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Chapter 1050, we all give double


Zhang Yong clearly heard Wiggins cursing.

I also know that the other person is not cursing me.

So I continued to act stupid.

Wiggins came to Zhang Yong's side and asked in a sharp voice, "Did the Japanese do it?"

"I don't know." Zhang Yong shook his head.

"The Japanese's clear telegrams have been sent out. Are they nine people?"

"It's nine. But..."

"It was the Japanese who did it."

"No evidence……"

"Others have admitted it themselves. What other evidence is needed?"

"It's impossible for the Japanese to invent the coded telegraph themselves? Shouldn't they tell everyone? This is too unscrupulous..."

"Yes. They are so unscrupulous. They think the Western Pacific belongs to them."


Zhang Yong was about to speak but stopped.

I thought to myself, this Wiggins knows how to use the topic to his advantage!

The Americans had obviously received the clear telegram he had sent, and they were immediately connected to this matter.

After all, nine people are very coincidental. No. There is no coincidence.

Was it really made by the Japanese?

No evidence.

But Wiggins doesn't need evidence either.

What he needs is to use the excuse to retaliate against the Japanese and force Violet to show up.

That mysterious spy Violet makes all the espionage personnel in the beautiful country very uncomfortable. That guy seems to be everywhere, but there is never a trace.

By the way, that violet never came to the surface. It's really tolerable.


Wiggins suddenly gestured.

Zhang Yong:???

what's the situation?

What are you going to do?

His face was full of hostility just now, but now it’s cloudy and sunny?

"do what?"

"Morning exercise."


"I like boxing. You come to be my sparring partner."


Zhang Yong cursed his mother secretly.

Just say, why did the system suddenly add points?

I bet it’s Wiggins, the smiling tiger, who wants to trick his father!

Mad, I am your father!

Want me to be a sparring partner? Or boxing?

Are you obviously looking for an excuse to beat me?


"What? Don't you dare?"

"Of course not. I will sacrifice my life to accompany you."

"Okay. Let's go!"

Wiggins suddenly became happy.

The two of them entered the basement. There was an underground training ground here.

Because it was early in the morning, there was no one. It was empty. There were only various training equipment.

It must be admitted that the living standards of Americans are at least thirty years ahead.

While 9% of Chinese people have not yet solved the problem of food and clothing, Americans have begun to enjoy life.

Not only do we have TV, movies, and Coca-Cola, we even start watching the "Tom and Jerry" cartoon. The difference is really huge.

Get the gloves.

Enter the training ground.

Wear rubber gloves.

Wiggins punched him directly.

Zhang Yong raised his fist to block.

Block the opponent's fist forcefully.


Wiggins was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, this Zhang Yong is quite powerful.

Although he didn't use all his strength, he used at least 80% of his strength. It was very powerful.

Zhang Yong looked calm.

There's nothing to show off. Don't even try to show off.

Dark Blue has added points. Can he still lose?

This Wiggins is not a professional boxer. At most, he is just a little stronger.

"Come again."

Wiggins was unwilling to give in.

Punch and continue the attack.

Zhang Yong still silently raised his fist to block.

You punch me, I block it.

If you hit me again, I will stop you.

In short, I just don’t give you a chance and leave you with nothing to do.

This saves energy and makes you less tired.

It’s so early in the morning, who are you crazy about?

I don’t even have a hundred dollar bet. I’m too lazy to play with you!



Sure enough, Wiggins quickly became discouraged.

His strength was almost exhausted.

Seeing that there was nothing he could do about it, Zhang Yong had no choice but to end the challenge angrily.

"We're going to compete in marksmanship."


Zhang Yong doesn't care.

So I went to the shooting range nearby.

All are pistols.

All Browning M1903, old guns. Use 9mm bullets.



Wiggins raised his gun and fired. The gun hit the target.

Zhang Yong was a bit bad. He only hit three shots. It was not intentional. It was true.

Wiggins deliberately placed the target very far away, a full fifty meters away.

Why is the underground shooting range actually 50 meters away? Zhang Yong doesn’t know. But there is.

When it comes to pistol shooting, Zhang Yong is completely terrible.

There's not much chance to use it anyway.

If the enemy enters the fifty-meter range and needs to use a pistol to protect himself, it means the system is too bad.

No danger was found in the warning range with a radius of 700 meters?

It is normal operation to kill the enemy 500 meters away. If it is less than 1 meter, it is a system failure...

