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Chapter 1,308 Study Hard

"Old Feng, are you going to the parade tomorrow?!"

On the way home, a coworker quickly walked up to Feng Shi and said loudly.

"Go! Of course I have to go. It just so happens that it's not my turn to take time off this time."

When Feng Shi heard this, he shouted loudly.

The so-called parade does not mean wandering around, but responds to the call of the new country. Workers, students, farmers...all unite to shout out the development direction of the new country, so as to awaken the hearts of those who are indifferent.

After all, the new country was just born, and some old and decadent things that were deeply rooted in people's hearts have been removed on the surface, but deep in the hearts of many people, some things are still deep-rooted.

In order to destroy this remnant of decay, street parades were held.

When this matter first began, everyone in the New Kingdom was not very enthusiastic.

But with the passage of time, the opening of night schools, Taoist priests giving lectures day and night, and life is indeed getting better day by day, and the changes are visible. Under this situation, the fire in many people's hearts has gradually been ignited.

On the power of habit.

Therefore, this incident, from the initial spark, turned into a prairie fire in a very short period of time.

Not only that, because of this activity, workers' enthusiasm for work, students' enthusiasm for learning, and farmers' enthusiasm for work were also ignited.

As for the reason, it is naturally because such activities give them a strong feeling of participating in the construction and change of the country, allowing them to deeply realize that they are a part of this country, not just indispensable.

A straw without grass is a grass-roots people.

Feng Shi's home is in the factory, and it is distributed uniformly in the factory. Although everyone calls him Lao Feng, in fact, Lao Feng is not old, only in his early twenties, but his face is relatively mature. At first glance, he looks like the three

He is in his late teens or forties, so everyone calls him that.

Because he has not married yet, he only got a house of 20 square meters, but to live alone, this area is already very spacious.

After all, everyone eats and drinks in the canteen. As for the latrine, it is a collective public latrine. The house is only used for living, so it naturally does not appear crowded.

When he returned home, it was still dark, so he took out a stack of paper tied with twine and began to try to memorize the words on it.

When he was attending night school, he also studied hard. He had free time on weekdays and worked overtime to study. However, because the time was too short and he was a bit old, the studies were very difficult, or in other words, difficult and painful.

Often, after struggling to write things down, I forget them all as soon as I go to sleep, and my head is always empty.

Of course, this is also the normal situation encountered by those who started learning halfway.

However, he did not give up. Indeed, it was very good to be a worker now. However, when he read the newspapers of the outside world and learned about various things happening in many places, he had a strong desire to go out and see things.

Look at the idea.

And if you want to do this kind of thing, the first step is to become literate.

After becoming literate, if you perform well in production, you can further your education and become a technician. The route of a technician is divided into three levels: low, medium and high. If you reach advanced level, you can even participate in engineer training. If you study well, you can

Become an engineer.

If we reach this stage, we no longer need to work hard to smelt iron in one factory. Instead, the government will fund it and let it guide production in various parts of the country.

Otherwise, in this era, people cannot travel far away at will. Even if they are visiting relatives and friends, if they exceed the local area of ​​100 miles, they will need permission from the relevant local departments, and they must return within the specified time.

The sky was getting dark, and the paper was dark yellow straw paper, which was very rough and had many spots. There was no doubt that this was the worst paper. Not only did it not look good, it also had a pungent smell.

But Feng Shi was very satisfied.

I would also like to thank the New Kingdom for building several paper mills in a row. Large-scale paper production is only limited by technology. In other words, in order to improve the speed of literacy across the country, the cost of paper and production efficiency have been reduced.

Pressed to the lowest level.

With the papermaking technology of the old dynasty, it would take almost half a year to make a batch of good paper.

In the New Country, it only takes a month to make good paper. This is certainly not comparable to the few hours it takes to make modern paper. However, considering the lack of chemical reagents and machine power in this era, even the New Country is still stuck at the same level.

In a situation where water power is used to propel machines, thirty days is already a magical speed.

As for the straw paper, because the fermentation, beating and boiling do not need to be so thorough, and the filtration does not need to be filtered so many times, and the by-products produced during iron smelting are mixed in, the time is reduced to ten days.

A batch of paper was produced every ten days, and several large factories worked day and night. Only in a short period of time, some people who were determined to learn could afford paper.

Regarding paper, Feng Shi also heard it from his night school teacher, but he didn't understand it more deeply.

As for good paper, it is currently only used for official business of the court. It is said that when more factories are built and the output increases, good paper will become popular among the people, but that will be at least a few years away.

Under the increasingly dim light, Feng Shi drew on the paper and recited in a low voice to deepen his memory.

The structures of these characters are very simple, but they were simplified characters created by General Yingtian to facilitate the eradication of blindness. However, the difficulty of learning them is much lower than the previous traditional characters.

Above the text, there are pinyin, which Feng Shi no longer needs.

It wasn't until the sky dimmed that he couldn't see it at all, that Feng Shi lit an oil lamp. What was burned in the oil lamp was the coal tar extracted during the carbonization of coal, which was also a by-product of iron-making.

Because it is produced in the factory, there are no transportation costs, so the merit required for redemption is lower than outside, which can be regarded as a small benefit.

But despite this, Feng Shi is still very frugal.

The burning coal tar gave off a pungent smell, and the smoke made his eyes smudged a bit, but he didn't care.

It wasn't until late at night that Feng Shi fell into a deep sleep.

At dawn, he was holding a basin by the river. After a simple wash, Feng Shi had already arrived at the gathering point far before it was time for the parade. Although he came very early, there were many people.

earlier than him.

Everyone is in high spirits at the moment, but they are all waiting calmly, and no one has the idea of ​​starting in advance.

Because this activity has been reported from the beginning to the end, it only needs to be half a quarter in advance. If it is too much in advance, you will be disciplined. It is unorganized and undisciplined, and you will not only be criticized

, but also to review in public.

This chapter has been completed!
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