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Chapter 711 You have horns on your head

Yue Er still runs a stall in Lin'an City, but regular customers find that his goods are getting less and less.

"Yue Er, are you not ready to do business?" asked an old customer.

Yue Er sat there and said proudly: "The envoy has become the deputy envoy and is going to Taoxian County. I have been neighbors with the envoy for many years. The envoy does not want to eat or drink if he does not see me every day... I am planning to move."


"Where to go"

"Of course we are going to Taoxian County." Yue Er coughed dryly, "We old Taiping people all have the same idea. Wherever the deputy envoy goes, we will go! Follow the deputy envoy! There is hope for this day."

The old customer smiled, "What if the deputy envoy goes to Chang'an?"

Yue Er was silent. Just when the old customer thought he was having a hard time, Yue Er sighed, "I haven't deceived a noble person from Chang'an for a long time."

Outside the city, Yang Xuan looked at Lin'an City, which he had not seen for a long time, and couldn't help but feel like he was returning home.

"The deputy envoy is back."

There was a burst of cheers at the top of the city.

When Yang Xuan entered the city, there were people in front of him.

"Give it all!"

The soldiers are trying to clear the way.

"Lang Jun's prestige is really high!" Jiang He'er said happily.

No matter how stupid you are, you know that after the boss goes to Taoxian, Chenzhou will become his base. The more solid and outstanding this base is, the easier it will be for the boss to perform in Taoxian.

In the mansion, Zhou Ning just got the news.

"Lang Jun and his people were blocked in the city, and the people were cheering." Zhang Siniang spoke vividly about the situation outside.

Zhou Ning was sitting behind the desk, and A Liang was holding on to the desk as he walked forward.

He let go of his hand and staggered a little, but moved forward firmly.

A figure appeared outside the door.

"A Liang!"

A Liang raised his head, "Hey!"

Yang Xuan knelt down and stretched out his hand, "A Liang, come here."

Zhou Ning stood up and said, "Ah! Zitai, why are you so fast? I even said I would take A Liang to meet you."

When a husband returns from a long journey, his wife and children greet him. This is the rule.

Yang Xuan shook his head and looked at his son attentively.

After Ah Liang let out a sigh, he also looked at him.

Just when Yang Xuan was expecting A Liang to pounce, A Liang turned around and ran back staggeringly.

"Mother! Mother!"

Seeing the child throwing himself into his wife's arms, Yang Xuan shook his head, stood up and pointed at him, "I'm going to take a bath first."

He was covered in dust and still dared not hold his son.

Zhou Ning quickly ordered, "Prepare some light food, and inform Xuanxue that your husband is back and visit you later."

Yang Xuan nodded, "It's extremely appropriate."

Metaphysics is one of his trump cards, and he must find a way to get him to Taoxian County.

Aunt Guan said: "Actually, there is no need to worry about this matter. Huang Linxiong and the others are here, and Lang Jun's protection is safe."

Yang Xuan had already gone to take a bath, and Zhou Ning said: "Bei Liao was defeated this time, and He Lian Feng also died in the middle of the battle. When He Lianchun succeeded to the throne, his first priority was to avenge He Lian Feng... Only in this way can we win over people's hearts.

But the army suffered a new defeat, suffered heavy casualties, and had low morale. It was unlikely that they would raise another army.

Then... assassination is the best. God knows how many old monsters there are in Beiliao. If these people take action to assassinate..."

Huang Linxiong and the others are very fierce, but they are not weak even if they cannot stand up to their opponents!

With Ning Yayun following him, Zhou Ning felt relieved.

Yang Xuan was so impatient that he took a combat shower and hurried out.

"Langjun! Langjun!" Zhang Siniang chased after her, "I haven't wiped my hair yet!"

Widow Luo was standing in the verandah holding a tea tray. When she saw Zhang Siniang twisting her waist and swinging her buttocks into the air, she didn't bother to look away.

