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Chapter 646, Traitor


come out.

Now is the main event.

Commander Qian holds a high position and is very busy with affairs. It is impossible to discuss the details with him in person.

It was all reported by Zhou Yang.

The two came to the small conference room next to it.

Sit down separately.

"There is a traitor in our security headquarters."


"We did not kill Noya Tosaburo."

"Isn't it?"



Zhang Yong was thoughtful.

At first, he really thought he would be tortured to death.

The garrison headquarters, in the eyes of the Red Party, is the executioner.

Notani Tozaburo himself wanted to die, and he would definitely use some gestures, eyes, and words to stimulate the enemy. Then when the enemy got angry, he would beat him to death.


You actually said there was a traitor?

It's a bit troublesome.

To be sure, there are no Japanese invaders in the garrison headquarters.

The map doesn't have any red dots.

The Japanese invaders would not place people into the army. If they were accidentally sent to the battlefield, wouldn't they be killed in vain?

"How did you die?"

"Poisoned to death."

"Who poisoned me?"

"A cook in the logistics department committed suicide."


Zhang Yong frowned.

Okay. It’s time for the most powerful brain again.

The problem is, he can't participate in this show! It's really difficult for him to reason.

It is said that Sherlock Holmes has an IQ of 225...

However, with Zhang Yong's wisdom, he can also imagine that behind the cook who committed suicide, there must be another person, or at least one person with a higher status than the cook. This person can grasp the thoughts of Noya Tosaburo. The cook committed suicide for the same reason.

Cover this person. This person, or a few people, is the real traitor.

"I'm not very good at investigating." Zhang Yong said bluntly.

"No. You will." Zhou Yang looked serious, "The Military Senate is an example."

"That's a coincidence."

"But Commander Qian doesn't think so. He said you are a detective."


Zhang Yong was speechless.

I feel so wronged.

I'm really not a detective! Don't talk nonsense.

I don't want any halo.

I just want money.

"Commander Qian said it himself. Deputy Commander Yang was also present at the time. The chief of staff was also present."


Zhang Yong's lips moved. He wanted to speak but stopped.

Commander Qian put a halo on himself, which made him extremely stressed.

Obviously, Commander Qian did not want to give the leadership of the matter to others. He only gave it to Zhang Yong, not even to Boss Dai.

Originally, if something like this happened at the security headquarters, Boss Dai could intervene.

However, Commander Qian was determined not to give it. At this time, Boss Dai had no choice.

In fact, even if Boss Dai becomes more powerful in a few years, he would not dare to surpass him in the face of a veteran like Commander Qian.

Boss Dai can't afford to offend anyone like Hu Zongnan, Tang Bo, Gu Zhutong, and Commander Qian.

"This is a secret order given to you by Commander Qian..."


Zhang Yong stood up quickly.

I saw Zhou Yang taking out an order. There was a bright red seal on it.

The signature on the front is Qian Wanjun.

Zhang Yong read the content carefully.

Secretly surprised.

The content is simple and crude.

That is, Zhang Yong was ordered to detain any officer below the rank of colonel, including colonel, when necessary.

He looked at Zhou Yang doubtfully.

Is this order true? It seems very extraordinary.

If Zhang Yong carries this order and uses chicken feathers as arrows, he will cause big trouble.

"There are two more signatures at the back."


Zhang Yong nodded silently.

There are two signatures at the end. One is Yang Hu, which is Deputy Commander Yang.

One is Tian Jingwei, the chief of staff.

The joint signature of the commander, deputy commander, and chief of staff is equivalent to a gold medal certification.

As long as it is within the jurisdiction of the Songhu Garrison Headquarters, this order can be passed unimpeded. Even expanding the scope a little will not be a big problem.

Because Commander Qian is also the director of the Attendant's Office. The Attendant's Office is above all departments and agencies. It has no formal establishment, but its power is unlimited.

"Zhou Yang, this order is a bit heavy!" Zhang Yong expressed his worries.

I don’t call him Adjutant Zhou anymore.

Let's just call each other by name. This is a private conversation.

Power that comes too quickly or too much is often not a good thing. Zhang Yong is not a power-hungry person.

Money can be swallowed up quietly.

But power is something that everyone is afraid of. Liu Bo's expression just now fully illustrates this point.

"Shao Long, you deserve it."

"The Commander appreciates you very much."

Zhou Yang didn't address his position anymore and spoke frankly.

Zhang Yong understood very well. With this order, he could even detain Liu Bo directly. Yang Hu had nothing to say yet.

The order was signed by Yang Hu. It was impossible for him not to acknowledge the order.

