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Chapter 710

Lu Er was originally a dedicated farmer. Because of his strong strength, he cultivated the family fields by himself. His parents could also supplement the family income by doing some handicrafts at home.

I can't say how good my life is, but I have enough food and clothing.

In such days, Lu Er could almost see his head at a glance: farming, harvesting, farming, harvesting...marrying a wife, having children, raising children, taking care of his wife and children...and then growing old and worrying about his children and grandchildren.

Before dying, lying on the bed and looking at my children and grandchildren, I felt a sense of satisfaction and a little bit of reluctance. In this way, my life was considered complete.

But the peaceful years were suddenly broken.

"The Zhang family, a local wealthy family, wanted to buy the land from the villain's family. This is the livelihood of the villain's family, so the villain's parents naturally refused. The next day, a subordinate came to the door and said that the taxes on the villain's family had not been paid.

The villain's family argued with him..."

Yang Xuan shook his head slightly. On the first day, someone was refused to buy land, and on the second day, subordinate officials came to make things difficult. This was obviously a collusion between local wealthy families and officials to annex the land.

At this time, arguing with reason will only bring disaster. Either agree to sell the land, or...

"The subordinate official led his men and beat up the villain's family. The villain's parents had no choice but to agree to sell the land, but the subordinate official lowered the price by 30%. That's the money my family needs to survive!"

The burly Lu Er couldn't help crying.


Yang Xuan remained calm, and even had some racing thoughts.

"The villain's family didn't agree, so the subordinate officer was cruel. He beat the villain's Aye with an iron chain and beat him to death. Then the subordinate officer was also afraid and forced the villain's mother to draw a pledge... Said Aye

He fell to death."

Lu Erggang swallowed, "On the second day after burying Aye, my mother went crazy. She asked everyone if she had seen Aye... and disappeared within a few days. The villain was looking everywhere, and there was someone there.

He said that he had seen grandma by the river. The villain ran and saw grandma floating in the river..."

He raised his head and said, "At that moment, the villain wanted to destroy this world. Destroy everything he saw. After the villain buried A Niang, he led a group of desperate villagers to rebel...


Lu Er looked up and saw Yang Xuan's expressionless face, and couldn't help but despair.

He glanced at the big flag at the top of the city, and all his thoughts disappeared instantly.

The First Army of Northern Xinjiang, Yang Xuan's name can make his subordinates fearful, let alone dare to resist.

"You villain, you are unwilling!"

Lu Er fell to the ground.

Yang Xuan said, "A bunch of beasts!"

He turned his horse around and slowly entered the city.

"Why is he back?"

"That Lu Er...Lu Er is still kneeling!"

Lu Er did not dare to raise his head. Someone behind him shouted: "Lu Er, get up quickly!"

Lu Er lowered his head and shouted: "It's Yang Xuan from Northern Xinjiang!"


The man behind him knelt down.

"It's Yang Xuan!"

"It's Yang Gou!"


Along with the sound of Yang Xuan's horse hooves entering the city, thousands of rioters slowly knelt down.

It's like a wheat field!

He was bent over by the strong wind.

Yang Xuan entered the city and waved, "Everyone, come down."

A group of people came down, talking all over the place.

"It's time to send someone to get someone!"

"I'm willing to go as an official!"

Yang Xuan pressed his hands.

Somehow, after seeing Yang Xuan order the ruthless gangster Lu Er to kneel down with a big flag, everyone couldn't help but follow his pressure and keep silent.

"Look, the officials in Dengzhou still know the rules."

Yang Xuan praised, and then his face turned cold, "Get the New Year's greetings, Fang Shuo!"

Fang Shuo jumped three feet high, "Yang Xuan, you don't have this power!"

Zhu Nian stepped back and said: "This is Dengzhou, not Northern Xinjiang. Even if the government orders you to deal with this matter, you have no power to deal with me. You are overstepping your bounds! You should be punished!"

