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Chapter 530, truth, conspiracy

 Winter night. Cold wind.

In December in Peiping, the nights were already very cold.

The temperature is close to freezing. It could snow at any time.

The north wind whistled through the empty streets, blowing all the debris on the ground into the sky.

There was no one on a remote street.

Even the chirping of insects has completely disappeared.

There are no lights.

Everyone was huddled in bed.

A dark shadow quietly appeared in a corner. Then it huddled there motionless.

The north wind blew by.

It was late at night. The temperature continued to drop. He seemed to be frozen.

From time to time, he stamped his feet and rubbed his hands to show that he was still alive.

He is waiting for someone.

Waiting for someone very important.

No matter how cold it is tonight, he must wait for the other party.


His mission cannot be completed.

Although the winter night was cold, his heart was hot and blazing.

Finally, someone came.

He was a middle-aged patrolman riding a bicycle with an ancient wind lamp hanging in front of him.

The bicycle rings except for the bell.

The swaying sound filled the man in the darkness with hope. He immediately "came to life."

A black shadow suddenly came out of the darkness and stopped the bicycle.

The car patrolman braked quickly.

Subconsciously I wanted to get a baton.

"It's me!" the black shadow said in a deep voice, "Comrade Ant."

"You..." the patrolman looked serious.

He stared at the other person warily.

Then watch your surroundings carefully.

nobody else.

There is no living thing around.

Only the cold wind blew by.

"Comrade Ma Yu, you are seriously violating discipline! You should not be here!"

"Comrade Ant, I have something very important to report. It's too late to go through the procedures. I must report to the organization immediately. Ma Yali, the owner of Shunfeng Pawnshop, is Japanese."

"What evidence do you have?"

"No. But I believe he is definitely Japanese."

"Do you suspect that Operation Blade has something to do with him?"

"Yes. I can confirm that he was definitely involved in Operation Blade and was one of the masterminds."

"I understand. I will report it to the organization. But, Comrade Ma Yu, you are also a veteran party member. You should know the organizational disciplines. What you do is very dangerous. It is a serious violation of underground organizational disciplines. I must criticize you.

After you go back, you must carefully write an inspection and then hand it over to Comrade Earthworm through normal channels."

"I will."

"Discipline is discipline. How many of our martyrs have paid for it with their blood. No one can violate it. Once violated, it will bring immeasurable losses to our work."

"Now others suspect that I am a traitor who betrayed Yan Guangkun. But they don't suspect that I am a member of the Red Party."

"Comrade Guangkun has also worked hard. But there is nothing we can do. Our work is so dangerous."

"Yes, Guang Kun must evacuate immediately. Dai Li has already suspected him. This time Dai Li comes to Tianjin Guard, it is very likely that he will deal with Guang Kun secretly. We can't take risks."

"Fortunately, the person in charge of screening is Zhang Yong. He didn't follow up on this matter at all. Otherwise..."

"Zhang Yong is also in Peiping."

"Did you see him?"

"No. But, someone told me that he saw me in Peiping."

"That would be troublesome."

The patrolman frowned. Then he waved his hand and hid in the darkness with Ma Yu.

He was very careful. Even if there was no one around, he was still worried that there would be invisible eyes spying on them. They really couldn't make any mistakes in their work. Otherwise, they would be doomed.

Here, they not only have to face the brutal reactionaries, but also a new opponent, the Japanese.

The Japanese are more brutal and professional than the reactionaries.

Outside, the north wind is howling. However, it is as warm as spring in the corner.

Although Ma Yu violated discipline, Ant was still very happy to see that Ma Yu was safe and sound.

They used to be very good comrades-in-arms. Later, they each had separate missions.

Speaking of which, we haven't seen each other for more than three years. We are reunited after a long absence, and everyone is still alive. This in itself is worthy of everyone's happiness.

Speaking of encirclement and suppression...

Speaking of the Long March...

