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Chapter 582 Murder

"What a victory!"

After the Qing Dynasty wiped out the remaining enemies, Han Ji was also very excited.

The old thief smiled and said: "Didn't Mr. Han talk about Qi-nurturing Kung Fu? Why are you so uncalm?"

Han Ji glanced at him and pointed at his cheek. "The color of the water is pretty good."

The old thief touched his warm cheek and said, "I look good!"

Zhang Xu said calmly: "The water is beautiful, it's a woman!"

"Fuck! Scholars don't curse when they curse!" the old thief said angrily.

But then he laughed again, "Before this battle, I was worried about how strong the Northern Liao Army would be, but I didn't expect it! Hahahaha!"

Yang Xuan dismounted and looked north...the pursuers came back one after another.

Every returning soldier saw him and bowed their hands without saying a word. The joy, relaxation, and reverence in their eyes showed how timely this battle was.

The old thief said: "I think that defeating the Tiger Control Division is not as important as this battle."

The realm of the old thief has improved... Han Ji said: "The Yuhu tribe is just withered bones in the grave, and it can be destroyed at any time. But the Northern Liao Army in Tanzhou is our formidable enemy in Chenzhou.

The two sides have not fought much in these years. But the thought of Bei Liao's power has always been there, and the soldiers are not afraid, but they are also nervous. After this battle, our army will face the Bei Liao army again, and we should be fearless!"

"This is the biggest benefit of this battle!"

Lin Feibao and Zhang Xu whispered together.


"Brothers have paid close attention. The officers and soldiers in the army now respect Lang Jun like a god."

"Okay!" Lin Feibao was rarely in high spirits, "This way, the foundation will be solid."

Zhang Xu sniffed, "It's really difficult!"

"The most stable thing is to go through the difficult road!" Lin Feibao whispered: "Because of family ties, His Majesty did not expand his power too much, so that once he was framed, actually... Lang Jun now has

Chenzhou serves as the foundation..."

"There is also grassland!" Zhang Xu said: "Don't underestimate the grassland. Grassland can produce the best war horses, as well as countless cattle and sheep."

"In the past, I have been afraid to develop into the grassland because I was worried about the sharpness of the northern Liao army in Tanzhou. After this war, Chenzhou can also raise horses!"

In front, Yang Xuan listened to the results of this battle, turned around and said: "You think this battle is to control the Tiger Division?"

Everyone was startled.

"Isn't it?"

Yang Xuan shook his head, "Of course not. Zhang Zhuo, a wild dog-like figure, is worthy of my repeated arrangements? From the beginning to the end of this battle, my goal is the Tanzhou reinforcements!"

The old thief held the booklet in his hand and shouted: "I understand!"

Wang Laoer was replenishing dried meat, "What do you understand?"

The old thief said while recording: "Lang Jun's first action was to spread rumors in the Tiger Control Department with great fanfare. Then Chenzhou's army took a rest and gathered food and grass. This was the appearance of sending troops.

Zhang Zhuo was fooled and hurriedly asked for help. When the reinforcements arrived, they found out that they were deceiving, so Tanzhou and Zhang Zhuo were at odds.

Zhang Zhuo asked for help this time when he attacked again. I bet that when He Lianrong got the news, he would definitely feel that Lang Jun was going to destroy the Tiger Control Division this time, so he dispatched the elite..."

Wang Laoer chewed the dried meat and said, "Tu Gong, I don't understand what he said."

Tu Shang coughed dryly, "The first time I coaxed you was very serious. The second time I sent troops, both Zhang Zhuo and He Lianrong thought that Lang Jun mobilized troops like this and used all kinds of methods. Then this battle would definitely be a battle of immortality."

The Tigers will not withdraw their troops...

Both sides think so, but who would have thought that what Lang Jun is staring at is the Tanzhou reinforcements."

"Found in the east and attack in the west!"

Record of an old thief.

"No, Lang Jun calls it encirclement and reinforcements."

The old thief thought about it carefully for a long time, "How wonderful!"

"Let's go!"

