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Chapter 531, Sassy Operation

 "What role does Mayu play?"

"Comrade Ma Yu will go on a more dangerous mission."

"Go undercover with the Japanese invaders?"

"He betrayed his comrades, and now his identity is exposed. He has no other choice but to defect to the Japanese invaders."

"Will the Japanese invaders take him in?"

"have no idea."


"This is Comrade Ma Yu's strong request. He wants to take this opportunity to get close to the Japanese invaders."

"What if he gets raped?"

"That's why I came to see you in the middle of the night. I have to tell you face to face."

"What's the meaning?"

"If you, Zhang Yong, don't take action, Comrade Ma Yu will not be in danger for the time being."

"But I have to take action. Otherwise, the Japanese will definitely become suspicious."


The ants are silent.

Zhang Yong is right. This is a very crucial point.

With Zhang Yong's character, it was impossible to let Mayu go. If Zhang Yong had not taken action against Mayu, the Japanese invaders would have discovered that something was wrong.

It's tied to death.

Once Zhang Yong takes action, Ma Yu will definitely die.

If Ma Yu is not dead, it means that Zhang Yong may have deliberately released water. Then Mayu will also be killed by the Japanese invaders.

These days, there are too many ways to disappear someone silently.

Once the Japanese invaders are suspicious, they will deal with them decisively.


The cold wind howled.

Countless images flashed through Zhang Yong's mind.


It’s really unexpected!

He is really, really ordinary. Very inconspicuous.

Although he is an old man at Tianjin Station, he usually has no sense of existence and is unknown.

There was only Chen Gongshu at Tianjin Station and no one else.

After several contacts, Zhang Yong already considered Ma Yu to be transparent. Later, he directly sent him to the logistics department.

You asked Zhang Yong to describe Ma Yu's appearance now, but he couldn't describe it in accurate words.

He is really ordinary and ordinary. He has no characteristics. In a sea of ​​people, no one will notice his existence. He doesn't seem to have any hobbies or special characteristics.

Who would have thought that he is actually a member of the Red Party. He has been an undercover agent within the Fuxing Society for many years. He has no trace at all.

The skill has no craftsmanship, the heavy sword has no edge. They are all great people!

"Your codename is Ant?"


"Are you affiliated with the Peking Prefectural Committee?"


"I'll ask you about a few people."

"Say it!"

"Okay. They are..."

Zhang Yong mentioned several names.

They were all those who had taken the oath at Wuyuan. They were all representatives of the Red Party.

"Are they in Peiping?"

"Some are there."


Zhang Yong nodded thoughtfully.

No wonder the 129th Movement was so popular. It turned out that there were big bosses in charge.

As the Red Army gradually gained a foothold in northern Shaanxi, more and more personnel began to enter North China, trying to take root here and establish a new base.

The vitality of the Red Party is very tenacious. One person is a seed.

They are like tumbleweeds. Wherever the wind blows, they take root and grow.

As long as there is one person, a large area can be developed.

"Comrade Zhang Yong..."

"I'm not your comrade."

"As long as they share the same goals, they can be called comrades."

"You and I seem to have different opinions."

"Aren't you fighting against the Japanese invaders, resisting foreign humiliation, and defending your home and country?"


"Our common goal is to expel the Japanese invaders. As long as you recognize this, then we are comrades."

"All right……"

Zhang Yong had to admit that the other party was very persuasive.

He was also honest enough. To fully reveal his identity was to put his life in his hands.

As long as Zhang Yong has the slightest dissent, this ant will die.

"May I have your name?"

"Zhao Guanglin."

"real name?"


"Then what's your real name?"

"Chen Ergou."

"What's your disguise now?"

"Beiping Police Station, Menglan Street Branch, Third Class Sergeant."

"You work the night shift by yourself?"

"It's easier to move around this way."

"I see."

Zhang Yong thought about it thoughtfully.

Since the other party has revealed his identity, there is no need for him to hide it.

Spread it out and say.

"The Japanese want to place some people among your students, and they are all armed..."

"We are aware of it. We are working on it."

"But you may not know that the purpose of the Japanese invaders is to lure out centipedes. Their target is centipedes."


Ant's face was obviously stern.

Then he realized something. His eyes suddenly became sharp.

Zhang Yong knew that the information he had was valuable. It turned out that the Red Party was not aware of this.