If Zhang Yong hadn't been involved, everything would have been wonderful.

Yan Guangkun successfully escaped from Dai Li's sight and fell into the hands of the Japanese for the time being. Although he had to go through a lot of hardships, his life was safe.

The Japanese invaders will not kill Yan Guangkun immediately. They need to use Yan Guangkun to do something.

This is also the reason for their risky actions.

However, Zhang Yong is an unstable factor. He may take action.

"What is your judgment on Zhang Yong?"

"Can be trusted."

"What's the meaning?"

"He has no ill intentions towards our Red Party."

"That's very good. The problem is, you are now a traitor. He may kill you."

"He will definitely kill me."


"He hates traitors very much. He hates traitors. If he is sure that I am a traitor, he will definitely take my life. He will never hesitate."

"He has a clear distinction between love and hate. He hates evil as much as he hates it. It's a pity..."

In the end, it was not spoken out.

For some things, principles are principles and cannot be compromised.

"What's he doing in Peiping?"

"Find a way to rescue Guangkun."

"any solution?"

"I guess we need to capture a few important spies and then replace them."


"I hope he doesn't move too fast. Otherwise, the other side will be passive."

"The Japanese spy in Peiping..."

"Mayali should be arrested."


"Since Zhang Yong has seen me, he should have discovered that Ma Yali is Japanese. He will not let Ma Yali go."

"are you sure?"

"Of course. Guang Kun and I both know his style of doing things."

"Then, I'm going to see him now! I have to talk to him in person. Otherwise, if he misunderstands, it may cause extremely serious consequences."

"Indeed. His destructive power is a bit abnormal. The Japanese will probably go crazy."

"Let me confess my identity to him!"

"You can only go alone. I can't follow you. Otherwise, he will have preconceptions and won't listen to your explanation."

"I'm going to Shunfeng Pawnshop now. He might be there."

"be safe!"

"He doesn't know me. He probably won't take action right away."

"Okay, go ahead!"

Ma Yu nodded without trying to dissuade him.

Because of this matter, the party organization must personally come forward.

Zhang Yong's actions are very uncontrollable and may disrupt their arrangements.

Only by being honest and open can we cooperate.

"I am leaving!"

"See you later."

"Walk slowly!"

The patrolman turned his bicycle and slowly walked towards Shunfeng Pawn Shop.

At this moment, Zhang Yong is counting gold bars.

Date Yutaro seemed to be in a daze. He didn't know what he was thinking about.

It seems that he has not revealed any important information. What is this guy thinking about?

Zhang Yong looked outside. His expression remained unchanged.

It was late at night, and the little white dots and red dots on the map were basically stationary. There was only one little white dot, slowly coming towards Shunfeng Pawn Shop.

He came closer and quietly opened the window, and found a patrolman. He had no weapons, only a baton.

Haha. I suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Before, before joining the Fuxing Society, he patrolled like this.

Most of the time I was working the night shift. I walked alone through the streets and alleys. It was empty, lonely and cold.

Seeing the patrolman coming to the door of the pawn shop, Zhang Yong walked out slowly.

The other party is here to find you.

He is intuitive.

"Is there a problem?"

"I know Mayu."


Zhang Yong's eyes lit up.

Does this guy know Ma Yu? Is he here to inform?

Haha. That’s interesting.

How did he know he was looking for Mayu?

"Come with me!"

"No. Come in!"

Zhang Yong insisted.

Although the opponent has no weapons, he is very careful.

He will never fall into the enemy's trap.

"Then let's talk in the middle of the street. I don't want anyone else to hear."


Zhang Yong looked around.

No danger found.

Within a radius of 400 meters, there are several small red dots. However, they are not in sniping positions. They are also stationary. They must be sleeping.

It's already early in the morning. Besides these night wanderers, who else wants to stay up late?

Oh, so does the patrolman in front of me.

Alas, they are all misfortunes...

No one else noticed anything unusual.

