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Chapter 581 He is like a king

In the early morning, the scouts of the Yuhu Division quietly approached the Tang Army's camp.

"Why is there no one?"

According to the pattern of the past few days, the Tang army's scouts should be coming with a fierce look at this moment.

"Look further ahead."

The scouts looked around cautiously, fearing that the man-headed monster would come out of the darkness.

"What a dog said! I don't know what that Wang Lao Er is doing hunting for human heads!"

"Maybe it's a hobby!"

"How can you have such a hobby?"

"Yang Gou also likes to build Jingguan"

"Stop talking, it makes me feel bad."

The crowd kept approaching, getting slower and slower.

"No one?"

In the camp, the tents are still there, everything is there, but the people and horses are missing!

"Run away!"

The scouts couldn't believe it.

"Is there an ambush?" someone asked worriedly.

"Do you think Yang Gou likes people like us?"

"Uh! What you said makes sense!"

"Go in and take a look!"

Someone touched it and got into the tent. When he came out again, he said in disbelief: "Damn! There's no one there!"

The scouts were looking around...

Later, the news was brought back.

"Tang Jun is gone?"

He Xin said in disbelief: "Yang Gou...just left like that?"

"He also left his tent behind. This is because he is worried that we will find the camp empty and pursue him."

Wang Zhan felt relieved, "He only has half a day's chance to attack. No matter whether he succeeds or not, the risk is too high. Have you ever noticed that although Yang Gou's soldiers are full of tricks, they rarely take risks. If he misses a hit, he will immediately Escape far away!"

"This is a horse thief!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone laughed wildly.

Zhang Zhuo said: "The scouts follow them all the way and watch where they go. In addition, send someone to tell the reinforcements... That's all. How can we still let them go back?"

Wang Zhan said: "The reinforcements were in vain last time, and it is still the same this time. Khan, be careful!"

"I know." Zhang Zhuo's eyes were gloomy. "As soon as the reinforcements arrive, be careful. I must have good hands by my side at all times."

Chapter number returned home.

"He's gone."

He sat on the ground, resting his chin on his hands.

Zhang Yue looked steadily at the scroll in his hand, but the words gradually became blurred.

Three thousand forwards rushed across a small river like a whirlwind and then disappeared away.

Later, a group of cavalry came over.

"That's right, it's right here."

Immediately, a large group of people arrived.

The scale of more than 10,000 riders is huge.

"Leave five thousand people," Yang Xuan said.

Chenzhou does not lack war horses, but it lacks food.

Unlike grasslands with dense pastures, Chenzhou also needs food to raise war horses.

Therefore, the only difficulty in forming a large cavalry is pasture.

Otherwise this cavalry will become a huge financial burden.

Many war horses were captured during this trip, leaving Chenzhou soldiers with one remaining. So even the infantry became what Yang Xuan calls a mobile force.

"Lang Jun, wouldn't it be better to take the whole army with you?"

The old thief said.

"No need." Yang Xuan looked ahead, "The enemy's main force should not be more than twenty miles away from here. Five thousand people are left behind. Firstly, it will cut off the enemy's communication. Secondly, I need an army to maintain here. Recharge your batteries and wait... to return to the army!"

"Set off!"

The large group of cavalry waded across the river and then disappeared into the distance.

At noon, they found a hilly area.

"Right here!"

Yang Xuan dismounted and said, "Second brother!"

"Langjun!" Wang Laoer waved and called the two elders.

"You take people to sentry, remember, you are sentry, not killing the enemy. From a distance, if you are discovered by the enemy, Tu Gong... How long does it take to dry a person at the city gate?"

Tu Shang said: "When the wind is strong, three to five days!"

Wang Laoer was excited, "We will definitely not let the enemy discover it."

The old thief whispered: "Why don't you protect your second child?"

Tu Shang glanced at him and said, "Mr. Lang is training his dick."

Jiang He'er and He Lianyan dismounted. He Lianyan was okay, but Jiang He'er had never been so fast. After dismounting, he crossed his legs and kept moving.

The two found a place to sit down, drink water and eat solid food.

Yang Xuan was discussing arrangements with Nan He and others.

"Everyone thought that they would fight hard for a long time today, and then they retreated in frustration when there was no result." Jiang He'er finished eating the dry food and put his legs away, resting his chin on his knees. "Zhang Zhuo thought so, Nan He and the others thought so too, even

The wise Mr. Han also thought so...but Lang Jun thought of ambush the reinforcements."

When He Lianyan saw Yang Xuan pointing to the left and Nan He and others nodding respectfully, he couldn't help but sigh, "Lang Jun's military use can be said to be magical."

Jiang He'er asked: "You used to say that He Lianchun was very capable. If he and Lang Jun faced each other on the battlefield, who would win?"

He Lianyan was silent for a long time. Just when Jiang He'er was dozing off in a daze, he heard her say:

"Of course it's Mr. Lang!"