Yang Xuan rushed into the room, "A Liang!"

He picked up A Liang and said, "Did you miss Aye?"

A Liang was frightened by him, looked at him blankly, and then pursed his lips, "Wow! Mother! Mother!"

Yang Xuan couldn't coax her, so Zheng Wuniang smiled and said, "My young man, my name is Aye."

A Liang stretched out his hand towards her, Zheng Wuniang shook her head slightly, "The young man is calling for someone!"

"Ah... Ah Che!" Ah Liang said, and then quickly stretched out his hand.

Yang Xuan handed him to Zheng Wuniang, sat down and said with a smile: "This boy recognizes someone again."

"Not to mention husband, An Siye came here often a while ago, which made A-liang very happy. If he didn't come for a while, when he came again, A-liang would turn his back on me and not recognize anyone else."

Yang Xuan smiled and said: "The child recognizes his birth."

Not to mention An Ziyu, his father has been ignored.

Afterwards, the couple talked about their respective situations after parting.

Chenzhou remains the same. After being severely beaten, Tanzhou has not recovered its strength. Helianrong was originally going to be punished, but after the war was defeated and the emperor died, the matter of dealing with him was shelved...

"When He Lianchun ascended the throne, his first priority was to win over people's hearts and compete with those forces, so He Lianrong was lucky."

These are all what Yi Niang said.

It's not that Zhou Ning didn't know, but he just listened with a smile.

In the evening, the couple struggled several times, and Yang Xuan was out of breath, "Women are like the ground, men are like cattle. There is no land that is damaged by plowing, but there are cattle that are exhausted. This is true."

The two were leaning on each other, and Yang Xuan suddenly asked: "A Ning, are you avoiding suspicion?"

"What? Are you talking about political affairs?" Zhou Ning asked.


"I'm in charge of the backyard." Zhou Ning explained in one sentence.

Yang Xuan should have maintained a tacit understanding with Zhou Ning about this matter, and deliberately asked about it so that the matter could be talked out of the way and there would be no gap between the husband and wife.

In the early morning of the next day, before Yang Xuan got up, he heard A Liang shouting outside, "Mother, mother!"

Zhou Ning sat in front of the dressing table and said with a smile: "After A Liang can speak, he spits out each word with great momentum."


Yang Xuan was lying down, "Open the door!"

Zhou Ning opened the door and Zheng Wuniang came in with A Liang in her arms.

"Give it to me!" Yang Xuan stretched out his hand.

A Liang resisted with all his strength. After Zheng Wuniang put him on the bed, he crawled to the side and was caught.

He pursed his lips and was about to howl, and he was brewing for a while, probably ready to spit.

Yang Xuan moved his right hand.

A small wooden dog.

"Ah!" A Liang looked at Mu Gou blankly.

"Call Aye!" Yang Xuan teased him.

"Ah... Aye!" A Liang grabbed the wooden dog and climbed to the side as if holding a treasure. After climbing to the bed, he shouted to Zhou Ning, "A'niang, A'niang!"

Zhou Ning pursed her lips and chuckled, "A-Liang got something fun, do you want to give it to A-niang?"

"Give! Give!"

Zhou Ning picked him up and said with a smile: "A Liang is a good boy."

Yang Xuan looked at this scene and suddenly felt that everything was no longer important.

What kind of country, what kind of foreign enemies, what kind of internal and external troubles...

None of this is as important as the wife and children in front of me.

But this feeling only lasted less than a quarter of an hour.

"Zitai, you have to go to Xuanxue today." Zhou Ning handed the child to Zheng Wuniang.


Yang Xuan complained: "I've been tired for a long time, so at least I can take a few days off."

Zhou Ning retorted, "There are beautiful scenery in the mountain gate, and the master is also a humble gentleman. You can just go there for fun."

"Haha!" Yang Xuan smiled, "Can a humble gentleman be in charge of metaphysics?"