However, Zhang Yong was still very careful. He pointed to the corner next to him and said, "Get there."

There is an L-shaped corner over there. You can avoid being assassinated from a distance to the greatest extent. If an enemy appears, you can only attack from the front.

When they came to the corner, they both looked at each other silently.

Zhang Yong could guess who the other party was. He was not one of his own, nor was he a spy. He could only be a member of the Red Party.

Some of my activities in Peiping may have been discovered by the underground organization of the Red Party in Peiping. So the other party came to find me.

Can the other party be trusted?


He can be sure that the other party is not fake.

No one dared to pretend in front of him, because it was useless. If they were Japanese invaders, they would have been discovered long ago.

If it wasn't the Japanese invaders, who would be able to fake it?

Could it be that the Japanese invaders would arrange for a traitor to pretend to be a traitor? Impossible. The Japanese invaders did not trust those traitors at all. The more secret the matter is, the less likely it is that there is nothing wrong with being a traitor.

Therefore, the opponent can only be the Red Party. There is no other possibility.

"who are you?"

"I am from the Peiping Prefectural Committee of the Red Party. My code name is Ant."

"I am from the Fuxing Society."

"I know. Ma Yu has already told me."

"Why did Ma Yu tell you?"

"Some things may be different from what you imagined. Yan Guangkun was captured by the Japanese and it was arranged by us."

"So, you Red Party members actually acted as accomplices of the Japanese?"

"Yan Guangkun is an undercover agent of our organization lurking in your Fuxing Society. However, he has been exposed recently. When your boss Dai comes to Peking this time, he will pass through Tianjin and may deal with Yan Guangkun. For safety reasons, we have to plan for him to be temporarily arrested by the Japanese

Let’s go and ensure personal safety for the time being.”

"Can't we just evacuate?"

"That would involve a lot of people. We don't want to implicate innocent people."

"So, you planned this?"


"Yan Guangkun is one of yours? Codenamed Mountain Tiger?"



"He is one of ours. But his code name is not Creeper. He has no code name."

"Who is the creeper?"

"I don't know. It's not on our line."


Zhang Yong frowned.

I didn't expect that things would change so suddenly.

Yan Guangkun is actually a member of the Red Party?

I really didn't expect it. Really. He had no doubts about Yan Guangkun at all.

He had doubted Yang Shanfu. He had doubted Liu Daowu. He had even doubted Dai Yice, Kou Xingde, and even Chen Mei. But he had never doubted Yan Guangkun.

At the beginning, he and Yan Guangkun were not able to deal with each other.

It was not until later, when Yan Guangkun took the initiative to cooperate with him, that he changed his view of Yan Guangkun. But he never doubted that he was actually a Red Party member.

This is really...

Hidden too deeply.

Boss Dai is also awesome. He actually discovered it too.

Boss Dai mentioned the ivy to himself, but he never mentioned that Yan Guangkun might be a red party member.


The city is too deep...

A rookie like me is really just a novice in front of Boss Dai.


Here comes the problem...

Yan Guangkun’s codename is not Ivy? Then who is Ivy?

Is there a creeper? If so, which one is it?

It can't be Li Boqi, right?

Certainly not.

Li Boqi has already been interrogated once.

With Boss Dai's shrewdness, if Li Boqi was suspected, he would have been thrown into the cold palace long ago.

If Li Boqi was really a creep, it would be impossible to talk to him about the Red Party, let alone recruit Li Jingzhi.

That would be very suspicious.

It must be because he is not a Red Party member that Li Boqi dared to do this.

Curious, who is the ivy?

How many red parties are there in this Fuxing Society?

Alas, this is complicated...

I thought I had seen the second floor, but someone else was on the seventh floor...

But I soon felt relieved.

Actually, there is nothing to be depressed about.

Yan Guangkun was a member of the Red Party and was arrested because the organization needed to be arrested.

