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Chapter 674, Picking up the train

"Bang bang..."

"Bang bang..."

The train lurched forward.

The speed is not fast, but it shakes so hard that it makes people unable to sleep at all.

Of course, Zhang Yong didn't feel sleepy either.

I had been ill a few days ago and had not slept enough.

Mainly just boring.

Lin Xiaoyan is gone.

His wishful thinking failed.

I thought I could do something to her. Who knew she would actually jump off the train!


So anxious.

Can't we send another telegram when we get to Hangzhou? It will only take a few hours.

I looked out the window boredly. It was dark and I couldn't see anything. There were almost no lights along the way. Compared with later generations, I was really far behind.

Alas, I am so poor and useless...

Any talk about the golden decade is all nonsense.

Chiang Kai-shek had no intention of doing construction at all. He was all led by compradors.

How can it be possible to engage in construction when a comprador is in charge?

Even the arsenal in Jinling, which was originally capable of producing 75mm field guns, has not been repaired since it was blown up by Japanese spies.

Several months have passed. I held several people accountable before, but then nothing happened.

Maybe in the eyes of the comprador, it's better to blow it up and buy a new one.

From now on, all mountain cannons will be imported. It doesn't matter if they are expensive. As long as you can get rebates.

Chiang Kai-shek may have thought that this would work and save trouble.

It is still too difficult to build on your own, the investment is huge and the cycle is long.

Buy, buy, buy when you need it. You can also shop around. How simple.


Only when the war started did we discover that there was such a thing as an embargo.

When the fire was imminent, I discovered that the equipment of several German mechanics had been withheld by the Germans. They paid for it but refused to deliver it.

They sent people to mediate. As a result, the Germans actually formed an alliance with the Japanese.

The final result - a good fortune.


Monitoring map. No red dots.

There was not a single Japanese on the train. Let alone a spy.

There is no chance to find someone to beat him up.

Oh, so boring...

In fact, catching Japanese spies is really a lot of fun.

There are all kinds of Japanese spies. They are rich and there are beautiful spies.

Suddenly I thought of Fang Muyu and Xia Lan. They are all such beautiful spies! And Lin Xiaoyan who has not yet succeeded...

The map reminds you that someone is approaching.

"Team leader..."

Shihu arrived quietly.

He wanted to speak but stopped.

Zhang Yong looked at him doubtfully.

"Is something wrong?"



"I have a friend..."

"do what?"

"I have a friend who wants to meet you. There are some things I want to tell you face to face."

"Who is your friend? When did you meet him?"

"Actually, he is my comrade. He and I used to be in the same army. He once saved my life when we were fighting the Japanese."

"Invite him!"

Zhang Yong nodded.

As long as it's someone who kills devils.

His favorite thing is the warrior who kills the Japanese.

His secret investigation team doesn't want anyone else. They want to kill the Japanese invaders.

Professional in killing Japanese invaders.

Efficient and low-key.

It's a pity that there is no proficiency panel. It would be nice if you could add a little proficiency by killing a Japanese invader...


Shi Hu turned around quickly.

Soon, a person arrived from the car at the back.



The legs are still intact.

The clothes are ragged. The expression is tired. The energy is weak.

When breathing, you can clearly hear the sound of wheezing in the lungs. It seems that the lungs are injured?

"Team leader, his name is Ma Chao..."

"Ma Chao?"

Zhang Yong nodded.

It’s not surprising that we have the same name. With a population of 40 million! How can we not have the same name?

It's a pity that this horse is better than the other horse. If this horse is better than the other horse, it would be awesome. Riding alone, he can directly kill the Japanese invaders for more than a dozen times. Hehe.

"Ma Chao, what can you do?" Zhang Yong asked slowly.

"Kill the Japanese." Ma Chao spoke in Cantonese. Fortunately, Zhang Yong could understand him.

So, Ma Chao was left behind and Shi Hu took him with him.

It's a small interlude.

Shi Hu whispered: "Team leader, Ma Chao knows something, I don't know whether to say it or not..."

"Say." Zhang Yong nodded, "What's the matter?"

"Ma Chao was also wandering on the beach in Shanghai before. He followed a group of beggars to beg for food. I thought there were a few beggars who seemed to be fake..."


Zhang Yong's mind flashed with lightning.



Could it be that he is like Miyamoto again?

Previously, members of the Miyamoto family pretended to be a female ghost in red in Jinling, using a beggar's trick to deceive the checkpoint.

If there are spies on the beach in Shanghai, pretending to be beggars, and no one seems to notice them, then they can do whatever they want. This includes seducing or deceiving those lone national army officers.

Yes. It's possible.

According to Zhou Yang's statistics, those national army officers who unfortunately suffered murderous attacks all disappeared when they went out alone. Among them, only Yu Daoxin was armed. The others were unarmed. Therefore, if they encountered an ambush, they would not be able to do so at all.

Unable to resist.

"What else do you know?"

