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Chapter 748: Concealing the truth

How could Jiang Shuhua let them take advantage of her? She immediately stretched out her hand to stop her, "No, Xizhu is just a little uncomfortable. I will let her go to my room, and you don't need to follow her.

All the maids knew that Xizhu was Jiang Liangdi's most trusted person. On weekdays, there was only Xizhu in Liangdi's room, and others did not dare to enter.

Now that I saw that Xizhu was not feeling well, but was actually helped back by Jiang Liangdi, he felt more and more deeply that the relationship between the two of them was a master and a servant.

Naturally, it also attracted the envy of many palace ladies.

"When His Highness ascends the throne, Aunt Xizhu will be the aunt in charge of the First Palace. Just thinking about it makes me feel majestic."

A palace maid looked at their backs as they entered, her tone full of envy.

But another palace maid asked in confusion: "Aunt Xizhu has always been in good health, why did she suddenly become so ill? Just now I saw Liangdi dragging her in, and her feet seemed not to touch the ground."

"Hey! Maybe there is some hidden problem. Liangdi doesn't ask us to go in and serve her right now. This may be the reason. Anyway, we are just obeying orders. It would be better if we don't say we are lazy.

Besides, when Liangdi is crowned concubine, we will be promoted accordingly. The most important thing now is to do our job well and establish a good relationship with Aunt Xizhu."

The maids had no idea that the person they were talking about was already dead, but Jiang Shuhua breathed a sigh of relief when she looked at Xizhu lying on the recliner.

She drank three cups of tea in a row before she could suppress the anger in her heart.

But then he thought that the hand he was holding the tea cup had just dragged Xizhu's body along the way.

Suddenly I felt like my stomach was churning again.

I quickly rushed into the clean room and vomited for a long time before I finally recovered.

She quickly found a thin quilt and covered Xizhu's body, pretending that she had fallen asleep, and then asked the palace maid to send her a water channel clean room for her to bathe.

The prince had a lot of things to do today, and he thought he might not come to the harem, so Jiang Shuhua sent everyone else out.

It is inevitable that several palace maids will envy Xizhu. In this deep palace, which servant below can get such care from the master?

I'm afraid it's the first of its kind in history.

But what they didn't know was that Jiang Shuhua waited until it was late at night and everyone in the yard fell asleep before quietly slipping out of the back window.

There was a small forest behind her house. The prince had thought about removing it for her because he thought it would block the light in her house.

But she felt that the sound of raindrops falling on the leaves was very pleasant on a rainy day, so she insisted on staying. It seemed that it was fortunate that the prince did not ask the prince to renovate this place at that time, so she could bury the bamboo in it at this time.

Digging a hole is physical work. Jiang Shuhua dug for most of the night before digging out the hole. She lay down in it again and tried it again. After confirming that it was deep enough, she returned to the room and took Xizhu with a bed sheet.

They were thrown out of the window together.

Finally, with a weak light, I buried the bamboo in it. Finally, I did not forget to cover the top with a layer of fallen leaves, and poured the excess soil into an abandoned well.

After doing all this, the sky outside finally turned white.

When the maids in Jiang Shuhua's courtyard got up one by one, they heard Jiang Shuhua scolding Xizhu in the room.

Occasionally, Xizhu made one or two unclear words.

Finally, Jiang Shuhua said coldly: "I value you so much, but you actually want to leave here for a man, and you have the nerve to ask me to let you go? You really can't do it if I leave you, right?"

Go away if you want, I will greet you at the palace gate. From now on, you can live your happy life outside the palace, and I will no longer have a place for you here."

Then there seemed to be a low sound of a woman crying.

Several palace maids were whispering to each other, not knowing what was going on. They were poking their heads around, but they didn't dare to actually go and inquire.

After a while, Jiang Shuhua was seen slamming the door and walking out angrily wearing an emerald green double-breasted long coat.

At a glance, she saw the palace maids poking their heads, and immediately said fiercely: "Your Aunt Xizhu has a higher pursuit. I leave my words here. Whoever recognizes her as aunt is the one with me."

If you are an enemy, you will leave my courtyard today.

If you don’t want to annoy me, no one is allowed to talk to her and tell her to get out! From today on, there will be no such person in my yard."

After saying that, he went out directly.

The maids became more and more trembling, but thinking about offending Liangdi and Xizhu, they naturally chose the latter.

Xizhu is about to leave the palace, and there will be no chance to meet her in the future. If she doesn't step on her at this time, who would be stupid enough to say anything nice in front of her?

Not to mention, with Xizhu gone, her seat became vacant, and only those like them had a chance.

Everyone is profit-seeking, so after everyone looked at each other, they went back to their houses in unison, not even wandering around in the yard.

After a while, another person came out of Jiang Shuhua's room. He was wearing plain clothes and covering his face with a handkerchief. He looked like he was crying very sadly.

Probably it was because Jiang Shuhua's words just now made Xizhu very shameless, so now she didn't stop at all, actually didn't take anything, and ran out in a hurry while crying.

"Tsk tsk!" A palace maid slowly came out of her room and said with a bit of schadenfreude, "Look at her clothes, they seem to be of good quality! Such a good master to her,

Where can I find it in this world? I want to say that this Xizhu really has a broken brain to make such a choice."

"Hey! There are a lot of stupid people in this world," another palace maid said with a smile, "We sisters should not be so stupid.

Liangdi is so angry today, and now it's autumn again. It's time for her to drink a cup of autumn pear and bird's nest. I will go to the kitchen to guard her. Don't argue with me."

After saying that, he ran away quickly.

Only then did everyone realize that they were all competitors now. As long as they performed well and Liangdi took a fancy to her, she would be the next Aunt Xizhu.

So the maids in Jiang Shuhua's courtyard finally got busy.

Jiang Shuhua, who was hiding in the flowers, heard clearly what was going on inside, and finally felt relieved. The matter was probably covered up like this, but she still had to report it to the Crown Princess first.

She slowly took off the clothes on her body, then opened the other cover and put on the emerald green double-breasted coat. Then Shi Shiran stood up from the flowers, rubbed his eyes hard again, and made a red face.

It looks like his eyes are bulging.

When a palace maid saw her coming back, she originally wanted to go forward and show her courtesy, but after seeing her gloomy face, she didn't dare to come over.

Jiang Shuhua returned all the way to her house, and everything was over.

Xizhu left the palace on his own, and broke up with himself for a man.

Therefore, no one would know that there was a body in the woods behind her house.

It seems that this matter has ended successfully.


Jiang Shuhua suddenly felt so uncomfortable that she couldn't help crying.

Ever since she left the Xie family and came to the East Palace, Xizhu has been the person she trusts the most. She can leave everything to Xizhu, and Xizhu also knows all her secrets.

But now that this person was gone, she suddenly felt a little at a loss.

She wanted to find something to do, but found that in the past, she was accustomed to telling Xizhu to do anything.

Jiang Shuhua closed her eyes and tried her best to erase the relevant thoughts from her mind.

She couldn't continue thinking like this! She had to think of something else.

Then she thought of Xie Songhua. Xizhu died because of Xie Songhua.

This chapter has been completed!
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