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Chapter 639, authentic

A flatbed truck arrives.

Then came two rickshaws and several people.

They moved all the oceans, weapons and ammunition away. The main thing was speed.

Zhang Yong did not meet them.

Although I am not afraid, I want to be on the safe side so as not to cause trouble to the Red Party.

What if those guys like Ye Wansheng can't beat me, so they go to the Red Party to cause trouble. They use the Red Party to force themselves to show up. That would be quite troublesome.

Be on guard against subtle changes. Take precautions before they happen.

Except for Shi Bingdao, he did not plan to meet other members of the Red Party.

It is still unknown whether the traitors in Hangzhou have been found.

Keep searching.

Scrape away all the remaining weapons, ammunition, and money.

Zhang Yong swallowed up all the gold bars, U.S. dollars, pounds, etc. He also swallowed up some of the silver notes. But Xian Dayang didn't want any of them.

Suddenly, the map prompted a large group of white dots approaching.

Because the other party had no weapons, Zhang Yong didn't mind. He thought it was a student somewhere who was out for activities.

There are probably a hundred or dozens of people in the dense white dots. Who else could they be besides students?

"What do you do?"

"What do you do?"

Suddenly, there was shouting outside.

Zhang Yongqing couldn't help but become curious.

Anyone else break in?

Haha. Aren't you afraid of being shot?

There seems to be someone guarding the outside. They are all bad guys...


No gunshots were heard.

Instead, a dark group of people poured in.

Zhang Yong:???

what happened?

Why did someone else break in?

There seemed to be no weapons. They were all with bare hands.

The only characteristic is that there are so many people.

Hundreds of people!

He happened to be standing on the steps and looked down from a high position. Everything in the darkness was filled with human heads.

There are all kinds of costumes. But the physical fitness is not bad. There are no missing arms or legs.

Reacted immediately.

It was the dense white dots shown on the map before. Unexpectedly, they were coming towards me.

Turning around to look at Shi Bingdao.

Shi Bingdao's expression was very strange. He was helpless and sighed.

Zhang Yong knew that these people must have something to do with the Red Party. Otherwise, Shi Bingdao would not have such an expression.

Maybe, these people, like myself, do not meet the conditions to join the Red Party.

Hehe, so to speak, we are like-minded.

No need to join the red party.

Fuck me!

Kill the Japanese the same way!

I can't change my problems, but you can.

As long as you get rid of your own shortcomings, you will still have the opportunity to join the Red Party in the future. There is no problem with ten years of qualifications.

It's not 37 years yet, and the all-out anti-Japanese war has not yet begun. According to those rumors, you were still in the army during the anti-Japanese war. If you perform very well, you will still have a chance to get a gold star on your shoulder straps in the future. Although it is very difficult.

It's not completely impossible.

"Who are they?"

"It's hard to describe in words..."

"Okay, I'll talk to them."

Zhang Yong came directly in front of those people and looked at everyone.

He needed a lot of manpower right now. He was still thinking about where to find people. As a result, more than a hundred people came to him.

Simply perfect.

No matter who they are.

As long as they dare to kill the Japanese, he will accept it.

"Are you Zhang Yong?"

A bald man asked expectantly.

His body is a little yellow and his eyes are also yellow. Maybe he is sick?

Looking at other people, I suddenly found that everyone's body seemed to be a little yellow, making them feel unhealthy.

Then, Zhang Yong discovered a problem.

that is……

Among the more than 100 people, most are bald.

It wouldn't be surprising if there were one or two people with bald heads. However, if there are more than a hundred people, almost all of them are bald. Then...

You are not programmers. How come you have so many bald heads?

Doubtful. Who are these guys?

You can't be a monk...

"Yes, I am Zhang Yong."

"I heard that you are recruiting troops?"


"We want to fuck you."


"That `s a deal."


Zhang Yong reached out and pressed it.

The ugly words come first. They must be said clearly.

Follow me. No problem. But you can't just run away or sell me.

Heart is under the kyte.

These days, anything can happen.

The brother who used to argue about drinking may stab you twice and take credit for your head.

"What conditions do you want?"

"No. I want you all to write suicide notes in advance."


"Because the Japanese invaders I have to deal with are very cruel and dangerous. You will die at any time."

"Aren't you going to fire the gun?"

"The Japanese invaders also have guns. Their marksmanship is better than yours."

"Who said that?"

"Who said that?"

Suddenly several people started shouting.

