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Chapter 345: Real Secret Investigation

Elites who are both secret agents have different methods of doing things.

Although Gwen felt that this was because Curse Blade was at the lower limit of what could be done in secret investigation, while Kasim was at the upper limit, so there was such a big difference.

After getting the work envelope.

Kasim did not open it on the spot, but left directly. "Where to?" Gwen asked.

"Secret room. You probably didn't prepare a mailbox." Kasim said expressionlessly.

She hid the envelope in her pocket clip and put a small bag of yellow liquid in a sealed bag into it. "What is the mailbox and what did you put in it?" Gwen was curious about everything.

Kasim glanced at her and showed a rare silent smile:

"Composite source grease will burn rapidly when exposed to air. If you feel that you can't leave, destroying the files in this way will prevent the enemy from getting anything. Chewing the files and swallowing them will also disembowel them. It's better.

this way."

Gwen finally had the real feeling of "a secret agent and an intelligence worker" and was dumbfounded.

"The mailbox is a device you use to control your train remotely. I have one available for you." "Remote control!?"

"Well, from the moment we walk out of this door, you and I will not be Kasim and Gwen, but Carly and Gray. We will not contact people we knew before, and we will temporarily cut off

Link, before completing the task."

Kasim walked in front, leading Gwen into a hidden passage, and he picked up a cat lantern as a lighting prop and walked down.

"But you don't know what the mission is yet," Gwen muttered. "The mission is the mission." Kasim paused.

Gwen gently touched the other person's back, raised her head, and saw that beautiful and weak white face looking at her.

"If you have a problem with the mission, and you think it's sending you to death, don't say it when you receive the mission. After you get it to a safe place of your own, you can then think about counterattacks, defections, betrayals, and counterattacks.

I have developed this habit of taking missions back, which makes many people with bad intentions ignore the fact that 'if I attack on their territory, I won't be able to escape easily'."

"Been taught a lesson."

Gwen suppressed this sentence. "You're welcome."

Kasim faced the front and continued walking down at a leisurely, but actually quite fast pace. Well.

This guy is really professional.

Gwen didn't murmur this time and followed silently.

Through the curved walkway, he opened a closed iron door and entered the dirty and damp sewer. Gwen swore that there should not be anyone as beautiful as Cassim in the world who could also watch the water passing by.

The 'gold' turned a blind eye and was a cruel person with an expressionless face. Gwen was lucky to have brought a gas mask and thick-soled shoes with her, otherwise even with her full strength, she would have been a bit overwhelmed.

Kasim's willpower is definitely on another level. The job of a secret agent is not fun, it's a bit dirty and a bit uncomfortable.

Through the underground passage, avoiding Long Yan's secret sentry, etc., they returned to a small alley on the ground. Above the alley was the track. The houses under the track were occupied by the poorest people, as well as homeless people and backpackers.

"Why should you avoid the people of Longyan?" "Avoid everyone once the work begins."

Kasim had her own rules of conduct. She looked up at the railroad tracks and seemed to recognize the direction. "Safe House No. 72."

She said, "Remember, safe house No. 72, this is the location where we will stay next. Its external name is Mickland Detective Agency, and it will be managed by us, Carly and Gray Pan."

Come down and use it as a career development, remember?"

Gwen had no doubt that she said "I don't remember if the other party will repeat it again. "Remember. Carly."

"Very good, you got into the mood very quickly, Gray." A shallow smile appeared on Kasim's face that would have been ignored if you didn't look carefully. She turned around and led the way. Her back was a little lonely, making people think

To hug him.

Here, Gwen saw the survival layer of the Fellowship.

It's not the lowest level, because it's not the lower compartment area yet, and Gwen has been to the lower compartment area. This place is more cunning and more businesslike.

The dirty floor, barely clean stone chairs with workers sleeping on them, and the exchange of supplies happening every moment. Although Kasim disguised Gwen, his feeling of not belonging here still aroused

The idea of ​​​​the locals. Two dirty and smelly Lutes came up with bared teeth.

Ask him if he wants to buy a body armor.

