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Chapter 1051, wait and see

"Mr. Wheelchair."

"Zhang, you are such a bad person!"

"How to say?"

"If you weren't a bad person, you would have died countless times by now."


"We unfortunately live in a chaotic era. There are all kinds of bad people around us."


Zhang Yong doesn't want to discuss philosophical things.

He couldn't grasp something that was too ethereal, and couldn't put it into his personal space.

Only money and guns can be put in.

That's his foundation.

"That Mr. Adolf will not let you go."

"I have some ancient mysterious Eastern prophecies, Mr. Wheelchair, do you want to listen to them?"

"Say it."

"Sudetenland, Poland, Lowlands..."

"Are they all place names?"


"Is this your prediction?"

"No. It's the ancient mysterious Eastern prophecy. The descendant of Guiguzi."

"I understand. I will study it carefully."

"Bon Voyage."

Zhang Yong waved goodbye.

But I saw Mr. Wheelchair waving his hand to ask others to leave.

He slowly pushed the wheelchair and approached the riverside. Zhang Yong suspected that the other party might commit suicide. But there was no evidence.

However, Mr. Wheelchair did not commit suicide. On the contrary, he suddenly stood up.

Although he only has one leg, he stands very stable.


"Mr. Wheelchair, what do you want to say?"

"I want to tell you that I am not useless. I have been planning to assassinate Adolf."


"I am not alone. Although Mr. Roma has been killed, we still have the support of some very important people in the country."


Zhang Yong was indifferent.

I thought, you are PUAing me again. Typical Huabing.

Assassinating Hitler. Of course, there is such a thing. However, it will have to wait until many years later. World War II is almost over.

Judging from the result, the assassination was unsuccessful. However, this assassination did accelerate Hitler's destruction. It was the straw that broke the camel's back.

From then on, the morale of the German army was unstable, the morale of the troops was scattered, and they no longer wanted to fight.

A few months later, Hitler was defeated and committed suicide.

"We will win."


"I will watch Adolf die with a smile."


Zhang Yong looked at Mr. Wheelchair up and down.

Okay. It looks like he can live for ten years. In ten years, Hitler will no longer exist.

"You are a bad person. I like it."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Zhang Yong replied bitterly. He felt unhappy inside.

Although I am a bad person, you don’t need to remind me all the time.

By the way, I am prepared to be a hypocrite.

Who wants to admit that they are a bad person?

As a result, after being reminded repeatedly by you, even hypocrites cannot be successful.



Watching the Germans board Cheng Jushu's freighter.

If there are no accidents, the cargo ship will go upstream along the Yangtze River channel until it reaches Chongqing.

Over in Chongqing, there will be people arranged by Li Boqi to contact us.

Therefore, we need to call Li Boqi now and tell him that the personnel have already set off.

Look at the watch. It's seven in the morning. I wonder if Li Boqi is at work? I guess not.

I hope the old guy is still in Chongqing.

Don't secretly go somewhere to kill the Japanese invaders again.

Get ready to make a call.

As a result, Yuan Zheng came in a hurry.

"Commissioner, I have your phone number. It's Station Manager Li."


"Stationmaster Li from Chongqing Station."


Zhang Yong was a little surprised.

Li Boqi actually called at this time?

No, did he go to work so early? Or did he stay up late? No, he never gets involved...

That old guy thought about taking a vacation all day long. And then he actually took one. It was enviable.

Could it be that something happened at Chongqing Station? Call for help?

Came to answer the phone in a hurry.

It was indeed Li Boqi.

"Team leader..."

"Come to No. 76, Jisfir Road."


"I'm injured."


Zhang Yong was stunned.

Li Boqi is actually in the concession?

No, when I called you before, you were not...

Did you secretly come to Shanghai from Chongqing again?


Play the piano randomly!

He must have gone to kill the Japanese invaders single-handedly. Then he was killed in counter-attack.

Sure enough, no matter how many mountains you climb, you will eventually encounter a tiger.