"Zhou Yang, do you have any doubts..."



"But this traitor must be dug out. Otherwise, Commander Qian will not be able to sleep at night."

"All right……"

Zhang Yong nodded silently.

Zhou Yang's words are of course an exaggeration. A traitor cannot threaten Commander Qian.

However, having a traitor around is always very troublesome. Commander Qian will definitely feel uncomfortable whenever he thinks about this traitor.

The most critical thing is that Commander Qian is responsible for formulating the battle plan against Japan.

If this traitor leaks the battle plan, it will be over.

This is the scariest thing.

This is also the basic reason why Commander Qian wants to dig out the traitor at all costs.

Unless this traitor is eliminated, there will be no way to report his war plan against Japan.

Does anyone know if the secret has been leaked?

In case the secret is leaked...

The plan is to commit suicide.

Having a traitor is obviously not a good thing. For the security command.

However, it seems to be a good thing for Zhang Yong.

The words are rough but the reasoning is rough. If the world is peaceful, there are no traitors, and there are no spies, what else would Zhang Yong do?

If he is thrown into the army and becomes a top soldier, others will despise him.

Therefore, it was this era that created him. It was the spy who made him. When the spy ceased to exist, he would have no value.

Look at the time.

Oh, it's almost night again.

Hehe, another day of messing around...

Suddenly, a lieutenant officer came in from outside and said, "Team Leader Zhang, Commander Qian, please come over."

"Yes." Zhang Yong stood up quickly.


Didn’t it just come out?

Why again...

Looking at Zhou Yang, Zhou Yang also looked confused. Obviously, he didn't know what was going on.

Come see Commander Qian.

Commander Qian is still in the war room, still thinking about the sand table.


"Zhang Yong, come in. Zhou Yang, guard the door."


Zhang Yong walked in.

Zhou Yang guarded the door and did not allow anyone to approach.

"Come here."


Zhang Yong came to Commander Qian.

He secretly murmured in his heart. What secret does Commander Qian have that even Zhou Yang can't listen to?

Then I heard Commander Qian's voice not loud, "Is there any new progress in Project 226?"


"Don't be so formal. Just talk about it."

"Yes. Preliminary judgment is that a military coup may occur in Japan around February 26."

"Military coup?"

"There are changes in the Japanese army. Important events may occur in the near future."

"Who planned it?"

"We can't be sure at the moment. It should be someone from the Japanese military headquarters."

"Coup? How big? What are the possible consequences?"

"Sorry, there is no definite news yet."

"February 26th? AD?"


"That'll be quick."


Zhang Yong nodded.

Indeed, time is passing quickly. There are still about ten days left.

Will there be any changes in this matter? Zhang Yong thinks not. There is no reason that can prevent it from happening.

Tojo Hideki was arresting people indiscriminately, which was basically scratching the surface.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs' special high-tech department has been controlled by the military. Lin Xiaoyan (Mirror Kamikawa) and others have been placed under house arrest.

In front of the deformed monster military headquarters, the special high-tech departments under the Ministry of Internal Affairs are completely like little sheep. They have no ability to resist. It is impossible for them to stop the rise of Japanese fascist militarism. Once the 226 Incident occurs, everything is doomed.

In fact, even if there was no Incident of 226, there would have been other incidents. The contradiction between the Japanese military and the cabinet was irreconcilable. It was said to be a coup launched by the middle and lower levels. However, in fact, how could there not be some military bosses behind it?

The black hand.

After the incident, who benefited the most?

It was the Japanese military headquarters.

To be precise, it was the Japanese Army.

From then on, the Japanese army completely dominated the cabinet.

No matter who becomes prime minister or forms a cabinet, they must have the support of the army. Otherwise, they will collapse.

In the end, the Japanese army simply formed its own cabinet. Tojo Hideki himself became prime minister. He went completely crazy.


Knowing this is of some use.

No matter how much we know, we cannot change the development of historical trajectory.

I am just a little person.

Little people do little things.

For example, catching Japanese spies...

Make money...

For the rest, don't worry about it.

In winter, the days are short and the nights are long. Seeing that the day is over again, it’s time to go back and rest.

There are endless spies to catch, and there is endless money to be made. You have to rest when it’s time to rest. Otherwise, young people will die of overwork, and they will be on the streets.

"Where's the big thunderstorm plan?"


Zhang Yong had a troubled expression on his face.

He didn't know how the thunderstorm plan was fermenting now.

He had no choice but to pretend to be stupid about this plan. He hoped that Commander Qian would be kind and not ask further questions.

"Forget it. I'll report the results later."


