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Chapter 1188, Gunshots at Marco Polo Bridge


Wanping. Marco Polo Bridge.

Zhang Yong looked at his watch, feeling anxious inside.

Damn the system, why hasn’t it started yet? It’s time!

Today is July 7, 1937.

And it's already night.

Do you know how I spent this month?

So busy every day!

Busy catching spies! Busy transporting wealth!


The process is also lackluster.

Finally, it was hard to wait until the time point. As a result, you made no move?

There are only two hours until July 8th.

Don’t wait until it’s too late!

"Pah hook!"

"Pah hook!"

Sharp gunshots were heard in the distance.

This is the Japanese aggressors conducting a live-fire exercise.

Zhang Yong had no doubt that the Japanese invaders would soon stir up trouble.

Therefore, from seven o'clock in the evening, he personally sat in Wanping, waiting for the Japanese invaders to launch an attack.

However, it seems that the Japanese invaders have not made any move yet.

The exercise was outside the field of view and could not be seen through telescopes. Only the sound of gunfire could be heard.

For safety reasons, the Chinese garrison around Wanping City have all entered a first-level combat state. The artillery positions in the rear are also in full readiness.


Three red dots appear at the edge of the map.

Raise the telescope.

Because it was dark, I couldn't see clearly.

Three red dots move towards Wanping City and enter a distance of 300 meters.

The telescope gradually became clearer.

He didn't bring weapons, but he didn't raise a white flag either. Instead, he came in a menacing manner.

The forward position immediately sent people to intercept. The two sides had a chatty negotiation.

Soon, Ji Xingwen came to report to Zhang Yong.

"Commissioner, the Japanese said that one of their soldiers was missing and they suspected that they had entered Wanping City. They asked to enter Wanping City to search."

"Tell them to get lost!"

"I have rejected their request."

"Well done! Remind the frontline troops that the Japanese invaders may launch an attack at any time."


Ji Xingwen agreed and went.

Zhang Yong raised his telescope and looked at the open space to the west of Marco Polo Bridge.

If there are no major changes in the course of history, the Japanese invaders will launch an attack on Marco Polo Bridge in the next few hours.

But, damn the system, why hasn’t it started yet?



A large number of red dots appear on the edge of the map.

There are densely packed weapons symbols. Obviously, this is the Japanese invaders army.

However, since it was dark night, the telescope could not see any movement of the Japanese invaders.



Died young.

The system is finished.

Not started yet...



【System startup】

A prompt message arrives.

Zhang Yong suddenly became energetic.



So excited!

So excited!

The system is finally officially started!

After waiting for more than two years, the system is finally started! What a pity!



I want 100,000 aircraft carriers!

I want 100,000 planes!

I want……


What's going on?

The system is unresponsive again?

Just a message?

And then there’s nothing more to say?

No. Don't be like this! Give me some BGM or something.


The system is unresponsive.

Zhang Yong gradually became confused.

Halo! Is it the same as starting or not starting?

[An unknown error occurred in the system]

【Insufficient energy...】

After much difficulty, I finally got two more messages.


There will be no more.

The system went silent. It seemed like it was dead.


There is no choice but to accept the reality.

Maybe the God of Harmony has controlled the system so that it cannot go crazy.

Time enters July 8, 1937.


The Japanese invaders haven't made any move yet.

They continue to lurk west of Marco Polo Bridge.

Zhang Yong yawned, raised his telescope, and looked at the bridgehead position.

According to his request, barbed wire fences and hidden heavy machine gun positions were added to the bridgehead position.

Behind the bridgehead position, three 60mm mortars were added.

The purpose was to defeat the provocation of the Japanese invaders and blow them up.


The red dot starts to move.

They gradually dispersed and surrounded the Marco Polo Bridge.


It's finally begun.

Zhang Yong looked unmoved.

Wait silently.

The Japanese invaders appeared in the naked eye.




Warning shots were fired from the western bridgehead.

But it was useless. The Japanese invaders continued to attack the bridgehead position.

Through the telescope, we can clearly see that the Japanese invaders are moving very fast.

They are all veterans.

They are all elite.

The combat effectiveness of individual soldiers is very strong.

"Pah hook!"

"Pah hook!"

The Japanese invaders opened fire as they marched.

The bullets hit the sandbags at the bridgehead on the west side, and some also passed through the air.



A grenade fell.

This is a grenade launch by the Japanese invaders.



Another cannonball fell.

This is the Japanese 92 infantry artillery!

The shells landed on the bridgehead on the west, exploding into clouds of fire.

The defenders began to suffer casualties.

"Son of a bitch! They are serious!" Ji Xingwen was anxious and angry.

"Fight back!" Zhang Yong was very calm.

It seems that historical events are nothing special.

It was when the Japanese invaders started a real attack. It was no longer a drill.

From now on, the whole of China will enter a state of full-scale resistance until victory.


Ji Xingwen turned around and left.

Soon, the mortar positions began firing.



Artillery shells continued to explode among the Japanese invaders.

