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Chapter 640, Warehouse No. 28

"Any more?"

"Still looking."

"Look carefully. Find them all and drag them out."


Zhao Hai and others agreed and continued to explore in the tunnel.

Someone brought a flashlight, the kind with batteries, to light up the tunnel. Then more people went in.

Soon, the second sack was pulled out.


It is also the body of a national army officer with the rank of lieutenant.

Zhang Yong:……

He turned to look at Noya Tosaburo.

This guy didn't commit suicide? It's okay to bite his tongue! Do you want me to give him a knife?

Take out the dagger.

Noya Tosaburo slowly opened his eyes.

"I said I was just responsible for hiding the corpse. Would you believe it?"

"Who did the murder?"

"I can't say."

"Nan mechanism?"

Zhang Yong frowned. Who is the murderer?

It must be a Japanese spy. The question is which spy? So cruel. He killed more than 30 national army officers in a row!

Zhou Yang's description before was that more than thirty people were missing.

Two bodies have been found so far. The others are probably in danger as well.

When things got to this point, Notani Tosaburo was dead. There was no need for him to lie. He was not the one who killed the person.

In fact, with Notani Tozaburo's ability, he wanted to kill more than thirty national army officers without leaving any traces. It is impossible. After all, the Sophora Agency is not a professional killer. The Nan Agency is. Could it be the Nan Agency?

Resurrected? Desperately seeking revenge?

Not right either.

If it is Nan Agency, there is no need to hide it.

On the contrary, they may just throw the body out. Let everyone know. Let everyone be afraid.

No further questions were asked.

Because Tosaburo Notani will not answer again.

At this point, he knew that he would definitely die. Therefore, it was impossible to confess any valid information.

In other words, even one hundred thousand oceans are gone.

so sad……

Fortunately, Jin Sanyan confessed.

Otherwise, the losses will be huge today. If you are not careful, your work will be in vain.


"You go first!"


Shi Bingdao said goodbye and left.

He had to leave. He couldn't meet anyone from the garrison headquarters.

As the bodies of national army officers were constantly being discovered, Zhang Yong was definitely going to notify the Security Command. And the Security Command had arrested many Red Party members.

It would be troublesome if someone inside knew Shi Bingdao or noticed something unusual about him.

Soon, another heavy sack was pulled out from the tunnel. It was also bulging.

Zhang Yong:……

Take a deep breath!

I hope it’s not the corpse of the national army...


Indeed not.

Inside is a messy ocean.

It's full, with some rags sandwiched in the middle.

Because of the humidity, the rags were all torn. Judging from the time, it must have been at least two or three years.

In other words, this tunnel may have existed for two or three years. These oceans have also been stored in the tunnel for two or three years.


Tozaburo Notani has been lurking in Shanghai for at least two or three years?

This guy is amazing! I didn't meet him when I was in Shanghai before. Otherwise, I would have caught him early.

However, now that I think about it, the beach in Shanghai is so big that Zhang Yong has never been nearby before. Sometimes when he was doing things, he found small red dots and had no time to deal with them. Perhaps Notani Tosaburo was among them, which made him slip through the net. But

, Skynet was careful and meticulous, and finally caught him.

He is dead.

Noya Kintaro may still have hope of survival. If it is used in exchange.

But Tosaburo Notani cannot be exchanged. Just covering up the crime of killing a national army officer is unforgivable. Unless he is willing to confess the person behind the scenes. But now, it is obvious that he is not prepared to confess.

Another sack was dragged out.

Unfortunately, this time, it is the body of a national army officer. It is also a lieutenant.

Three already.

One captain. Two lieutenants.

They are all officers.

Preliminary examination showed that the time of death was within one month.



Fortunately, it was winter and there wasn't much rain. Otherwise, it would have been rotted and unrecognizable.

But now, the scene is also indescribable. In short, Zhang Yong did not dare to stay long.

Except for professional photographers, no one else can stand it.

No, someone else must enter the tunnel.

Zhao Hai and others who had gone in before could no longer bear it. They had already run away and vomited desperately.

All right……

It's time to notify Zhou Yang to come over.

Go out.

Find the phone.


I couldn't find it anywhere along the street.

There is no pawn shop. There is no one nearby.


It's so hard to find a broken phone.

But there was no choice but to keep moving forward. The result...

Suddenly, my mind moved.

A red dot appears on the edge of the map. It seems to be moving towards itself.