In other words, there are actually no real traitors within the Fuxing Society. There are Red Party undercover agents, but there are no traitors who have taken refuge with the Japanese invaders.

This is good news, he should be happy.

Otherwise, it would be really sad if a few traitors really appeared.

As for other people’s plans…

The road is long and far away, I will search up and down.

I am a rookie.

Others are masters.

Just quietly learn from others.

Suddenly he smiled.

"why are you laughing?"

"I should actually have thought of it."


"Not a single shot was fired. Not a single shot was fired. Who could do something so miraculous? Unless it was Yan Guangkun's own cooperation."

"Then why didn't you think of it then?"


Zhang Yong shook his head.


However, Li Boqi, Yu Lexing, Yang Shanfu and the others didn't expect it either?

Yu Lexing, Yang Shanfu didn't expect it, maybe it was possible. However, if Li Boqi didn't expect it, Zhang Yong wouldn't believe it even to death. It seems that Li Boqi had known the inside story for a long time, but he didn't reveal it.

Haha. Maybe the same is true for Yu Lexing and Yang Shanfu. They may all be pretending to be stupid.

Are you all covering up the boss?

Only if you take it seriously and believe it.

"You come to me..."

"Tell you the truth."


"They all feel that you are too capable. You may quickly catch important espionage figures and then start replacing them. This will ruin our plan."

"What's your plan?"

"Yan Guangkun was released by the Japanese only after Boss Dai left the Pingjin area."

"Avoiding him on purpose?"


"Do you think Yan Guangkun can return to Fuxing Society?"


"Are you a bit neglecting Boss Dai's ability? He is not a good person."

"Of course we know that he is very powerful. But the mountain is high and the emperor is far away. He is beyond the reach of a whip."


Zhang Yong was speechless.

What kind of solution is this? But it seems to be a solution.

Prescribe the right medicine.

It just hit Boss Dai's weak spot.

Why did Boss Dai personally deal with Yan Guangkun? You can't just rely on others.

Because it cannot be made public.

It is impossible for him to issue an order saying that Yan Guangkun is a red party member and ask others to arrest him immediately and deal with him on the spot.

Then it's over.

The one who was finished was Boss Dai himself.

The Fuxing Society Secret Service has eight action teams, one of which is headed by a Red Party member!

Is this okay?

How do you think this thing will ferment?

Wasn't that intentional to make the Party Affairs Investigation Department laugh at him? Xu Enzeng would laugh to death.

Then report it to the committee.

What do you think the committee will think? They will definitely scold Niang Xipi.

In the end, only Boss Dai was unlucky.

Therefore, it must not be made public. It cannot even be told to other people. It can only be handled in secret.

Finally, it was announced that he had died unfortunately and he was given a generous burial.

Boss Dai can only handle it if he is present. Not at any other time.

But how long can Boss Dai stay in North China?

It can't be too long.

After the train robbery was solved, he had to go back.

As soon as he left, Yan Guangkun came out. Then he went back to the Fuxing Society Secret Service and continued to be the team leader.

Well, he may be removed from the position of team leader. However, he is still a member of the Fuxing Society Secret Service. He can still continue to lurk.

As for the future...

talk about it later.

Who can foresee the long term? Get through the immediate difficulties first.

In fact, Boss Dai may not dare to revoke Yan Guangkun's position as team leader because it can easily lead to misunderstandings by others.

I thought Yan Guangkun lost his position as team leader because he was captured by the Japanese invaders.

Fighting against the Japanese invaders, he failed and was captured. He was unyielding and unyielding, but was eventually replaced. Instead of comforting you, Boss Dai, you dismissed him from your post. Everyone will be heartbroken.

Everyone is walking on a knife's edge, and there are many dangers. Who has never made a mistake?

Who can guarantee that they will not fall into the enemy's hands?

For the sake of the stability of Fuxing Club, Boss Dai could only endure this matter.


Boss Dai is really dead.

This chapter has been completed!
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