Wang Laoer rushed over, slapped Zhu Nian and rolled his eyes, then dragged him over, raised his head, and asked eagerly: "Lang Jun, how about hanging him on the top of the city!"

This kid hasn't killed many people lately, so he's a little impatient.

Yang Xuan had a headache and was worried that Wang Laoer would turn into a real murderer in the future, the kind who would feel uncomfortable if he didn't kill people for a day.

"Sven, take the people outside the city and temporarily control the chaos."

Zhen Siwen led the cavalry out of the city, causing the mob to scream and howl.

"If we are in troubled times, this is a sign." Han Ji sneered, "The world is going to be in chaos, but the nobles of Chang'an are still singing and dancing to bring peace. They think they can be alone, but they don't look at the history books. The world is broken.

, who can be spared? The richer you are, the more unlucky you are!"

"Lang Jun, we caught Wang San." The old thief took Pan Sheng out and based on the clues, Wang San was captured.

"This guy was hiding in a neighbor's house and was sleeping with a woman in his arms when he was caught!" The old thief slapped Wang San with his backhand, causing the skinny Wang San to howl miserably.


The old thief dragged Wang San and prepared to find a place to torture him. Yang Xuan pointed to the front, "Just torture him here."

In front of Dengzhou officials, soldiers and civilians, a torture began.

After just cutting off a piece of calf meat, Wang San collapsed completely.

"Ma Wu also took action, and..."

Yang Xuan stood there, Wang San called out a name, and he nodded.

"Joining the army also took the benefits from those wealthy families and covered them up."

Officials were captured one by one.

Immediately, more people were offered.

When all the confessions were taken, only five of the officials standing in front of Yang Xuan remained.

Yang Xuan sighed after a while: "It's not easy!"

A civil unrest actually involved a corruption case...

"Capture all the local wealthy families involved in the case!"

Following Yang Xuan's order, Zhen Siwen led the Chenzhou cavalry across Dengzhou.

A wealthy family was broken into, and most of them chose to resist.

"Those wealthy families have quite a lot of manpower. The smallest family has brought out hundreds of men, with all weapons and even crossbows." Han Ji shook his head and looked at the message, "There is another family with more than a thousand people.

He also learned formation techniques and dared to form a formation to fight."

This is Yang Xuan's temporary residence.

Yang Xuan walked slowly, "I'm thinking, what will happen if the world is in chaos?"

Han Ji said: "Those wealthy families will form cliques. For example, once the wealthy families of Dengzhou join forces, they can easily form an army of tens of thousands. Looking at the world... Lang Jun, are you sure you want to be enemies with these people?"

Yang Xuan nodded, "As a human being, you can't just be a faggot, right?"

"This road is going to be difficult."

"It's not difficult. This life will be wasted."

Han Ji laughed and said, "Yes! It's not difficult. What's the point of this life?"

The two looked at each other and couldn't help but feel that they had no choice but to go against their will.

"Mr. Lang." Wu Da came in, "Zhu Nian asked to see you in prison and said there was important news."

"I'll go over there. Old Han, just keep an eye on this place and just deal with some things."

Let go when it's time to let go. In this way, the master can be free, the subordinates feel that they are being reused, and everyone is happy.

"Don't worry, Sir." Han Ji nodded. After Yang Xuan left, he went in to get the news sent in the past few days and pondered it carefully.

I don't know how long it took, but a guard came to report: "Mr. Han, when the brothers just went to arrest a wealthy family, the man cursed the husband very viciously..."

"Nothing has been done?" Han Ji looked up and looked calm.

In this era, curses are believed to be real and can have various frightening consequences.

"The brothers knocked out all his teeth." The guard was a little confused. "One of the brothers killed him because of his carelessness."

These guards all regarded Yang Xuan as a god and were extremely pious. When they heard someone cursing Lord Vulcan, they became so angry that they could even kill the emperor if he were in front of them.

