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Chapter 673: Take strong medicine

Fireworks in March.

It was raining lightly and there was mud everywhere.

Spring is belatedly coming. The climate is still cold.

Near a remote grocery store, a group of soldiers were digging hard.

The rain continued, causing the dug mud pits to be filled with water. Special personnel were required to scoop out the water. But soon, rainwater flowed back around.

Zhang Yong was wearing a raincoat and holding an umbrella, standing under the eaves in the distance.

His body has not recovered yet.

The illness comes like a mountain falling, and the illness goes away like a thread spinning.

I still feel unmotivated now.


Suddenly I understood why Lin Beiqiu was so weak.

Be honest, geniuses are jealous of God. If you are too good, God will shorten your life span.

The sky is gray and gloomy. Just like everyone's mood.

In the end, the bodies of the nine killed national army officers were found and buried together in a messy manner.

The national army captain named Yu Daoxin obviously suffered very painful torture during his lifetime. His teeth were broken. Others also showed signs of being tortured.

However, until now, Zhang Yong still has no clue who would do such a thing.

What kind of information do you want to interrogate from a group of low-level officers who have no secrets? What secrets can they have access to?

"Really not." Zhou Yang shook his head, "I have checked it for the third time."

"What a bastard Japanese pirate." Zhang Yong was puzzled and could only vent his anger by scolding people.

The enemies are all masters.

It was too difficult for him as a rookie to face so many masters.

"That traitor..."

"No news yet."

"All right."

Zhou Yang also knew not to rush.

Zhang Yong has too many tasks and too many people asking him to do things.

No, Zhang Yong will go back to Hangzhou soon. The matters in Shanghai have not been completely settled yet. He will go back to Hangzhou soon.

There is no other way, the airspace planning department also has tasks. Jianqiao Airport needs to ensure safety.

"Leaving in the afternoon?" Zhou Yang said, "I'll see you off."

"No need." Zhang Yong shook his head, "I'll leave quietly."

"That's fine." Zhou Yang nodded.

It is better for Zhang Yong to keep a low profile in this industry. There are many people who want his life.

He captured so many spies that the Japanese wanted to break his bones.

If Zhang Yong fell into the hands of the Japanese, he would probably be the most miserable person in the world. I can't imagine what the scene would be like.


Suddenly, the hoe hit something.

The soldier fished something out of the mud and found it was an Oriental sword.


Zhang Yong suddenly felt moved.

The saber of the Japanese invaders? Why is it here? Could it be that one of the Japanese invaders died?

Generally speaking, the sabers worn by the Japanese invaders are true to the fact that when a person is alive and the sword is there, a person dies with a sword. If the sword is here, it means that the person is also dead. Unless the sword is changed.



Rinse the saber clean with clean water.

Zhou Yang also gradually became surprised.

It turns out that the grade of this Japanese sword is not low. It is judged to be a Sakan sword.

It's not Colonel. It should be Lieutenant Colonel or Major. Colonel's sword is more advanced.

"Lieutenant Colonel?"


Even so, it was quite unexpected.

Why is there a Saguan sword underground? And it's still intact.

Check carefully to make sure that the Saguan knife is not damaged and that the blade is still sharp.



Zhou Yang continued to shout.

He hoped to find the body of the Japanese commander or major.

If that's the case, it's a great achievement.

Unfortunately, nothing was found.

The surrounding area was dug up. No clues were found.


Close the team.

Zhang Yong led people back to the 026 logistics warehouse.

First, take a look at the golden Buddha under the bed. It's still there. No one should be able to break into the 026 logistics warehouse.

Even if Zhang Yong himself goes to Hangzhou, people will be stationed here.

Shi Bingdao will continue to stay here.

There are fifty people led by Qin Lishan in Hangzhou. Therefore, Zhang Yong can only take three teams there.

There is no need to set up a base in Hangzhou, because there is Jianqiao Airport there. He is the future director of the Third Intelligence Division of the Air Force Staff Department. He also has a piece of land outside the airport.

"Lao Shi, have you all stabilized in Hangzhou?"

"The traitors have been eliminated. All work has been restarted."

"That's good."

Zhang Yong did not continue to ask for details.

These are all secrets of the Red Party organization. It is impossible to tell outsiders.

It is enough to know that the Red Party in Hangzhou is operating normally.

He still concentrates on catching Japanese spies.

For other things, just let it happen!

ready to go.

Bring two heavy safes.

The two safes contained tungsten blocks, which Zhang Yong planned to use for fishing.