What's more, he has Somi and Thomson hidden in his personal space.

One hundred meters, the submachine gun is fast and accurate.

"It seems that your marksmanship is not very good." Wiggins finally regained some face.

"My marksmanship is indeed not very good." Zhang Yong told the truth.

If you are not as skilled as others, there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Wiggins regained some face and did not continue to be in trouble.

"How long have you known Violet?"

"Do you suspect that Violet and I are together?"

"We can't let go of any doubt."

"Then you can investigate as you wish!"

"We are indeed investigating."


Zhang Yong said nothing more.

You can investigate as you please and find out that Chou Yinmao is a man.


a long time.

Wiggins suddenly sighed, "This Violet has done us a lot of harm."

"Don't you have a scientific method that can repeatedly delineate the scope and then narrow it down step by step?" Zhang Yong said thoughtfully.

"We used many methods, including spreading false information. As a result, Violet was not fooled."

"Fake information?"

"Yes. We fabricated some targeted false information and released it within a specific range. As a result, there was no response."

"That means..."

"It's no use."


Zhang Yong looked indifferent.

He had no idea what the false information was.

Because the information he sent out was all one-sided.

To be precise, they are all made up by him. Based on the information on the world map.

Of course, Wiggins's investigation methods are useless.

But it also reminded Zhang Yong.

Others are also very smart.

Including Japanese.

They are using scientific methods to set goals.

Fortunately, I used an "unscientific" method. Otherwise, I would have been caught long ago.

All the intelligence officers have an IQ of 180!

Anyone with an IQ less than 150 is already dead.

For someone like Zhang Yong, he probably wouldn't survive more than three episodes.

No, it's three minutes...

"Then what are you going to do now?"

"have no idea."

Wiggins spread his hands, frustrated and helpless.

He was in a bad mood tonight. In fact, it wasn't entirely directed at Zhang Yong. It was because he was scolded by his superiors.

That Japanese spy Violet always has no clue...

"Wait a minute." Zhang Yong suddenly reacted, "Are you here to replace MacFarlane?"

"Yes. He was dismissed." Wiggins said bluntly.

Zhang Yong:……

Okay. I've been fooled again.

I thought McFarland was really running for his life! It turned out that he was being stewed with mushrooms.

That guy is obsessed with saving face. He is never willing to admit his mistakes.

But wait...

"Isn't he with MacArthur?"

"Yeah! So, he's going back to Manila now."

"Oh. So I went back to Manila!"

"It's impossible to come back in a short time. Unless there are special circumstances here..."

"I see."

Zhang Yong was noncommittal.

The intelligence work was not good. He was dismissed. It was normal.

In this industry, it is impossible to lie flat because your enemies may kill you at any time!

The result of lying flat is death.

Unless you are already dead, your enemy will never let you go.

"Actually, it doesn't count as dismissal..."


"He went back to lead the Hammond Intelligence Group."


"The original team leader has been transferred. There are no other suitable candidates."

"Isn't he bad at his job?"

"But others are even less capable."


Zhang Yong nodded thoughtfully.

It turns out that this is what is called relying entirely on the support of peers.

It doesn't matter if you are bad at it. Others may be worse.

"and you……"

"I lead the Iroquois Intelligence Group."

"Who are you with?"

"McFarland is in the Army. I'm in the Navy. He was part-time. I'm the professional."


Zhang Yong nodded thoughtfully.

It turns out you are the professional! Then who is your immediate boss?

It was the one who was later replaced by Nimitz...

"Zhang, welcome to our Iroquois intelligence team. We need you."

"Me, join?"

"Yes. We have prepared a gift for you."



Wiggins pulled out a card.

Zhang Yong looked at it with confusion. He didn't find anything special.

Business card?

But it seems bigger?

"look by youself."

Wiggins handed the card to Zhang Yong.

Zhang Yong took it curiously and found his name on it.

I glanced at it and found it was an immigration card?

It seems to have the seal of the Immigration Bureau on it.

Immigration and naturalization?

"Zhang, welcome to become a member of the United States of America."


Zhang Yong was stunned.

Damn, let me think about it.

What kind of operation is this? Am I a fucking Yankee?



I don’t think I said I wanted to immigrate...

I am a Chinese citizen. Why do I want to immigrate? I have no such intention at all, okay?

"Yes. I have completed all the procedures."


"Your passport is also ready. From now on, you are an American citizen."