To kill the Japanese aggressors, you must have strength in numbers! Hitting one out of ten is absolutely foolproof...



Zhang Yong did not dare to neglect.

Li Boqi's tone seemed very weak.

He was probably seriously injured. He took his last breath. It was too late, so he had to wear sackcloth and mourning.

He didn't even care about the German freighter.

All the supplies left on the freighter are his, his, his...

"Chen Hai!"


"Follow me! Bring weapons!"


As soon as everyone heard this, they knew something was going on.

In particular, bring weapons, which means you must bring all weapons.

Especially sniper rifles. And grenades.

Is this a hard time?

Could it be that the Japanese invaders were out in force and wanted to engage in a large-scale firefight?

Set off quickly.

Gradually approaching No. 76, Jisi Feier Road.

There is no doubt that this name is very familiar. It will be No. 76 in the future.

The precise name is Wang Puppet Government Secret Service Headquarters. Director Ding Mocun and deputy director Li Shiqun. The two reached the pinnacle of their lives here.

Then quickly hit the street.

Strange, why is Li Boqi at No. 76?

Is it a coincidence?

Or is the target to kill right here?

Or was he being chased and escaped here? Sure enough, it seemed that...

Check the map with caution.

As a result, the map showed that Li Boqi was not there at all.

I didn't find any marked white dot, but there was a red dot. It was armed. It was a TT-34 pistol.

Red dot?

Li Boqi?

No way...

Only Hideki Tojo's subordinates used this kind of pistol.

In other words, the spy hidden inside should be affiliated with the Blue Dragon Society. But why is there only one?

Silently raising the telescope.

Observed carefully, no one was seen. The red dot was well hidden.


Find the viewing angle.

With great difficulty, I finally saw my goal.

Not Li Boqi.

Li Boqi is not here at all.

Did he leave?


It seems like you have been fooled?

Li Boqi is kidding himself!

Fortunately, there was a phone nearby, so I immediately called back to the Jige Lane headquarters.


"I am Zhang Yong."


"Help me pick you up at Chongqing Station."


Call Forwarding.

Zhang Yong was a little worried about gains and losses.

If something happened to someone else, he would definitely not be so nervous.

But Li Boqi...

I wish you good fortune and good luck.



Li Boqi's voice came.

Zhang Yong immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He recognized this voice even when he turned to ashes.

What does this mean?

Li Boqi is actually in Chongqing!

When a call comes in from outside, it's impossible to tell where it comes from.

However, the call made from Ji'exiang headquarters must be made to Chongqing station. It cannot be faked.

"Team leader..."

"Have you been to No. 76 Jisfield Road?"


"Didn't you see me?"

"Only one Japanese invader was found at the scene. He had a gun."

"Kill him."


"Then sit back and wait."


Zhang Yong immediately agreed.

It turned out to be a trap arranged by Li Boqi!

very good!

Killing Japanese spies is my favorite!

There was a spy and a pistol inside.

Done easily.


Zhang Yong personally led people to sneak closer.

Because the enemy is hiding in the courtyard, a frontal attack is not possible.


Aren't there grenades?

Heaven comes to the country and is hospitable. Send it a grenade.

Pull the string.



The grenade exploded.

It landed right next to the spy.



The courtyard door was kicked open. Others rushed in.

The target was quickly captured, but it was of no use. He had been bombed to pieces and was unconscious.

When Zhang Yong quickly came to the spy, the red dot disappeared.

Oh, the spy is dead.

It's all Zhang Yong's fault. The grenade was thrown too close.

If you throw it farther away, you might be able to catch someone alive.


Nothing was found.

Just a TT-34 pistol and two magazines.

What a poor spy. He even said he was a subordinate of Tojo. So poor!

Forget it. It doesn't matter.

Whether there is an interface or not is not important. What is important -

Just wait and see!

It was Li Boqi's special order.

Someone called me from Chongqing Station to give instructions.