In the volleys of fire, Japanese invaders were blown away one after another. A sea of ​​​​fire was directly exploded.

The Japanese invaders who launched the attack seemed a little confused.

They obviously did not expect to encounter such a fierce artillery counterattack.

The squadron that rushed at the front suffered dozens of casualties in an instant. The rest had to lie down on the ground. They no longer dared to bend their waists and rush upward.



The Japanese invaders' supporting artillery fire began to be fierce.

In addition to the 92nd Infantry Artillery, there were also 90mm mortars. The shells fell intensively on the bridgehead on the west.

The sandbag fortifications could not withstand the Japanese bombardment, and casualties increased.

"Ring ring ring..."

"Ring ring ring..."

Inside the headquarters, the phone suddenly rang.

Zhang Yong picked up the microphone casually.


"I am Zhang Yong. Who are you?"

"I am Commissioner Tong Linge. Did the Japanese invaders launch an attack?"

"Yes. The artillery fire was very fierce. The bridgehead position west of Marco Polo Bridge may not be able to be defended."

"Son of a bitch! They are serious!"

"Report to Commander Song! I will also report to Jinling."


Tong Linge hung up the phone.

Zhang Yong held the microphone and looked calm. He was neither happy nor sad.

This is just the beginning.

There will be another eight years of hard work ahead.

Now is not the darkest moment. The fall of Wuhan is.

Turn around.

Raise the telescope.

The bridgehead to the west cannot be defended.

There was no cover there. The Japanese artillery fire had completely covered it.

The two platoons of defenders will eventually suffer all their casualties.

The cannon fodder of the Japanese invaders also blocked the Marco Polo Bridge deck, making it impossible for effective reinforcements from the rear.

However, it is not that easy for the Japanese aggressors to hold the bridgehead. Our army's artillery fire will also cover it.

"Communications Officer!"


"Send a report to the Military and Administrative Department and the Attendant's Office!"


"Content: At one o'clock in the morning on the 8th, the Japanese invaders launched a fierce attack on Marco Polo Bridge. I am in Wanping. Zhang Yong."


The communications staff quickly recorded it.

Soon, the telegram was drafted and sent to Zhang Yong for review.

Zhang Yong took out his pen and signed the telegram.

Actually no need.

However, he hopes to leave his name in history.

In the future, if there are people from later generations in this plane who look up the information.

You will find that one of the original telegrams has Zhang Yong's signature. He, Zhang Yong, can be regarded as a man who left his voice and a man who left his name.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yong picked up the phone again and ordered to transfer to a number.

Soon, someone over there answered the call.

"Boss Qi, it's me, Zhang Yong."

"Commissioner Zhang?"

"Let me tell you something. The Japanese invaders are currently aggressively attacking Marco Polo Bridge. They will probably besiege Wanping soon."

"I see."

"Okay. I just want to tell you."


"Need not."

Zhang Yong hung up the phone.

Put down the microphone. It's okay. Just fight calmly.



Sure enough, the bridgehead began to collapse.

There is no way. This is doomed. There is no danger to defend, and it is impossible to dig a tunnel.

It can only be a head-on confrontation.


The bridgehead was in a mess.

The defenders of the two platoons suffered almost all casualties.

They were all killed by artillery fire.

The national troops in Wanping City wanted to reinforce, but were intercepted by Japanese artillery fire.

However, it was not that easy for the Japanese infantry to occupy the bridgehead. They were also intercepted by artillery fire.

The advantage of Zhang Yong coming to Wanping is that he brought enough artillery shells.

The 60mm shell tube is enough.



With the intensive bombing of mortars, the casualties of the Japanese invaders were also increasing.

By the way. Who is the Japanese commander who launched the attack? It seems to be Captain Ichiki Kiyoshi? Haha. It will be a good night.

"Kill Jiji..."

"Kill Jiji..."

Through the telescope, I saw a Japanese officer getting up fiercely, holding his command knife high, and yelling at the soldiers to advance.

As a result, the cannonball fell next to it, blowing it to pieces.

In the dust, plaster flags flew randomly.



Suddenly, there was an explosion nearby.

I turned around and found that a cannonball had landed in Wanping City.

His eyes darkened.

It was the Japanese invaders who launched an artillery bombardment on Wanping.

It is judged to be a 75mm mountain gun of the Japanese invaders. In fact, it is also a replica of the French M1897.

It has the same origin as the Italian cannon. It has average power and a good range of eight kilometers.



The Japanese artillery shells continued to fall.

The buildings on the ground were bombed and collapsed one after another, but there was no impact on the headquarters.

The headquarters is semi-underground. It has a thick enough protective layer and can withstand the bombardment of 105mm artillery shells. But it cannot be used for a long time.

Knowing that the Japanese invaders would launch an attack on Marco Polo Bridge and Wanping, of course we had to prepare in advance.

Underground fortifications have been built wherever conditions permit.

Only at the bridgehead west of the Marco Polo Bridge could only trenches be dug, resulting in greater casualties.


Ji Xingwen entered the headquarters.

