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Chapter 1189, attack

Quietly lead the team and set off.

Plans have changed slightly.

The previous plan was to encircle the Japanese invaders Ichiki Kiyoshi's brigade from behind.

But in the past month, Zhang Yong thought about it carefully and felt that this plan was difficult. The main reason was that it was difficult to cross the river.

It's summer now, and the water in the Yongding River is either high or low.

It is certainly possible to travel alone. However, the movement of large groups will definitely be restricted.

So the plan changed.

Decided to make a sneak attack on the Japanese flanks attacking Wanping.


Then shelled.

Let’s shake the Japanese invaders first and then talk about it.

Retreat decisively before daybreak.



Cheng Maojin continued to boost morale.

After a month of reorganization, the Second Airborne Regiment now has about 3,000 men.

One group was absorbed and another group was eliminated.

Those that were eliminated were adjusted to Nanyuan Airport and used as general troops.

Organized into five battalions, each battalion has three companies.

Each company has more than 150 people.

The weapons are basically in place. The biggest flaw is that there is no 75mm field gun.

go ahead.

Scattered red dots appear in the south.

This is the Japanese invaders attacking Wanping. This is their flank.

There were skirmishers from the Japanese invaders.

Responsible for perimeter security.

They are all lying on the ground and appear quite hidden.

Without a map, it would be difficult to find them. Once they get close, they will be ambushed by the Japanese invaders.

As soon as the gun fires, the main force of the Japanese invaders will notice that there is a problem on the flank.

what to do?

There is no good solution.

No one can hide the truth from the truth.

We can only wait for the troops to be in position and then attack.

Ten minutes...

Thirty minutes...

Each battalion gradually entered combat positions.

Each battalion commander was marked by Zhang Yong so that the location of each battalion could be seen at a glance.


Zhang Yong calmly ordered.

Cheng Yaojin immediately waved his hand.



The crisp sound of gunfire.

The Japanese skirmisher on guard duty was killed.

They had long been locked by the horse-mounted four-ring rifle with a scope. One shot passed and they were killed on the spot.



The troops began to advance forward.

Immediately after the gunshots were fired, more Japanese invaders appeared.

The Japanese invaders were well-trained, and even if they were attacked on the flank, there would be no disorder.



The gunfire gradually became fiercer.

The Japanese invaders who emerged were shot to death one after another, leaving behind a large number of corpses.

The troops continued to advance.

"Da da da..."

"Da da da..."

The Czech light machine gun was very fierce.

As pioneers, their fire suppression is very necessary.

After replacing the 30-round curved magazine, the continuity of firepower has been greatly improved. It can completely curb the Japanese invaders' crooked tactics.


"There's an enemy on the right!"

The Japanese invaders responded very quickly.

Immediately ordered a squadron to turn around and launch a counterattack.

"Bang bang bang..."

"Da da da..."



There was a roar of gunfire.

All battalions entered the battle.

Zhang Yong silently checked the map and found more and more red dots.

It seems that my estimate is a bit wrong.

The one attacking Wanping was not one large group. There should be two.

Even though the flanks were attacked, the main force of the Japanese invaders was still attacking Wanping City.

In the direction of Wanping City, there were still constant sounds of gunfire.



Then you're welcome.

Let’s capture a squadron of Japanese invaders first.

There were less than two hundred people.

What they encountered was a Chinese army of three thousand people!

A dozen of them will beat you up, hehe.


Sure enough, the Japanese invaders quickly discovered that something was wrong.

The Chinese army attacking from the flanks was very powerful. It had a large number of people and extremely powerful firepower.

Some Chinese troops even divided and surrounded them from both sides, trying to separate some of the Japanese invaders and then encircle and annihilate them.


The Japanese invaders realized the danger.

He hurriedly gave up the attack on Wanping and turned with all his strength.

The Japanese invaders from the two brigades all pressed to the right, trying to counter the encirclement.

At the same time, we asked for help from Fengtai Camp and requested artillery support.

Soon, the fighting between the two sides became intense.