Sure enough, Commander Qian did not continue to ask questions.

He also knew that Zhang Yong was currently shouldering many secret tasks. Some were from the Fuxing Society and some were from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Now a servant's room has been added.

Even if Zhang Yong has three heads and six arms, he cannot cover everything.

The current results are already very good.

"By the way, where are your two older sisters? Are they okay now?"

"I arranged for them to settle in Chengdu."

"Rongcheng? So far?"

"I'm worried that if the war breaks out, it will be chaotic here..."

"That's true."

Commander Qian nodded in appreciation.

He made the battle plan, so of course he knew it. Once the war breaks out, Shanghai will definitely be affected.

Before the war breaks out, it is completely understandable to send family members to the rear. However, it seems unnecessary to send family members so far away as Chengdu. Sending them to Jinling, or Hankou, or at most Changsha and other places is enough. But

Considering Zhang Yong's special status, he may be retaliated by a spy at any time. The farther away he is, the better.

"Do you have any connections in Chengdu?"


"Then let me help you make arrangements."

"Thank you, Commander."

"Rongcheng is a good place. I will also find a house there when the time comes and have time to recuperate."


Zhang Yong responded politely.

If it were someone else, it might be polite.

But Commander Qian...

He can indeed do it. And the possibility of doing so is extremely high.

Commander Qian was not only excellent at formulating battle plans and planning for Chiang Kai-shek, but he also had good business skills.

For a period of time, he helped the lady bear the accusations from the outside world, and temporarily left the military to run schools and do business outside. He also did an impressive job. Unfortunately, in the end, the limelight passed, and the lady immediately found a way to transfer him back to an important position.

.It’s a pity that his talents in running schools and doing business are gone.

"Go ahead. Be safe."


"In extraordinary times, never act alone at any time."


"If there is any danger, call Zhou Yang immediately."


Zhang Yong stood at attention, saluted, and took his leave.

Qian Wanjun is indeed a kind person. He knows that his secret investigation team is very dangerous. Therefore, help him to find out.

It is certain that as long as Zhang Yong's phone call can be made and Zhou Yang can receive it, at least one battalion of troops will arrive soon. Even if the sky falls, they can temporarily withstand it. Before the fall of Songhu, Commander Qian's

This secret is Zhang Yong's greatest security guarantee.

Go out.

Zhou Yang didn't ask anything.

Returning to the small conference room, the two continued the topic they had just discussed.

"This is the list of missing persons."


Zhang Yong took it over.

After reviewing it carefully, I found some problems.

All are captains or lieutenants. There are no majors. There are no second lieutenants. Very special.

The murderer seems to have identified two military ranks.


"The murderer probably wanted to get some information."

"What confidential information can the captain and lieutenant have? Is there anyone here who works in the confidential room or archives room?"


"Not one?"

"Yes. None. They are all ordinary officers. They don't have access to secrets."


"It's also because of this. Therefore, we didn't care about their disappearance at first. It wasn't until the number of people increased that we realized there was a mystery behind it."

"I really don't understand. What information do the spies want to get?"

"There is nothing we can do. This difficult task has been handed over to your secret investigation team. You can check it out by the way."

"Damn Japanese invaders..."

Zhang Yong muttered angrily.

Playing these high-IQ games all day long. He can't play it!

He doesn't have the skills of Sherlock Holmes.


But I had no choice but to accept it.

He must serve the mother-in-law in the attendant room because she is the mother-in-law with the most power.


Empty funding department.

Attendant's room.

They are Zhang Yong's three mothers-in-law.

The three mothers-in-law have taken good care of them, and we are one step closer to the VIP bed in Gongdelin...


Leave the security headquarters with your men.

Night falls.

"Zhao Hai."


“Find a place to eat!”


Zhao Hai agreed.

Then make arrangements.

He inquired about a restaurant that specializes in vegetarian food, but it was a bit far away.


"Go for it!"

Zhang Yong closed his eyes and rested his mind.

There are so many people in this sea that we need to contain them.

It’s not that you can’t eat vegetarian meals. Some vegetarian meals are actually quite delicious. If you eat them occasionally, you can maintain your health...

go ahead.

Suddenly, a bunch of red dots entered the map.

Zhang Yong was shocked.

what's the situation?

A bunch of red dots? A bunch of Japanese?

Want to ambush yourself?

He quickly ordered the car to stop and then raised his telescope to observe.

As a result, doubts arose.

He saw a group of policemen setting up roadblocks in the distance to check people coming and going.

Weird. These policemen are all Japanese!

[To be continued]

This chapter has been completed!
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