Obviously, they strongly disagreed with Zhang Yong's statement and were very angry.

Zhang Yong didn't speak either and remained silent.

What I said are all facts. If you don't believe it, I don't bother to defend myself.

If the Japanese invaders were so easy to deal with, would we need fourteen years of resistance? In fact, if we were to fight independently, fourteen years would not be enough...

The crowd gradually quieted down.

"We are not afraid of death." The bald man said solemnly.

"Everyone can say that they are not afraid." Zhang Yong shook his head, "But if there really is a fight..."

"You look down on us?"

"I'll give you a one-month trial period."

"What's the meaning?"

"Follow me for a month and see how you perform. If you perform well, you can continue to follow me in the future. If you perform poorly, I'm sorry and please find another job."

"Okay! That's it!"

The bald man was very happy.

Obviously, he knew Zhang Yong's situation quite well.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to make such an important decision in such a short period of time.

Zhang Yong turned to look at Shi Bingdao.

He knew that there must be Shi Bingdao's hand in this.

However, since Shi Bingdao didn't say anything, he didn't ask further questions. It was harmless anyway. As long as he could kill the Japanese invaders.

So we started to divide into teams.

Divide more than a hundred people into eight teams.

Each team consists of more than a dozen people. They elect a team leader.

Then five veterans from the 19th Route Army formed a team. Temporarily recruited from the coffin shop formed another team.

They all elect squad leaders.

Judging from the paper, Zhang Yong now has more than 100 people.

There are ten teams.


They are all a mob!

It is estimated that everyone is like me and has not received professional training.

Those former police academy students had studied for several months after all.

Before, I used to laugh at the Japanese spies who were not as good as one group. Now it is my turn to lead people, and they are not as good as one group.

Oh, that's really bad...

"Say it again. I am Zhang Yong. I am your team leader."

"From now on, you are members of my action team. All you need to do is follow the orders."

Zhang Yong briefly describes it.

I feel very weird. What kind of team members are these?

If outsiders saw it, they would really be laughed at. But this is the only way to follow the emergency.

"Follow us and I'll make sure you have meat to eat..."

"We don't eat meat!"


Zhang Yong was stunned.

What's going on? Don't eat meat?

Who said that? Stand up. That saves money.

These days, if you want to eat meat all the time, I have to work hard to make money. If you don’t...


Don’t you all eat meat?

Why? Are they all monks?


Bald head...


Turning around to look at Shi Bingdao.

As a result, Shi Bingdao deliberately avoided it with a guilty conscience.

Zhang Yong:……

No wonder Shi Bingdao looked weird.

To join the Red Party organization, one must believe in Marxism-Leninism. Obviously, this conflicts with belief in Buddha.

Okay. A monk is a monk.

I, Zhang Yong, belong to the liberal faction.

No matter who it is, as long as they have the courage to kill the Japanese invaders, I want it!

Not to mention, you can save money on buying meat!

"You don't even eat meat?"

"We don't eat meat!"

"If you don't eat meat, how will you have the strength to kill the Japanese?"

"Let's eat! Eat noodles! Eat steamed buns!"

"All right……"

Zhang Yong strangely agreed.

It's best not to spread this matter. Otherwise, people may laugh at you.

Look at Zhang Yong, he has gotten so mixed up. He actually brought a group of monks with him. What else do you think he can do? Balabala little devil...

Out of curiosity, I asked several people for their names. I was sure that they all had the same name.

All of them are from the Hai generation. So, adding a surname in front is their name.

Zhang Hai, Wang Hai, Li Hai, Zhao Hai...

The leader is Zhao Hai.

Zhang Yong:……

I don't know what to say either.

My own team is really curious.

Anyway, they just formed a so-called secret investigation team. The members almost don’t have real names. Is it secret enough?

In order to keep it secret, others would give them a temporary code name. I even saved this step. It was done in one step.

Stop talking nonsense and get to work!

Since you are following me, Zhang Yong, I will definitely not be able to kill you if you do hard work.

Find new caches.

Buried under a tree in the backyard.

The Sophora Agency is really a Sophora Agency. Everything is hidden underground. It is Zhang Yong's proper digging party.

Fortunately, a "sea" came from behind. Although he doesn't eat meat, he does have strength and wants to perform well.


Digging hard.

Soon, I found sacks on the ground.

Pull out the first sack and untie it. There are flower traps inside.

It is a domestic imitation MP18 submachine gun. It is very familiar. It uses the same bullets as the shell gun. There are five of them in total.