Arrange an ambush immediately.

Wait patiently.

Wait and wait...

Wait and wait...

Finally, the target appeared.

He is a middle-aged man wearing a silk gown.

Wearing sunglasses and a scarf, his face cannot be seen clearly, and he is carrying a travel bag.

The other party came to the courtyard gate and looked around cautiously. Then he confirmed the house number. After confirming again and again that there was no mistake, he lifted up his gown and walked in.


There's no after that.

The people lurking behind the courtyard gate swarmed up.

Easily capture the opponent.

"I'm here..."

"I am Zhang Yong!"

Zhang Yong smiled and patted the other party's shoulder.

It was so easy to capture the target for the first time. It took no effort.

First, I took the travel bag over and found that it was zippered and high-end.

Pulled it open and found that it was filled with French currency.

One by one. All are legal tender. The printing quality seems to be excellent.

What this sentence actually means is that they are all French currency printed by the Japanese. The quality is so good that connoisseurs can identify them at a glance.

"It's you……"

The middle-aged man murmured.

He has no weapons and is not a spy.

Therefore, his mouth was not gagged. Instead, his sunglasses were taken off.

Zhang Yong didn't know the other party.


"Is it surprising? Is it surprising? Is it exciting?"


The middle-aged man muttered. He didn't know what to say.

Zhang Yong waved his hand and motioned for the other party to be led into the courtyard. In the courtyard, there happened to be tables, chairs, and stools made of stone.

Sit down separately.

"Don't worry. I'm not a man-eating demon."


"But with so much fiat currency, you need to find a valid reason."

"I'm from southern Guangdong..."

"Are you Chen Jitang's subordinate? The one who ran away with the money?"


The middle-aged man lowered his head.

He didn't dare to hide it. He knew he couldn't hide it.

Falling into the hands of Zhang Yong, the only way to survive is to pay and pay tribute.

There are rumors on the street that buying one's life from Zhang Yong is easy. It only requires one hundred thousand oceans. With one hundred thousand oceans, anything can be done easily. But if there is no...

That would be very difficult!

"Are you coming to join the Japanese?"


"Then what are you here for?"


"The Japanese spy we killed was a subordinate of Hideki Tojo, commander of the military police of the Japanese Kwantung Army."


"The legal currency you are carrying was printed by the Japanese."


The middle-aged man cannot justify himself.

Zhang Yong already knows everything.

However, he soon found a way to survive.

"I'll take you to find the dollars."


"There were several others who ran out with me. One of them had tens of thousands of dollars with him."


Zhang Yong's eyes suddenly lit up.

A travel bag full of legal currency may be hundreds of thousands.

However, he really has no interest in legal currency. If he has tens of thousands of dollars, it is completely different.

"I'll take you."


Zhang Yong immediately waved his hand and led the people away.

But he didn't take everyone away. Instead, he left a small team behind and continued to wait and see.

Maybe other big fish will take the bait.

The result is true.

Just as I was about to go out, I suddenly spotted a white spot and rushed towards No. 76.

He immediately retreated and continued to ambush.

It was a man carrying a suitcase. He was in a suit and leather shoes. He looked human-like. He looked like a returned overseas Chinese.

Enter the courtyard.

Arrested immediately.

A group of people surrounded him.

"Do not misunderstand!"

"I brought everything!"

"Do not misunderstand!"

The man was still yelling desperately.

Then I realized something was wrong. It seemed like someone else had been arrested?


They fell into a trap.

The person in the yard was not the person they were looking for at all!

Zhang Yong was elated.

Is this all Li Boqi's remote operation?


Sure enough, ginger is still spicier.

You don't need to catch them one by one. You just need to arrange the traps and wait for the enemy to take the bait.

Not only were people sent, but money was also sent.

Oh, by the way. So much legal currency can be given to Chongqing Station.

Chongqing Station requires a lot of funds, and legal tender is just the right thing to promote inland.

Bring the briefcase over.