"Ma Chao saw that they had arrested a national army officer and asked him about his identity and family members."

"Identity? Family member?"

"Yeah. It's weird."


Zhang Yong was confused.

I vaguely thought of something, but I couldn't put it into words.



Try to empty your mind.

Finally, he captured a little bit of information. Could it be that what the Japanese invaders needed was the identities of those officers?

Could it be that the Japanese invaders wanted to send people to impersonate those officers and sneak into the security headquarters?

That’s not right either. It’s not that easy.

What's more, the Japanese spy killed someone without hiding the body. The security headquarters found out.

Then how can you fake it? You can't fake it at all, right? The Security Command is not stupid.


Rub your temples...

what is going on?

Can a Sherlock Holmes come out and answer this?

So nerve-wracking...

Fortunately, you don't have to worry about it.

Manage those who can be managed, leave those who cannot be managed first.

This is his principle of doing things.

There is no way, his abilities are limited.

"Call Ma Chao."


Shi Hu quickly helped Ma Chao and arrived.

Ma Chao struggled to stand firm, as if to prove to Zhang Yong that he was still useful.

"Ma Chao."


"this is for you."

Zhang Yong handed Ma Chao a shell gun with both hands.

What the Chinese like the most is actually this kind of shell gun. Even if it is used with one hand, it is very skillful.

"Sir, I..."

"Follow me and continue to kill the Japanese until you die."


Ma Chao's face suddenly turned rosy.

His haggard expression also gradually became energetic. He seemed to feel that he was no longer a waste.

He also has the ability to kill Japanese.

Until he falls.

Zhang Yong was about to speak when suddenly something came to his mind.

The map reminds that there are multiple white dots approaching the railway line 450 meters away in the southwest.

Strange, there are no roads here!

There are some low ridges and so on. The railway line runs through them and turns.

"Are they trying to steal the train?"

A ridiculous idea popped into Zhang Yong's mind and was immediately destroyed.

I'm joking. I really thought it was so easy to pick up a train. It's easy to get into trouble. Falls to death and injuries are commonplace.

Riding a bicycle and flying onto a train is purely a stunt. It's just for fun to watch.

I was bored so I counted seventeen white dots in total. They were irregularly close to the train.

It looks like you really want to steal the train?


Zhang Yong was suddenly not bored anymore.

Someone was robbing the train! It was broadcast live. He had to see it with his own eyes.

He took out the telescope and walked to the other side of the train. He slightly poked his head out. He raised the telescope and saw three targets. His brows suddenly furrowed.

He is not an ordinary person. He is actually a soldier of the national army wearing a military uniform.

That's not right either. They were officers. One captain and two lieutenants. But neither of them had weapons.

They were standing on the ridge on the inside of the railway line. Even an idiot could tell that they were waiting for the train to pass by, and then they jumped onto the roof of the car from the ridge.

Good guy, this is simply life-threatening. The fatality rate is at least 50%.

Although, on this railway line, the train needs to turn and the speed will be reduced. However, the speed is still 30 kilometers per hour.

This speed may not seem fast. However, combined with such dangerous actions, it is absolutely fatal.

It's night now! Brother, it's pitch black outside.

Picking up a train during the day is extremely dangerous, let alone at night? Are you really in danger of dying?

Confused. Don't understand what they want to do. It's definitely not robbery because there are no weapons.

Car robbery with nothing? Are you kidding?

The only thing left is to escape for your life. Do you want to be a deserter? Are you being hunted? Then try to steal a train to escape?

This is possible. If he is really a deserter, he will be dead if he is caught. He may even be executed on the spot when he is caught. The military law at that time was extremely ruthless. He would be shot at every turn. Human life is like a piece of grass.


However, I still have doubts. Are there so many deserters at the same time?

There can be one or two, or a dozen at the same time. Then it is not a problem of deserters, but a problem of the troops.

Are there any troops nearby? I don't know. There don't seem to be any.

"Lin Hai."


"Go and ask where the next stop is."

"Team leader, the next stop is Jiaxing."

"Jiaxing? Okay!"

Zhang Yong pondered for a moment.

He has an impression of Jiaxing. That famous red cruise ship.

Later, there was a Wuzhen on the Internet. Every year, there was a Wuzhen conference. All the big guys from the Internet were present.

"Notify everyone to prepare."


"There may be people ahead trying to jump onto the train from outside. Don't panic. Don't take immediate action. They have no weapons."

"What if we meet?"

"After they get on the bus safely, order them to stand still. If they resist, they will be arrested."


"If someone is carrying a firearm and attempts to fight back with a firearm, he will be shot dead on the spot."


Lin Hai ordered to go down.

Everyone immediately took action and stared out of the car window.

Even Ma Chao was ready with his shell gun in hand.

"Bang bang..."

"Bang bang..."

At this time, the train was very close to the white spot. Zhang Yong also retracted to the other side and sat down.