He wanted to say that it was dangerous here and asked Zhang Yong to leave.

But seeing Zhang Yong's calm look, he swallowed back the words that came to his lips.

"The bridgehead cannot be defended."

"I know."

"I will arrange a counterattack immediately."

"Need not."

Zhang Yong shook his head.

It's not necessary. It's just a small position.

The bridgehead position on the west side is easy to attack and difficult to defend. If we continue to send people up, it will only increase casualties.

Leave it to the Japanese invaders, and then cover it with artillery fire.

The purpose was to increase the number of Japanese casualties.

Don't worry about the gains and losses of a city or a place, the focus is to eliminate the effective force of the Japanese invaders.

"The division has arranged for troop reinforcements."

"Stay in the north. Don't enter the city for the time being. The place here is small. Troops that are too crowded will be easily killed by Japanese artillery fire."

"I wonder if the Japanese heavy artillery regiment will be dispatched..."

"Sooner or later they will be dispatched."

Zhang Yong looked calm and then started to yawn.

Witnessed a historical moment. But it seemed nothing special. It was just the prologue.

A large number of red dots appear on the eastern edge of the map.

It's a large Japanese invader force.

They are about to attack Wanping City.



Sure enough, warning shots were heard.

Ji Xingwen hurriedly walked out of the headquarters and came to the tower. He raised his telescope to observe.

Zhang Yong did not go out. He sat and waited for things to develop.

Anyway, everything that needs to be done has been done.

The rest is how things develop.



The Japanese artillery fire became more intense.

Part of the wall of Wanping City was blown open and sand and gravel rolled down.

Dust and smoke began to pour into the underground headquarters.

A large number of red dots began to scatter.

Then approach Wanping City.

This is when the Japanese invaders are about to attack.

To the west, attack Marco Polo Bridge.

To the southeast, attack Wanping.



The defenders' 75mm mountain artillery began to return fire.

There was no artillery battle.

What they were fighting was the Japanese infantry.

These days, artillery battles are unrealistic. It's too mysterious.

What the artillerymen fear is not the enemy's artillery, but the aircraft. Fortunately, it is night and the aircraft cannot be dispatched.

The map shows that red dots disappear intermittently.

However, half an hour later, some Japanese invaders still entered 200 meters away.

Judging from the distribution of red dots, it should be a squadron of troops. There are about 150 people. They are scattered widely.

"Bang bang bang..."

"Da da da..."

Rifles and light machine guns began to counterattack.

At the same time, mortars of various calibers also began to be fired.

The latter is the point.

Unfortunately, the Japanese attacking troops were scattered and the artillery shells were of little use.

The machine gun is not very useful either. It can only fire in short bursts. If it fires continuously for a long time, the result is a waste of bullets.

"Pah hook!"

"Pah hook!"

The Japanese invaders were also shooting.

Finally, the entire Wanping City entered a state of fighting.

"Ring ring ring..."

"Ring ring ring..."

At this time, the phone rang.

Zhang Yong picked up the microphone.


"I am Qin Dechun. Who are you?"

"Deputy Commander Qin, I am Zhang Yong."

"In Wanping?"


"How's the situation?"

"The Japanese invaders have already dispatched two brigades to besiege Wanping. More troops may be invested in the future."

"I have made a strong protest to the Japanese."


Zhang Yong laughed dryly.

Making a strong protest? Well done!

Why don't you go to the United Nations to protest? Can protesting make the Japanese invaders stop their aggression?

Qin Dechun probably felt unreliable too, so he quickly hung up the phone.

Put down the phone.

Calm and composed.

The Japanese invaders had one regiment and the defenders had one regiment.

Judging from the comparison of military strength, the military strength is about three to one. But it doesn't matter.

As long as the Japanese heavy artillery regiment and aircraft did not dispatch, they would not be able to capture Wanping City. Tanks would not be able to be used at night.

"Ring ring ring..."

"Ring ring ring..."

The phone rang again.

Pick up the phone.


"I am Zhao Dengyu..."

"Mr. Zhao, it's me, Zhang Yong."

"How's it going?"

"The defenders of the bridgehead on the west side of Marco Polo Bridge suffered all casualties. However, the Japanese invaders were suppressed by our army's artillery fire and were unable to occupy the bridgehead for the time being."

"How is the situation here in Wanping?"

"The Japanese invaders only have Qiwu mountain artillery and 90mm mortars. It's okay for the time being."

"The reinforcements are five miles north of the city. Reinforcements are ready at any time."

"I understand. I'll let you know if you need more."


The phone was hung up.

Zhang Yongshen stretched himself and put down the microphone.

The map shows that the remaining red dots have retreated.

Haha. The first wave of attacks retreated like this? A rough calculation shows that the Japanese invaders should have suffered hundreds of casualties.

This squadron is probably disabled and unable to fight again in a short time.

They must have never imagined that the defenders' artillery fire would be so fierce.


A little sleepy.

So I closed my eyes and started to squint.

No problem.

There will be no danger tonight.

The prologue has just begun.

The big drama is behind us.

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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