Opened it and found that there were no US dollars inside.

There are all kinds of banknotes. They are from every bank. It’s very messy.

However, the total amount is quite large. It is estimated to be around 70,000 to 80,000 yuan. For ordinary people, it is definitely a ceiling-level wealth.


Are there still people who carry U.S. dollars specifically?

No, what do these people want to do? How do they get to Shanghai? Where do they want to go?


Probably want to go to the other side of the ocean.

At that time, only Shanghai Beach had boats to the beautiful country. There were no other places.

Therefore, if you want to go to the Lighthouse Country, you must go here first.

However, I can’t figure out why they would seek help from the Japanese invaders. Could it be that they are familiar with the Japanese invaders?

Oh, there is intelligence that shows that the Japanese invaders were behind the Guangdong-Guangxi Incident. But Zhang Yong doesn’t know the details. I believe it is not groundless.

There are so many legal coins printed by the Japanese invaders in the travel bag, maybe this is how they were used in China.

Most of these guys in front of me had contacts with the Japanese and were in trouble, so they sought help from the Japanese invaders.

They didn't even think about it. How could the Japanese invaders remain calm?

Fortunately, they cut off the beard in advance. Otherwise, all the money they carried would have fallen into the hands of the Japanese bandits.

Tojo Hideki is not a good man. He is nicknamed Tojo's Razor!

"Where do you want to go?"

"Go abroad."

"Beautiful country?"


"Seeking help from the Japanese?"


"Being a traitor?"


"Then tell me, what's going on?"


A traitor suddenly covered his throat.

However, his throat was sealed by Zhang Yong with a knife. He was killed on the spot. His body was paralyzed on the ground.

Surrender to the Japanese and become a traitor, that's what you'll end up with.

No matter who it is, the result is death.

If you don't die now, you will be executed after the war.

"I said, I said..."

"I am listening."

"We are here to find the ivy."


"There was a mysterious figure called Ivy who said he could help us go abroad, so..."


Zhang Yong thought of this long-dusted code name.

When I first heard about Ivy, the codename was still the Red Party. Then it fell into disuse. Now it’s popping up again?

Moreover, it is no longer exclusive to the Red Party. Instead, it has become a mysterious figure?

Can you help people escape abroad?

Was it arranged by Li Boqi?

What is he going to do?

Shake his head.


Too lazy to think too much.

But when it comes to things that require thinking, he should not force himself.

Raise the knife.

Killed another traitor as well.

Continue to wait and see.

Someone else is coming.


Finally caught the dollar.

But... it's not fifty thousand, but more than ten thousand.


Kill the person and keep the dollars.

Continue to wait and see.

As a result, two days passed and no target appeared again.

So the action ended.

Exposed. The Japanese spies already know.

I called Li Boqi to report the situation. He said he had caught three fish and they were all fishy.

At the same time, we reported that the Germans were preparing to disembark at Chaotianmen Wharf. There were also machine tools, etc. We need strong assistance from Chongqing Station.

"Now that you are in charge of the work, whatever you say will be whatever you say." Li Boqi said in a strange tone.

"That's good." Zhang Yong didn't take it to heart at all.

Li Boqi is like that.

Unsociable and weird personality.

Therefore, I usually have no friends.

I don’t know who will send this old guy to his death a hundred years from now?

hang up the phone.

Prepare to go back to Wusongkou Pier.

Suddenly, a marked red dot appeared on the edge of the map.

Feel free to check it out.

Suddenly he perked up and his eyes sparkled.

It’s actually Liu Xi!

is her?

I thought I had seen it wrong.

I checked again and again. Yes, it is indeed Liu Xi.

It's really her!

She finally appeared again.

Judging from the map, she was sitting on a rickshaw.


Set off.


"it's me."


"I'm curious. Who are you?"

"Don't you already know? You still tricked me for such a long time."

"I cheated you? When did I cheat you?"

"I am Violet."


Zhang Yong was immediately stunned.

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

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