See if there is any rich man who takes away two boxes of tungsten blocks. Then he insists that they are two boxes of gold. Then he breaks up with the other party. Then the tungsten blocks turn into gold...

Troubled times.

Use whatever means necessary. Use any means.

It was as if he had tricked Mei Wanjun. There was no psychological burden. She jumped into the trap on her own.

To the train station.

Get ready to get in the car.

many people.

Zhang Yong booked a carriage.

There are three teams of fifty people. You can sit more comfortably.

Within the map monitoring range, a few small red dots appear here and there. They are all Japanese. They are all Japanese spies.

However, Zhang Yong does not have time to deal with them for the time being.

The train hasn't left yet.

Zhang Yong walked back and forth on the platform alone.

There were people coming and going around him. He looked up from time to time and looked around, hoping that some people could see him.

Yes, he did it on purpose. He deliberately let people know that he was going to Hangzhou.

The train was very crowded. It was densely packed with people.

Shi Hu led people to control the carriage.

Others didn't dare to offend.

Just kidding. They all carry guns. Who dares to go up and cause trouble?



"Tell everyone to come down. We'll leave later."


Shi Hu didn't know why, but he carried out the order decisively.

Soon, everyone got off the car and vacated one carriage. It was handed over to the station for dispatch. Then the train left.

Zhang Yong looked at his watch.

"We'll wait three hours and take the last train."


Of course Shi Hu had no objection.

The last train is at six o'clock in the evening. It arrives in Hangzhou at twelve o'clock in the evening.

I don’t understand why Zhang Yong took this train. However, there must be a reason. Anyway, if there is someone to pick him up there, it will definitely be no problem.

In their line of work, it is common for people to stay up all day and go out at night.

"Go call and communicate with Qin Lishan. Ask him to pick you up after twelve o'clock in the evening."


Shi Hu is gone.

Zhang Yong nodded thoughtfully.

I'll give you three hours. If you act fast, you should be able to catch up.

If you can't make it, it doesn't matter. Come to Hangzhou and see me.

I have the answers to the questions you want to know.

Find a place to rest next to the train station.

At around five o'clock in the evening, I got on the bus again. Zhang Yong monitored the map and nodded thoughtfully.

Sure enough, she came.

Sure enough, she couldn't wait.

Sure enough, she has regained her freedom.

Pretend not to see it.


"Brother Shaolong." Suddenly someone shouted loudly.

Zhang Yong was caught off guard and almost staggered.

I'm so dizzy. This is the opening line. Have you read too many Mary Sue novels?

Lin Xiaoyan, Lin Xiaoyan, you are really...

He turned around angrily and looked over. Sure enough, he saw Lin Xiaoyan.

She stood on tiptoes and couldn't wait to come over. But she was blocked by Chen Hai.

"Chen Hai, ask her to come over."


Chen Hai got out of the way.

Lin Xiaoyan immediately rushed over like a gust of wind.

Zhang Yong:……

Actually, you don't need to be so excited.

The February 26th Mutiny was just the beginning. The painful days of your special high school are still to come.

Immediately, within a month or two at most, T&T High-Tech will change hands.

From then on, the Special High-Tech Department was the Special High-Tech Department of the Military Ministry and had nothing to do with the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

You women can only stand aside. If you are fanatical enough, you can become comfort women and contribute to the Army.

"Did you know this earlier!"

"Did you know this earlier!"

Lin Xiaoyan's voice was very urgent, with almost no pause.

Obviously, these words have been held in her for a long time. She was so held back that she couldn't control them anymore. They burst out like a barrage of fire.

"What do I know?"

"you know……"

Lin Xiaoyan shut up angrily.

There were too many people around. She couldn't say it directly.

"Get in the car?"


"I'm going to Hangzhou by car. You can come with me. We'll talk in the car."


Lin Xiaoyan agreed without hesitation.

She wants to know the truth.

Not to mention going to Hangzhou. Even if it was going to hell, she would follow him.

So I got in the car.

Because it was the last train, it was quite empty. The occupancy rate was less than 30%.

Zhang Yong and others occupied three carriages. The others were in the front and rear carriages. Zhang Yong and Lin Xiaoyan were in the middle carriage. This ensured that no one would disturb or eavesdrop.

Unless there's someone on top of the train.

However, the map will show any living person. As long as they are alive, it is impossible to get close to Zhang Yong secretly.

"Tell me, how did you know?"

"Ms. Lin, what do I know? You should be the one telling me what is going on now, right?"

"The situation is very bad. I don't know the specific details. The Metropolitan Police Department was blocked by the rebels. However, before the Metropolitan Police Department was blocked, someone secretly sent me a report saying that more than 300 police officers were killed.

