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Chapter 747: Die with eyes closed

As soon as these words came out, Xizhu's expression suddenly changed, and she subconsciously lowered her head deeper and deeper, trying her best to hide herself in the shadows.

Jiang Shuhua naturally knew what happened to Quinn, but she never thought that Han Jian, who was next to Emperor Yufeng, would notice such a trivial matter.

After all, in this deep palace compound, how could a palace maid and eunuch not die one day?

At this time, Han Jian spoke to her for the first time, and he said such a sentence, which really frightened her.

But Jiang Shuhua still tried her best to calm down, and said with a smile: "Really? Maybe..."

She swallowed her saliva and said, "This palace is really too big. Maybe I got lost somewhere."

Jiang Shuhua herself didn't believe this when she said it, but she could only say this.

After finishing speaking, he continued: "The sweet soup that was sent to His Highness just now seems to be bland. I will go back and make it again so I won't disturb my father-in-law."

After she wanted to put down these words, she quickly ran across the open space next to Han Jian.

But facing such a person, she found that she couldn't do it.

Even though he was just standing with his hands behind his back, he still looked like an ordinary person.

However, the coercion on that person seemed to have occupied the entire alleyway, and the only place that was truly free was the small area under her feet.

Therefore, Jiang Shuhua's feet seemed to have taken root and sprouted, fixed on the ground and unable to move at all.

And Han Jian's cold voice sounded again, "In this palace, except Your Majesty, everyone in the twenty-four prisons should be in the hands of this governor. The lives of people in the hands of this governor are so good."

Do you want to take it?"

This was said so clearly that Jiang Shuhua shuddered subconsciously.

But then she realized that the chill was not coming from her heart, but from her side.

She suddenly turned around and looked away.

The scarlet python robe appeared next to her.

Jiang Shuhua's eyes suddenly opened wide. Where Han Jian was standing just now, there was still half a figure. When did he come here? Why didn't she even hear a sound?

But Jiang Shuhua was not allowed to think more, because she mustered up the courage to look along Han Jian's figure, and saw Xizhu's eyes so wide that they seemed to fall out.

Because at this time, there was a hand stuck around her neck. It was a dead white hand, as white as if it had just been dug out of the ground.

Jiang Shuhua's heart suddenly beat like thunder, her feet softened, and she fell to the ground.

However, Xizhu's feet slowly left the ground, and his toes were struggling and trembling at high speed, but he could not even make any big movements.

It didn't take long, or maybe a long time passed.

Because at this time, Jiang Shuhua felt that every breath she took became extremely difficult, as if the air she was in was filled with some invisible and intangible viscous substances, making it impossible for her to breathe even loudly.

It's like sucking that fresh air into your lungs.

Then the pair of feet wearing indigo shoes with raised toes stopped trembling and became motionless, like a doll hanging on the tree. The next time it moves, it may have to wait for a gust of wind.


The heavy object escaped to the ground, and Xizhu landed next to her. His eyes were wide open and filled with red bloodshot eyes. Where he looked, it was Jiang Shuhua.


Jiang Shuhua finally couldn't control it, and her whole body was shaking violently. She screamed and retreated crazily, until she retreated to the bottom of the wall, and then she hid there.

Even her bun was rubbed loose by her, and there was a lot of wall dust on her face.

Those two eunuchs were dead, Jiang Shuhua knew.

That was the person Xizhu was looking for to kill Xie Songhua.

But Xie Songhua did not die, the two eunuchs died.

Therefore, the two eunuchs died because of Xizhu, and even more because of her.

Han Jian killed Xizhu, so the next step, at this next time, is he going to kill himself?

She could still figure this out in her chaotic mind at this moment. Jiang Shuhua immediately looked at Han Jian, shook her head vigorously and said: "No! Don't kill me! Don't kill me! I...I didn't mean it. I'll do it next time."

I don’t dare, I don’t dare to taint my father-in-law’s people anymore.”

Han Jian was finally willing to cast his gaze on her face, but there was still no emotion in his eyes.

"I won't kill you."

The tone was pale and cold, without any ups and downs, just like a jackdaw in late autumn. Suddenly, the room was filled with desolation.

But when Jiang Shuhua heard these words, she seemed to hear the voice of her family.

But she still didn't dare to rest assured or believe the person in front of her, so she still looked at Han Jian warily.

Han Jian did not look at her again, but took a plain handkerchief and wiped the hand that had just strangled Xizhu to death, once and for all, very seriously, as if he was wiping something dead.

"His Royal Highness is still interested in you, so...please him well. This is the only reason why you can survive now."

After saying these words, Han Jian also threw down the square handkerchief, and then turned around and left very calmly, his steps neither slow nor hasty, and his figure not swaying.

Just like every time she met him occasionally.

It wasn't until Han Jian disappeared around the corner that Jiang Shuhua finally dared to move herself.

His eyes turned to Xizhu over there. After a long time, he finally cried.

At that moment, she really thought she was dead.

She had never felt death so clearly.

After crying hard, Jiang Shuhua suddenly woke up.

Han Jian is gone, the perpetrator is gone, what should she do now?

There is also Xizhu's body here. If she is thrown here directly, people will soon find her. Moreover, Xizhu's identity is the number one palace maid in front of her. There are too many people in the palace who know her.

It won't take two days to find her, and the circumstances of her death are so clear. How will she explain it then?

How could Xizhu be strangled to death when he was so good?

Who did she, the crown prince Liangdi, offend to cause the eldest maid next to her to suffer such a bad luck?

Jiang Shuhua didn't dare to think too much. She didn't know what to do, but she clearly understood that Xizhu's body must be handled by her own hands.

It wouldn't do to just find a well and throw it down.

After soaking in the well for a long time, there will eventually be a smell. When the time comes to fish it out and conduct an autopsy, we will know how she died. Then the question returns to the first option.

Jiang Shuhua finally realized that there was only one way she could take the current situation, and that was to take Xizhu away, at least leave here first.

And herself...

Even though her thoughts were too disturbed at this time, Jiang Shuhua still took out the target scope she carried with her, wiped the dirt off her face bit by bit, and then arranged her bun.

He stood up again, straightened all parts of his body, and then turned towards Xizhu.

But as soon as she saw her unblinking eyes, she was so frightened that she immediately took two steps back.

After breathing hard for several times, Jiang Shuhua finally gained courage and slowly walked over. She first threw the handkerchief over and covered Xizhu's face. Only then did she feel a little better.


After closing Xizhu's eyes through the handkerchief, Jiang Shuhua felt keenly that Xizhu's body was even warm.

She gritted her teeth, finally put Xizhu on her shoulders, and then walked step by step towards the East Palace and into her yard.

Fortunately, no one was wandering around at this time. Occasionally, I met one or two little palace maids. Although I was surprised by her appearance at this time, I didn't dare to go forward and ask more questions.

But as soon as she returned to her courtyard, a palace maid immediately came to greet her and said very attentively: "Liangdi, what happened to Aunt Xizhu? Why did you ask Liangdi to help you back in person? Let the slaves come!"

This chapter has been completed!
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