The army rested for a while and then set off again.

Three thousand reinforcements arrived at the Tiger Control Department.

"Where are the people?"

The reinforcement general looked at the empty royal court and roared: "Zhang Zhuo, Gan Niniang, you are so fucking coaxing!"

His roar was somewhat inappropriate, and the people around him whispered: "Look!"

The general looked slowly and saw that the night on the ground was not quite right.

"It's blood!"

After the earth absorbed the blood, the color looked a little weird.

"How many people have died?"

Entering the royal court, the sound of howling could be heard.

Corpses were parked outside one after another, and the family members of the deceased looked at them blankly, without fear or gratitude.


The general sighed.

Wang Zhan came to greet him and said: "Four days after the battle, Yang Gou knew that the reinforcements would arrive today, so he abandoned the camp and fled in the morning."

"He's quite cunning!"

The general felt a little frustrated after traveling in vain, "I have been looking forward to fighting Yang Gou for a long time, what a pity!"

Wang Zhan looked at the three thousand reinforcements who were tired but extremely strong, and knew that this was true.

In front of the king's tent, the guards were collecting money.

The reward was given, but most of the money was collected.

After this war, Zhang Zhuo's power became dominant in the Tiger Control Division, so no one dared to question his greedy and treacherous actions.

"A Khan is a Khan if he has an army and money in his hands. Without these, he is just cattle and sheep, to be slaughtered by others!"

Behind Zhang Zhuo stood more than ten masters.

After the general asked about the course of the battle, he asked: "Have you sent anyone to pursue it?"

Zhang Zhuo shook his head, "There are sentinels who are pursuing us, but they are unable to catch us."

The general thought of the tragic situation he had seen before, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, but he said coldly: "Cowardice!"

Xiao Manyan's goal this time was to kill Zhang Zhuo, but Zhang Zhuo was obviously prepared.

This matter is a bit troublesome.

The general's eyes flashed, but Zhang Zhuo didn't expose it when he saw it, he just sneered in his heart.

Then the cattle and sheep were slaughtered, on the one hand it was a celebration and on the other hand it was to prepare for the reinforcements.

I didn’t eat much of the chapter number.

Zhang Zhuo was in a high mood today. He drank until the glass was dry and soon became tipsy. He stood up and said, "This time, fortunately, the Liao reinforcements arrived in time and scared away the dog!"

The general smiled.

"This time, the warriors of my Tiger Control Department are not afraid of death, making Yang Gou tremble with fear!"

The deceased is gone, but the living still have to work hard to stay alive.

"After this battle, I think when I come to Tanzhou, Yang Dog will be regarded as a formidable enemy and he will attack later!"

Zhang Zhuo looked at the general.

This is an endorsement!

But this is also He Lianrong's idea.

It would be good to encourage these people at this moment. The general nodded. "That's right. The reinforcements of 10,000 cavalry are not far away. The army is assembled and will send troops to Chenzhou immediately!"


"Kill Yang Gou!"

"Kill Yang Gou!"

Cheers spread throughout the royal court.

Zhang Zhuo raised his hand with a red face, "Kill..."

The sound of horse hooves suddenly came.

Zhang Zhuo put down his wine glass and looked at it. Several cavalrymen arrived, dismounted, and the leading sergeant knelt down, "Khan, I have been scouting all the way, but we have not found the retreating Tang army!"

"This is……"

Zhang Zhuo was startled.

"Reinforcements are coming!"

Someone cheered outside.

Suddenly, all doubts disappeared.

"When the reinforcements arrive, Yang Gou won't be afraid even if he comes back to kill us!"

The sound of horse hooves is getting closer and closer.

"Go and greet us!" Zhang Zhuo said, while giving Wang Zhan a look to indicate that he was on guard.

Everyone had just walked less than a hundred steps when they heard screaming.

"No, it's...it's Tang Jun!"

Zhang Zhuo's body trembled, "Go and have a look!"

Everyone mounted their horses and rushed to the edge of the royal court.

A dense mass of cavalry is approaching.