I hurriedly hid and observed the movement. I finally determined that the red dot was not directed at me. It was moving nearby.

Then I walked out, looked around, and continued looking for the phone.

Suddenly, we happened to be on the same street as the red dot. There were no obstacles in the middle.

So I took out my telescope and observed from a distance. I found that it was a familiar yet unfamiliar figure. It was Liu Xi, the mysterious female doctor.

There have been two Japanese female doctors around Zhang Yong. One is Xia Lan, who has been captured by him. Now his whereabouts are unknown. The other is Liu Xi. I only met her a few times and collaborated in the aspirin business.

I almost forgot about her. I didn't expect to meet her here.

Obviously, Liu Xi was not aware of the prying eyes from a distance. She entered a cheongsam shop. Because of the angle, Zhang Yong could not see the sign of the cheongsam shop. He could only see many cheongsams on display from the side window. Secretly

Remember the location of the cheongsam shop.

Keep going.

Finally, I saw a phone call.

Throw it out into the ocean. Then call the security headquarters.

Find Zhou Yang.

Soon, Zhou Yang answered the phone.


"Your condolences. I found the remains of three national army officers. They may be from your security headquarters..."


"Chaotian Pawn Shop."

"Who did it?"

"I only caught the person who hid the body. But I didn't catch the person who actually killed the person."

"I'll be there soon."


Zhang Yong gave the specific address.

Zhou Yang said that he would lead the team and set off immediately. It would take about half an hour.

"Bring professional work."


"Bring digging tools. You may have to dig more."


"that's all."

After Zhang Yong hung up the phone, he came back immediately.

He needs to take care of the scene.

The main thing is to put away the weapons, ammunition and cash.

Although it is said that the gains from catching Japanese spies do not need to be turned over, but if others see it, others will definitely be jealous!

Out of sight is pure.

If you don't see it, you won't be stimulated.

Otherwise, who wouldn’t be tempted by so many oceans?

"Keep it!"

"Keep it!"

All orders are processed properly.

The tunnels have all been searched. There is nothing else.

At present, only three corpses of national army officers have been discovered.

As for whether it is buried in other places, it is difficult to say. When Zhou Yang arrives with a large team of people, he may be able to search through the entire pawn shop.

Dayang or something, arrange for Zhao Hai to transport part of it and Shi Hu to transport part.

Weapons and ammunition were left at the scene.

The most indispensable thing for the garrison headquarters is weapons and ammunition. Others will definitely look down upon it.

At the same time, arrange for He Jiu to take Jin Sanyan away.

Look around.

about there.

Open the door to welcome guests.

Soon after, densely packed weapon symbols entered the map.

Apparently, a convoy from the Security Command had arrived. It looked like they were all arriving in big trucks. There were more than a dozen trucks. What an exaggeration.

How many people did Zhou Yang bring here? One company? More than one. At least one battalion!

Damn, there are so many people in the security headquarters, but not even one of them is willing to be transferred to him.

Damn it!

It makes you want to start from scratch.

The convoy arrives.

Stop the car. Get off the car. Block off the surrounding area.

Zhou Yang quickly came to Zhang Yong and said with a sullen face, "Where are you?"

"Follow me!" Zhang Yong nodded and led the way.

Soon I saw the body of the national army officer.

See the tunnel.

And Tosaburo Notani.

Zhou Yang drew his gun and hit Ye Gu's head hard.

Zhang Yong pretended not to see it.

It's best to kill him with one shot to prevent Ye Gu from talking nonsense.

However, Zhou Yang finally endured it. He wanted to take this spy back and interrogate him properly.

It is a very strange thing that more than 30 junior officers in the garrison headquarters are missing. Of course, Commander Qian will personally investigate this matter.


"Dig them all up!"

Then, the big project began.

Zhou Yang ordered that all the nearby ground be dug up.

All the walls of Chaotian Pawn Shop were smashed open. Even the toilets were not spared. Everything that could be smashed was smashed.

Even the houses next to Chaotian Pawn Shop were all smashed.

But it didn't hit the location shown on the map. It was just short of a wall. Of course Zhang Yong didn't warn him.

These are all family heirlooms that he keeps for himself.

After a while Zhou Yang left, and he turned around to dig again.



The ground was opened. The walls were smashed open.

However, nothing was found. Even Zhang Yong felt very strange.

No way?

Just discovered this on your own?

Is there nothing else besides what you discovered?


You've made such a fool of yourself!

Really. Some people may think he has some miraculous abilities.