Ten thousand cavalry were galloping, and the sound of horse hooves sounded like thunder.

Xiao Manyan kept urging his subordinates to speed up.

The deputy general next to him said: "I'm afraid Yang Gou is going to run away!"

Xiao Manyan nodded: "Yesterday, Zhang Zhuo's people said that the Tang army was attacking like crazy in order to defeat the Tiger Control Division before today. It's too late for him to try to use force today."

The deputy general said: "Even if he defeats the Tiger Control Division today, we will still be defeated if we arrive. If Yang Gou can be captured..."

There was something special in Xiao Manyan's eyes, "Uncle Huang said, if you have the chance to kill Yang Gou, don't hesitate to do it, and don't even think about catching him alive."

"Why?" the deputy general said in confusion: "To humiliate Huang Chunhui alive by capturing him alive will greatly reduce the morale of the Northern Xinjiang Army!"

"I also want to capture him alive, but the Emperor's uncle's envoy said that that person..." Xiao Manyan thought for a moment.

"Yang Gou is cunning and plays tricks. You are no match for him."

The lieutenant said angrily: "I put a rope through his lute bone. How can he still fly?"

Xiao Manyan said: "The big men around Yang Gou are brave and brave. If they want to catch him alive, they will throw themselves into the trap, and he may escape instead."

The sound of horse hooves rumbled, and the deputy general raised his voice, "Then I have an idea."

"What method?"

"Yang Gou invented the Jingguan, which is the Corpse Mountain. After this war, we also used the corpses of Tang soldiers to build a Jingguan, and put Yang Gou's head on the top."

“Great idea!”

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Amidst long laughter, ten thousand cavalry crossed a forest.

Nothing unusual.

Immediately, there was a hilly area ahead.

"Hurry up!"

Xiao Manyan became more and more anxious.

The deputy general looked at him in surprise.

Xiao Manyan sighed, "My eldest son loves Princess Changling."

"What a good thing!" the deputy general said with a smile: "If you can marry Princess Changling, your descendants will have a noble family from now on."

"It's a good thing, and I fully support it. But my eldest son went to ask to see the princess for the first time, but he was rejected."

"You have to be thick-skinned when chasing women," the deputy general said with a smile.

"Yes! I said the same thing. My eldest son was also planning to do this, but then he stopped doing it."


"Someone around the princess said that the princess has a sweetheart."

"Who?" the lieutenant said with a smile: "I heard that the princess has now recruited some officials as helpers. I think the people who can be valued by her must be not only good at civil and military affairs, but at least young talents with a bright future."

"Yang Gou!"

Lieutenant General: "..."

Xiao Manyan said calmly: "This statement should be true. I will kill Yang Gou today. I will go to Xin Ningxing and let that silly boy try again."

The deputy general nodded, "Dead people can't compete with living people."

Xiao Manyan smiled, his eyes cold.

Yang Gou must die!

A sergeant accidentally glanced to the left while galloping.

A lonely rider stood on the low hill, looking at them with cold eyes.

Then, he raised his hand.

The sound of horse hooves suddenly sounded.

Everyone looked to the left in unison.

A big flag appeared first from behind.

Next, there is the tall flag bearer.

The banner came behind the knight.

Immediately, a swarm of cavalry surged up.

The sun shines right on their backs, shining brightly.

The lieutenant felt his eyes sting and tried to stare.

Immediately, his whole body became cold and he screamed: "It's Yang Gou!"

"Enemy attack!"

Under the banner, Yang Xuan waved his hand.


"Wan Sheng!"

Amid cheers, the Tang army surged down.

No one could have imagined that Tang Jun would suddenly appear here.

"Yesterday, Zhang Zhuo's people said that the fighting was extremely brutal. Why did he appear here?"

Someone roared, "This is a trap! That beast Zhang Zhuo, he deceived us!"

"Meet the enemy! Meet the enemy!"


"They're coming!"

When Xiao Manyan saw the big banner with the word Yang, his first reaction was fake.

Yang Gou sent people to bluff.

But this ridiculous idea was quickly dispelled.

He knew that either Zhang Zhuo was lying...but why did Zhang Zhuo lie?

Zhang Zhuo should be happy that the Tang army is gone, and should be on guard for reinforcements instead of lying.

Once he lied and caused heavy casualties to the reinforcements, Tanzhou could drag Zhang Zhuo to death with war horses.

Zhang Zhuo will not do anything that harms others but does not benefit himself.

Therefore, he concluded that Zhang Zhuo did not dare to lie!


The only possibility is.

What method did Yang Xuan use to cover up his whereabouts and set an ambush on his only way?

He thought of the instructions given by the emperor's uncle's envoy.

"The Emperor's uncle said that Yang Gou is cunning, so beware of his methods and be cautious."

He ignored the emperor's uncle's warning.

Now, retribution has come.

"Meet the enemy!"

Xiao Manyan drew his sword and shouted.