"It's Yang Ziqi!"

someone shouted.

Zhang Zhuo smiled evilly, "Gather! Gather up, entangle him, and wait for reinforcements to arrive!"

The reinforcements general sneered, "I can't guard him anymore, let him in, just hold him for a quarter of an hour!"

Someone next to me said: "It stands to reason that it's time to come!"

According to the schedule, the main force led by Xiao Manyan should have arrived.

In the royal court, the warriors who had just relaxed were gathered again.

But at this moment, morale has hit rock bottom... After the battle, Zhang Zhuo claimed victory, so everyone relaxed. The fatigue of the past few days of battles made them physically and mentally exhausted, and no one wanted to fight anymore.

The most terrible thing is that Zhang Zhuo went back on his word and only spent 30% of the money he planned to use to reward his merits, and he took back the rest.

The warriors were not angry, but they did not dare to question, let alone resist.

However, the resentment is accumulating.

"Tang Jun is coming!"

"Look, it's Wang Laoer!"

Wang Laoer rode over alone, followed by a bunch of heads.

He turned his horse around and cut the rope.

Heads flew in.

"Yes...he is from Daliao!"

Someone picked up a human head and said.

A group of cavalry rushed over and threw down flags.

Among them, there was Xiao Manyan's banner.

"The reinforcements have been defeated!"

At this moment, even the stupidest person understood that Yang Gou was not running away, but was going to ambush the reinforcements.


The enemy's morale was completely depleted, and Yang Xuan waved his hand.


The Tang army launched a massive attack.

Just one assault broke through the hastily assembled defense.

The three thousand Northern Liao reinforcements were in panic at the moment, and Xiao Manyan's defeat also dealt a heavy blow to them.

How to deal with it?

The leading general hesitated again and again. When he saw the defense line of Yuhu Division collapse in front, he shouted: "Retreat! Go back to Tanzhou!"

Three thousand cavalry were not enough to save the defeat. The key was that he did not want to sacrifice his life for Zhang Zhuo.

"The Tiger Control Department is over!"

The overwhelming defeat is talking about the Tiger Control Department at this moment.

The bravery and fearlessness of the previous four days were gone now.

"Kneel down and don't kill!"

The Tang army was recruiting troops to surrender, and the resentful warriors dismounted, abandoned their swords, and knelt beside them.

Someone shouted: "Yang Gou...Does Yang Shijun want to build a Jingguan?"


A Tang army roared!

"Can live!"

Groups of tiger masters knelt down, and the herdsmen were even simpler, kneeling down in front of their homes, with families including children and adults there.

Zhang Zhuo was protected and retreated.

"There are Tang troops behind!"

The 5,000 Tang troops who had gathered their strength broke into the royal court, cut off the tail of 3,000 reinforcements, and cut off Zhang Zhuo's escape route.

A circle of encirclement was formed.


Chapter number rushed into the home.

Zhang Yue was a little flustered.

"Yang Xuan surrenders, remember my words, and by the way, put a tarnish on your face!"

After explaining the chapter number, he was about to go out when he turned back to look at her, smiled for a long time and said: "Mei, be well."

Zhang Yue asked: "Where are you going?"

"Someone owes me a debt, and I'm going to collect it!"

Zhang Yue was startled, but Zhang Hao had already rushed out.

Zhang Yue rushed outside and saw Zhang Hao running towards the king's tent among the noisy crowd.

She returned to the tent.

She smeared her face with ashes and made her hands dirty. Inadvertently, she saw the letter.

That was the chapter number left for her.

He said that he would give it to them when the Tang army came.

Zhang Yue thought for a while and opened the letter.

The words are very familiar.

The experiences of their family were mentioned earlier...

——My mother was forbearing because our brothers and sisters were still young at that time.

Seeing this, Zhang Yue couldn't help but feel hatred in her eyes.

"That beast!"

——I have been aware of my mother's suffering since I was five years old. My mother said that shouting without power will only cause disaster and will not help, so I suppressed my overwhelming hatred.

