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Chapter 264, in one sentence, you must have money

 To put it that way, it’s actually no more troublesome than a banana.

Yue himself intervened in the concession and strengthened the control of the wrong patrol house. The patrol house had no way to let go.

The Ministry of Industry and Industry will be increasingly influenced by the Yue people.

Moreover, gradually, it is estimated that the Fuxing Society's ID card will no longer be usable in the concession.

That means that every agent who comes in to perform tasks must use a new identity and need to apply for new documents.

Otherwise, they will "sneak" in through special channels.

The production of new documents requires the cooperation of the police station. Yue himself will probably keep an eye on it.

Mad, why are there shadows of Moonmen everywhere?

"He's going to make a phone call."

"Go for it!"

Zhang Yong picked up the phone and called back to the "Social Shenwen" newspaper office to find Shi Bingdao.

No. It would be too wasteful to just let people from the 19th Route Army farm in Jiutang. They must be placed in the concession. They can be put into use at any time.

From now on, in the concession, we can directly use them to move the legs. There is no need to transfer people from outside.

It is their duty to kill Yue himself.


"Boss Shi, deny him."

"What are your orders from the master?"

"Find a way to place a group of people from the 19th Route Army into the concession."

"Approximately how long will it take?"

"ten years."

"So long?"

"Wrong. Be prepared."

"It will take some time."

"Okay. If you need funds, just contact him. He will give me sufficient funds."

"Okay. He will find a way."

"that's it."

Zhang Yong hung up the phone.

Turning to look at Zhu Yuan, he didn't shut up. Fang Minghong was wrong.

Zhu Yuan quietly shrank his head and smiled bitterly, "Maximum five per month. More is really not possible."

"One hundred oceans each." Zhang Yong opened the bidding code.

"It's not a matter of money. It really can't be done. If I pay Yue by mistake, he won't charge me any money."

"All right……"

Zhang Yong just gave up.

You can get five new ID cards every month, which is indeed a bit small. But it is safe.

Zhu Yuan himself was not very careful, because the patrol room was infiltrated by Yue himself. Once he was discovered, he would become a suspect of Yue himself, and he would be more troublesome than Jiao in the future.

If Zhu Yuan loses his position in the patrol bureau, it will be even worse for the Fuxing Society.

"Come here." Zhang Yong suddenly thought of something.

"What?" Zhu Yuan wondered.

Follow Zhang Yong to the corner of the courtyard.

Everyone around him wisely stayed away.

"Can I buy an official position?" Zhang Yong asked directly.

"What kind of official position should I buy?" Zhu Yuan was confused.

"Chinese Chief Inspector."


"If you burn it, you will not be the highest officer the Chinese can be."


Zhu Yuan shook his head.

He understood what Zhang Yong meant.

Zhang Yong was asking him whether he could achieve a higher position.

Of course he thought, could it be done?

"What conditions are required?"

"a lot of."

"I'll just talk about the most important thing."


“What if you don’t have connections?”

"Then I'll give you money."

"Then give me money."

"He has no money."

"They figure it out together."

"how to think?"

"I'm responsible for finding suitable fat sheep and providing him with information, and he's responsible for moving his legs."


"Anyone who secretly colludes with the Yue people will be treated as traitors and killed."


Zhu Yuan wanted to speak but stopped.

He felt a strong murderous aura from Zhang Yong.

For a moment, he actually had an illusion.

That guy didn't seem like that before! After a trip to Jinling, he seemed to have changed a lot?

Are you trying to achieve your goals at any cost?

The fact is, Zhang Yong did not think too much. He just thought about pushing Zhu Yuan away.

Just ask that guy to climb to a higher position, which will bring more convenience to the Fuxing Society's actions. It can also curb the expansion of Yue's power.

Now that I have obtained the position of Assistant Commissioner of Police, this is a very dangerous sign.

If there is no strong counterattack, the entire patrol room will be controlled by Coco in the future.

Of course, you can't visit Bufu.

Will the French and British agree? They just look at the interests.

Yue himself put pressure on them, and they gave him the position of assistant. With Yue's urine, he would definitely be able to get away with nothing.

If not, Zhu Yuan can give me thousands of dollars, or tens of thousands of dollars...

It's not difficult to move up a few levels.

Previously, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce dared to release prisoners from Tilanqiao Prison for even $5,000. This shows their extreme desire for money.

This is a signal. It shows that there is nothing about the concession that cannot be solved with money.

If there is, then there are too many of them.