Because they were randomly thrown into the sack, it looked very messy. Many magazines were slightly deformed by the pressure. Fortunately, it did not affect the use. However, there were rust on the outside of the gun and the magazine. The sack was not waterproof.

.Rust is inevitable. The quality of domestic steel is not that good.

The second sack was pulled out.

Untie it. There is also a flower mechanism inside. There are also five branches. It is also stained with rust.

The third sack…

There is an ocean inside.

After untying it, it poured out.

Inoda's expression suddenly changed again. He turned around angrily and punched and kicked Noya.

So many oceans!

You would rather be buried underground than give me two more!

Just give me two every month!

Only two!



Inoda was very angry.

He almost beat Tosaburo Notani to death. Fortunately, he was pulled away by a certain "sea".

Noya Tosaburo opened his lips, as if he wanted to speak.

As a result, Zhang Yong stopped him and said: "I found this. It is not included in the one hundred thousand."


I found this based on my ability. It has nothing to do with you.

Notani Tozaburo:!@#¥%……

I had no choice but to shut up.

Keep digging!

Another sack was dug out.

It is also a five-branch flower mechanism...

The fifth sack…

It's not a machine gun, it's a shell gun. There are twenty of them. They are also rusty.

No more.

There will never be another sack filled with oceans.


Zhang Yong secretly regretted it.

These Japanese spies are such a waste of resources!

There are so many flower traps and so many shell guns. Just buried in the ground casually.

You should find a dry place to store it!

These are all weapons and equipment!

But when I think about the resources of Japanese spies, I feel relieved.

The most important thing for spies is weapons.

Others can produce weapons themselves.

We also seized so many weapons from the Northeast Army.

The Northeast Army's numerous weapons warehouses and ammunition warehouses were all given to the Japanese.

There are tens of thousands of shell guns and flower traps.

There are also arsenals, steel plants, power plants...

The Japanese invaders took it over and put it into production directly.


Most of them are tears...

I really want to beat Noya Tosaburo again.

Now I have to use these rusty weapons. I am worse than a beggar.

If it fails to fire, the chamber will explode...

Fire the gun.

Distribute all the excavated weapons to the next "sea".

Leave it to Zhao Hai. Zhao Hai will be responsible for sending it out. Every team has it. But it is not enough for every team. We will have to continue to add more in the future.

Keep digging.

Finally the bullet was found.

Fortunately, these Japanese spies know how to pack their bullets in earthen jars.

It's that kind of big earthen jar. It's very big. The mouth of the jar is sealed and it won't leak. Otherwise, all the bullets will be wasted.

Open the jar. There are loose bullets inside. They are 7.63mm shell gun bullets.

This kind of bullet shell gun can be used. The flower trap can also be used.

So divide it immediately.

Everyone stuffs themselves with as much as they can.

Although the number of weapons is not large, there are enough bullet tubes. There are ten cans.

Zhang Yong handed Shi Bingdao a shell gun.

Shi Bingdao shook his head.

He can't use a gun.

He hasn't used it either.

Zhang Yong then took back the shell gun.

Okay, don't pull it down.


This time it's not in the pawn shop. It's next door not far away.

These guys from Huai Agency are very cunning. There are weapons in the pawn shop. There are also weapons in the nearby houses. There are also weapons in the safe houses further away.

Three Cunning Rabbit Cave.

Noya Tosaburo is actually very confident in himself.

Even if someone surrounds him, he can evacuate in time. Then he can get weapons nearby and then sneak away.

He set up many safe houses to ensure that he was safe.



Following Zhang Yong's instructions, Zhao Hai and others continued digging.

They found a tunnel entrance under the corner of the backyard. If Ye Gu found that something was wrong, he could retreat immediately from here.

By the time the searchers discovered the tunnel, Notani Tozaburo had already run away.

It's a pity that Tosaburo Notani didn't have the opportunity to use this tunnel because he was caught outside the door.

"Go down and have a look."


Zhao Hai immediately took people in.

They all held shell guns to avoid accidents.

Soon, someone pulled out a sack from the tunnel. It was bulging. I didn’t know what it was.

Noya Tosaburo wanted to speak, but Zhang Yong blocked him again.

"This is what I found. It is not included in the one hundred thousand ocean. Unless you confess in advance."

Untie the sack.

Suddenly I felt elated.

There is actually a heavy ocean inside.

