be the last train?



"You have no choice. Trust me or trust your own judgment. It's up to you."

Penny's face was covered in shadow. She began to wait.

"How did you know there was a monster coming?"

Snowness went out and rode on the back of a mole man (this kind of mole man who walks upright like a kangaroo likes to carry things on his back), and then tested: "Is it Yuanli? If so, I will

No more questions."

No, I don't believe in Yuanli.

Gwen tilted her head, rode on the back of another mole man, and replied: "No, it's experience."

"Tell me what?" Kenny patted Mole Man's neck skillfully.


First her mole flew out with her, then Gwen and Snowy.

This speed is faster than a normal Utopian sprinting at full speed.

It can travel nearly 100 meters in almost ten seconds, it can travel through six carriages in almost two minutes, and it can go from the front to the rear of the Heart Cat in four to five minutes. In this way, the Heart Cat is actually not that good.

It is a large train, but from a normal train perspective, such a large area is indeed quite scary.

"My experience is that if the cat lanterns don't start eating as soon as they come in, it means they sensed danger and escaped."

Cat lanterns have a very strong escape instinct. Don't ask why there have been no "unlucky cats" in cat lanterns for so many years. Even the most unlucky cats have unique abilities and master-level attainments in the ability to escape danger.

It can be said that the real ‘skill’ of the cat lantern is the ‘escape technique’.

It’s an escape technique that even a stick-level singles martial arts expert like Gwen, who has been immersed in martial arts for many years, can learn from!

At the same time, his crisis sensing is even better than that of Didu Xia!

"What you said makes so much sense."

Kenny's voice sounded a bit like he was suppressing a laugh.

At this time, because there are monsters outside, the cat lanterns have collectively retreated into the front castle, so it doesn't matter if they say bad things about the cat lanterns.

Xenice was recently beaten up by the cat lights while playing cards.

He also said angrily: "The cat lanterns have four claws and a tail when they run away."

This is still Gwen's fault.

If the cat lanterns are not aroused, the cat lanterns that appear to play cards are usually weak ones, the kind of bastard-level guys who are the first to be eliminated instantly when the dark duelist appears. But Gwen plays more cards here.

, so a large number of card-playing cat lights come here because of its reputation.

Thus a high-quality cat lamp was born.

It can be said that Gwen's spiritual landscape has become a dragon's playground for playing cards and lanterns.

If Mao Deng wants to play cards at the Fellow Station, he or she will come here to take on the challenge of the Legend of Cat Card Fighting - the Fellow Station. At present, the master-level card playing Mao Lan has occupied the pole position and has a great advantage at the start.

To put it bluntly, these are all high-quality card-playing cat lamps, and they easily defeated Xenice through their card skills.

It’s ridiculous that the Dawn Spear Saint brags about his card-playing ability. He really has no ability at all and is just bragging!

The three of them rode on the mole and soon saw the monster climbing onto the train in the wilderness.

The Singing Angels are fighting these monsters and have the upper hand.

Most of them are ghouls, zombies, and low-level demons.

Although the level of the Song Angels is not high, they have guns!

The standard Utopian double submachine guns, pistols, and a backpack of ammunition allow them to ruthlessly crush monsters of the same level.

"The singing angel is much stronger than the cat lantern."

Snowy's second black fart cat lamp.

Probably because of peace of mind.

After all, no cat would come out at this time...

"Meow? Cat seems to have heard someone talking about cat!"

Cat Varo walked out carrying a bloody heavy sword, and his hair was covered with the flesh and blood of monsters.

This cat is awesome.

If I am not afraid of monsters, I just hate that there are too few monsters, and there is not enough for cats to practice boxing with.

Xenice shut up.

This chapter has been completed!
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