The soldiers who launched the coup were crazy and killed everyone they saw. Now Tokyo is controlled by rebel soldiers."

"More than three hundred people died in the Metropolitan Police Department?"

"Yes. It's terrible. Those soldiers who launched the rebellion are simply devils."

"Didn't you strengthen your defenses?"

"Of course there is. Originally there were only a few dozen police stationed there. We increased the number to more than 500. However, there are too many rebel soldiers with many weapons, including machine guns and grenade launchers. The police are no match for them."


Zhang Yong nodded thoughtfully.

As expected, the historical trajectory has not changed significantly. What was supposed to happen happened.

The difference is that the Japanese shed more blood. So many people died in the Metropolitan Police Department. This is a very deep grudge. Now that the military is powerful, the Metropolitan Police Department does not dare to retaliate. But after the war, the Metropolitan Police Department will definitely

They will retaliate crazily. From now on, they will also monitor the Japanese invaders crazily.

In a sense, the existence of the Japanese Metropolitan Police Department is a sign of whether the Japanese invaders are still willing to lie dormant. Once the Metropolitan Police Department is overthrown by the military again, it means that history will repeat itself. The Japanese invaders will again

Light the flames of war.

"How many rebel soldiers are there?"

"I don't know. At least two thousand people. Many troops from the First Division participated in the rebellion."

"Are you sure it's the First Division?"

"Yes. It's the First Division. I didn't expect that they would actually launch a rebellion."


Zhang Yong was noncommittal.

If the data is true, if more than 2,000 soldiers beat 500 policemen, then of course they can be easily captured.

"What are the casualties?"

"Two former prime ministers were unfortunately killed. There were also three retired navy admirals."


Zhang Yong tried hard to remember.

He could no longer recall the exact information.

But it is certain that the Japanese navy Wulu will not be reconciled to the death of three admirals.

The Japanese navy transferred an infantry brigade back from Hongkou, presumably to protect their own safety. However, they ran out of time. The most they could do was participate in counterinsurgency.

It seems that counterinsurgency is also a very complicated process. Zhang Yong really doesn't know the specific details.

"Has the rebellion not subsided yet?"



Zhang Yong secretly gloated.

If you continue to make trouble, it's better to kill them. It's better to turn them into a mess.

If a butterfly's wings flap and cause a slight change, that's a good thing.

In short, the Japanese invaders killed each other internally, and the more fierce the better.

Now, it's time for some strong medicine.


"Plan 226 was formulated by the top brass of your military department..."

Zhang Yong murmured to himself.

Lin Xiaoyan's expression suddenly changed.

"What did you say?"

"I said that the 226 Mutiny was probably secretly planned by a certain army general."

"how do you know?"

"Project 226, haven't you heard?"


Of course Lin Xiaoyan heard about it.

She also took the time to learn more about the information.

Before, she was dubious about Zhang Yong's words. But now, all the predictions have become facts.

The domestic situation is unclear.

All Japanese people abroad are extremely silent.

Even lieutenant generals and major generals did not dare to speak out. They were afraid that they would be implicated in domestic events.

"Without the support of army generals, would it be so difficult to counter the rebellion?"

"Are you talking about Sadao Araki or Jinzaburo Masaki?"

"I don't know. But it must be one of them. It seems to be a rebellion launched by lower-level soldiers, but in fact, there are high-level people instigating it behind the scenes."


"Maybe this army general wants to replace the emperor..."


Lin Xiaoyan's expression changed drastically.

She suddenly thought of something and stood up hurriedly.

stand at attention.

Then he bowed deeply to Zhang Yong.

Zhang Yong:???

what's the situation?

"Zhang Sang, you saved me, I will definitely repay you."


Zhang Yong didn't know why.

Then I saw Lin Xiaoyan jumping out of the car in a hurry.

At this moment, the train was just about to start. It had not accelerated yet.

The map showed that after Lin Xiaoyan jumped out of the car, she quickly walked away and quickly disappeared from the edge of the map.

Zhang Yong:……

Gradually it became clear.

The strong medicine I had given out seemed to be too strong.

The main thing is the last sentence, even the emperor is involved.

Lin Xiaoyan completely believed it.

She really thought that some general from the army was behind this.

I really thought that a certain army general didn't even care about the emperor. He was so arrogant and crazy.

Therefore, she wants to send the information out now.

She wanted to kill this army general and avenge her colleagues in the Metropolitan Police Department.

[To be continued]

This chapter has been completed!
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