They felt Boss Dai's pulse accurately. However, they did not expect this Japanese move for the time being.

They thought that the Japanese invaders wanted to sabotage the student movement and create bloody conflicts. However, they did not expect that the Japanese invaders hoped to use these baits to find the top leaders of the Red Party and then eliminate them.

Spy war, that's what it is.

You plot against me, and I plot against you. No one can make perfect plans.

As long as we are human, we will make mistakes.

So will the Red Party.

No one can resist 100% calculations.

There will always be unexpected places. There will always be flaws that cannot be noticed, which will then be exploited by the enemy.

"Centipede is your leader?"


"Then you can handle it yourself!"

Zhang Yong ended the topic.

Don't know what you shouldn't know to avoid trouble.

These days, knowing too much is definitely not a good thing. Boss Dai eventually crashed his machine and killed everyone, and this was also the reason.

He knows too much about some things. Others may have concerns.

If you want someone to keep a secret forever, the best thing is to die.

"Is Mayali still alive?"


"Can I talk to him alone?"


Zhang Yong made arrangements immediately.

He took Zhao Guanglin directly into Shunfeng Pawnshop.

The introduction to others was the spy arranged by Li Boqi to assist them in their work.

Do you need to say hello to Li Boqi?

Need not.

Zhang Yong felt that he could feel Li Boqi's pulse now.

As long as it involves the Red Party, Li Boqi will either pretend to be confused or directly cover it up. This guy is very worried that sooner or later he will be dealt with by Boss Dai.

Zhao Guanglin was left alone with the Japanese spy. Zhang Yong led people to guard outside.

Winter night. Extremely cold.

Fortunately, everyone is wearing a sweater underneath their tunic suit.

It's a pity that the coats customized by Zhang Yong have not been completed yet. They cannot be distributed yet. I can only endure it for the time being.

"Ring ring ring..."

"Ring ring ring..."

Suddenly, a phone rang.

I looked back and saw that it was Shunfeng Pawnshop’s phone number.

Zhang Yong subconsciously looked at the time. It was a bit strange. It was two o'clock in the morning!

Who will call at this time?

Harassing phone calls?


I think too much. There is no such thing these days.

A call in the middle of the night definitely means something important. Maybe it's an accomplice of the spy. Maybe it's your boss.

what to do?

Must pick up.

If you don't answer the phone, it means something is wrong with the pawnshop. The other party will notice it immediately.

Answer. How to answer? What to do if you are discovered? There is nothing you can do. You can only try to find out.

Let the ringing continue.

I fell asleep. How could I get up so quickly to answer the phone?

In the middle of winter, it’s really hard to get up. You need to put on a lot of clothes. You have to dawdle.

Winter nights in Great Beiping can really freeze people to death.

The other party obviously knew this, so he waited patiently.

After the ringing for a full minute, Zhang Yong picked up the phone, deliberately pretended to be vague, and said a little dissatisfied: "Who..."

"Where's your boss?" A serious voice came from the other end of the phone, "Tell him to listen to the phone."

"Our boss is not here." Zhang Yong thought of a good excuse.

"Where did your boss go?"

"Maybe he was taken away by Jiang Chaozong's daughter. He didn't say where he went. He didn't come back at night."

"Jiang Chaozong's daughter?"

"Yes. A young woman came today, claiming to be Jiang Chaozong's daughter. She pawned a gold watch and asked for five thousand yuan. Our boss didn't agree. Then the woman threatened to find someone to ask our boss back.

It looked good. Then he left. In the afternoon, when someone came, the boss went out."


Someone on the other end of the phone muttered angrily.

Obviously, the other party believed it deeply.

There is no way, what Zhang Yong said is serious. Nine points are true and one point is false.

He just took what happened to him and applied it to Ma Yali. Then he added a little bit of tail.

The phone was hung up.

For the time being, it should be dealt with.

However, the Japanese invaders are not fools. They may verify this matter soon.

In other words, there is not much time left for them. The Japanese invaders will soon notice that something happened to Ma Yali and then take decisive measures.

Suddenly a bold idea came to me.

He immediately turned around and came to the front of Date Yutaro.

At this moment, Zhao Guanglin and Date Yuntaro were looking at each other silently, and the atmosphere was solemn.