"No. Wait. I don't think I said..."

"We recognize dual nationality. If you naturalize in the United States, you can still retain your Chinese nationality..."


"In addition, I can also give you some blank immigration cards for you to give to people in need."


Zhang Yong forcefully retracted the words that came to his lips.

Damn it. This Wiggins just grabbed his weak spot so hard! He had no chance to refuse.

Of course he himself has no interest in naturalization. However, there are many people who want it.

It’s not about admiring foreign things. It’s about convenience.

There are also some old, weak, women and children. It would be best if they could be transferred to a beautiful country.

Especially after the fall of Songhu, if you want to avoid the vicious hands of the Japanese invaders, taking a boat to the beautiful country is the best choice.

Of course, you can accuse them of being greedy for life and afraid of death, but that's the truth.

"We can do better than the Germans."


"We will give you double the number of places the Germans give you."


"Zhang, we are serious."

"All right."

Zhang Yong agreed.

There is no way, this bait is really too attractive.


It can save many people.

Especially after the fall of Songhu.

But is your beautiful country specifically targeting the Germans?

Specifically the entire double?


Wiggins gave him a warm hug.

Zhang Yong had no choice but to accept it passively and hold his breath.

The scent of the other person's perfume was too strong. He couldn't bear it, so he had to hold it in.

With great difficulty, Wiggins let go.

"What should I do?"

"Find the violet."


"If there is no difficulty, what do we need to do?"


Zhang Yong was silent.

You want to make bold statements. Whatever.

I said nothing.

I just want substantial benefits.

For example, first give one hundred blank immigration cards with stamps.

Although you say so, the Germans really gave you a visa. I haven’t gotten the immigration card of your beautiful country yet!

"Secretary Kim of the Naval Operations Department personally leads us."

"Which Minister Kim?"

"Ernest Joseph King."


Zhang Yong had some vague impressions.

This Minister Kim is the most loyal supporter of the United States Navy.

I only support the Navy from the bottom up.

Because of the issue of strategic direction, I dared to argue with Marshall.

Always adhere to the Pacific Ocean as the most important direction.

Working hard to raise military spending for the navy.

In his eyes, the United States' navy alone can defeat the whole world.

For this reason, he also made many enemies.

Tough style. Cold nature. Aggressive.


"Deputy Minister."


Zhang Yong nodded again.

It turned out to be a deputy position. The moment of glory has not yet come.

The deputy positions in the American army and the Japanese army were mostly just decorations.

That's too far.

I have nothing to do with such a big shot for the time being.

The opponent of this big shot is Marshall. Even Eisenhower and MacArthur are still a little bit less powerful.

"Then what do I do now?"

"Pry out Violet's secret from the spy's mouth."

"You can have this."

Zhang Yong nodded and said there was no problem.

You ask me to analyze, summarize, summarize and find clues. That's impossible.

I don't have that kind of IQ.

However, if you want me to catch Japanese spies, there is no problem.

If you catch ten spies, there will be no information. Then catch a hundred or a thousand, and maybe you will get it.

Look at your watch.

Six o'clock in the morning.

Very good, it's dawn.

"follow me."


Zhang Yong followed Wiggins back to the ground.

We came to a spacious office. In the corner of the office, there was a star-spangled flag.

Wiggins opened the drawer and took out a stack of cards tied with rubber bands. He handed them to Zhang Yong without saying a word.

Zhang Yong took it over and found that they were all blank immigration cards that had been stamped. As long as the corresponding information is completed, naturalization can be officially achieved.

Privileged institutions are so domineering.

No matter which country.

After a rough count, I found exactly one hundred.

Good guy. It’s indeed a big deal!


"I'm very stressed. I don't want to go bald so quickly."

"I know how to do it."




Zhang Yong said goodbye and came out.

I looked at those immigration cards again and again.

Yes, it is indeed true. They are indeed kinder than the Germans.

The Germans give you a visa instead of an immigration card. If you want to immigrate, you need to go through additional procedures.

Of course, the situations in the two countries are completely different. The beautiful country has a vast land and rich resources, but a sparse population, which requires a large number of immigrants. Tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands are simply a small number.

Return to the dock.

Paulus and others had already begun to disembark.

There was no movement before. As a result, after several submariners died, they immediately panicked.

Even Mr. Wheelchair was carried off the boat.

After gathering my mood, I went up to say hello to Mr. Wheelchair.

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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