But they are a wealthy family after all!

Therefore, the guard was a little uneasy, "That brother is outside asking for forgiveness."

"The man resisted and was killed on the spot. Later, when evidence of his rebellion was found, we found out why he was so crazy." Han Ji said calmly.

The guard was overjoyed and said, "Thank you, Mr. Han."

Han Ji shook his head, "It's Lang Jun's order."

The guard burst into tears with gratitude. He went out later and heard someone crying outside, "Thank you Lord Vulcan!"

Han Ji smiled, shook his head, and continued reading the news.

Tu Shang, who had remained silent, said, "Are you trying to avoid suspicion?"

Han Ji said: "As the wise man of the prince, I will take care of those scandalous things and the bad reputation. This is my duty. As for showing kindness, it can only be the prince, not me!"

Tu Shang was silent for a long time and gave a thumbs up, "I am suddenly more optimistic about your fate."

The once majestic and unpredictable governor of Dengzhou celebrated the new year. Now his beard and hair are gray, the wrinkles on his face have become deeper, and his complexion has changed from rosy to gray.

He fell down in the cell blankly. After hearing the footsteps, his dull eyes slowly turned.

"I heard you want to see me?"

Yang Xuan stood outside with his hands behind his hands.

Zhu Nian slowly raised his head and his eyes lit up, "Deputy Envoy Yang."

"I'm very busy." Yang Xuan glanced at both sides. They were all the officials who had been taken down this time, and...

"Is this arranged according to grade?" Yang Xuan asked.

The boss was captured, and most of his colleagues were captured... The jailer apologized and said, "Yes! They must be ranked according to their grades, otherwise they will make trouble. The villain thought of trouble, so he obeyed them, starting from the governor, don't drive...

…line all the way down.”

Even going to jail was done with dignity, which is really amazing.

Zhu Nian took it for granted, "Does Yang Shijun know that he is in danger?"

"Don't think that His Majesty, Yang Songcheng and others will take the opportunity to find my shortcomings." Yang Xuan was a little impatient.

"Mr. Sir, sit down."

The self-proclaimed most loyal dog, Uda, was sent to Mazar. The jailer felt regretful and thought, "Why didn't I think of this!"

Yang Xuan sat down and said, "Say."

It was natural to say this, but Zhu Nian felt that majesty was coming towards him.

"A while ago, you were a governor like me, but now you have become the deputy envoy of Northern Xinjiang. When I see you, I have to bow respectfully..."

Zhu Nian lamented, "That year, my benefactor went to Chang'an to take up a post. Before going, he told me the secrets of being an official. One of them is to have a balance and not abuse the people too much..."

He's also an old beast... Wang Laoer curled his lips.

"Let the people at least have food to eat, and don't force them too much.

I still remembered these teachings at first. But gradually, I got promoted step by step. Under the compliments of the officials and the awe-stricken eyes of the people all day long, I felt that I was a god.

An omnipotent god who can control countless lives and deaths.

Deputy Ambassador Yang should experience that kind of feeling, it is more refreshing and satisfying than men and women having sex, eating, drinking, whoring and gambling."

"They are just poor people driven by the desire for power!" Yang Xuan said lightly.

"Yes!" Zhu Nian smiled bitterly, "When I came to Dengzhou, I first went to visit the local powerful people. Then, the local powerful people gave money to people. I declined at first, but later... the money and silk were so touching!"

"It is desire that moves people's hearts." Yang Xuan said: "Everyone wants to eat, drink and have fun, but some people will make money by themselves, while some people feel that money is right in front of them. I will extend my hand, just once...

But taking bribes for officials is the same as having an affair between a man and a woman, only once or countless times."

Zhu Nian couldn't help but trembled, "The deputy envoy seemed to be talking about me."

"You don't have such a big face, I'm talking about people's hearts!" Yang Xuan said.