The Japanese invaders' attacks were very brutal, one after another.



The fanatical roars of the Japanese invaders can be heard.

Then he was knocked to the ground by fierce fire.



There were explosions everywhere.

Even at the back of the line there is no guarantee of safety.

In fact, on a chaotic battlefield, whether you can save your life depends entirely on God's arrangements.

Zhang Yong came up from behind the team.

Start encountering the corpses of Japanese invaders.

Broken to pieces.

He was beaten all over.

To name a few.

These fanatical invaders. They will have nightmares tonight.

A large number of red dots appear on the edge of the map.

They were the main force of the Japanese invaders.

"Someone is coming!"


"Order mortars to fire at a position 1,100 meters directly ahead."


The staff officer went to deliver the order.

Soon, mortar fire began.

There are a total of twenty 81mm mortars. This is personally controlled by Zhang Yong. It is the bottom firepower of the box.

It's specially designed to fight against Japanese invaders. It's just in time to use it now.

The Japanese invaders in front have dispersed. The Japanese invaders in the back are gathering.

"Bang bang bang..."

"Boom boom boom..."

Fierce artillery shells fell intensively.

The darkness in the distance was torn apart and illuminated by balls of fire.

In the dazzling firelight, we could see a large number of Japanese invaders. They were swallowed up by the firelight and torn apart by the explosion.



Finally got a chance to eliminate a wave.



The mortar bombardment became more intense.

All were rapid ejaculation.

Shoot the most shells in the shortest time.

The red dot is disappearing quickly.


Well fried.

It's so explosive!

This is calculation without intention.

The Japanese invaders must not have expected that the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole follows behind.

Three minutes of continuous bombing caused at least 300 casualties to the Japanese invaders.

The assembled Japanese invaders were completely dispersed.

Now, it was the Japanese invaders' turn to passively fight.

Keep moving forward.

The Japanese invaders must be included in the map monitoring range.

Suddenly there was a message indicating that the monitoring radius of the tactical map had been increased.

It has increased from the original 1000 meters to 1500 meters.

Happy. This is a great thing.

Sure enough, more red dots were captured. They are coming in a steady stream.

"The artillery fire is 500 meters to the left."

"The range extends to 300 meters."

Continue to order.

Soon, the shells began to fall after the Japanese invaders.



With the explosion, the red dot quickly disappeared.

I wonder if Mutaguchi Ren is here too? If he is in the team, that would be great.



Suddenly, a cannonball fell nearby.

Zhang Yong hurriedly squatted down.

The shell exploded far away, erupting into a fierce fire.

I could clearly feel the ground shaking.


It’s the Japanese invaders’ 105mm heavy cannon!

Damn it!

It’s the Japanese heavy artillery regiment!


The Japanese invaders' 105mm heavy cannon has a very long range, more than 15 kilometers.

This is a cannonball fired from Fengtai Camp.


The Japanese invaders responded very quickly!

Let's start long-range artillery support soon!

Sure enough, heavy weapons are invincible.

No matter how powerful Zhang Yong's mortars are, they are no match for the Japanese invaders' 105mm heavy cannon.

The shell just now was a test fire. More will follow.


Zhang Yong made a decisive decision.

Being targeted by Japanese artillery fire, we must evacuate immediately.

Otherwise, the Japanese invaders will destroy the ground with artillery fire and their own casualties will be very heavy. This is not based on human will.

In the plains and wilderness without even sandbag fortifications, and under the fire of the Japanese invaders, no matter how many people were killed, no matter how many people died.



Cheng Maojin hurriedly sent the order.

In accordance with previous training, all troops withdrew urgently.

The wave of attacks just now had killed and injured many Japanese invaders, so it was considered a successful completion of the mission.



Zhang Yong also quickened his pace.



Sure enough, the Japanese cannonballs fell like crazy.


This is the difference in weapons!

There is not much difference in light weapons. But in heavy weapons there is almost a difference between 0 and 100.

The Japanese invaders were even able to produce 460mm super naval guns. China, on the other hand, could barely produce 75mm mountain guns. The quality was average.