Because it was not well kept, the surface is not so shiny.

However, we can 100% guarantee that they are all high-quality Yingyang. They are not Yuan Datou. They are Yingyang imported from overseas. The purity is higher than that of Yuan Datou.

How many pieces are there in such a full sack? It is estimated to be about three thousand.



Inoda started punching and kicking Noya again.

So angry.

There is so much hidden in the ocean!

But I only give him two every month. I won’t give him one more!

They are all serving the Japanese Empire. Why do you treat me like this? Why? Baga! I will beat you to death!

A certain sea dragged the pig field away.

Otherwise, Notani Tosaburo might really be beaten to death.

Zhang Yong suddenly had a thought and came to Jin Sanyan. He looked at the pirate leader coldly.

Jin Sanyan kept his eyebrows lowered and pretended to be well-behaved. When he found out that Zhang Yong was coming towards him, he immediately felt bad.

It's terrible...

You may be in trouble.

What is Zhang Yong going to do?

Jin San's eyes shuddered as he watched Noya Tosaburo's family assets being cleared out bit by bit.

It seems that no wealth, no weapons and ammunition can escape Zhang Yong's eyes. No matter how deep they are buried, no one will be dug out.

I can't understand...

What weird abilities does Zhang Yong have?

Why can he accurately find all the things buried underground? Can his eyes see through the ground?

very scary……

So weird...

It was as if my thoughts could be clearly seen by the other party. I was horrified and frightened. The hair on my body stood on end.

"Are you also from the Huai Agency?"


"Huai Guan is so rich, you should be rich too!"

"I'm not from the Huai Agency."

"When will you take me to Chongming Island? I will search it myself."


Jin Sanyan responded weakly.

I dare not look at Zhang Yong’s face. This guy is a complete devil!

I used to think that Zhang Yong had a small number of people, with only a dozen or so, and still had a chance to make a comeback. But now, with more than a hundred people added, it would be a dead ball.

"You said that as long as I give you one hundred thousand yuan, you will let me go."

"Yes. Did you give it?"

"I'll give it now."

Jin Sanyan finally made up his mind.

It's gone. I can't hold it on anymore. If I keep holding on, I'll die faster.

You see, Tozaburo Notani refused to say anything. As a result, the wealth was dug out bit by bit. There was no way he could hide it.

At that time, Ye Gu will not be able to raise a hundred thousand yuan, and there will be no chance of survival.

A profound lesson has been learned, and Jin Sanyan will not dare to do it again.


"Please record it. I'll give you the address and how to withdraw it."


Zhang Yong took out paper and pen.

Record everything Jin Sanyan said and confirm again and again.

He asked Jin Sanyan again and again to make sure there were no inconsistencies.

It should be true.

Jin Sanyan doesn't want to die and doesn't dare to lie.

"Okay. Once I get the things, you can go back."

"You have to keep your word."

"Of course. I also want to go to Chongming Island."

"you said before……"

"I said let you go, but I didn't say I wouldn't go to Chongming Island."


Jin Sanyan was speechless.

This Zhang Yong is really a bastard.

However, he can't say that Zhang Yong doesn't keep his words. These are two things.

Let him go back. There is no conflict at all with Zhang Yong going to Chongming Island. There is nothing he can do to stop Zhang Yong from going to Chongming Island.

what to do?

What would happen if Zhang Yong really came to Chongming Island?

What else can be done?

Run away quickly!

After going back, immediately transfer all your belongings. You must not stay on Chongming Island.

When Zhang Yong went up to Chongming Island, it was empty. There was nothing there.

Not to mention Dayang, he wouldn't even leave a piece of steel to him.


Just do it!

Transfer immediately!

Move everything, keep the walls clear and the fields clear!

Let Zhang Yong fall short.

"Team leader!"

"Team leader!"

Suddenly, Wang Hai came over in a hurry.

The report said that a sack was pulled out of the tunnel. There was a body inside, wearing a national army uniform.


Zhang Yong was stunned.

I hurriedly walked over to check.

Sure enough, there was indeed a corpse of a national soldier in the sack.

Looking at the military rank, he is still a captain.

He immediately turned his head and stared at Notani Tosaburo. He happened to see Notani Tosaburo closing his eyes.

Yes, I understand.

This guy has absolutely no way out.

He assassinated the national army.

I immediately thought of the Security Command...

The person Zhou Yang wants to find may be in the tunnel...

[To be continued]

This chapter has been completed!
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