"Let me think about it. I need to be responsible for giving him information, and he is responsible for moving the legs. The profit will be divided into 50 and 50," Zhang Yong continued to encourage.

"Actually..." Zhu Yuan stopped talking.

"Say." Zhang Yong frowned.

Zhu Yuan changed the topic, "I've been dealing with Xiaodao Club, Tiandi Club and others. Maybe there's a better way."

"Do they have connections?"

"Snakes follow their own paths, and rats follow their own paths. Their paths are very complicated. Their history on the beach is longer than that of the patrol house. For example, the Mengde Society, if you really look into the history, it can all be traced back to that year.

The Red Lotus Society has a history of thousands of years. There are many Qinggang and Hongmen. The Tiandihui is also separated from the Hongmen. The bones are broken and the tendons are connected. The relationships inside are intricate. Otherwise, how could it be possible?

Someone transported all the mortars into the concession?"

"It's bright red."

Zhang Yong nodded thoughtfully.

I want to be able to get along well on the beach, walk around, and not be able to avoid those gangs.

Zhang Xiaolin is a member of the Qinggang. He has many disciples and grandsons of Leg Didong. He also has the support of Yue himself. It is not easy to get him to be punished.

But in the final analysis, it doesn’t mean that you have to have money. Lots and lots of money.

You can push your own people to high positions.

You can organize a lot of death squads in the east. The kind that don't ask for your life.

"Where is their cousin?"

"He told me. I would never ask for him to be leaked."

"He is not a three-year-old child."

"Then he said, I will remember something."


Zhang Yong took out a small notebook with a pencil.

A good memory is not as good as a bad pen. If there is any important information, he will record it.

Then hide it in your personal space. No one can peek at it.

Zhu Yuan said a lot, and Zhang Yong finally finished recording it.

"Wrong, do I know Yan Ruzi?"

"I don't know. But do you know that person? Xiao Dao knows it. His nickname is Black Widow."

"Oh? Black Widow?"

Zhang Yong thought about something thoughtfully. It seemed that it had that flavor.

Bu Nao, more beautiful than those in foreign movies.

"Is that the nickname?"

"In Jinling, he found that she was also helping Yue himself."

"She had a bad fate. During the wedding night, her husband died suddenly. Others said she had killed her husband. Please sink her into the river. She managed to escape. If you want to survive, you can rely on Yue himself.

But I haven’t heard of anyone she killed.”

"Very likely, he saw the woman from Meng Dehui. She was the one who stole his box. She also appeared in Jinling."

"According to his information, it was Mei Wanjun who took my box..."

"He doesn't care who she is. Can she be found?"

"He doesn't know. Those women are very cunning. They won't let them know where they are. Otherwise, they would have been worse off than dead."

"Someone said, can Yan Ruzi be on Xiafei Road..."

"Then it would be Wanguo Nightclub."


"Because there are all kinds of people from all religions there. It's best for her to hide there."

"Oh, Wanguo Nightclub..."

Zhang Yong remembered the name. Made. It’s not a nightclub.

By the way, I have heard about a lot of nightclubs, but I have never been to one.


Toji must enter Shuangshuang.

Try to find out what is not a life of drunkenness and luxury, and what is not a life of drunkenness and dreams.

Wanguo Nightclub...

Tsk tsk.


"That was driven by the Red Russians."


"The owner of Wanguo Nightclub is not a red Russian. His legs are all rough people. Most of the dancers are also red Russians."


"Why are you lying to me? The reason why Wanguo Nightclub is so popular is that there are a large number of red Russian beauties. The red Russian ladies have been reduced to dancers. The phoenixes that have landed are not as good as chickens. Many people used to be dukes, countesses, ladies, etc.

After the October Revolution, they fled to the East, and many people poured into the concessions, at least 70,000 to 80,000 people."


Zhang Yong listened indifferently.

In fact, he was not interested in the historical background. He was only interested in money.

Are those Red Russians rich?

No? Forget it.

Yes? Then do it.

Suddenly I thought of something. If I were to deal with the Heaven and Earth Society, wouldn't there be someone ready to make the connection?

I turned around to look for Zhou Wancan, but found that guy wasn't there.

"Where's Zhou Wancan?"

"He left already."

"Are you excited?"

"Wrong. I left. I didn't say anything and just left."

"That rascal……"

Zhang Yong said to himself.

It turned out that he was a very face-conscious young man. He found out that his information was incorrect and felt that he was too embarrassed to meet people, so he ran away.

The five rifles I gave Zhang Yong were full of bullets, so I didn’t ask for them. Is this considered an apology?