——A lovely and innocent person like you can't survive here for three days. The word they didn't finish was this.

One of them put his hand into the pocket of Gwen's coat and was already stealing something. Then Gwen saw Kasim who was completely different from the impression he had.

in his memory.

Kashim is gentle and elegant, full of a silent elitism. She does everything professionally, and accidents do not scare her because she has made plans.

And then? This Kasim?

She was unbelievably rough. She first punched the person in front of Gwen who was taking something out, and then kicked the other person in the balls with lightning speed. She cursed crazily, like an aunt, kicking and cursing at the same time.

, then she breathed a sigh of relief, squatted down, took out the bullet bags of the two people with a bit of a philistine, took two rows from them, stuffed them into her pockets, stood up and kicked them again with a curse.

Is this her? Is she real?

She turned around and asked in a gentle tone: "Are you okay?"

This tenderness, but there was almost no light under her eyes, made Gwen realize at once that this was a disguise, a mask. "It's okay." Gwen said, with just the right expression on her face, "I am super, you are here."

Is this the case?" expression.

"Believe me, this kind of thing doesn't happen very often. The security in my hometown is very good. It's just that occasionally someone bullies outsiders. Isn't it the same on every train? Ha." The most amazing thing about Kasim is that she

Even his accent has changed.

Her original tone and speaking style, with obvious pauses in each word, were very serious.

Now she has a bit of the short local accent of the Lute people mixed in, and she sounds very much like the kind of woman who calls herself 'I' and speaks with the ending sound of 'ah'. You may not believe it when you say it, but this change in tone suddenly makes Cassin

Mu is at least ten years younger.

Only then did Gwen find out.

In fact, Kasim has a very authentic beautiful girl appearance, rather than a royal sister-type character. She seems to be completely integrated into the surrounding environment.

The environment in Safe House No. 72 was much better than Gwen expected.

It is on the upper floor of the living area, with a small balcony that can get sunlight. It is close to the railway tracks. It has five bedrooms and two living rooms with a kitchen. The space is not really big, but it is well planned. For example, the office actually only has one big table, and the left and right walls are

The bookshelf is full of things, and the desk is the only space in the room. If you want to squeeze in and sit behind the desk, you have to take a breath.

The butt should not be too big, otherwise it might get stuck.

"Better than I imagined!" Gwen announced loudly, putting down the temporarily purchased luggage.

"We are pretending, not being tortured. Maybe my disguise makes you think that I am an ascetic who can complete the task 100%." ​​Kasim smiled, "But I am not. If the task is too troublesome, I will give up directly.

, I will refuse if the reward of the task is not to my liking. Betrayal only requires the right price. I have my own price for loyalty, and you can buy it, and I have a very good reputation.”

Kasim was not shy about loyalty.

Gwen breathed out, "Okay, can we open the mission letter now? Also, why don't you know what our mission is, so why don't you just bring me to No. 72, just in case the location is different?

Wouldn’t it be a waste of effort?”

"Because I know what the mission is."

"Oh, that makes sense, wait? What did you say?" Gwen's eyes widened.

Kasim took out the letter from his pocket and gently put it into Gwen's hand. Finally, his fingertips lightly scratched Gwen's index finger. When Gwen lowered her head, she raised her hand and lightly ticked the check mark with her index finger.

Wen's chin.

she says:

"A qualified secret agent cannot only know what the mission is when it comes. Make use of your influence and the contacts you have accumulated to ask them to help you and let them tell you about easy and profitable work."

"Just say it, don't do this." Gwen moved her head away dissatisfied and took a step back.

It would be better if it comes with Curse Blade.

Although Cursed Blade also likes to move around while talking, it is not like this, and Cursed Blade is also more idealistic, unlike Kasim who exudes the stench of a realist.

"If you don't touch such a beautiful chin, even the Wilgi people will be dissatisfied." Kasim always has some lies.

Gwen glared at her, then threw her coat into the other person's arms, reminding her: "It's time to work." "Yeah."