——When I was eleven years old, my mother went to take care of that beast. The next morning, she came back with corpses and bruises all over her body. At that moment, I vowed to kill him!

——Because my brother and sister were born from women of the Tang Dynasty, they could not be reused. So I flattered Zhang Zhuo...

"Brother!" Zhang Yue was shocked.

——Zhang Zhuo had good assassins around him. I wanted to assassinate him, but once I saw an assassin assassinating Zhang Zhuo. His skills were a hundred times better than mine, but he was still killed with one sword.

——I flattered Zhang Zhuo and got a lot of money. I used money and people to buy cultivation methods. It was very crude and I felt that it would not make me a good practitioner.

——Then I thought of a way. Since practicing can’t make me a good player, what about bows and arrows? But Zhang Zhuo didn’t allow people to approach with bows and arrows. When I was twelve years old, I deliberately fell off a horse and broke my left thumb. As a result, I couldn’t practice bows and arrows.



Zhang Yue covered her mouth.

——But I can practice throwing knives!

Zhang Yue looked at the chopping board at home.

I don’t know since when, the chopping boards at home have been stamped with stamp numbers and have knife marks everywhere.

Zhang Yue thought of those knife marks. The further they went to the back, the more concentrated they were in the middle. In the end, they were almost just one point.

Zhang Yue saw the end.

Her eyes were filled with tears and her vision was a little blurry. After wiping away her tears, she swallowed hard and looked down.

——Amei, I’m going!


Zhang Yue rushed out.

It was a mess outside at the moment, with many people running around with knives and chopping indiscriminately.

The chapter number has arrived outside the king's tent.

Zhang Zhuo was not there, and neither were the guards.

Zhang Hao grabbed a sergeant and asked, "Where is the Khan?"

The sergeant struggled, "Khan escaped."

Zhang Hao let go of his hand in disappointment.

"The Tang army is coming."

Zhang Zhuo was surrounded by more than ten people and fled back.


The eldest son Zhang De scolded: "Bitch, what are you doing here?"

Zhang Hao looked past him and stared at Zhang Zhuo.

"I'm here to kill!"

Zhang Zhuo shouted almost subconsciously: "Kill him!"

The fifth son Zhang Li said with a ferocious smile: "The descendant of the Tang Dynasty really has bad intentions. Brother, kill him!"

Zhang De raised his sword, "You loser who can't even practice bow and arrow. Let me kill you today!"

Zhang Hao's hand dropped, and a flying knife fell into his hand.


Zhang De's body was swaying.

Zhang Li shouted: "Brother, what are you waiting for?"


Zhang De fell down.

"He killed the elder brother!"

Zhang Li shouted.

Chapter number came over.

Zhang Li didn't see Zhang Hao take action, and gritted his teeth and said: "How dare you sneak attack my brother! You bastard, I will drag you to death!"

Chapter Number said: "You have been bullying my brother for many years."

"So what?" Zhang Li cursed: "Bitch, your mother-in-law is a bitch, you..."

Li Mang flashed.

Zhang Li covered his throat with one hand and pointed to the chapter number with the other.

Zhang Zhuo was startled.

"That year, I buried my grandma."

As soon as the trumpeter moved, a guard who rushed forward clutched his chest and fell down.

"His flying knife!" someone exclaimed.

This trash in everyone's eyes was killing one person with one knife at this moment.

"I swear on my mother's grave that I will kill you with my own hands in this life." Zhang's hand moved again.

He put his hand on his lower back and there was a flying knife in his hand.

The hand moves.

One person fell down.

The flying knife is amazingly fast.

He had been thinking about inner breath for several years, and finally figured out how to combine inner breath with flying knives.

Today I’m going to give it a try.

His right hand kept waving, and the guards fell down one by one.

Zhang Zhuo laughed ferociously and said: "The son of a bitch is a bitch! This Khan is your biological father. A traitor! Bitch! What do you want to do? What do you dare to do?"

Zhang Xiao moved his hand, and the last flying knife was in his hand.

"I'll do it, patricide!"

The sword light passed by like lightning.

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