Zhu Nian coughed dryly and said, "The deputy envoy went to war in Dengzhou this time. Not only did he offend the officials and people of Dengzhou, but he also gave Chang'an a reason to talk about it. I know that your majesty and the father-in-law are dissatisfied with the deputy envoy. If there is a chance, they can bring the deputy envoy to justice."

Take it, I thought, they won't hesitate."

He glanced at Yang Xuan, but Yang Xuan had no reaction.

"I am willing to take the lead." Zhu Nian said: "This matter is the one I take the lead in... I have long been intolerable to the evil deeds of these wealthy families. This time I joined forces with the deputy envoy... no, I am following the deputy envoy to take action.

These scourges.”

Yang Xuan coughed dryly, and Jiang He'er said, "Mr. Lang, there's no tea." As she said that, she handed over the water bag.

This girl is becoming more and more sensible.

Yang Xuan took a sip of water and said, "Continue!"

Zhu Nian said: "If I cooperate, the matter will be finalized and no one can target the deputy envoy. In this way, it can be regarded as..."


"This word... is amazing!" Zhu Nian praised: "No wonder Shijun is called a man of great literary talent. This word alone makes people marvel."

He smiled and said, "My benefactor is quite powerful in the court. If you agree, I will write to Chang'an and my benefactor will write another memorandum to ensure that you are fine and have done a good job. As for me, I just want peace."

He looked at Yang Xuan, very confident.

Jiang Heer and others were also looking at Yang Xuan.

Waiting for the boss's decision.

I have to say that Zhu Nian's advice was good. If he followed what he said, Yang Xuan would be able to escape unscathed, which would be regarded as meritorious.

Moreover, he also formed a friendship with the benefactor behind the New Year wishes.

Friendship is a rare resource in the officialdom!

Yang Xuan stood up and spoke.

"I also think so, and everyone is happy." He pointed to his chest, "Everyone seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages, but apart from that, there are many things worth following... I'll let you go, my heart


This was Zhu Nian's last resort. His expression changed drastically, "For the sake of those untouchables, are you willing to fight against the powerful officials of Dengzhou and become enemies of the powerful people of Chang'an? Is it worth it?"

Yang Xuan shook his head, "There are many things that you don't need to think about whether they are worth it or not. If you feel in your heart that you should do it, just do it."

Outside, Zhen Siwen summoned all the victims.

There are several tables placed outside the state house, all of which are contracts and documents.

Zhen Siwen said: "As long as the fields and property are taken away by Qiao Qiaohao, those who are called will come up to claim them according to their names."

The victims looked blank at first, but after hearing this, they looked at each other in disbelief.

"Zhang Shitou! Zhang Shitou!"

Zhen Siwen shouted several times before an old man came over timidly.

"Your family has seventeen acres of land. This is a document. Take it back and cultivate it."

The old man took the document tremblingly, looked up, his eyes blurred by tears, "I never thought that one day I would get these fields back! But, where is the money?"

When Hao Qiang bought his family's land, the price was extremely low. Without the land, the money would have been spent long ago.

Zhen Siwen said: "All that money is considered as compensation for your wait!"

The deputy envoy said what is called compensation, state compensation?


The old man knelt down and Zhen Siwen said: "Get up."

The old man shook his head and raised the document. There were still tears on his face, but he smiled.


"Thank you, Deputy Ambassador Yang!"

The victims knelt down one after another.

"Thank you, Deputy Ambassador Yang!"

The shouts gradually spread.

Corrupt officials were eliminated, powerful men as powerful as wolves and tigers were taken down... and the people also cheered.

"Thank you, Deputy Ambassador Yang!"

In the cell, everyone listened.

"What is it?" Jiang He'er asked.

"Thank you, Deputy Ambassador Yang!"

The shouts became louder and louder, like a wave, hitting one after another.

Yang Xuan stood there, squinting slightly, "This is the great tide! Those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish!"


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