"That's what I said, get up!"

Zhou Ning took away the quilt. It was still a little cold in the morning and evening. Yang Xuan jumped up. Zhou Ning took the clothes and helped him put them on while saying: "Everything that needs to be packed at home has been packed. I only need to give the order to move."

.It’s just that I’m a little reluctant to give up.”

Yang Xuan was also a little reluctant to give up.

"This is where I started."

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the land of Longxing.

To put it in another world: He found the first pot of gold in Chenzhou.

Get up, have breakfast, and then go to Xuanxue Mountain Gate.

"Lang Jun." Cao Ying walked with him, "I have no complaints this time."

"In this operation, Chang'an wants Lu Qiang to take over, but I don't know that I think the same way. Lao Cao, I can't miss you by my side. In the future, you have to go to Taoxian County to help me!"

How to balance his subordinates is a science. Yang Xuan asked himself that he did not have the balancing methods of a false emperor, but could only use sincerity to impress people.

"Lao Lu is too senior and has helped me a lot in the past few years. If I still put him aside this time, to be honest, I will feel very sorry!"

Cao Ying said with a smile: "If it were anyone else, I would definitely give him a stumbling block, but Lao Lu, I have nothing to say."

Lu Qiang was not stupid. He had started to get closer to Yang Xuan early on, and he would do whatever he said. This was a true confidant attitude.

"Lao Lu is not bad in ability. Since he wants to follow us all the way, he has to give him a helping hand. He will also be a helper in the future." Yang Xuan said.

"If that day comes, he won't be able to escape." Cao Ying said with a smile, "We are all on the same rope."

Once Yang Xuan takes up the banner of rebellion, Lu Qiang will be considered a confidant and core figure.

"I still need to send someone," Cao Yin said.

"Don't take your position, Zhen Siwen is Sima!"

Yang Xuan waved, and Zhen Siwen came behind him.

"I've seen Cao Biejia."

This is the boss's team. Cao Ying smiled and said, "Let's work together for Lang Jun from now on."

This is a test.

Zhen Siwen said without hesitation: "Wherever the deputy envoy directs, the subordinate officer will go!"

Be loyal!

Yang Xuan patted him on the shoulder, "I'll go to Xuanxue. You take Siwen to meet Lao Lu. We'll have a banquet later and we'll have a drink together."

Cao Ying said: "Lao Lu said he was going to practice wine..."

"What is practicing wine? This is Chenzhou." Yang Xuan said: "No matter where I go, this is still my home!"

He mounted his horse and rode away.

Cao Ying looked at Zhen Siwen and said, "Sven, you are very lucky!"

The boss’s attitude came out: Chenzhou is the place where I started, the place of Longxing.

From now on, as long as officials with Chenzhou's service experience are promoted, he will not be a problem.

Zhen Siwen said: "What kind of luck? This official has been having bad luck for many years. The so-called luck is all given by the deputy envoy."

"This attitude is luck!"

Cao Ying really envied this person.

"Keep it up!"

If Zhen Siwen can maintain this attitude, he will probably live a life of prosperity and wealth just like Wang Laoer.

The fate of many people was actually doomed long ago... If Zhen Siwen had not come to Taiping back then, but had learned to flatter and mingle with those people after coming to Taiping, then at most he would be an official in Taiping today.

It was precisely because of his character and destiny that he appeared in Taiping at that time, so his life was almost destined.

The saying that character determines destiny is both true and false.

You still have to wait for the gears of fate to turn and bring opportunities to you.

If you catch it, you are a model in which character determines your destiny. If you fail to catch it, it means God does not like you.

The sound of the piano is lingering.

Ning Yayun played the piano with a calm face. Outside, several professors were arguing about a topic that has always puzzled mankind.

"Why do people live? I believe that it is God's will that people live. Since it is God's will, then you should let go of your life. Joy, anger, sorrow, luck, misfortune, poverty, wealth, etc. are all given by God. Since they are all given by God, then

Just live as you please."