But it’s too late!

The Tang army poured down from the heights and easily dispersed the Tanzhou reinforcements.

Caught off guard, the reinforcements almost collapsed at the first touch.


The lieutenant general was shouting and organizing men.

At times like this, the only way to survive is to gather together.

here you go!

Xiao Manyan secretly praised in his heart, and led a team of people to greet him.

"Kill him!"

The Tang army rushed out and rode straight towards the deputy general.

That burly figure made Xiao Manyan shrink his eyes and shout: "Be careful!"

Rumor has it that Yang Gou is surrounded by a group of majestic men armed with iron rods who are invincible.

The deputy general turned around and saw that the iron rod was already coming. He brandished his knife and roared: "Death!"


The long knife twisted and flew out, while the iron rod's momentum continued unabated.


Xiao Manyan's sight was filled with red and white.

He hissed: "Assemble!"

The Northern Liao army continued to gather.

“Very tenacious!”

Yang Xuan took Han Ji and others to watch the battle on the slope.

The men and horses of the three major divisions would have already collapsed after encountering such a surprise attack.

But the Tanzhou army was gathering spontaneously.

"Scatter them!" Yang Xuan said.

"Your Majesty's Order, disperse them!"

Jiang Heer said: "Shouldn't we kill the enemy?"

"When the enemy is defeated, killing the enemy is like mowing grass." Yang Xuan said: "At this moment, the main thing is to defeat the enemy."

After giving the order, the Tang army changed its combat method to mainly disperse the enemy troops.

Xiao Manyan shouted at the top of her lungs: "Gather! Everybody gather!"

However, the Tang army had already cut off his subordinates. Occasionally, enemy troops gathered and were immediately dispersed by the superior Tang army.

It's over!

This kind of melee is the greatest test of an army's quality.

The Tang army divided the enemy troops in an orderly manner. No one hacked or rushed out of the formation indiscriminately.

The soldiers of the Northern Liao Dynasty rose up to resist, but the Tang army was in small groups, massacring his subordinates with a tacit cooperation.

Overall advantages, local advantages.

This battle cannot be fought!

When several people started to flee, Xiao Manyan knew that this battle was not an option.

In his mind, the entire process of this battle flashed one by one.

From attacking the Tiger Control Unit to ambushing the reinforcements, every decision Yang Xuan made seemed helpless, but in the end he gained the greatest benefit.

Zhang Zhuo is no match for him!

Neither can I!


A general rode over in embarrassment, "If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave!"

The Tang army had completed the cutting and was strangulating his subordinates.

If we don't leave, the Tang army will complete the encirclement, and by then, no one will have to leave.

"Before leaving, the envoy told me that Yang Gou is a sharp soldier, so I should be more careful. If you find Yang Gou is still there when you arrive, you must attack Yang Gou without hesitation. I only remembered the flanking attack, but underestimated the enemy and forgot.

Be cautious. With this huge defeat, how can I have the dignity to go see the envoy?"

Just as Xiao Manyan was about to rush forward, he was held back by several of his men.

"take away!"

More than ten people surrounded him, opened a passage, and fled.

"Yang Gou!" Xiao Manyan looked back at the top of the slope and said through gritted teeth: "These are 10,000 Tanzhou elites! Daliao will not forget this defeat! I am waiting to see the day when you are defeated! I...


He was so excited that he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Get him!"

Dozens of Tang troops discovered him and came to hunt him down with their eyes shining brightly!

"Kill them!"

Xiao Manyan naturally doesn't care about dozens of sergeants.


Then, he heard cheers.

The three major troops were familiar with the cheers, but this was the first time for the reinforcements to hear it.

"It's the Man-Headed Devil!"

Although I have never seen it, the madness of the Human-Headed Demon has already spread to Tanzhou.

Look...the technique of cutting off people's heads is so skillful.

The two sergeants wearing sacks were so precise in picking up the heads, and their bagging movements were so smooth that people were amazed.

From sales to bagging, all in one go!


Xiao Manyan lay on his horse and shouted drowsily: "Get out! Get out!"

The reinforcements collapsed.


Yang Xuan said: "Ten miles of land!"

There are still the besieged Northern Liao troops down the slope.

"Go down and have a look!"

Yang Xuan took the lead in riding down.

"Be careful!"

Jiang Heer followed.

Helianyan said: "No need to remind you."

"Why?" Jiang He'er said: "It's a mess at the moment, don't be attacked by a sneak attack. Master said that no matter how high your cultivation level is, if you are unprepared, you can be killed by a brick!"

He Lianyan pointed downwards, "Look!"

Yang Xuan rode his horse until he dismounted. Everywhere he went, the soldiers cheered wildly.

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!"

Yang Xuan smiled and nodded.

Those enemy soldiers who tried to rush over in desperation were killed without exception.

Jiang Heer reined in the horse and whispered: "He is like a king!" 18247/10548873

This chapter has been completed!
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