Zhang Yong didn't know what they talked about.

Zhang Yong just wants to know one thing now, what is Jiang Chaozong's phone number.

Date Yuntaro must know. He must be connected with Jiang Chaozong.

"What do you want again?"

"I want Jiang Chaozong's phone number. It's private. Not public."

"What do you need the phone for?"

"It has nothing to do with you. Just give it and that's it."


Date Yutaro said the phone call angrily.

Sure enough, it was not registered. Outsiders would not make this call. Only acquaintances would know.


Dial slowly one by one.

Don't dial the wrong number. If you wake others up in the middle of the night, you will definitely get scolded.

Finally got through.



No one answered the call. Zhang Yong waited patiently.

Who can answer the phone call at two or three o'clock in the morning in the dead of winter, or a personal phone call so quickly?

One minute is considered good. Two or three minutes is also considered normal.

Zhao Guanglin walked out.

"Do you have anything to do with Jiang Chaozong?"

"Actually, it's nothing. I just asked him for money."


Zhao Guanglin was about to speak but stopped.

I want to say something, but it’s hard to say it.

I remembered this guy's nickname. He wanted money. I didn't know what he was up to.


Finally, someone answered the phone.

Zhang Yong couldn't tell whether it was Jiang Chaozong. He had no dealings with Jiang Chaozong at all. But he had a way.

"I am the Hojo Division of the Pu Agency." Zhang Yong deliberately lowered his voice.

"Hojo, Hojo... Your Excellency Taijun." The person on the other end of the phone seemed to wake up a lot immediately.


A midnight phone call from a Japanese person?

"Are you Jiang Chaozong?" Zhang Yong said firmly, "If you are, continue to answer the phone. If not, ask him to answer the phone immediately."

"Your Excellency Taijun, I am Jiang Chaozong..." The person on the other end of the phone answered hurriedly.

"Yo Xi! Jiang Sang, I have something to tell you. Today, your daughter seriously offended the dignity of our Japanese Empire!"

"My daughter? Taijun, Taijun, what is going on?"

"Today, your daughter came to Shunfeng Pawnshop with a gold watch and wanted to blackmail us for five thousand yuan, but Date Yuntaro sternly refused."

"Ida, da..."

"Jiang Sang, you may not know that Ma Yali is one of the best intelligence officers in our Empire of Japan. Ma Yali is his alias. The owner of Shunfeng Pawnshop is his cover identity."

"Ah, this, this, this... Taijun, I really don't know, I don't know..."

"I want you to apologize to him immediately! Send someone to deliver a generous gift immediately! Remember, it is a generous gift! Be sincere!"

"I understand, I understand, I understand..."

"Date-kun is a pillar of our Empire of Japan. General Seiji Kozuki thinks highly of him. He once gave all the precious gifts given to him by the Germans to Date-kun..."


"Don't come for now. Just send someone to deliver it. I will speak for you."


"Remember. My name is Hojo Tsukasa. I saved your life tonight."


Jiang Chaozong suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

Zhang Yong hung up the phone quickly.


There doesn't seem to be any loopholes.

There was no doubt in Jiang Chaozong's tone. He should be sending gifts immediately.

Here, Jiang Chaozong held the microphone and felt a chill running down his back. It was his daughter who was causing the trouble again. The Japanese came to visit. This daughter really shouldn't be taken back to China!

Searching. Sure enough, I found that a gold watch was missing.

I didn't bother to go to my daughter to verify it. I quickly prepared a generous gift and apologized.

Not only to give it to Maya... no, it's Datero Yutaro, but also to Hojo Tsukasa. The other person's last words were to remind him that he must also have his own share.

Two servings...

Two copies are required. One less will not do.

Since it is a generous gift, the share given to Date Yutaro must not be less than 10,000 oceans!

My daughter asked someone to extort 5,000 yuan, so she must apologize twice.

The Japanese called in the middle of the night to ask for help. This matter is big or small!

Judging from the tone of this "Hojoji", that "Date Yutaro" is so valued by Kozuki Kiyoshi, he will definitely have a bright future in the future. Then...

More, more.

Since it’s already 20,000, let’s add another 10,000. It will show that you are sincere.

Then let’s say thirty thousand. It’s already thirty thousand. How about a round number? How about fifty thousand?