He couldn't see the specific actions outside. But he could judge the actions of the officers through the white spots.

A white dot started to move and landed on the train. It should have been a successful jump.

A white dot fell on the edge of the train. It was motionless. It must have fallen.

There are also white spots disappearing quietly...

Yes, this is serious. He died on the spot. Sure enough, there is risk in picking up a train. The risk is very high.

Zhang Yong:……

These people are so determined. They probably want something big.

A simple deserter would not take such drastic measures. A deserter cannot seek death on his own.

At this moment, he also reacted. If he was a deserter, how could he still be wearing a military uniform?

He must have taken off his military uniform and made up like a common man!

Alas, slow response...

"Ding Hai!"


"Go! Order the train to stop!"


Ding Hai went in a hurry.

Zhang Yong continued to monitor the movements of those white spots. Only seven white spots successfully got on the bus.

Sure enough, out of seventeen white dots, seven were successful. What was the success rate? Less than half. Adding in the seven on the side of the railway behind, there were fourteen in total.

There are three more white spots missing. Disappeared, indicating death.

Picking up a train. Three people died. This price can be said to be extremely high.

So, why did they pick up the train?

"Don't move!"

"Don't move!"

Shouts came one after another.

But it was Zhang Yong's men who met the officers who climbed onto the train.

The officer who was caught off guard was immediately caught red-handed.

They had no idea that after working so hard and taking great risks to climb onto the train, they would encounter so many heavily armed men in Chinese tunic suits.

Subconsciously, they knew something was wrong.

The people who arrested them all wore uniform-looking Chinese tunic suits and carried pistols. At first glance, they looked like they were no ordinary people.

One captain tried to resist and was knocked down on the spot.

At this time, the train also sounded its whistle and then slowly stopped.

"Don't move!"

"Don't move!"

Lin Hai and others arrested people along the carriage.

According to Zhang Yong, there are seven officers in total. So seven of them will be arrested.

The targets are all wearing military uniforms. There should be no time to change them in a short time. This train only has eight carriages, so it is relatively easy to arrest.

Sure enough, soon, all eight people were escorted in front of Zhang Yong.

The leader was a captain. He held his head high and seemed very unconvinced and unwilling, but said nothing.

During the arrest, documents were found from his body.

Zhang Yong brought it over.

Wei Fangquan, deputy battalion commander of a certain brigade and a certain regiment of the 47th Division of the National Army.

Looking at the others, they all belong to the 47th Division of the National Army. Their positions are deputy battalion commander, company commander, deputy company commander, etc.

Although we succeeded in picking up a train in the dark, everyone was injured. Some were quite serious.

Zhang Yong tilted his head and observed everyone.


The 47th Division of the National Army seems to be stationed at Jinshan Guard?

When he was in Hangzhou before, Zhang Yong knew about this unit. Gao Yuanhang mentioned it. It seems that there is another 58th Division to be transferred.

"Good evening, Captain Wei." Zhang Yong said expressionlessly, "Please sit down."

"Who are you?" Wei Fangquan looked indifferent. He still stood still, as if he was a wooden man.

"I am the Fuxing Society Secret Service, my name is Zhang Yong."


"I'm curious. Why are you trying to pickpocket the train in the middle of the night?"


Wei Fangquan was silent.

He was sane. He knew exactly what he was encountering. However, he remained silent.

Zhang Yong was not in a hurry either.

These people don't look like bad people. Bad people wouldn't do such dangerous things.

For example, it would be impossible for Zhang Yong to die like this.

Bad people cherish their lives. This is the law.

Zhang Yong said slowly: "If I guessed correctly, there are seventeen of you. But unfortunately, only seven of you managed to get on the bus. Seven of them were injured. They are still lying on the ground unable to move. They will die at any time. In addition,

Three of your companions were unfortunately killed."

Wei Fangquan still applied for indifference.

In other words, it is insensitive.

The same was true for the others. When they heard that their companions were dead or injured, they all lowered their heads. They were depressed and desperate. But they didn't speak.

"If you tell the truth, I can save your accomplice."

"It's useless to save him."


"Aren't you going to kill us in the end?"

"You didn't even say the reason. How do you know I will definitely kill you?"

"Our division commander wanted to defect to the Japanese. We knew it. We wanted to report it, but we were hunted down. We had no choice but to steal the train. We wanted to go to Hangzhou and reported it to the Hangzhou Security Headquarters."

"Your 47th Division is under the control of Hangzhou Garrison Command?"

"No. It is under the control of the Songhu Security Command."


Zhang Yong was a little surprised.

It turns out that the 47th Division, which has been causing trouble for a long time, is actually managed by the Songhu Garrison Command?

I thought it was Xuan Tiewu...

I didn't expect it to be Commander Qian...

Yes, that's easy.

Just a phone call...

How dare he, a commander of a miscellaneous division, join the Japanese?


Tired of living!

However, there must be evidence.

[To be continued]

This chapter has been completed!
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