"No, no, no! I thought that the only reason a person lives is to...Zitai?! You came just in time, tell me why this person is alive!"

The corners of Ning Yayun's lips raised slightly, thinking, if Zitai takes over as the head teacher, what will happen if he faces these professors every day?

I'm afraid I'll jump out of the window and run away!


Listen to what this guy said.

I have practiced metaphysics over and over again, not to mention my cultivation. In terms of thought, I have been trying to find a way out, which is what the world calls liberation.

Why do people live?

If you cannot solve this problem, you will not be able to escape.

Outside, Yang Xuan said: "I think people are born lucky."

Being able to stand out from countless competitions is a kind of luck and destiny.

"People are born lucky, but some people are miserable, and some are rich. This is the difference of day after tomorrow. This is also a kind of training. Therefore, metaphysics and other foreign sects are looking for ways to escape. I also studied some in metaphysics at the beginning, but most of them are not


The boy was slapped in the face!

Ning Yayun continued to play the piano.

"Metaphysics pursues the way to liberation and seeks answers through cultivation and the scriptures left by great masters. But those are just the wisdom of the predecessors!"

"What's the meaning?"

"What can help others liberate may not necessarily help you. You can gain a lot of insights by looking at the wisdom of those who came before you and how they treated everything in the world.

This just gives you a direction, or it gives you a fire. But whether this direction is correct for you, and whether this fire will burn you after it is lit, we don’t know.”

Yang Xuan's voice came clearly, "Life is a hard journey, and the only one who can save you is yourself!"

There was silence outside, and Yang Xuan took the opportunity to knock on the door.

"Come in."

Ning Yayun spoke.

Yang Xuan came in and said with a smile: "The master is very elegant."

Ning Yayun got up to get him tea, but Yang Xuan didn't care and picked up a book to read.

The tea is brewed well and is refreshing and quiet.

The two sat opposite each other.

Ning Yayun looked calm and composed, as if she could sit like this forever.

If you don't speak, I will practice silent meditation.

The calmness of Lao Shuai Guo made Yang Xuan helpless.

"Master, if metaphysics wants to develop, it is absolutely impossible to be trapped in a corner. Let's talk about talents first. The most important thing for metaphysics disciples is their character, but how many people in the world can ignore fame and wealth?

Secondly, Lin'an is still small after all. Look at the mountain gate. To be honest, when I came in earlier, I looked particularly sad. I thought about the metaphysics of Tangtang. How big was the mountain gate in Chang'an? How many children did it have? But how..."

Yang Xuan was filled with emotion.

"I remember, last time you said that Xinshan Gate was grand." Ning Yayun said lightly.

Lao Ning, don’t hit someone in the face!

Yang Xuan said haha.

Ning Yayun said, "You have been talking for a long time, but you refused to tell me what I said about you last time, you are so reckless. Just show me this evaluation, and you can threaten me... If you don't follow me, you will be unlucky in the future, metaphysics

It won’t end well either.”

Yang Xuan said: "As a human being, you must have a bottom line."

Ning Yayun nodded, "This is what I admire about you. You can be ruthless when you act, and be gentle when you should be soft. You have a bottom line and speak well."


If he could sing a love song to impress Ning Yayun, Yang Xuan would prepare to hold a concert.

Ning Yayun said: "When I look at you today, I feel that you have changed a bit."

"Changed? It didn't turn into something weird, right? A falcon or something."

Yang Xuan smiled.

Ning Yayun shook her head, "No, it seems like she has grown horns."

The dragon and snake have horns on their heads...

Just as Yang Xuan was touching the top of his head, Ning Yayun asked:

"Who's here?"

An Ziyu's voice came, "Everyone is here!"

It turns out that we are all waiting for the results!

Ning Yayun stood up.

"Get ready to move!"

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