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Chapter 1,309 Destiny is in the New

And when Feng Shi saw such a lively and noisy scene, where everyone had a smile on their face and was full of energy and energy, even though it was not the first time he had seen it but many times, Feng Shi still couldn't help but

A moment of trance.

I think it was only a year or two ago. At that time, he was just a farmer. He didn't even have his own land. He could only cultivate in the land of the landlord. With a year's hard work, it was difficult to even keep himself alive, let alone

Married a wife and had children.

As for the people around him, most of them are similar to him. They are farmers who have lost their land. As for the reason why they lost their land, it is naturally that whenever there is a natural or man-made disaster, poor people have to sell everything they can, including their sons and daughters and their land.

In the end, there was nothing to sell, and there was no food and clothing to work with, so he froze to death on a winter day.

In this era, the population is mostly consumed in this way.

At that time, the people around him were all similar to him. They were haggard and without any vitality. They all survived one day. Even if it was one day, it was probably only in the landlord's house, the young man wearing brocade and riding a big horse.

, I have seen such a spiritual temperament.

But unexpectedly, in just one or two years, everything has been turned upside down.

In this state of mind, he unknowingly identified with the new country.

And he was not the only one who had similar feelings.

Their generation has experienced huge changes in the world, and they have the deepest feelings. They also have the deepest identification with the new country. After all, they know what kind of software purgatory the past world was.

On the contrary, if they have descendants, second or third generations later, they will regard their current life as ordinary, feel that it is not enough, and want more.

However, there is no problem with this. It is precisely because of such desires that the development of the world can be promoted. If people had no desires, then the world might still be in the primitive and barbaric age.

Time passed, and soon, people came one after another, and no one called them by name. But when the time came, a group of people, either holding banners, portraits, or flags of the new country,

Just like that, he started walking vigorously.

The overwhelming crowd gathered into a torrent, with great momentum. Along with the thunderous slogans, there was a sense that even thousands of troops could not stop it.

"Heaven is dead, Huang Tian shall stand!"

"Shun Tian and obey his orders, the world will return to Zhao!"

"Create a new heaven!"

"Create a new heaven!"

"Long live the new country!"

"Long live General Yingtian!"

The slogans became louder and louder, startling countless birds and waking up some lazy people who were sleeping in.

In this era, not many people sleep in during their bathing time. Some people are naturally lazy.

When hearing these voices, many people whose old stereotypes have been deeply ingrained felt their hearts tremble. Although they couldn't help but have thoughts similar to those of forgetting their ancestors, they did not dare to express them in their mouths. Instead, they were a little afraid, for fear of being betrayed.

He was found out and said that he missed the puppet dynasty.

Most of these people were once very rich, or were born into powerful landowners, and were the sons of wealthy families.

Ying Tian's army did clean up the poison in the Southern Wilderness, but they did not kill all of them. Unless they were powerful forces with deep roots in the local area, most of them were demoted to civilians, and then the families were broken up and moved to other places.

As for those who don’t want to migrate, then kill them.

The so-called clan forces, local forces, and local overlords are no different from insects in front of the army. There is no such thing as a strong dragon that can't suppress local snakes, because Ying Tian's army really dares to kill all the opponents in a place.


The gap from being well-dressed and well-fed to having to work to support oneself is not a big one. Therefore, these people are very uncomfortable with the new country's routine.

Most people think that the imperial court robbed them of things that should have belonged to them and distributed them to poor families.

After all, their family fortune was not obtained out of thin air, but was accumulated over several generations.

But they did not think at all that their way of accumulation was to use the system of the old dynasty, collude with the superiors and subordinates, and plunder from the poor. Instead, they attributed it to hard work.

The parade passed through factory areas and surrounding villages, shouting and chanting constantly.

"The false dynasty must be punished, and the destiny of heaven is new!"

"Kill the powerful, punish the landlords, kill the corrupt officials, destroy the bullies, let the light shine on the earth, freedom belongs to us, all glory belongs to the general, long live the general!"

The crowd was in great excitement, and the words "eat" and "eat" frightened many people with evil thoughts and made them tremble.

And during this process, there were also sporadic people who were infected by this momentum and took the initiative to join the team.

However, unlike at the beginning, when the team had grown visibly, after so long, the number that could be mobilized was actually almost there.

Nowadays, parading on the streets is more about suppressing the bad thoughts of some villains, so that evil people dare not even think about it, let alone act.

"A black curtain covers the earth, what should we do!"

Near noon, a strong wind suddenly blew, blowing the crops in the nearby fertile fields with the wind and waves. At this time, the content of everyone's shouting changed again. Only the first few rows of people in the lead shouted


After a short silence, everyone shouted together:


Then the front row shouted again:

"Evil people roam the streets and oppress good people, what should I do?"

Immediately, everyone came together again:


"China is one. Although we can see the light, our compatriots are still being oppressed by evil people. What should we do?"






The team suddenly became murderous, and some people were so frightened that they wanted to crawl under the bed.

And similar activities don't just happen in one place. They happen all over the country during the holidays. They are so massive that it can be said that they have never been seen before, and there is a tendency for all sentient beings to be united.

Under such circumstances, although the new country was just established, the public security was incredibly good. There were not many people who dared to commit crimes.

Such changes in people's hearts also bring changes in the national destiny of the new country. The energy boils like a raging fire and converges into a great sun. The great sun rises in the east, and it has the potential to wipe out all the evil spirits in the world and refine all the bad karma in the world. It is like, even

It seems that the real sun cannot compete with such a new sun.

A Taoist man, under the arrangement of the imperial court, sneaked into Southern Wilderness to gather information. However, as soon as he entered Southern Wilderness and opened his Dharma eyes, he was frightened by the strange phenomena in Southern Wilderness.

There were also wild Taoists who originally wanted to get a share of the evil catastrophe and lurked into the Southern Wilderness. However, after lurking for a period of time, they directly rebelled and surrendered to the new country.

Those wild Taoists who did not have a teacher and became a monk halfway due to chance and chance have more conscience than those born in the Taoist sect. They know what is good and bad, and their conscience is still intact after all.

And in the midst of such a turbulent big change, three years passed by in a flash...

This chapter has been completed!
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