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Chapter 167: Recruitment

[The war is raging, and some creatures will be displaced. Do you want to recruit this team of wonderful races in front of you that claim to be from another dimension? 】

If this were a game.

A bubble will definitely appear in front of Gwen's eyes and the words inside will look like this.

He sighed quietly, and asked the three little girls in front of him, not to say he was friendly, but at least he asked sternly: "Why do you want to join the Sniper Cat? As three..." The Sniper Cat is because of two

Sniper seriously objected to the fact that Heartcatcher was gone without Sniper, "...as three demons."

On the other side of the room, Kenny and Snowy were aiming guns at three little girls.

Because they have ram's horns on their heads that are common to demons... It's okay, demons are not sheep, and they don't have to be male if they have ram's horns.

The one at the head was wearing blue clothes and had a lovely sunny smile that almost reached the corners of his eyes.

There are two pairs of horns on the head.

The devil can no longer be devil.

At the same time, he was carrying a blood-stained circular saw on his back.

"Why are you so smart? You guys don't look like demons! Don't hesitate."

She also spoke with a bit of Abyssal accent. Don't ask why you can tell. Gwen recently learned a little bit of Abyssal with Cat Varo, because the witch's information contains Abyssal content.

By the way, the accent that Gwen can hear with her cat-like knowledge of Abyssal Language is very exciting in nature.

"Assuming you are not demons, under this premise, why do you want to join us?"

"Meow, that's right!"

Cat Varo poked his head out from under the table. This fat cat was already lying lazily next to the stove enjoying the warmth. Even though cats have lots of fur, they are extremely afraid of the cold! Even the chubby cat Varo is like this

, she didn’t really care about the ‘job fair’ she suggested, just like an ordinary house cat.

Of course, a domestic cat shouldn't be able to compete with the six-armed snake devil in height or the tonnage with the German rat "rat".

The purpose of this unique job fair is relatively simple.

Although the long night brings the risk of terror, countless monsters.

But it also brings opportunities.

At this time, high-quality monster adventurers and monster operators will be refreshed. If you can recruit a few monster operators with excellent combat effectiveness, then the goal on the next road will not be to 'run back to the fellow villagers', but to 'fight back to the fellow villagers'

Person number'.

"The salary is very attractive," said the little girl in yellow clothes.

The remaining girl in red looked like she hadn't woken up, and was hiding behind her sisters in a slightly autistic manner.

"...the treatment is very good, and there is air conditioning...the food may also be very good, because many cat lights live here."

Generally speaking, I came here for food, drink and wages.

"Very good. I'm glad to see that you are satisfied with the treatment on the Sniper Cat."

Based on Catvaro's suggestion, he offered a salary of 10 Ore Coins per week. Ore Coins, like many common currencies, are currencies linked to the 'Witch's Gold Dollar', so their payment is universal across the multifaceted universe.

The exchange is guaranteed by the Witch. And as long as you keep mining, you may get this currency with a face value of 5 Witch Gold Dollars.

This is already a very good treatment.

50 Witch Gold Dollars per week and 150 Witch Gold Dollars per month.

According to the AI ​​Witch, "Although there is no way to compare with the Witch, the salary is still competitive in the market of hiring monster adventurers. After all, you also have an adventure carriage, which can be used to lower the price."

By the way, Gwen found out that the income of the AI ​​witch was only 2,400 witch gold dollars per week, so she was especially greedy for the 1,000 witch gold dollars that the mine car produced every month.

At present, Gwen’s cumulative ‘monthly expenditure’ that she has to continue to pay to this greedy AI witch is about 300 witch gold dollars.

In other words, there is only a monthly budget of 700 witch gold dollars.

These three devils immediately occupied 450 yuan, accounting for 2% of the salary cap. In this way, even if Cat Varo is willing to join with a minimum salary, he will not be able to complete the championship lineup...


"Tell me about your specialties."

The ability of the blue-haired girl "Cady" is very simple. According to her self-proclaimed, she has a little bit of "Shadow Demon" blood and is considered a tiefling. Therefore, she has quite exaggerated frontal combat ability, and she also holds the Chainsaw Shadow

The chant has the only 'level five enchantment' that Gwen has ever seen, the level five pain enchantment. This is where the name of this weapon comes from. As long as the red hair wields the chainsaw, it will hit the enemy.