Not bad. Not bad. You can have a deep friendship with someone like that.

On the contrary, Zhu Yuan is very slippery, and I always feel like I can't figure out his background. He seems sincere, but what should I say? It's limited to cooperation.

"I contacted Yidong with the Tang family and asked them to send someone to take the hostages back."

"He doesn't know how to contact me either!"

"Xiaobao, let me tell you."

"He doesn't remember."

"I don't even remember my home phone number?"

"He doesn't want to go back."


"The third brother will beat him and tell him to run away."

"Then I can't follow him! He has to go to Xiafei Road to perform a mission!"

"He is with us! He is very familiar with the Joffre Road. He has been there for a full year. He has walked the entire Joffre Road, which is more than 4,000 meters long."


Zhang Yong was speechless.

Is that baby really? I should be arrested.

Even a seven-year-old or an eight-year-old dog is too old to run around. Who can I catch if I don’t catch him?

My third brother must give me a good beating!

Just as I was begging to shut up, suddenly, a small red dot appeared on the edge of the map.


Youyue himself came.

Kick your legs quickly to indicate something is going on.

Zhu Yuan was stunned, "What's wrong?"

"Youyue himself came. He brought three people with him."


Zhu Yuandong walked to the window consciously, but he didn't see anything.

Yang Zhi and others also quickly occupied every corner.


"Coming from the north. Coming along the street. Yue Yue myself and three people."

"so many?"

Zhu Yuan's expression suddenly became tense.

Zhang Yong waved his leg and asked Tang Shengbao to hide back in the basement room.

If there is a gunfight between the two sides, the basement room is undoubtedly the safest. It will not be hit by stray bullets.

Once the two sides open fire and chaos breaks out, the most feared thing is stray bullets.

Fortunately, I later obtained ten more shell guns. Now I have a leg and enough bullets.

"Yang Zhi, let's go!"

"A few of us are following!"

Zhang Yong led all the agents, climbed over the wall from the flower garden at the door, returned to No. 28 next door, and then set up an ambush.

Soon, I brought three Chinese people over that month.

All are dressed up as Chinese.

They were all cautious. When someone knocked on the door, Zhang Yong opened the door. The wrong person immediately found out that it was good.

"Should we..."

"Don't move!"

Zhang Yong pointed his gun at the wrong party.

The person who knocked on the door immediately turned red, and his whole body froze, motionless.

"Come in!"

Zhang Yong dragged the wrong party in.

Someone jumped next to him and controlled him. The black muzzle of the gun was pointing at the wrong person's head.

"Call people outside to come in."


"Call me first."


"The man who brought us here."


The people who were arrested were quite cooperative.

Judging from his expression, it seemed that he didn't know whether Brother Dao was Yue himself.

"Brother Dao, Brother Dao!"

There were anxious sounds outside the house.

The man named Brother Dao didn't think much about it and hurried in.

Then he discovered that it was good. There were people rushing around him and tying him up tightly.

"Who are we?"

"What do we ask for?"

Brother Dao struggled hard, but it was in vain.

He was pressed down by several strong men and it was difficult to move. Then he was tied up with ropes.

Zhang Yong asked casually: "Name."

"Who are we?"

"He asked me about my Yue name."


Suddenly, I was kicked in the crotch.

At the same time, Tong Luohan stretched out his legs to cover Brother Dao's mouth to prevent him from screaming.

In an instant, Brother Dao's body twisted violently.

Even if he is tied up with ropes, it can't completely stop him from twisting the shape of the rice.


can not breath.

But he didn't faint.

Unable to scream...

Zhang Yong would not be polite if Yu Yue himself made a mistake.

Gouging out eyes, cutting off ears, cutting off noses, chopping off legs and feet, etc. were too bloody, so Tan Hong said he couldn't do it.

However, it is absolutely possible to lift the vaginal legs. Besides playing sap, the second most professional skill he has mastered is very despicable, but very effective. It is specially used to deal with male spies.

Perhaps, it can also be used to pay the female spy by mistake? Oh, I don’t want to give it up...


There was an unexpected discovery. I actually found an envelope.

Open it. There are one hundred dollars inside. They are all in five-dollar denominations. There are twenty in total. Hey, the spy does have money. Hide it immediately.

"Call the two people outside to come in."


Soon, two other people were lured in and all were arrested.

Everyone was tied up tightly.

The captured spy's eyes were wide open and he was struggling hard. It was obvious that he was in agony.

Zhang Yong cut his leg and wrist, causing blood to flow out.

This chapter has been completed!
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