Kasim silently accepted the coat and walked to the living room. She opened the suitcase, and inside was a set of professional props. Gwen was dazzled by what she saw.

My mind was suddenly occupied by a lot of questions.

"What is this?" Gwen asked, pointing to a rather large cigarette box. Next to it was a small transparent bag containing a large number of parts.

"Secret camera." "Huh?"

"Eighty percent of the commissions of secret agents are related to sex. Because we serve the petty bourgeoisie and the middle class most of the time, do you know what this means?" She explained before Gwen could answer, "Human beings are satisfied with survival.

Needs will then lead to higher-level needs, such as love, entertainment, sex, literature, and art. But at the same time, some people will feel dissatisfied with their original spouse as they age."

"They will seek new young bodies."

"Unfortunately, even in the most chaotic town level, such behavior will be condemned and financially punished, and they are unwilling to move to the less convenient town, township or village level, so there is no way. We took photos

Their wrongdoings, their financial punishment, reap our personal rewards."

"This is one of the tools that triggers punishment, isn't it interesting?" It's quite interesting.

Gwen blinked, suppressing her inappropriate curiosity.

But this curiosity was shattered in the next second.

Because Kasim actually asked: "Do you want to take it out and play with it?" "Ah?"

Gwen was so surprised that she even ignored the Utopian word "play" in the other person's words, but waved her hands wildly, "No, this kind of thing can be considered a relatively important and sophisticated instrument, right?"


"Then you can lend it to others."

"The sub-secret agents in our team often borrow this prop." Kasim said expressionlessly and said gossip that did not fit her personality. "It is used to pick up girls."


"Secret agents are also human beings, and they also have needs. Many times, outsiders' lack of understanding of us gives us opportunities to take advantage of us. You know those agents, right? Everyone has picked up more than a dozen girls, and of course, there are also boys. But in short

, although the mysterious spies have always been in a state of oversupply in the mating market, the supply in the sex market is in short supply."

A mysterious espionage agent.

Think about it, it does have a fatal attraction.

"I'm not going to play anymore." Gwen reluctantly looked away, "Let me first understand our mission. Long Yan said it is related to the prophecy?"

"Yes, there are more than a thousand cases related to prophecy, and there is a madman who claims to have seen the end of the world." "Oh my God!" Gwen shouted, "Isn't this taken seriously?"

"Oh my God." Kasim said with an expressionless tone, "If we catch the madman who claims to have seen the end of the world, we will be the first city-level city to have to seek help from other trains because the prison is overcrowded.

The train is here."

"Aren't you from the city level?"

"It can be." Kasim is a fellow villager. Otherwise it would be difficult to explain why she feels a sense of belonging to this train. "You said that this kind of people are common, so this time we are here because what he said is true?



Yes. But he did see something, and he went crazy and became a perverted murderer, killing people randomly, just in this area."

"Random killing, then we'll do it"

"Killing with passion." Kasim's voice was as calm and indifferent as ever, and Gwen began to miss the accent of a country girl that this guy pretended to be.

Kasim slowly and calmly said to Gwen: "In Utopia, crimes of passion are very difficult to catch. At the same time, we are not sure the extent of the opponent's awakened source power. The time interval between his killings varies. It may be us

The frequency cannot be monitored, or someone is also committing a crime."

In Utopia, the most difficult thing about catching criminals is the high crime rate and high death rate. Except for murderers who are seeking fame, it is not that easy to catch a killer.

Even if all the mind flayers are dispatched, there is no way to find who is committing the crime in the huge crowd. At the same time.

It is also impossible to determine whether the offender will be turned into a 'victim' by the victim.

Just think about it, Lei Ting's little girl usually likes to go out on the street and do whatever she wants, just in case a murderer who specializes in killing little girls targets her.

Of course this is an extreme situation.

A less extreme situation is when killing people, the person being attacked suddenly takes out a shotgun and fires two shots as fast as lightning, and then adds a grenade.

In Utopia, being a perverted killer is actually a dangerous profession. You dance on the tip of a knife every day.

This chapter has been completed!
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