"...They screamed like they were singing, high-pitched, broken, like the last song of an artist who destroyed his own voice."

And you said you're not a devil?

Gwen nodded, understanding.

A positive output player with the demon's signature summoning ability, which can summon other demons once a day.

However, as a special form of shadow demon, Cady has the ability called "Shadow Pressure". He can turn himself into a shadow and release "Shadow Pressure". At the same time, when the shadow pressure hits the ground, it will cause output to the surroundings. The soul here is not

That 21-gram joke and literary prose. Instead, it weighs more than ten tons, coupled with demonic strength and the roar of a chainsaw.

Huang Maoluo ‘Helen’ said that she has some blood relationship with the Mud Demon, and she can be considered a tiefling, hehe.

Her specialty is ammunition craftsmanship and firearms craftsmanship, and she can maintain weapons and perform 'curse enchantments'.

Curse enchantment will bring an extremely powerful positive item and a painful negative item.

She made her sister Cady's chainsaw. The positive entry is 'Level 5 Pain Enchantment', while the negative entry is 'Weapon holder must smile' - Good guy, love Cady's smiling face

Not innate.

The most important thing is that this guy is also a technical nerd with the ability to develop technology. And he is the only devil among the three sisters who has a passport, and it is a passport from one of the giant cities.

By the way, one of the papers that Tu Xi secretly borrowed included her good stuff, and as a result, she was offered a job as Professor Yuan Lishi. She was also the best among the three sisters. You can tell from her coat.

The three sisters are dressed in standard Utopia outfits, trench coats, and World War I helmets (Utopia helmets are divided into ear protection and non-ear protection. The former is an expensive custom-made product, while the latter is just a hole. If your ears are knocked off, you can only blame yourself.

bad luck).

But the clothes of the other two people are quite old.

Helen was still wearing a custom-made yellow trench coat. It was so conspicuous that she wanted sixty snipers to shoot at her. It had a soft mink fur lining. The dark yellow military T-shirt was also close-fitting and good-looking. There was a witch hanging on the belt.

It is a submachine gun of the Jutsu series. The boots are also short boots with dark yellow cloud crack decorations that tend to look more stylish.

It’s a good mix!

The last demon, the shyest one, claimed to have the succubus factor, so judging from his appearance, he left his two good sisters behind. He looked quite 'poor', a little thin, and a bit

Lack of sleep and feeling depressed.

The things she knows are more complicated.

But it was because of this person that Gwen firmly wanted to recruit these three little devils.

The red-haired ‘Ani’ is proficient in farming!

Although I don't know why a succubus can farm, this is obviously not an advanced skill that ordinary succubi can learn. Farming here does not mean 'growing crops', but farming in a full range of 'occult meanings'.

.She can transform the effects of some buildings to make them truly possess magical power.

For example, if you increase the physical strength in the dormitory to 24 times, everyone can now work 23 hours a day and take 1 hour of rest. This is great news.

Another example is that she can build a closed greenhouse that she doesn't have the conditions to build! And it's very simple. She only needs half a wall, plus a roof, and finally uses her demonic power to continuously process the edges to create a layer of 'hell greenhouse'

The greenhouse's barrier and the crops inside can be completed!

Why is there a greenhouse in hell?

This has something to do with witches. The witches pursue witch chauvinism, so they disrupt the production links in the controlled areas, let the devils produce vegetables, let the devils grow rice, and then let the nomadic Mir demons provide dairy products, which is effective through three methods

Reduced the war potential of these races.

Therefore, it is understandable that the new generation of succubi are good at farming!

A succubus not only means 'bewitching in XX', but also has the characteristic of 'complying with people's wishes'. And what suits the witch's wishes is 'grow vegetables for us'. Succubi and lust demons who are proficient in the art of enchantment

On the contrary, living in the colonial hell and colonial abyss is enjoyable.

Gwen doesn't like Cady's strengths very much. On the one hand, he has a lot of frontal combat power, and on the other hand, he has never won against Shadow Demon before. But it's obvious!

These three sisters are three sisters who advance and retreat at the same time.

This is more troublesome.

If we were talking about devils, it would be natural for them to betray their own sisters. On the contrary, devils are sometimes quite loyal.

"I need to discuss this with my advisor, please wait outside."