Although it hurts a bit, after all, I have offended someone. Moreover, it is the Japanese who have been offended. If I want this Hojo Division and Date Yuntaro to have no grudges, they must pay heavy attention to it.

After thinking about it, I finally decided to give him 50,000 yuan.

Since the gift to Date Yuntaro is already fifty thousand, the gift to Hojo Tsukasa shouldn’t be too shabby. Twenty thousand is definitely needed.

Someone called me in the middle of the night and repeatedly emphasized his sincerity. If he didn't understand, he would be dealt with by the Japanese sooner or later.


Must understand...

One share is 50,000. One share is 20,000.

In addition to the 20,000 yuan, a few treasures must be placed inside.

The Japanese are very interested in Chinese treasures. Naturally, they want to do what they like.


Call your confidants immediately and prepare carefully.

The gift was divided into two parts, both of which were cryptically marked.

Special instructions. Don't say anything. Don't ask anything. Leave it to the people inside and leave. Leave no trace. Give generous gifts and everything will turn into good luck.

Here, Zhang Yong gently tapped his fingers on the table.

I learned it from Li Boqi.

Suddenly he found Zhao Guanglin looking at him. He turned around and found that Zhao Guanglin's eyes were very strange. He hesitated to speak.

"What are you looking at me for?"


Zhao Guanglin really wanted to say, there is no one like you who can do such a cool job.

It's already this time, but you haven't forgotten to collect Jiang Chaozong's wool. It seems you succeeded.



Unfortunately, the direction seems a bit crooked.

If it were a comrade in his own party, Zhao Guanglin might have to remind the other party to pay attention. But Zhang Yong is not. So...

"Wait a moment. Jiang Chaozong will send someone to send money immediately."

"I am leaving."


"Yes. I will continue to patrol. I will come to see you often in the future."

"Aren't you afraid of exposing your identity?"

"You are a good cover-up. Except for the Japanese, no one dares to touch you. And no one dares to touch me."

"All right……"

Zhang Yong admitted that it was indeed the case.

Except for the Japanese, no one would do anything to Zhang Yong.


"What else?"

"I traced that the Japanese invaders bribed two spies in the 29th Army. One is stationed at Nanyuan Airport, named Zhou Yukun. The other is stationed at Wanping City, named Tian Fengmao. If you have the ability, please help deal with it. I

I can’t show up for the time being.”

"Leave it to us!"


Zhang Yong waved his hand.

Zhao Guanglin then got on his bicycle and continued patrolling.

Ding Ling clang...

Ding Ling clang...

Except the bell, everything else is ringing...

Zhang Yong:……

I feel a lot more at peace inside.

Finally, I got in touch with the people from the Red Party. I finally got some help.

Sure enough, the Forty-Nine City is the Forty-Nine City. Whether it is the enemy or our own people, the power is much stronger than other places.

Who were the representatives of the Red Party who took part in the swearing-in ceremony at Wuyuan at that time?

There are people among them who are silently directing the operations of the underground party in Sijiu City...

Wait patiently.

Soon after, the map showed that a small white dot had arrived.

It's very fast. It should be coming by car.

Haha, it must be the person who sent the money. Yes. This Jiang Chaozong is very good and very efficient.

Immediately walked out of the pawn shop and waited at the door.

Sure enough, I soon saw the lights of the car.

The car stopped at the door. A man got out of the car. When he saw Zhang Yong, he nodded and said nothing. Then he brought down two wooden boxes, one big and one small.

He handed the big box to Zhang Yong with both hands. Then he handed over the small box. Zhang Yong accepted them all.

The other party quickly drove away without speaking.

Zhang Yong took the two boxes back to the pawn shop.


Inside were stacks of banknotes.

Not happy.

Because they are all from Guoshang Bank.


But there was nothing I could do. When I called someone pretending to be Japanese, Jiang Chaozong must have given me a bank note from Baoshang Bank! How could he give me dollars or pounds? Isn’t that asking for death?

Too sloppy...

But it doesn't matter, it's better than nothing.

Continue to look around. There are still a few treasures. Some are antiques, some are jade, and some are Hetian jade?

I don't understand. Maybe it's worth some money.

Shake his head.

That's the end of tonight's show. He can't think of any more tricks.


Keep digging for money tomorrow...


Yes keep fighting!

This chapter has been completed!
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