Don't even think about heavy artillery over 100 mm.

As for airplanes, tanks, warships, etc., it is even more difficult to build them yourself.

Speed ​​up.

A quick trot.

Fortunately, we successfully retreated to Wanping.



Behind the scenes, Japanese artillery shells were falling in pursuit.

The casualties of the troops are increasing. This is the price of the attack.

Of course, the Japanese casualties must have been much greater.

The proactive attack just now caused at least 700 losses to the Japanese invaders.

If we use passive defense, it will not be that easy to eliminate the 700 Japanese invaders.



Ji Xingwen comes up.

Zhang Yong waved his hand and said he was fine.

Enter the underground headquarters.

Cheng Yaojin led the Northeast Army to retreat and withdrew from Wanping.

Wanping is too small and cannot deploy too many troops. Otherwise, casualties will be increased in vain.

"The Japanese invaders have occupied the bridgehead."

"Artillery coverage."

"The Japanese invaders are also stubborn..."


Zhang Yong was thoughtful.

Walk out of the underground headquarters and come to the west gate.

The map shows that there are indeed many red dots at the bridgehead west of Marco Polo Bridge.



Nationalist mortars bombarded the area repeatedly.

The red dots kept disappearing. However, Japanese invaders continued to come up from the west to replenish them.

Sure enough, the Japanese invaders were also stubborn.

Their tactics are actually very dull.

Their mission was probably to occupy the western bridgehead, so they repeatedly killed them.

It's actually pretty good.

Zhang Yong likes it after giving away heads repeatedly.

At this moment, the Japanese invaders are also the most fanatical and are really not afraid of death.

Even if the companions in front were blown to pieces, and one wave after another died, the ones behind them would still keep coming up.

Since the beginning of the Russo-Japanese War, the Japanese invaders' Pig Charge has become very famous.

If this is the case, then fulfill them fully.



Crazy mortar bombardment.

Suddenly an officer hurried over.

"Reporting Commissioner, Deputy Commander Qin has a call for you."


Zhang Yong turned around to answer the phone.

It's Qin Dechun again. What are you doing? Continue to protest strongly?

Ask the Japanese invaders to perform a caesarean section to apologize?

Ha ha!

Enter the underground headquarters.

Pick up the phone.

"I am Zhang Yong."

"Commissioner Zhang. I am going to Wanping with the League of Nations observer Mr. Watson."

"Now? There is 105mm artillery fire from the Japanese invaders!"

"Yes. Let's go there now."

"All right!"

Zhang Yong did not refuse.

Let others love you as you please...

It's actually good to daydream occasionally.



Suddenly, a very exaggerated sound came.

However, Wanping's tower was directly hit by a cannonball and shattered on the spot. Then it collapsed.

Sure enough, the 105mm heavy artillery is deadly.

Any cannonball can shatter the buildings in Wanping City to pieces.

If the Japanese invaders had enough artillery shells, or were willing, they could have used artillery fire to raze Wanping to the ground. Not even a single intact building would be left.

This is the comprehensive combat effectiveness of the Japanese invaders.

Even before the planes and tanks were dispatched, it was enough to cause the national army to suffer a lot.

With the Japanese heavy artillery bombardment, the casualties of the defenders will definitely increase.

Fortunately, I took the initiative to attack just now. Otherwise, I would have been beaten in vain.

I had to stay quietly.

Finally, the Japanese bombardment seemed to have stopped.

But I still dare not go out easily. What if it is a trick of the Japanese invaders?

Stopping the bombardment temporarily and then continuing to fire can achieve unexpected results.

The battlefield is dangerous and you may die if you are not careful.

As a result, there were no more shellings.

Until dawn.

The atmosphere became more tense than night.

Because during the day, Japanese aircraft may take off for bombing.

Air defense is a very troublesome matter.

The national army has no effective anti-aircraft weapons at all. Not even a 20mm machine gun.

Even if there is, it is just a decoration.