"What do you think?"

Xenice knocked on the table with her left hand: "The asking price is not low, and all functions can be covered. The Mihayla in your team can replace the succubus... Hmm, what is it called? Oh, Ani. Mihayla is very important to the occult.

I also know a lot about architecture, so it’s not impossible to combine it with Miss Petunia’s witch wiki and follow the guide to build it, right?”

Makes sense.

Someone will spray her for me - thought Gwen.

"QNMD!" Kenny seized the opportunity and started to spray wildly, "What do you mean by just watching the guide and building it? Do you understand occult science? The manufacturing materials and drawings of the firearms have basically been exposed, but you can create the witchcraft yourself.

?I’m such a QNMD!”

The little girl with a poetic temperament has been going crazy lately.

Snowy's perfect defense prevented her from being sprayed. She finally seized the opportunity and Kenny went straight to the spot!

"By the way, did you learn how to make guns from Kallen?"

"That's right." Kenny raised his chin. Karen was a well-known gun-making expert, and it was said that Witchcraft bought her design drawings.

Xenice foreshadowed a sentence and immediately responded: "You make guns and you are also the second in charge?"

One sentence breaks the defense.

If Penny hadn't suddenly walked out of the shadows next to her, the two of them might have played the 'sister game' again.

"Penny, what do you think?"



"..." Petunia tilted her head and mumbled something.

the voice very low.

Gwen tapped the table with her finger dissatisfiedly.

"I'm just a train!" Penny spread her hands and widened her eyes, "What do you expect me to say? Talk about the skill level of these three demons? Hey, buddy, I'm just a train. I only know that artificial diesel smells like clean water.

Just like a toilet spirit!"


Gwen sets her sights on Varro, the cat, and sometimes he needs the cat's advice!

"Meow! The cat has never cooperated with the devil kid, but maybe, it's good, meow!"

Cat Varo flicked his cat tail: "The cats feel that they once had a friendship with a giant cat lantern in hell, and they have the aura of friendly cats on them!"

Locker room problems caused by personality factors can be ignored for the time being.

Although she didn't get along with the cat lantern for a long time, Gwen could tell that any creature that could play with the cat lantern couldn't be that bad no matter how bad it was.

——But in fact, his concept is wrong, because the most famous creature that plays with the cat lantern is the witch.

"Then sign a contract with them and allocate half a courtyard to them."

After Gwen reached a salary agreement with the three demons, she hired a team of six slime necromancers.

It's cheap, easy to replenish cannon fodder, and the 'Slime Gel Bone Soldiers' they summon can use simple submachine guns like the GR12 that can fire by just pulling the trigger.

Gwen arranged for them to have another tower in the courtyard.

And watched their skills with the devil girls.

"Hua, hai, Mocha!"

Slime Girl looks like a transparent gel creature about 1.7 meters tall, with a body like a mermaid. But the tail of the fish has turned into a limb that looks more like a tentacle. If you stand upright (not even completely upright)

, may be nearly 10 feet tall.

Their reaction system comes from the slime core in their chests, so the crisp sound they make is a bit like being heard through sea water.

"Is this a spell?"

Gwen kept smiling and asked in a low voice how knowledgeable Cady was. The blue-haired devil girl was the one who had seen the most among the three sisters.

"I bet you a hundred layers of abyss, absolutely not. This may be a way to increase their confidence in casting spells. Not every race in the world is a witch with a 100% spell casting success rate. Most spell-casting races need

It’s a certain way to improve your confidence in casting spells.”

While they were chatting, Slime Niang had successfully cast the spell.

They first took out special bones from the body and threw them out. The bones suddenly shattered in the air. Strips of gel with the same color as their bodies connected the joints, and then hand bones, leg bones, etc. were split from them.

Two or three seconds later.

A skeleton with gel on key points and gel on the knuckles of the hand bones as a means of improving mobility was summoned.

"Mind Flayer owners, these skeletons are designed with a considerable degree of flexibility. Their marksmanship is not worthy of trust, but when shooting head-on targets, they can still be trusted a little bit, hehe..."

Very nice display.

Gwen became more confident in choosing the "Long Night Road" to fight out. The long night is dangerous for many people, but for those who are fully prepared and the Witch Train, it can become a hunting ground!

This chapter has been completed!
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