I really want to yell. You must believe in science.

But he didn't dare because he couldn't explain it himself.

"I want to take everyone away." Zhou Yang's face was ashen.

"Okay!" Zhang Yong nodded.

Zhou Yang then took away the body and Noya Tosaburo.

Chaotian Pawn Shop was reduced to ruins.

Among the ruins, there are many antiques. They were all obtained by Ye Gu, but they were not resold.

It should be very valuable. Unfortunately, Zhang Yong has no way to realize it.

Antiques that cannot be converted into cash are garbage.


Let’s start working on the end of the stick.

Regroup people.

He needs a base now. No. A base.

By coincidence, Shi Bingdao came back again. So he asked the other party and learned that there was a girls' school nearby.

"It was originally built. It was not put into use later."


"Not sure."


Zhang Yong then took people there.

Sure enough, I found a school. It was quite large, but a little deserted.

It may be that no one has taken care of it for a year. There are overgrown weeds everywhere.

It doesn't matter. Start working.

Clean it out. Then buy various items.

The ocean that had just been seized was pouring out, and the transportation of various items arrived.

It only took three days to make it look decent.

Except for the lack of cells, all other facilities are available.

There is even a torture chamber.

They are three dark rooms that were originally used as warehouses. They have no windows.

The torture chamber can also be used as a prison cell to temporarily detain people.

What's the name?


It's called Warehouse No. 28.

From now on, when I say Warehouse No. 28, I know I am returning to the base.

Seeing that things were almost done, Zhang Yong took Shi Bingdao out to sweep the streets again. For no reason, he just didn't want to let Shi Bingdao have his leisure time.

It's like they don't want Li Boqi to have leisure time. He must find something for them to do.


Shi Bingdao was helpless.

He is not as strong as Zhang Yong and cannot have an attack.

Besides, it's useless to have an attack. The other person is just a lazy guy, and I just want to torment him.

while walking……

Zhang Yong suddenly slowed down.

The map shows that there are many weapons signs ahead.

Judging from the distribution of weapon signs, it seems that someone has surrounded a certain building.


It was actually the cheongsam shop that day?


That's right, it's the one where Liu Xi appeared.

Zhang Yong was deeply impressed by this cheongsam shop because Liu Xi had been here before. Liu Xi was a beautiful woman, so he remembered it.


Who is performing the mission?

It seems that only people from the Party Affairs Investigation Department are in this situation.

First, there are no red dots.

Second, the people being surrounded had no weapons.

Reach out.

Stop Shi Bingdao.

Asked in a low voice: "Is there anyone in front of you?"

"What's wrong?" Shi Bingdao was noncommittal, but he didn't deny it completely.

Zhang Yong can still be trusted.

Although not a member of the organization.

"He was surrounded." Zhang Yong said slowly, "There are more than 20 people, all armed. They should be people from the Party Affairs Investigation Department."

"It's actually him..." Shi Bingdao's expression suddenly became weird.

Some hate. Some sadness.

Zhang Yong:……

It seems that I understand something. But I don’t seem to understand.

He vaguely guessed that this was some underground party, using his own life to identify a certain traitor.

Looking at Shi Bingdao's expression, we can deduce that this traitor should be his comrade. They didn't want to find out that it was him. However, the result was painful. It was him. A certain Red Party leader used his own life to lock the real


A little sad.

Really. Look up to the sky to avoid crying.

He is not a tearful person. However, at this moment, he does feel sad.

In order to lock down the traitors, the Red Party paid a huge price.

However, he could not interfere.

He is not a member of the organization. He can only pretend not to know.


"I can save people."


"It's okay if it's from the Party Affairs Investigation Department. It's not okay if it's someone else."

“Go check it out!”

Shi Bingdao said hurriedly.

Zhang Yong nodded and continued to move forward with his team.

After turning two corners, I finally saw those people surrounding the Red Party. Some of them were familiar faces.

Yes, it is indeed from the Party Affairs Investigation Department.

However, it was not Jin Lin or Ye Wansheng who led the team.

I didn't see the person leading the group. I didn't know who it was, but there were a lot of people, thirty people in total.

"They are Xu Enzeng's men."


"You go away first. I'll take care of it."


Shi Bingdao immediately avoided it.

Zhang Yong was silent for a moment and studied the surveillance map carefully.

Party Affairs Investigation Division...

Now that you have encountered it, let’s do it!

This chapter has been completed!
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