Because the anti-aircraft efficiency of the 20mm cannon is so bad. It might as well be used to fight Japanese tanks.

"Report Commissioner, Deputy Commander Qin is here."


Zhang Yong looked at his watch.

Very efficient! It took three hours to get there.

At this speed, you can basically reach it on foot.

Too lazy to care.

This is meaningless mediation.

Rather than continue to waste time here, it is better to deal with a few Japanese spies.

Now China and Japan are at full-scale war. There are some things that can be fully operated.

"Duchamp Dragon!"


"Let's go!"


Zhang Yong rushed back with his special service company.

At the train station, I happened to meet Deputy Commander Qin and Watson.

Watson is French. He has a big nose, deep-set eyes, and the legendary aquiline nose. He is quite arrogant.

The French at this time were generally arrogant and thought they were the best in the world.

Especially in Asia, it’s almost as if one’s eyes are higher than one’s head.

The British sometimes behave in a down-to-earth manner, but the French do not.

The world is big, and I, the French, are the biggest.

Because I am the leader of the League of Nations. No one else. The whole world must listen to me.

If you don't listen, I will isolate you.

Therefore, Americans are isolated from the outside world.

Sure enough, Watson turned a blind eye to everything around him.

Zhang Yong passed by them.

Get in the car.

Go back to the city.

get off.

Advance on foot.

The target has already been chosen.

Came to a huge building.

This is Baoshang Bank.

The map shows that there are five red dots inside and a large number of white dots.

Leading the special service company, they stormed in aggressively.

"Who are you?"

"Don't move!"

"Hands up!"

Swarm forward and surround the opponent.

The black hole of the gun controlled the opponent, and then sealed the entire building.

The silent movement of five red dots.

"Da da da..."

"Da da da..."

Zhang Yong is just like a shuttle.

Two Japanese invaders were killed. Three others hurriedly stopped.

"Da da da..."

"Da da da..."

Zhang Yong continued to fire.

Kill the remaining three Japanese invaders as well.

Excuse me.

Take no prisoners.

Waving his hand, he ordered all bank managers to be arrested.

"What do you want to do?"

"Open the vault!"


"According to the secret order of the government, I will immediately transport all the wealth in the treasury to Nanyuan Airport!"

"No, no..."

"Then do you want to die?"


Zhang Yong kicked the opponent in the abdomen.


You say it again?

There are five corpses on the ground, and you are still so stubborn?


The other party screamed.

I finally realized that my life might not be saved.

"Say it again."


Finally, the vault was opened.

There were a large number of silver dollars and banknotes inside.

But there are no gold bars.

The map doesn't show the gold symbol either.

Mud. What a broken treasury, but there is no gold!

You don’t even have gold bars, why do you have the nerve to call it a treasury? Selling dog meat over sheep’s heads, bah!

"How much stock is there in the ocean?"

"Seven hundred..."

"Seven million?"



Zhang Yong nodded with satisfaction.


There are actually seven million oceans!

All must be shipped away!

Otherwise, it will fall into the hands of the Japanese invaders.

Pick up the phone and notify Nanyuan Airport to send a truck for transportation.

Zhang Yong guarded the treasury.

Soon, the motorcade arrived.

Load the ocean into the truck. Truck by truck, pull away all the ocean.

It just so happens that Dayang is packed in boxes. Each box is 1,500 pieces, which weighs about 100 kilograms. A truck can hold about 50 boxes.

Because there are so many oceans, it’s not that easy to pull them all out.

Zhang Yong walked out of the vault and went outside to get some fresh air.

I found that the urban area of ​​Peiping is still calm.

The battle in Wanping didn't seem to affect this place.


This is just an illusion.

Soon, the Japanese bombing will...

Suddenly he raised his head.

Sure enough, I saw a Japanese aircraft.

It was heading towards Wanping.


There are no fighter jets!

As long as you have a BA-65 fighter jet in hand...


It seems that BA-65 fighter jets can transfer to Nanyuan Airport.

If that's the case, let's have a few.


"Go back to Nanyuan Airport!"

[To be continued]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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